The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Rebecca Joyce

  The Men of Treasure Cove 15

  The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change

  Sasha Merrick has spent the majority of his life alone until fate intervenes. After finding his true love, he wants nothing but to adore Violet for the rest of his life. When he receives an email from an anonymous sender, his dreams are shattered instantly. Lost and unsure, he does the only thing he knows and alienates her and everyone around him.

  Violet knows Sasha is hiding something. She tries relentlessly to get him to talk to her, but when someone from their past comes calling, she is whisked away for her own safety. Her only consolation is that Tristan is with her.

  As tensions rise in Treasure Cove, Sasha's past comes crashing forward as he learns about a decision he made and the awful consequences of his actions. In the aftermath of the biggest disaster Treasure Cove has ever seen, three people must learn to accept their past if they plan to have future.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 64,811 words



  The Men of Treasure Cove 15

  Rebecca Joyce


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Rebecca Joyce

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-284-2

  First E-book Publication: April 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For the longest time, I have tried to think of ways to extend the Treasure Cove Series, but nothing seemed to work. I was afraid that the series would end, leaving many stories untold. Then one day, Tristan Wallace Summerfield popped into my head with his ostentatious attitude. Tristan was nothing like I’ve written before. He was crass, manipulative, and for all intents and purposes, a bad guy. Nevertheless, beneath his rough exterior and thousand-dollar suits, I saw a man of constant sorrow. He too was lost, desperately begging me to write his story. It took a lot of late nights plotting, planning and manipulating everything for Tristan to get his story and for me to be able to continue the Treasure Cove Series. I am still not sure how it all worked out, but I know one thing…Treasure Cove would not have continued if it weren’t for Tristan Summerfield.

  I would also like to thank Tara Rose and Honor James for helping me to plan and plot. You ladies are amazing authors and I will be forever grateful for all the help and support you gave me.

  Thank you to my readers for falling in love with The Men of Treasure Cove, without you, this series would never have been possible.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  About the Author



  The Men of Treasure Cove 15


  Copyright © 2015


  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

  The courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

  Living one day at a time. Enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.

  Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will. That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him, Forever in the next.


  Eighteen months ago

  Sasha woke to the sounds of his phone vibrating. He cursed himself for not turning it off. Not wanting to wake them, he silently got out of bed and walked over to the small sofa and sat down. Trying to calm his beating heart, he looked at the caller ID and then answered the phone.

  “Ms. Grey, this better be good,” he whispered.

  “Where are you?”

  “Still in Treasure Cove,” he replied.

  “There’s a problem.”


  “I was doing some digging into Violet’s past. So far everything seemed to check out, but then I got this e-mail an hour ago. You’re not going to like it. I’m sending it to you now.”

  “Can’t you just tell me what it is?” he asked.

  “No,” she curtly replied. Looking at the clock, he sighed. Three o’clock in the damn morning. Didn’t that woman ever sleep?

  Checking his e-mails, he opened the one Ms. Grey had just sent him and he started to read. As his eyes read the words, his relaxed composure faded. The nightmare of his past came crashing forward. He was in trouble. Looking at the woman asleep next to his best friend, his heart raced and his blood boiled, not out of anger, but out of terror. His past came crashing forward, reminding him that he would never be able to enjoy anything.

  Just hours ago, he thought his world was over. Oh, he knew he would go on, but he’d only be living a half-life, a life without meaning. And for a short few hours, there was hope again. Hope for his future that was unwritten. Violet was right earlier. He did need the courage to change. He promised to do that for her, would do it for her.

  All he needed was the courage to do it.

  Putting the phone back up to his ear, he asked, “Are you absolutely sure about this?”

  “I checked three times, sir. The information is correct. I’m sorry.”

  “Who all knows?”

  “Only you, me, and the anonymous sender of the e-mail at this point, but if someone else were to get this information…”

  “I would lose everything,” he whispered. “And her.”

  “Yes,” Grey replied then asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Burn it all. Everything. Make sure all the files are gone.”

  “That’s years of files,” she advised. “Thousands of clients.”

  “I know,” he softly said, looking at Violet as she slept. “She can never know. Nobody can, not even Tristan. And Sonja, I need you to find out who sent that e-mail.”

  “I’ll take care of it personally.”

  “Thank you, Sonja.”

  “You’re welcome, Sasha, and I’m sorry,” her soft voice said before he ended the conversation. Sasha sat there and watched silently as the two most important people in his life slept as if nothing was wrong in their world, while his world tumbled down around him. The rumors were true, he thought, because the sins of his past were crashing down around him. He could admit that his former self didn’t decipher between right and wrong, and he did on more than one occasion make some really bad business choices. He was young and stupid, wanting to make a name for himself, and he did, doing some unsavory things. Now, those choices were going to cost him everything he worked so hard to achieve and hurt the two people he loved the most.

  His past could never be known. He had to ensure that, because if it came to light, his previous life would cost him everything.

  Chapter One

  Present day

  “Violet! You have to talk to your brother before I kill him,” Tristan shouted, slamming the front door behind him. Violet cringed. This was not how she wanted to spend her day. Sinking down into the tub, she prayed whatever it was this time was something she could easily fix. It seemed every day there was something that needed to be taken care of because her brother Gabriel was making Tristan’s life a living hell. Of course, Tristan was giving back as good as he got, but she really wished they would all stop. She was tired of the fighting and bickering. If Gabriel said the sky was blue, Tristan argued it was green. Neither man agreed on anything, and they were driving her insane. Her life hadn’t turned out how she expected. Nothing was. Everything changed that day they all agreed to stay.

  It had been a little over a year since she, Tristan, and Sasha all decided to stay and help the residents of Treasure Cove get back on their feet. It wasn’t easy at first, especially when no one trusted Tristan. She couldn’t blame them either. Tristan made it damn clear why he was originally there in the first place. He just so happened to do it the first chance he got, at a town meeting. Talk about informing the masses. She had to give the town props, though. It wasn’t every day that a stranger came to town and started buying up large chunks of land available to destroy a town for the sole purpose of owning all of its mineral rights. Add in the fact that Sasha was helping just so he could destroy Gabriel and Alexander because of what he thought they did to his sister and, well, they weren’t well received. Now that she thought about it, she was shocked the town took everything as well as they did. However, her men were still alive and her brother was making their lives a living hell.

  Since the disaster, a lot changed. Macie’s Diner was no more. Six months ago, she had the grand opening of her new place, Tomas. Unlike her little diner before, Macie wanted to do something special to remember the man she considered her best friend, so with the help of Tristan, Macie Jenkins opened the first restaurant in Treasure Cove. Tomas’s was a special blend of Tex-Mex and West Coast food. The place was amazing, and Violet loved eating there. Though Macie no longer served breakfast, anyone could stop in for lunch, but everyone came for the dinner menu.

  Thanks to the influx of construction workers and employees that worked for Summerfield Industries, Doc Jenkins was a busy man. It was decided that the Doc needed something bigger to accommodate the growing number of people coming to Treasure Cove, so the new city council decided to build a small, but reasonable hospital. It wasn’t as big as the one in Silver Springs, but it had a class-B trauma center.

  Vanessa Castillo and Hazel Conner both got their business up and running again. Only it wasn’t on the main strip of Treasure Cove. Nope, they were the first business owners to grab space in the small but needed strip mall on the north side of town. The residents of Treasure Cove weren’t happy at first when Tristan suggested the small strip mall, but after a lengthy talk, he talked them into it. Besides, there was no way any of the construction crews could rebuild the small businesses where they used to be. Those buildings were gone. Though everyone balked at the small strip mall, once it opened, it was a busy place.

  Everything, from new builds to renovations, the town council controlled it all, and if it didn’t have Gabriel’s stamp of approval then it didn’t get done. The residents needed to feel as if they still had control of their small town, and Gabriel was instructed to control Tristan and Sasha. The town made it perfectly clear they didn’t trust either of them. But no one was willing to give up the money that Tristan and Sasha were prepared to put into the town to get it back on its feet.

  That’s where Gabriel came in.

  Gabriel was elected mayor of Treasure Cove after the last mayor decided the town was more trouble than it was worth. Everyone figured with Gabriel in charge, he could keep an eye on Tristan and Sasha. Gabriel accepted the job happily and Tristan and Sasha’s lives became hell. Basically her brother was tasked with babysitting. He knew it and so did Tristan and Sasha. And neither man liked it. With Gabriel at the helm, everything that Sasha and Tristan wanted to do in the town had to have Gabriel’s stamp of approval.

  That’s when the trouble started.

  Gabriel insisted that all the businesses destroyed in the mine collapse should be compensated with some form of monetary value. Tristan disagreed and offered to rebuild what they lost. Gabriel won that battle. Then came the housing development that Tristan needed for his employees so they had a place to live. Gabriel suggested the subdivision be incorporated into the town for tax purposes. Well, Tristan refused and Gabriel held firm. Tristan won that battle, but only if he allowed the town to claim the land Summerfield Industries was being built on. According to her brother, Summerfield Industries made enough money to pay the town of Treasure Cove rent. Gabriel insisted that the rent money would be held in a trust for the children of the deceased so they could further their education when the time came. Tristan was furious but left with the alternative, he agreed.

  As for Sasha, well, he was still holding firm. Sasha refused to give Gabriel anything concerning the land Tristan had purchased for him. According to Sasha, there was nothing to discuss. The matter between him and Gabriel was settled, and there was nothing more to talk about. Besides, Sasha had invested se
veral millions of dollars into expanding the town already, making sure that the school got the computers it needed, along with books and teachers. He gave the sheriff stations funds to hire more deputies and expand the jail. He started construction on a new community center and he fully funded the rebuilding of the Treasure Cove Library and the Treasure Cove Presbyterian Church. According to Sasha, he fulfilled his debt to society and refused to let the town or Gabriel have any say of what he did with his club.

  When all three of them agreed to stay, Sasha immediately started making preparations to sell his club in Seattle and open a new one between Celestial and Silver Springs. According to Sasha, the Pleasure Cave was too damn tame. He believed if he was going to have to stay in the area, then he wanted a variety of spices and indulgences that the Pleasure Cave didn’t offer. Of course, Gabriel was pissed and threatened an injunction, halting the construction of Sasha’s new club, but Sasha fired back. He bought fifty-one percent of stock in the Pleasure Cave. Sasha told Gabriel he’d sell him back the stock as soon as the doors opened at Club Taboo. She didn’t know why Sasha insisted on opening another BDSM club in the area, considering the Pleasure Cave was decent enough. She tried talking to him about it, but every time she asked, Sasha just said he wasn’t giving up his club because her brother told him to. Overall, Violet thought all three men were childish, but she kept that bit of information to herself.

  Until they started bringing her into their squabbles.


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