The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Rebecca Joyce

  “And you would have every right,” Ms. Grey said, coming to Sasha’s defense. “But the fact of the matter is it was done in the past. After Lisset, Sasha stopped all nefarious contracts and refused to have anything to do with that part of the lifestyle. Since then, he’s made it his mission to help and find a safe haven for those women. He’s devoted millions to protect them, educate them, and give them the means necessary to be productive women in society. He isn’t that man anymore, Gabriel, and I can prove that.”

  “It still doesn’t erase what he’s done,” Alexander Sexton said, entering the conversation. “In all honesty, there isn’t anything legally I can do, Gabriel. All those women signed a contract. They knew what they were getting into. As for our sister, now that’s another matter. Yes, she was eighteen, and by federal standards, she was an adult. However, I can argue that her mental state for a woman as young as she, couldn’t possibly understand the ramifications of what she was signing, but the fact of the matter is, she signed the damn document. Any court in the country would dismiss the fact because she was of legal age.”

  “What I find deplorable is that you actually brokered deals such as this. It’s reprehensible. It’s degrading. It’s slavery, Sasha! You sold my sister into slavery!” Gabriel roared. “You had to have done a background check on this man. You couldn’t have been so stupid and done nothing!”

  “Everything was legal, Gabriel,” Ms. Grey replied. “Every client was thoroughly investigated and subjected to an intense psychological exam. Even the submissives were screened. It’s not like he went out on the streets and looked for willing women.”

  “She was eighteen! A baby! Fuck, Sasha, even I know to allow such a contract the women have to be at least twenty-one and had to have lived in the lifestyle for at least five years. Even then, I would have insisted a term limit on the contract, with strict supervision throughout.”

  “According to the contract, information was provided stating that she was twenty-one. It was a legal document, Gabriel. How were we to know that it was a forgery? Sasha would have never agreed to broker the deal, if he knew she was eighteen.”

  “He fucked up! And because of his disregard for human sanctity, my sister was sold to a motherfucker who beat and tortured her. She almost died, Sasha. Died! She tried to kill herself because she didn’t know of any other way. You did this to her. You destroyed her! And now, her whole life is going to be public knowledge when that anonymous fucker tells the world. How do you plan to hide this from her? She will find out and then what? I refuse to watch her try to kill herself again. I won’t do it!”

  “That’s why we need your help,” Ms. Grey replied. “I can’t find this person. I’ve looked everywhere. Every time I think I have him or her, the trail goes cold. We need to find this person fast.”

  “And do what?” Alex asked. “Kill him or her? I can’t do that. I won’t do that. I agree, this person needs to be found, but they have Violet’s file. My question is how they got it. It seems to me that the only people privy to this information are sitting in this room and the other person who signed the contract.”

  “Master?” Sasha whispered, finally speaking.

  “Exactly.” Alex nodded. “There are only five people who knew about the contract, you, Ms. Grey, Violet, her stepfather who is dead, and Master. It’s easy to deduce who the anonymous person is. It has to be James Master Summerfield. Which means he wants something or someone.”

  “Well he can’t have her!” Sasha roared. “She’s mine!”

  “She doesn’t belong to anyone, asshole. You sold her, remember? It will be over my dead, decomposing body before I allow you anywhere near her again,” Gabriel seethed.

  “You can’t keep me away from her. I love her,” Sasha roared back.

  “Guess you should have thought about that before you sold her to the devil.”

  “Fighting about the past isn’t going to help us now. We need to find this person and make sure nothing comes out that can hurt Violet,” Alex sternly said, halting Gabriel and Sasha’s argument. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel the same way. He did, but the past was in the past. All he could do now was try to prevent any further harm coming to his sister, and to do that, they were all going to have to work together. “So, I don’t care if you two pummel each other, but do it now, because Tristan will only be able to keep Violet away for so long before she realizes that something is wrong. And with Sasha here with us, she will automatically assume it has to do with him.”

  “It does!” Gabriel shouted furiously. “It’s all his fault.”

  “Be that as it may, he is the man our sister chose, Gabriel, so I don’t care if you both hate each other. Get the fuck over it and help each other figure this shit out,” Alexander yelled back.

  “Great,” Gabriel sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I’m in hell.”

  Chapter Six

  “I’m in heaven,” Violet whispered to herself as she stood on the private patio overlooking the most hypnotic place she had ever seen. When Tristan said he was going to take her away to someplace warm and fun, she never thought he meant Maldives. The small group of coral islands in the Indian Ocean was comprised of just under twelve hundred little islands. The coral islands were formed around twenty-six ring-like atolls, which encompassed a lagoon, giving the islands a secluded feel. But the most heart-stopping thing about the islands was the clear blue water. Water so crystal clear, Violet could see the granules of sand as they lay nestled on the bottom of the ocean floor. It was beautiful, breathtaking, and completely mesmerizing.

  “So what do you think?” Tristan said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.

  “I love it. This place is magical,” Violet replied softly. “There are so many places that I’ve dreamed about going, and this place was one of them. Thank you, Tristan.”

  “We can come back here anytime you want, baby. This place is my little hideaway. When things get too stressful, just say the word and we can come back here anytime to relax and unwind.”

  “It’s so lovely here.” Violet had dreamed of places like this before. Such magical places that soothed the soul. However, she never thought she’d be able to see them. Her whole life, all she ever wanted to was finish school and see the world. To visit and experience the places she read about. Her life wasn’t perfect in any way, she could admit that, but looking out over the serene waters, she thought that just maybe she could have her dream. She liked living in Treasure Cove, but there were too many bad memories there. Too many reminders. Add in the drama of the last year and a half, and she didn’t know how much more she could take. She was losing Sasha and she honestly thought she’d lost Tristan, but as usual, he surprised her. She didn’t know what she was going to do to help Sasha, but something was bothering him. He needed help and she wanted to help him, but she couldn’t until she knew what was going on. “Tristan, what are we going to do about Sasha?”


  “What do you mean?” Violet asked, turning in his arms.

  “Sasha is a grown man. Until he’s ready to talk, we can’t do anything. He’ll talk eventually. I just hope it’s not too late when he does. I’m worried about him, too, baby. Let’s just hope that he knows what he’s doing,” Tristan said, leaning down to kiss the top of her nose.

  Tristan was right. Sasha was a grown man and she couldn’t make him talk to her unless he was ready. All she could do was be there for him when he did talk. Until then, she couldn’t stop living her life. “So what do we do in the meantime?”

  “Anything you want, baby.” Tristan smiled.

  Violet grinned and removed herself from his embrace. She may not be worldly like Tristan and Sasha, but she did know what she wanted at that very moment. It was probably insignificant, but to her it meant everything. She loved Tristan and wanted to show him that. Walking back into the small house, she stopped, looked over her shoulder, and smiled as she let her white sundress fall to the floor at her feet. Standing before Tristan nak
ed was liberating. She still had moments of insecurity, but when his breath hitched, he made her feel beautiful. Because he saw her that way, she believed she was beautiful, too.

  “Make love to me?”

  Tristan didn’t have to be asked twice. He loved Violet and only wanted to make her happy. A year ago he never would have thought he’d be here on his private island with the woman of his dreams, as she asked him to make love to her. She was special, amazing, and all his. She was his special gift and he planned on cherishing her for the rest of his life. He endeavored to make her happy.

  For so long, he lived his life only thinking about himself. He was greedy and selfish and self-absorbed, then Violet came into his life and everything changed. If he could stop time and just be in this moment with her forever, he would die a happy man. She was everything he thought he never wanted. Just seeing her smile warmed his heart. Her laughter filled his soul and her love gave him the strength to be the man she needed…she made him feel brand new.

  He would never understand how he got so lucky to have her in his life, but he knew that he would never take her for granted or forget the fact that she chose him. It still amazed him that after everything they had been through in such a short time, she still wanted him. She had told him many times over the last year and half that she was the one who was blessed to have them, but she was wrong. He was. Without her in his life, his life was meaningless. She brought the sun into his life. He was the blessed one.

  It was then, at that very moment, as she lay naked before him on his large bed, her tanned silky body glowing against the stark white sheets, that he realized he’d never really told her how he truly felt, what she meant to him, that she was his everything.

  A soft rain started to fall outside. Tristan thought it a poignant moment in his life, because he too felt like weeping before her. He didn’t deserve her and never would. In a way it felt as if he was finally coming home, only to a home he never knew existed. They had been together for more than a year now, living together for the majority of that time. Still, the mere idea of seeing her, being with her, made him stumble.

  Desire, intimacy, being together, everything encompassed him as he felt as if he were floating toward her, drifting in her arms, kissing her, wanting to be as close to her as possible.

  He lay down next to her, gazing into her eyes. He knew what he wanted, caressing her face and drowning in her eyes. Closing his eyes he kissed her lips, cheeks, her eyebrows, making her smile, almost giggle. She kissed his neck, making him sigh as her light lips made him quiver inside.

  She pulled off his shirt, kissing his chest, his nipples. Her lips teased him into insanity. He loved her for it. As she moved down across his body, he reached out to pull her on top of him. Her breasts and nipples brushed up against his skin as her light, soft lips made their continuous assault on his skin. Moaning, he subjected himself to anything she wanted.

  Unspoken words played on the tip of his tongue. He’d been thinking of her a lot lately and knew where their relationship was going. He couldn’t imagine his life without her and didn’t want to. Neither of them had broached the subject of what they wanted for their futures. For Tristan it was obvious, only he just didn’t know when he should do something about it. They had time on their hands, he knew that. He already loved and honored her. He knew in time the rest would come.

  Kissing his abdomen, she pulled down his boxers, leaving his erect cock bare. She caressed its smooth skin, gazing at him as she kissed the head. Tristan took a deep breath, shuddering all along his body. Outside, the rain started to pour down.

  She caressed his thighs and the sensitive skin all around his crotch. She loved teasing him, touching him. Tristan knew this. Her eyes sparkled when her hands were on him, and though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he too felt the same euphoria when she was in his arms, as if she belonged to him and only him. His perfect match.

  He wanted to take his time, like they had all the time in the world. Kissing her, making love to her as he worshiped her. Instead, all he could do was lay there and receive her love. He reached his hands up and threaded them into her long locks. Her lovely long hair fell down onto his skin, teasing him even more.

  She moved up to kiss him and he eagerly devoured her lips. Hungry for her kisses, Tristan played with her tongue. Melting his lips on her lips. Time passed and neither of them cared. Just having her so close, her thigh rubbing against his shaft. Just feeling her, her scent, her taste, her hands. Feeling her nipples against his chest.

  He turned her over and kissed his way down her delicious neck. Her face turned into a mask of pleasure. He kissed his way to her chest, to her sweet breasts. So perfect, he knew he’d love them forever. Licking around her nipples, he sucked on them gently, teasing them with his tongue, kneading them with his hands. He kissed them until his appetite was met, though he knew that was impossible. He could stay between her breasts forever, frolicking amongst her soft hills, worshipping her womanly body.

  Licking his way lightly down along her abdomen, around her navel, down to the edge of her pelvis, he thought of the panties he bought her. Tristan envied the underwear she wore, because they get to be close to her, close to her body and skin, almost every second of every day. He wished he was her favorite pair. He chuckled mentally at his ridiculous thought, then smiled, because he knew it to be true.

  Worshipping her, Tristan kissed around her pussy. He didn’t know why Violet had decided to grow her pussy hair again. She never did seem to care either way, but looking at her now, Tristan did have a preference. He always believed that a cleanly shaven pussy was best, but now. There was just something about it, on some caveman level, seeing his woman’s bush brought out the animal in him. Brushing up against her pussy with his nose and lips, Tristan sighed at the soft curly hair of hers that tickled his face. He couldn’t help from letting his fingers play in the soft curls, as he teased her into giggling. He loved her smile almost more than he loved her bush.

  Kissing the inside of her thigh, he lifted up her right leg, placing it over his left shoulder. Kissing his way closer to her sensitive labia, kissing the most delicate skin all around it. There was just something about her cunt, her pussy. It was like it was smiling at him, knowing how much he adored it. Like a beautiful flower. His flower. His beautiful Violet.

  Gently, softly, he spread the petals of her womanhood, her soft lower lips as he tried to get access to the nectar that was inside, dipping his tongue into her like a hummingbird. Feeling his delicate tongue brushing against her most sensitive lips brought out in the open a moan from deep down within her, shuddering with delight as he licked her, taking pleasure in her taste and in her pleasure.

  Pausing kisses on the inside of her left thigh, he teased her just enough before returning his attention and appetite to her blood-filled labia and her deep cavern. Her deep moist cavern that seemed to be calling out to him, to fall into her. He couldn’t help but admire her cunt, love it like he loved all of her. His cute little cunt.

  Gently, Tristan brushed his tongue up against her clit. She was ready. Tenderly, he started sucking on her clit, pushing back its hood with his tongue. Her moaning got louder and louder. The more he sucked the more she pulsated with pleasure. Violet dug her fingers into his hair as if she wanted to simultaneously push him away because it was all too much, yet held him closer, because she didn’t want him to stop.

  Tristan loved her like this. There was something inside of her that only came out in ecstasy, and it was by far one of her most beautiful aspects. She arched her back as he suckled her clit, pushing her closer and closer to the peak of pleasure, as she lost control over herself. He had memorized every move that she liked, every button she wanted pushed in order to come. She squeezed him between her legs, her muscles acting on their own.

  She started shaking as it all became too much, and she tumbled into oblivion. She arched her back one second, only to relax it the next as each consecutive wave of pleasure flowed over her, through her. He kept
at it. The rain falling outside as he pleasured her. Feeling her warm body against his cheek, his face. Her legs against his back and chest. He loved her legs, loved to caress them.

  Coming down from her high, Violet was hungry for his lips. He knew she would be as she gently pulled at his hair to get him to move up over her. Laughing as he did, he looked at the woman who held his heart in the palm of her hand. She was exquisite, her body sparkling with sweat like a flower in the morning dew. She was perfect.

  As he lay there kissing her, his hands start to wander over her soft skin. She couldn’t keep her own hands still either, trailing hers all over his body. He teased her, heightening her desire. Tristan moved over her, positioning himself between her legs, unable to keep away from caressing her thigh as he moved in between them. She smiled up at him as he aimed his cock at her wet entrance. This was one of his favorite moments with her. The buildup. Knowing he was in control, seeing her panting, begging, pleading with him as she sensually moved her body beneath his. It was the anticipation of knowing that he held her desire, that only he could satiate her aching body. He loved her in that instance.

  Holding his cock, he gently rubbed the tip against her clit. Seeing her bite her lip, he knew that she wanted him, needed him. She spread her lower lips for him and he dipped the tip of his cock into her blossom.

  Gently pushing his cock in a little further, he inhaled deeply, shuddering with each millimeter. Closing his eyes, Tristan tried to breathe as the pleasure of her body temporarily overwhelmed him. Some men feared losing themselves in a woman, but for Tristan it was his fondest dream.

  Plumbing her depths he slid out again, slowly. His pulse rising as he leaned down over her, kissing her. Loving her. Thrusting in again as he leaned down as she embraced him. Holding him there and leaving his hips to work as they kissed. Violet locked her legs around him, as he slowly pumped and savored each stroke. There was something about the feeling of being inside of her that always blew his mind.


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