The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Reluctant Submissive: Accepting the Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 16

by Rebecca Joyce

  As she picked up the pace, so did the sounds of satisfaction. Violet moaned her approval of Tristan’s energetic thrusting. Tristan grunted with the effort of pulling her hips against him, before sliding her away. The slapping sounds of his thighs against her bottom filled the room. Sasha moaned, “Fuck baby, you’re so damn tight,” to Violet, though no one was listening.

  Tristan thrust harder and deeper. Violet had been squeezing him tightly upon each withdrawal, her well-toned muscles gripping him in a way that was new to him. The slippery heat and milking motion soon was too much. He simply leaned into Violet, fully embedded, as the spasms coursed through him. Jet after jet of his cum filled her. Violet felt him expand in her ass and squeezed harder, more for her benefit than his at that point. She, too, erupted in a glorious orgasm that didn’t want to end. All of this was too much for Sasha, who burst into a series of spurts deep into her womb, all of which catapulted Violet into another set of orgasms. She collapsed onto Sasha, breathing heavily and completely sated.

  And just as quick as it started, it was over. Tristan carefully removed himself from Violet and retreated to the bathroom. Violet lay on top of Sasha, too exhausted to move. Her body thanked her extensively with mini aftershocks as it tried to calm itself.

  “I love you, Violet. I have since the first moment I laid eyes on you. You are my beautiful flower, and I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you,” Sasha said as he gathered her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

  Violet smiled and softly replied, “I was lost and you found me, Sasha.”

  Tristan returned from the bathroom with a warm washcloth and carefully cleaned her up. After discarding the rag, he climbed into bed next to her and Violet kissed him sweetly.

  “How are you feeling, baby?” Tristan asked, stroking her back.

  “Heavenly,” she answered as she rolled off Sasha and cocooned herself between the two loves of her life. She was happy again and prayed nothing would interfere with that.

  “Good,” Tristan said, spooning his body around hers, as she lay partially on Sasha.

  Awed by the evening’s events, Violet sighed with the satisfaction of a thoroughly fucked woman. Tired, happy, with her wanton desires temporarily sated, she reveled in the decadence of being with her men. Sighing contentedly, Violet let sleep claim her, curled up securely in Sasha’s arms with Tristan at her back.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sasha was waiting in the living room the next morning for Tristan to hurry the hell up. They had gotten a call just moments before from Gabriel, saying there was a new development, but the arrogant British bastard refused to say anything else until they arrived at his place. Though Sasha was happy for some news, he didn’t like the idea of leaving Violet alone. When he suggested that they wake Violet and take her with them, Tristan insisted on letting her sleep. Sasha knew she was suffering from jetlag and would probably sleep for hours, but that didn’t stop him from worrying.

  “Stop worrying,” Tristan said, walking down the stairs. “She’ll be fine. We’ll just set the alarms. It’s still early. We’ll be back before she even wakes.”

  “I wish Jasper and Hoyt would hurry the hell up. I called them yesterday and they said they were on their way. They should have arrived by now.”

  “Do they know that Violet is their responsibility when we’re not around?”

  “Yeah, I told them. They said for us not to worry. She’d never know they were there, but I can’t shake this feeling that we should stay, Tristan. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  “Then you go upstairs and wake her,” Tristan challenged, and though Sasha was more than willing to do it, he couldn’t move. He saw how tired she was when he got up himself. She never moved an inch. She was sleeping so heavily that a freight train wouldn’t wake her. Ignoring the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Sasha grabbed his keys, while Tristan set the locks and initiated the alarm system. They were only going to be gone for an hour, two at most. What could possibly go wrong?

  * * * *

  “Charlotte, why are you driving a Treasure Cove sheriff’s vehicle?” Hazel asked, trying to contain her laughter as the pretty hell kitten of Treasure Cove thought about how to answer that question convincingly. Of course, then, Hazel shouldn’t have expected anything less crazy from Charlotte. She was, after all, a woman of independent means, and if Charlie felt like driving a squad car, she would. That thought had Hazel thinking, whose squad car was it and how did she get it? “Charlotte, tell me you asked before you borrowed that car?”

  “I didn’t steal it, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Charlotte immediately spoke up. “I just requisitioned it.”

  “What do you mean, you requisitioned it?” Hazel demanded, with her hands now on her hips, walking toward her best friend. “Did you steal that vehicle, Charlotte?”

  “No!” The hell kitten shouted, then sighed, reaching for a bottle of water. “Maybe…but Rafe was taking forever. I just lit a fire under his ass.”

  “Charlotte!” Hazel shouted, stomping her foot for emphasis.

  “Fine,” Charlotte sighed, leaning against the hood of the car. “Rafe was at the corner of Main and Second, giving JD a speeding ticket, which he didn’t deserve. If you ask me, JD wasn’t doing anything wrong. It wasn’t like we were trying out for the Daytona 500 or anything.”

  “What do you mean we?”

  “JD was trying to beat me in a street race, but we weren’t speeding!”

  “Charlotte, what did you do?”

  “Well, I was winning, and that’s when I heard the siren. I looked back to see JD pull over. Well I just couldn’t let my buddy go down for something he didn’t do, so I doubled back and pulled in behind Rafe. Well, the light turned green and Rafe wouldn’t move his vehicle. I honked and honked and all Rafe did was ignore me. He left me no choice. He was in my way. So I moved his squad car for him.”

  “Where is your car?”

  “At the corner of Main and Second,” Charlotte replied, kicking the dirt with her shoes as if she were about to be chastised. Hazel looked to the sky above and thanked God for not giving her children. With her luck and Steven and Neil’s genes, her kids would rival Charlotte, and that was saying something. It wasn’t that she didn’t want any, but helping Braxton and Jordan take care of Charlotte was a full-time job. She just didn’t have time for anything else.

  “Charlotte, get in that squad car now. We are going to find Rafe and give him back his car and in the meantime, you better come up with a damn good excuse, because if I know Rafe, he’s already called Braxton,” Hazel ordered, rounding the vehicle and getting into the passenger side.

  “He wouldn’t!” Charlotte yelled scared, opening the door.

  “Oh, he would!” Hazel shouted back. “Now get in the damn car.” Slamming the door, Hazel put on her seatbelt just as Charlotte started the squad car. Charlie was just about to put the car in gear when they both heard over the radio, “Officer Anderson, this is base. I need you to check out 11324 Muskrat Avenue. The silent alarm is going off.”

  “Hey, that’s Violet’s place,” Charlotte whispered.

  “Officer Anderson, come in Anderson.”

  “Shit, Charlotte, we’re busted. Do something,” Hazel shouted.

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do!”

  “You stole the car, you figure it out!”

  “I didn’t steal shit!” Charlotte yelled back. “I told you I requisitioned it. I was gonna give it back.”

  “Officer Anderson, come in Rafe.”

  “Charlotte,” Hazel whispered slowly. “Don’t these vehicles have GPS in them?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Because Rafe isn’t with his car. When he doesn’t answer that call, won’t Garret and Zac turn the locator on?”

  “Sure they will.” Charlotte smiled. “Their pretty smart too. Did you know that when they took over for Braxton, they updated everything? Not only do these squad cars have GPS they also have these little mini cameras that record
everything that goes on outside and inside the cars. See, I’ll show you where it’s at.”

  “Charlotte, forget the damn camera and answer the call!” Hazel exclaimed loudly, unable to take anymore of Charlotte’s ramblings.

  “This is Officer Charlotte at your service,” Charlotte smiled as she answered the call and Hazel groaned, taking the CB away from her quickly. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “You said answer the call, so I did.”

  “I meant say that you’re Rafe, not you!”

  “Geez, Hazel,” Charlie sighed, yanking the CB out of her hand. “You’re a little bitchy today. Are you getting ready to start your period?” Hazel just closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and counted to ten. She didn’t bother to open her eyes when she clearly heard Charlotte respond, “This is Officer Rafe Anderson. ETA at 11324 Muskrat Avenue in fifteen. Over and out.”

  “Copy that, Anderson. Over and out.”

  “I need a drink,” Hazel groaned.

  “No time for drinking, Hazel, and fasten that seatbelt.” Charlotte laughed, as she peeled out of the driveway, sirens wailing loudly. “It’s Thelma and Louise time!”

  * * * *

  Violet was sleeping peacefully when she felt a warm hand slowly make its way up her thigh. She moaned, moving into the touch, smiling. She loved when they woke her this way.

  “Wake up,” she heard his voice whisper into her left ear. Violet groaned in response and turned her face away. Something was off. The voice sounded like Tristan’s but different, almost as if he were coming down with a cold. She felt him grab her chin and turn her face back into his direction. “I said wake up.”

  “No,” she groaned, feeling a little playful. Tristan may be coming down with something, but she wasn’t. If he wanted her awake, she was going to make him work for it. She was tired and her body was still sore from last night. She loved it when they both took her, only she wanted more sleep. Traveling from Tristan’s private island back to Treasure Cove had taken its toll. She was exhausted. Knowing he would probably laugh, she went to pushed him away from her, but she couldn’t move her hand. Hell, she couldn’t move her arm.

  What the hell.

  Violet tried to move her other arm and it wouldn’t move, either. Something was off, only she was too damn tired to figure it out. She knew she should wake up and see what was going on, why Tristan was home and being so playful, but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was sleep. “Not now, Tristan, I’m so tired.”

  “I said wake the fuck up, cuntcake.”

  Violet’s eyes immediately shot open. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest. Her breathing quickened to the point of almost making her hyperventilate. The man touching her was not Tristan. It was her worst nightmare.

  Gone was her beautiful bedroom, draped in soft pastels and florals. Gone was her soft comfortable bed, where just hours ago, she’d made love to Sasha and Tristan. Gone was the feeling of security and safety. Her mind thrust her back into that dark, deep well she’d tried so hard to get out of. The only comfort was knowing that whatever he had planned, it would hurt. Pain was what she knew. Pain was her only reminder that she was alive. Soon the pain would come, soon she would know the devil himself.

  Violet remembered every depraved act he’d done to her, the events of the last day she had with him before she passed out from his chokehold. Her fear emerged like a wrecking ball, hell-bent on destroying every bit of happiness she had since. She started to struggle for her freedom. She was thrashing against the bed as she tried to free her hands from their bindings. She tried freeing herself by slamming the metal chain, which connected the cuffs, against the headboard’s metal dowels. She hoped that one of the metal links from the chain would break apart and then she would be able to free herself.

  “There’s no escape, cuntcake. I’ve got you tightly secured.” He chuckled venomously.

  “Tristan!” She screamed in frustration as she jerked her arms. She failed with each attempt.

  “Yell for him all you like. He isn’t here, nor is the other one. You, my little cuntcake, are all alone, with your true Master.”

  Violet screamed as if her life depended on it and it did, considering the last time she was in his presence, he damn near beat her to death. After experiencing failure after failure, Violet knew she wasn’t going to be able to break the metal cuffs that held her to the bed. Left with no other choice, she stopped struggling. Her wrists ached, and she was sure that her struggle had caused the metal cuffs to cut into her skin as she felt a warm liquid slowly move down her arms. Her biceps were sore. Her lungs were on fire, as if she’d had just run the New York City Marathon. She felt tingly all over as well. She didn’t want to stop attempting to remove the handcuffs, but her arms were hurting. Plus, she didn’t want to cause a muscle strain or worse. So she lay back down on the mattress and relaxed her limbs. It was during her moment of resting, when she started to think of Sasha and Tristan.

  She worried they were somewhere in the house, hurt, or worse, dead. She didn’t want to believe that, but knowing how Master could get, she wouldn’t be surprised if they were. That thought hurt her more than being tied up and at the mercy of Master. Somehow she knew this day would come. She told Gabriel repeatedly that he would find her, and he had. She’d been right. Now, he was here with her in her own bedroom and no one was going to save her. She didn’t know where Sasha and Tristan had gone, or if they were still alive. She had no way of calling for help. Her nearest neighbors were over a mile away. She was alone and in the hands of the devil.

  Taking stock that she was still breathing, Violet looked around the room quickly. She learned a couple of things about her current state of being in those few seconds. She was still naked as the day that she was born. Her legs weren’t bound. In fact, they were open, in a lewd way, spread-eagle style. Violet immediately closed them tightly.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk, cuntcake. Don’t you dare. You know better than that.”

  Violet turned her head and looked to her left, only to see Master lying beside her, in her bed, the bed she shared with Sasha and Tristan. There was almost a foot of space in between their bodies. He was lying on his side, facing her and staring at her with his sadistic intensity. His eyes were hard, calculating, processing everything as he looked at her. There was no warmth, no life, nothing in his dark blue depths. He looked angry, yet reserved as he played out what he wanted to do next deep within his mind, only Violet didn’t give a shit what he did. She just wanted him dead.

  She’d spent a good portion of her life afraid of this man. A man whose sole purpose was to inflict as much pain and degradation upon her as he could. He gave no quarter where she was concerned, nor did he care about her wellbeing. He was a monster and always would be.

  “Say it, cuntcake, and I won’t beat you within an inch of your life for running away from me. Say what I want to hear and I won’t kill your lovers. Say it now and I won’t remind you what the punishment is for deceiving me.”

  Violet knew what the bastard wanted to hear, only she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. All she had to do was say four little words. Independently they didn’t mean anything, but put together, they meant her destruction. She knew them by heart. She said them every day while she was in his care. She even continued to say them every night before she went to bed, after Gabriel rescued her and brought her to live in Treasure Cove. But for the life of her, she couldn’t get the words to function properly in her brain so her mouth could utter them.

  When he moved closer, so close she could smell his aftershave and breath on her skin, Violet flinched. Just then, the phone started to ring. She wanted to answer it so much but all she could hear was him saying, “You’re going to say the words right now, or I am going to make you wish you’d never been born, Violet. Say the words, now!”

  “I am yours, Master.”

  * * * *

  Sasha and Tristan were sitting in the Treasure Cove sheriff department, listening to a bunch of drivel.
Why they were there for this meeting was beyond them. As far as Sasha was concerned, he should have been at home in bed with Violet. He still hated the idea of leaving her alone, but he knew she was safe. They had made it to town when Tristan got the text message from Jasper and Hoyt saying they landed safely and were in route to the house. Looking at his watch, Sasha knew Violet’s invisible bodyguards were already there, probably hiding in one of damn bushes Tristan had insisted on having around the property. The place looked more like a jungle than a neatly manicured piece of property. But Sasha kept that opinion to himself, knowing that Violet loved the greenery and flowers.

  “So why are we here exactly?” Tristan asked, halting Garret and Angelica’s conversation. Sasha understood why Garret was here, this was his sheriff’s station, but he was more concerned with the beautiful FBI agent who looked more than capable of anything. He’s only met Agent Emerson once, and that was good enough for him. Angelica, or Ace as she preferred, was married to her former partner and Celestial’s local sheriff. Though Sasha wasn’t sure of the dynamic of that coupling, he was sure that Agent Emerson was here on a mission.

  “You are here because the FBI was notified hours ago that Sergio Pavlov is on a plane headed for Treasure Cove. He was last seen at the Denver Airport. According to the FFA, his flight plan will have him landing in Helena in”—she said, looking at her watch—“in fifteen minutes. From there, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where he’s going next. Federal agents from Helena have already left and should be arriving within the hour. Our hope is that we can spot Pavlov and arrest him immediately.”

  “What about my brother?” Tristan asked.


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