For the Love of Lila

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For the Love of Lila Page 17

by Jennifer Malin

  “Listening to the sound of your breathing, imagining the fall of your nightrail over your body...” The furrows in his brow tightened into lines of anguish. “Longing, the whole while, to get up and join you.”

  The strain in his voice made her wince. She sighed in exasperation. “Then join me.”

  “Good God, Lila.” He stopped amidst loosening his cravat to stare at her. “I don’t want to make you a mistress. And I can’t understand why you, who refuse to submit to marriage, would settle for something yet inferior. Forget my own aversion to scandal and consider what you deserve. I know you believe marriage robs women of their freedom, but being my mistress would rob you of respect.”

  She shook her head. “Those who cannot respect my decision would not have to know about it.”

  “But you would know about it. Keeping such a secret would be bound to take a toll on you. Covering up one of the chief facets of your life, lying to acquaintances, having to wait until heads are turned—how long do you think you could do all this and still respect yourself?”

  “I don’t know. Perhaps not for long.” She cast her gaze downward, then forced herself to look him the eye. “I only know that I could do it tonight.”

  For a long moment he studied her, unblinking. At last he turned and walked to the window, still silent.

  She watched him in frustration. “Tristan, do you truly believe that our making love the other night was wrong?”

  “Yes,” he said without turning around. “In some ways, yes.”

  “Do you wish it hadn’t happened?”


  She stepped closer, stopping inches behind him. His broad shoulders beckoned to her, but she resisted the urge to touch him. “I am not versed in lovemaking, but it must be quite an art if what you and I shared didn’t stand out as extraordinary.”

  He neither spoke nor moved in response.

  Barely breathing, she said, “For me, the experience surpassed anything else I have ever known. Even if I could combine the greatest wonders of my life—the most beautiful sight, the sweetest taste, the richest comfort, the deepest insight—the sum would not match what I felt united with you. I don’t regret what we did in the least. I would never wish away that experience, not for the world.”

  He stood motionless another minute, and then his head drooped forward. Slowly, he turned and faced her.

  “I don’t wish it away either,” he said in a hushed tone. “If I could wish away realities, I would wipe out the risk to my political career or to your philosophy...not to mention the risk of your conceiving.”

  “I know. I know we have much to fear if we are together.” Wandering to the foot of the bed, she sat down on the edge. “But I am so afraid of being apart.”

  He looked away, then back again. “I concede that separating is hell, but that is a lover’s lot, isn’t it?” Walking to the head of the bed, he took a seat, leaving a good yard of space between them. “Shakespeare himself said so: ‘The course of true love never did run smooth.’“

  “Yes. He also noted that it never lasts. ‘Brief as the lightning in the collied night that, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth.’“ The comparison brought a bittersweet smile to her lips. Shakespeare had described what making love with Tristan had been to her. She murmured, “‘And ere a man hath power to say “Behold!” The jaws of darkness do devour it up.’“

  She collapsed onto her back, arms sprawled across the mattress. “That is what grieves me most, knowing that the moment of wonder is gone and that I will never feel it again. I will never again truly feel love.”

  For what felt like a lifetime she stared at the ceiling, descending into despair.

  Then she felt his fingers, warm and sound, wrap around her cold ones. The mattress creaked and dipped and suddenly he lay beside her, looking into her eyes. He cupped her cheek with his hand and leaned in to her lips.

  As his mouth met hers, she closed her eyes. Keenly aware how rare and precious the moment would be, she savored every detail—the softness of his lips, their warmth, the taste of his tongue sampling hers.

  He deepened the kiss, and she stretched her arms around his body, reveling in the expanse of his chest, the unmistakable power in his form. She ran her hands over his back, wishing his waistcoat gone so she could feel the muscles and contours the thick brocade obscured.

  All too soon he tapered off his ardor with diminishing kisses. As he tilted his head back to look at her, the intensity in his gaze both heartened and tore at her. She could see that he wanted her, but knowing so only made it harder to accept that she couldn’t have him. She thought back to the sole consummation of their love, her one brief brush with fulfillment.

  A hot tear splashed onto her cheek. “Never again.”

  His brow creased. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her against him. A telltale prodding at her thigh made her gasp. Surprised that he allowed that degree of intimacy, she leaned back to look into his eyes.

  He sighed and gave her nose a soft kiss. “Well, perhaps just once more.”

  She blinked, afraid to trust her own perception. Did he really mean to make love to her? She didn’t dare ask, unsure if she could bear the answer.

  “Maybe, occasionally, lightning does strike twice.” Despite the blithe words, his expression held sober. He bent closer and grazed her lips.

  Whatever he meant to accord her, she intended to take full advantage. She crushed her mouth against his, eating him up like a woman starved—not that hunger made her forget to relish the meal. Senses alive, she breathed in the warm scents of his hair and skin. She clutched his body to hers and pulled him partly atop her, rolling onto her back.

  He groaned and matched each depth she ventured with her kisses, squeezing her in his arms. Inching further over her midsection, he moved his mouth onto her neck. Sensation shivered through her body with each nibble he took.

  When she felt him grapple for the buttons on her back she held her breath. Her bodice slackened and he strung kisses into her decolletage, coaxing a whimper from her. “Oh, Tristan. Never before have I prayed for an electrical storm.”

  “Nor was any prayer so likely to be answered,” he murmured at her breast.

  Regardless of his assurance, she vowed to add to the tempest. She slid a hand between them, her mind reeling under the spell his tongue worked on her. The large buttons of his waistcoat slipped through their holes with surprising ease. As soon as the garment spread, she advanced to the shirt within.

  She peeked down to watch him at her nipple, his eyes closed and features sharp with passion. Bending her neck, she kissed the top of his head and dipped her hand inside his shirt. She drew in her breath over the solid form and luscious heat of his chest. She needed to make love to him again. The first time she had feared the unknown—and he had misunderstood her intentions. This time would be pure: an informed, if mad, choice.

  Somehow she got the courage to slide her hand lower, her knuckles skimming the soft warmth of his belly. He contracted the muscles, and a space opened between his body and breeches. She sank her hand into the gap.

  They both gasped when her fingertips grazed what she sought. Though she and Tristan had coupled once, her knowledge of this part of him remained sketchy.

  “Heavens,” she breathed, tentatively exploring the girth, then the length of him. She could hardly credit how deeply he must penetrate her. A responding heat between her thighs surprised her. Nature performed in a precise dance, and her body knew the steps.

  Encouraged by his groans, she grew bolder in her caress. Her heartbeat and restlessness accelerated along with her hunger for him. She pitched against him, and he responded in kind, tantalizing her yet more.

  When he reached for the buttons of his fly, she moved her hand to give him access. He shifted to her side and undid them, his gaze fixed on her eyes.

  Trembling, she kicked off her shoes and crunched up her skirt to take off her undergarments. While he shrugged off his waistcoat and shirt, she marveled at
the perfection of his chest. Persuaded that a “pure” act of lovemaking called for total nudity, she pulled her gown up and over her head. As she untied and removed her shift, he yanked off his boots and breeches.

  They lay back down at the same time, gliding into each other’s embrace. She ran her hands up and down his arms, awed by the strength in the sinewy lines. The warmth of his abdomen felt wonderful, and she flattened against him, moaning when his erection nudged her. In response he pressed closer, and her desire escalated until she writhed with need.

  So entangled with her, he slipped in between her thighs, sliding against the most sensitive area of her body. A tickling, teasing promise of ecstasy rippled to the center of her being. She arched her hips toward him, incited to wriggle more each time he let out a groan.

  “Oh, I need you,” she moaned, her yearning for him unbearable.

  In answering to her plea, he rolled atop her, supporting himself on his elbows. His gaze met hers with a question, and she nodded without hesitation.

  He kissed her and pushed, squeezing inside her almost instantly. A shared moan parted their mouths. She braced for the pain she had felt the first time, but none came. Grateful, she lay back and basked in pleasure.

  The sensations amazed her, soaring higher with each thrust he made. Amidst the fervor, she thought about what the act meant: the ultimate expression of love, an opportunity to meld their beings, a bid to create new life. In this exalted state, even the latter appealed to her. No fear existed. Tristan filled her both physically and spiritually.

  As she climbed closer to climax, she noticed that his groans coincided with her own peaks of excitement. She could feel the tension build in his body as well as hers. They seemed to share a single perception.

  At one exquisite apex, he paused. Their passions teetered at the edge of ecstasy, threatening to plunge with the tiniest movement.

  “Lightning was an unfortunate comparison.” His body slipped a smidgen and he gasped. “This may not last long.”

  “Lightning never does.” She stretched her arms out to reach for his hips. “The hottest flames burn quickest.”

  She pulled him toward her and he sank into her body. Her head dropped back in rapture. She shut her eyes, concentrating all her awareness on the act of coupling.

  He no longer held back, hastening his thrusts until they fell into a rhythm. She could feel the crest approaching, nearer with each beat. The wave of pleasure swelled to an agonizing height, and she knew it was about to break.

  “Tristan.” She gasped. “Oh, Tristan, here it is.”

  Shudders of release rolled through her.

  “Lila—” He thrust again and his body jolted as he joined her in climax.

  She clung to him for the duration, sharing each surge of intensity with him. As the physical energy ebbed, her sense of spiritual closeness to him held. She had never imagined one could feel so connected to another person. Overwhelmed, she opened her eyes to look into his and tell him she loved him.

  The tension she saw in his face stopped her. As he gazed at her, silent, the facts of the situation returned to her. Suddenly a declaration of love seemed pointless, even cruel.

  Once her euphoria had cracked, the damage spread quickly. She could think of nothing to say to him, no way to express her feelings, despite the enormity of them.

  He pulled from her body and she felt empty, cold. As he moved to her side, her sense of loss sharpened. She turned and wrapped her arms around him, holding him as tightly as she could. But the effort failed. She couldn’t get close enough. The exquisite connection they’d shared had broken.

  Everything felt wrong. In the afterglow of lovemaking, they ought to have lain gazing at each other. Instead, he closed his eyes and she felt yet further detached from him. They should have clutched each other as though they’d never let go. But he hung his arm hung loosely over her side, and even that, she knew, he would tear from her all too soon.

  Longing for some sort of reassurance, however small, she propped herself up on one elbow. “Tristan?”

  “Yes?” He lay so still that if he hadn’t answered she would have sworn he’d dozed off.

  She bit her lip. “You will sleep with me tonight, won’t you?”

  A long pause ensued, during which he opened his eyes, only to blink at the ceiling. At last he said, “I’d best sleep in the dressing area.”

  “Oh, no.” She collapsed on his chest, squeezing him in her arms. “I can’t bear to sleep apart from you tonight. Please stay in here with me.”

  “I don’t believe that’s advisable.”

  “Forget what’s ‘advisable.’“ She bolstered herself back up. “You said yourself that some things can’t be governed by reason.”

  He met her gaze, a frown his only answer.

  “Blast it, Tristan, don’t let arbitrary conventions dictate your behavior. Do what is right by nature.” She touched his cheek with the back of her fingers. “Please sleep here with me.”

  He reached out and stroked her hair, studying his own movements as he tucked a lock behind her ear. His chest expanded with a deep intake of air. Slowly, he released it and looked back into her eyes. “Very well. I suppose at this point it makes little difference.”

  “Oh, thank you.” With a great sigh, she lay her head on his chest and nestled up to him. “Thank you so much.”

  “I am not happy about this, Lila,” he said, draping his arms around her shoulders. “I am not happy with myself.”

  “I know.” She also knew that though he spoke of himself, she was the source of his unhappiness—a fact that pained her more than anything else. She swallowed and hugged him more tightly. “I wish I could make you happy.”

  He lay still another moment, then bent and kissed her head. “I know.”

  Given this small consolation, she tried not to focus on her remorse. A more important fact stood to occupy her: Tristan had agreed to sleep with her. He would lie beside her all night, his body in contact with hers or, at most, a handsbreadth away. She could wake at any hour and touch him, even take him in her arms.

  Heaven was hers...for one brief moment, until the jaws of darkness devoured it.


  Once again properly stowed inside a hired carriage, Lila watched the English countryside mutate into town. She could hardly believe she was back in her native country when she’d planned to be gone for years—or maybe forever. How naive those plans seemed now, after a mere few weeks of learning and growing. She should have known that women’s plans would be subject to the same whims of fate as those of mice and men.

  The outside scenes seemed to go by too quickly, while she sat passive, her heart beating with slow, dull thuds. She wished the two speeds could have been transposed, so she might never reach her destination.

  As the coach rolled onto the cobblestones of London, the summer sun, strong but still cool in the early hour, burnished the city’s brownstone buildings with brilliant patches of light. The scents of baking bread and tolls of church bells added to a glorious morning.

  Too bad it would be her last with Tristan.

  Eyes clouded with tears, she stared out at the passing streets and soon recognized some of the neighborhoods. As they passed Lincoln’s Inn, where she had first met Tristan, a fresh flow of tears rolled down her cheeks. That had been the beginning of the most exciting time of her life, and now she was approaching the end.

  The carriage rolled on, and she knew that any time now they would reach the bank that held her trust. In another hour she might have her money in hand and live as an independent woman. Ironically, the prospect no longer appealed to her. She dreaded losing her sole connection to Tristan.

  Far too soon they turned onto the street where the bank stood. If she could have delayed the encounter, she would have, but she had no right to continue complicating Tristan’s life. She knew he regretted their intimacy and could only count herself lucky she’d had the past week with him. The evening before he had even agreed to stop outsi
de the city rather than forge on into town. She ought to have been grateful that she’d had one final night alone with him in a country inn, but at the moment gratitude eluded her.

  While she reflected on those last magical moments, the carriage pulled up in front of the building. She felt the vehicle rock as Tristan jumped off the box. Knowing reluctance would get her nowhere, she brushed away her tears and tried to put on a brave face. While he tethered the horses she opened the carriage door and stepped onto the pavement without waiting for assistance.

  Tristan charged a local lad with watching the equipage, then joined her in front of the bank. Fixing his gaze on her face, he asked, “Are you ready?”

  His scrutiny unnerved her, threatening to penetrate her thin mask of composure. Looking away, she nodded and hooked her arm through his and they started toward the entrance. While they ascended the wide marble steps, she could feel his attention lingering on her.

  “We should have stopped for breakfast,” he said at the door, his tone one of forced enthusiasm. “I, for one, am famished.”

  She didn’t have the spirit to emulate his cheer. In fact, her stomach lurched at the very thought of food. She swallowed as they crossed the threshold. “I couldn’t eat a bite.”

  They entered a large, open hall, spattered with bustling clerks. The marble floors and high ceilings gave the premises an austere air. Walls covered with dark paneling bore portraits of severe looking men, presumably honored associates. If she’d had any potential for greater nervousness left, the imposing decor had assured she reached full capacity.

  Her gaze fell on two workers standing near the entrance and examining a shared document. They must have sensed her watching them, because they both looked up at once. The younger, slight of build and wearing wire-framed spectacles, held up a finger indicating he would be with her and Tristan soon.

  One hand still on his arm, Lila held her abdomen with the other. She turned toward him with her back to the clerks. “The way I feel, I may never want food again.”


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