Surviving the Pack

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Surviving the Pack Page 5

by Shannon Duane

  She walked along the edge of the woods, slipping her useless phone in her back pocket. Her plan was simple, walk to the edge of town, call alpha Jake and see if he could send someone to pick her up so she could move back to his pack until she found another. She could move to a nice little cabin in the woods somewhere; bears were loaners but after what happened to her parents she was hesitant to attempt living on her own.

  A deep growl sounded behind her, she froze realizing too late that she should have been paying more attention, especially while she was out in the woods alone. Bloody fucking hell. She turned slowly and saw three wolves pawing the ground, snarling and drooling. “Uh, hello, just passing through. I’m on my way out of town now.” Slowly taking a step back she tried for humor, “Umm, peace.”

  The wolves kept coming with teeth bared and spittle flying from their jowls.

  “Okay, that’s enough. I’m leaving so you don’t have to be dramatic.” Katarina spun on her heels and began to run away.

  They sped after her. Fucking hell, I just triggered their instinct to chase. She abruptly stopped and did a half shift letting them know she wasn’t going down easy. When the first wolf sprung at her she swung her claw tipped paw at him and connected with a satisfying crack. Not having time to recover she slapped the next wolf down but wasn’t fast enough to block the teeth that came at her left leg.

  Screaming she stayed on her feet and threw her paw heavily into the wolfs head trying to detach it from her aching leg. Hearing a yip and feeling the pressure ease off her leg she shifted fully to her bear and lumbered towards the pack that was attacking. Her odds weren’t good but she’d be damned if she was beaten down by any more fucking wolves.

  She let loose a growl and lumbered over to the wolf she’d struck first thinking he must be the leader. She climbed on top of him placing her front paws on his head knowing he was in pain from his head being smashed, trying to ignore the others biting her sides. Suddenly, a horn blared and bright lights blinded her. She remained in position on top of the wolf and heard his friends run away. He attempted to wiggle out from under her but she simply shifted her paws to put more pressure on his chest, crushing the lungs and making it difficult to breathe.

  The truck stopped a few yards away from her and Bailey rushed to her side with her palms up in front of her in a placating gesture. “Calm down, Miss Fuzzykins. We’re here to help you but you need to get off Mr Simmons, okay?”

  Katarina was done with this town and these people and her car and…everything. She looked down at Mr Simmons and sniffed his muzzle. Not too bad, I’m sure I could take a bite without vomiting. She open her bears mouth and set her teeth to the wolfs head applying a small amount of pressure when she heard another truck speeding towards them. She didn’t lift her head or move, she listened.

  Dante slammed his door. “What the fuck is going on? Why do I smell blood?”

  Bailey was nice enough to answer since Katarina’s mouth was full. “She was attacked by a couple of wolves. She appears to have caught good ol’ Mr. Simmons before the others got away. She was just about to bite his head off and I’m super glad I have a front row seat; I’ve always hated that bugger.”

  Dante’s smooth rich voice floated in the air towards her and she could hear his footsteps coming closer. “Honeybun, you have to release Mr. Simmons. He is old and probably tastes like mothballs. You don’t want to get a tummy ache, do you?”

  Katarina didn’t move.

  Bailey laughed and Dante huffed out a, “you’re not helping,” before he came closer. “I’ll take care of him, you can trust me. Let’s go home and we’ll make some cookies. You like cookies, right?”

  Katarina tightened her jaw a moment enjoying Mr. Simmons smell of fear and pain before she released him. She backed off, allowing him to take in deep breaths; she smiled at his whine of pain. She let her human side through and revelled in the change from bear to human; learning to allow the alpha to protect would take some time to get used to.

  Dante let out a sigh as Katarina shifted but it quickly changed to a groan at seeing her naked form. He adjusted himself in his jeans and looked away from her nudity. Not before he got a good look at her tight firm breasts, shapely hips and long muscular bloody legs. Oh God blood.

  Dante rushed to her side and hated that she took several steps back in fear coming to rest against a hard body. Bailey growled their way and Paul, the hard body, steadied her and stepped away.

  Katarina’s anger and confusion was getting worse. “Fucking wolves just keep popping up. Who else wants a bite?”

  Paul crossed to Bailey and rubbed his head against her jaw, placing a tender kiss on her mouth. Bailey seemed to settle, ceasing her grumbling when Paul put his arms around her and pulled her close.

  Katarina yearned for the type of connection they had, afraid it wasn’t meant to be. She backed away limping in an attempt to escape, she wasn’t feeling particularly safe. “I’m sorry for touching your mate, Bailey. I’ll be out of your hair in a moment if you’ll just…move along.”

  No one moved so she continued, “Go on, shoo.”

  Mr. Simmons chose that moment to shift back to human and protest. “No you don’t little lady. Alpha, she attacked me; you saw it with your own eyes. You can’t just let her get away. Seize her.”

  Dante let loose with a guttural snarl and advanced on Mr. Simmons, keeping Katarina in his peripheral vision. “It’s sad that one of our elders would disregard my orders and attack a new member of this pack. You’ve broken the law and will face punishment, pack style. You’ve committed one of the most appalling crimes. Females are to be revered, they’re essential to the health and progress of our pack.”

  Mr. Simmons spat in the ground at Dante’s feet, “You are incompetent. You believe females should be independent and have opinions when they should be submissive.”

  Dante sent him a wicked smile. “You are outcast, no longer a member of this pack. You will roam alone for the rest of your days unless you find a pack who will take you in.” Dante leaned down over him, spit on his feet and whispered. “You are lucky I don’t let her rip your head off. It would have given me great pleasure. You have twenty four hours to clear out or I’ll kill you myself.”

  Dante turned his back dismissing the old man who dared to attack sweet Katarina. He looked for her and saw that she hadn’t stuck around; he couldn’t blame her. Following her scent he found her sitting on a fallen log in the woods assessing her injured leg.

  She didn’t even look up, “Go away. I’ve had enough of your hospitality and the graciousness of your pack. I want to leave.”

  “You’re not a prisoner, Katarina. I told you that my pack is broken and you took the risk in coming here. I’m glad you did because you’re a strong woman and I want the females in my pack to develop even a third of your strength. I like having you here.”

  “I can’t stay where I’m being physically abused. Do you even realize what it was like being attacked by wolves…again? I never wanted to be in that situation.”

  Dante was trying to ignore the fact that she was naked; one of the most beautiful, ladylike and gentle females he’d ever met. He knew from past experience that she was soft and delicate but had a core of steel. “Bailey and Paul were impressed. You held your own against three wolves on the hunt.” Dante reached out and touched the smooth contour of her cheekbone. “I’m so sorry this happened to you. Let me take you home and tend your wounds. If you want to leave tomorrow I’ll do my best to help you go.”

  Nodding her head she began to rise and stumbled. Dante caught her under her arm and felt her shiver against him. The sky was just beginning to darken and the temperature had dropped about ten degrees. Dante made sure she was steady before he removed his shirt and placed it gingerly over her head.

  Reaching her hands up and into the sleeves of Dante’s shirt she couldn’t help the wince as her muscles protested. The fight had been hard on her; the adrenaline had worn off causing various muscle aches and definite pain in h
er leg. She set off toward where she’d left her car limping and was surprised when she was lifted off her feet and into strong arms. “Put me down.”

  His chuckle was short lived as she brought her claws out placing them at his neck. “I am not a docile little lamb who will be ignored. I can walk on my own and if I feel the need to be carried I will make it known.”

  “As you wish.”

  That he didn’t look horrified at her behavior was shocking. “I need the respect of your pack. I cannot appear weak, especially now. I hope you can understand.”

  “Of course I understand. I also feel the same. It is my job to protect the pack but it’s so backwards I don’t know if I’m coming or going. Eventually I’ll have cut away the dead wood but I have to do it one person at a time and it’s exhausting.”

  Having no words of encouragement she began walking again, maybe more like limping, wanting so badly to allow Dante to hold her in his arms once again but if anyone had lingered she needed to appear strong. She was panting by the time she made it to Dante’s truck and he had to lift her into the passenger seat. She noted he lingered when buckling her seatbelt and his forearm definitely skimmed her breast, changing his scent to a heady horny male once again.

  “I can’t believe you.”

  Dante’s eyes changed to the yellow that belonged to his wolf. His expression promised erotic pleasantries in the near future and she felt her scent rise to match his.

  “I can’t help it when I’m around you, please forgive me. You smell amazing; knowing that you bested three wolves tonight makes my beast recognize your strength, which is alluring; similar to your bun madness.”

  “I doubt that very much. I had my leg used as a chew toy by an eighty year old arthritic wolf and his geriatric pals, not very appealing.” She couldn’t prevent the electricity that sparked between them but she could ignore it and hope it went away.

  Chapter 7

  They drove in relative silence, the only sound was their increased breathing and Dante’s constant shifting in the driver’s seat. It was getting on her last nerve and she was about to explode when he suddenly announced their arrival. Dante got out his side of the car and opened her door assisting her to the ground.

  Dante helped her to her feet and sucked in a breath when her body ran along his. “Do you want me to help you in? Bailey got your stuff out of your car, put it in your room and says she’ll draw you a bath if you’re sore. I called a tow truck to pick up your car and it’s being taken to my mechanic.”

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Pushing him away Katarina hobbled up the steps to alpha house. Sweating with fine tremors she reached the front door and waited patiently. Standing there sweating she began to get irritated and prompted, “Is the cursed alarm going to go off if I turn the handle?”

  Dante snickered before he reached around her and turned the nob allowing her to cross the threshold before he punched in the alarm code. His head came up when he smelled the sugary sweetness of frosting and cinnamon in the air. Oh shit.

  The smell of sweets hit her like a ton of bricks; obviously it had overridden her pain sensors because Katarina no longer felt the horrible gnawing pain in her leg or the ache of her muscles. Her swift feet lead her directly to the delicious aroma emanating from the kitchen; warm cinnamon rolls that Bailey was pulling out of the oven. Katarina eyed Bailey while clicking her teeth and moving slowly toward the goodies.

  Fearing for her life Bailey twisted, saw the bear coming her way, dropped the baked goods and ran over to Paul in the doorway to watch the magic happen. They crouched low so they wouldn’t be seen.

  When he followed Katarina into the kitchen Dante watched her hover, sniff and lick the pastries on the counter. Obviously Bailey knew what comforted tense bears. And God love her for distracting Katarina so he could tend her wound.

  Dante approached snail like and tried to tend her wound. Pulling Katarina out of her madness to tend her wound seemed to be impossible because she wouldn’t let him get close.

  Katarina pulled the sugary confections to her chest getting frosting everywhere saying, “Mine, no touchy.”

  Dante let loose a long rolling laugh and put his palms up to show his innocence. “I don’t want your treats, honeybun. Sit; let me look at your leg.”

  She eyed him and sat down heavily on the kitchen chair. When he came closer she put the pan up out of his reach as he crouched low on the ground to get to her injury. On his hands and knees he approached and she barely noticed now that he wasn’t a threat to her food.

  She’d eaten half the pan of cinnamon buns when she felt the first swipe of something against her leg. Stilling she looked down and saw a wolf licking her leg. Panicking she held very still until she heard it whimper at her smell of fear. Dante. She knew it was him by his scent so she didn’t push him away, but she did watch him very closely to make sure there was no funny business.

  The second pass of his tongue across her sensitive flesh had her forgetting the delicacies in her hand, focusing on the heat and liquid pooling between her thighs. She shivered as his wolfs tongue became more aggressive cleaning her wound; with each pass of his rough appendage she could feel her wound tingling with healing.

  Her core tightened releasing her woman’s fluid becoming swollen with need. He inhaled sharply obviously scenting her arousal. Instinctively she opened for him while closing her eyes and revelling in all of the wonderful delights surrounding her; cinnamon buns, Dante and a warm wet tongue.

  Dante’s wolf was dying to claim her; when he finished cleaning her wound he began to indulge in a body inspection to make sure she was alright and nothing else needed tending. From the honey smell of her arousal he did have more to tend. He shifted back to his human form and continued to explore her with his hands, eyes and tongue.

  “Hmm, closer Dante, I need to feel you where I ache.”

  Dante knew she was no longer in her sugar bear coma so he went for it. Licking his way up her leg until he reached her inner thigh where he placed a gentle kiss. He lingered nuzzling and breathing her in. She allowed no more delays when she shifted placing her core in his face. Licking around the opening of her channel he teased her and was relieved when her hips began lifting and lowering; he dove in licking her from her opening to her tiny pleasure bud. At her gasp he inserted a finger in the vacant channel calling to him, filling her as he stroked her clit with his tongue; enjoying her small gasps and moans.

  When he inserted a second finger and began stretching her to take him, she came undone spilling her honey into his mouth and screaming his name. He didn’t know what came over him, before he knew what was happening his jaw had elongated and he’d sunk his sharp canine teeth into her upper thigh, where it met her groin. She was screaming again and her warm wet channel was gripping his fingers like a vice. She was still contracting when he rose up to his knees and led his erection to her welcome heat. In one deep thrust he was in her to the hilt and she was squeezing him so tight that he knew he wouldn’t last.

  Three short strokes later he was coming, his wolf once again made an appearance biting her where her shoulder met her neck. He savoured the taste of her blood sliding into his mouth, coating his tongue. Her flavor was an aphrodisiac he knew he could get drunk on; hell, he already craved it.

  Dante’s last thought before he pulled her off the chair and onto the floor to cuddle was, fuck, I’m in some serious trouble.

  * * * *

  Bailey couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Dante was doing a great job of cleaning Katarina’s wound while she was preoccupied with her pastries; when, bam, all of a sudden the smell of arousal crowded the room. It was so strong Bailey’s beast wanted to reclaim its mate. Shit, they’re fated. She watched with Paul at her back to make sure that the bear was suppressed enough that she wouldn’t attack.

  When Dante first claimed Katarina by piercing her flesh Bailey was astounded and more than a little aroused herself; she could feel Dante’s excitement through their twin bond. Paul was behind her, cle
arly picking up her mood, and placed his teeth along his claiming mark to show his willingness. She shivered knowing what would happen next; anticipating the pleasure. Paul ran his hand lightly over her upper arm and soundlessly pulled her back against his growing erection.

  Paul’s words were husky when he made his offer. “Let’s go home, love. Let them get…acquainted; he looks safe to me. I’ll rub your back.” He ground his erection into her back and moaned at the contact.

  “I’d like nothing more, sheriff. I don’t think we’ll make it home though.” Giggling, Bailey shoved him on his butt and began to run, knowing he loved the chase just as much as she did. “Catch me if you can.”

  She made it half way down the hall before he caught her, claiming her mouth in a bruising kiss that rocked her world and melted her heart. Not being able to hold in her love for this man she couldn’t help but confess. “I love you, you’re my world and I’m blessed to have you.”

  Paul’s head came up and he sent her a sexy smile. “No, mate, I’m the lucky one. You’ve made me complete.”

  Bailey returned his grin with one of her own. She knew he scented her worry because he attempted to back away; she gripped him tighter. “Would now be a good time to tell you that I’m carrying your pup?”

  Paul stiffened. “Bailey, I thought you couldn’t-“

  She put a finger to his mouth, “I thought I wouldn’t be able to have children too. But my scent doesn’t lie. It’s changed the past couple of days along with developing nausea and fatigue. I’m pretty sure…”

  She didn’t finish her speech before Paul was at her throat, inhaling deeply. He pulled back with the shit eating grin almost split his face. He leaned down to scent her opening and confirmed that indeed she was carrying his pup. The slight change in her scent meant it was still early but he couldn’t help but pull her into his embrace and snuggle her close to him. My mate is carrying our child; protect.


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