Monday Night Guy

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Monday Night Guy Page 6

by Liz Lovelock

  I don’t want it to affect me, however, it does.

  “Why do I have a sister who’s such a bitch… slut… whatever you want to call her? Who does what she did to their own blood?” Tears brim in my eyes. I quickly rub them away so they don’t have the chance to fall.

  “Oh, honey, don’t punish yourself with those kinds of thoughts. You know exactly the type of person your sister and ex-boyfriend are.”

  “Perhaps he’s right… I’m a boring person.”

  “Don’t you dare say that!” Anger flares in her tone. “Never let him make you feel like crap again. You’re so much better than those two put together.” She throws her hands toward the house.

  We fall silent. It’s peaceful. “I don’t remember right now if I told you, but last year toward the end of the year, I came to a party and ended up kissing Parker Kent.”

  Elsie chuckles beside me. “Girl, you must be wasted because that made its way around school like the video of Parker laying those punches on Hayden the other night. It spread like wildfire. Everyone thought you were lucky Hayden didn’t leave you.”

  I wish he had. “Look where it got me though. He was so terrible to me after that night. I told him right after it happened, and since then he became controlling.”

  “Yeah, I could tell. I’m sorry. As your friend, I should have done more.”

  I turn to look at her. Her head hangs low, and her face is surrounded by her long locks. “Elsie, you were there for me when I needed you. I’m not mad at you. It was always up to me to leave him, and I guess it took me a damn long time.” I laugh, and she gives me a semi-smile. “It was all on me, not you.”

  Lifting her head, she stares at the house again. “Love ya. Even if you are an airy-fairy.” Using her nickname I’ve given her. I shove her shoulder playfully.

  “Love you. Even if you’re stupidly drunk right now. I love the laidback sweet cheeks.”

  We throw our heads back, cackling.

  “What’s so hilarious, and why aren’t I invited to the party?”

  We stop abruptly, and I focus on the figure before me, silhouetted thanks to the bright lights shining behind him.

  But I’d know that voice anywhere.


  “What the heck? How did you find me?”

  “Oh, little mouse…” Parker chuckles, and my body ignites at the sound.

  I hate you body. You betray me all the damn time.

  I stare up at this godly figure. I don’t need to see his face to know he’s wearing one of his flirtatious grins—the one all the girls seem to fall over each other for.

  “When will you learn I know all?” He smiles. “By the way, you look sexy tonight, little mouse.”

  My cheeks heat at Parker’s compliment.

  “I have these for you.” He steps closer, handing Elsie and I a fresh cold beer each.

  Elsie eagerly takes hers, throwing back a mouthful.

  I’m a little hesitant. I’m still fuzzy in the head from the crazy cocktail I mixed earlier. “Why are you here?” I ask, rubbing my finger around the top of the bottle, then lifting it and taking a mouthful. Cool and refreshing.

  “You rang, and I came. Figured you had something you wanted to say to me.” Parker goes and grabs himself a seat on the grass beside me. He places his beer to his lips. His lips… wow. I’d love to bring mine to them, suck on them, kiss them, bite them…

  I lean against the fence, Elsie pipes up, “She’s pretty wasted, and was going to mouth off at you.”

  My head whips toward her, my mouth hanging open. “Elsie,” I cry. Gosh, she’s a little chatterbox when she’s had some drinks.

  Parker gives one of his full-belly rumble laughs. “No, Elsie, please keep going.” He leans forward, waiting. There’s a good distance between us, yet I can still make out his woodsy scent. It does crazy things to me.

  “Well, I, personally, think you guys should date to get back at those two cheaters.” She throws the word ‘cheaters’ out like it’s a foul piece of food.

  I turn and frown at Elsie. She smiles.

  “What are you doing?” I hiss in a low tone. I know Parker can still hear me, but I don’t care.

  “Not a bad idea. What do you say, little mouse?” Parker asks.

  “No. I’m out of the dating game.”

  Parker raises his eyebrows in question. “No dating, huh? Well, that’s not going to work, is it?”

  “No, it’s not going to work. I’m especially not going to date guys like you, who have girls falling all over themselves in the hope you’ll talk to or even acknowledge them.”

  “I can’t help the fact I’m loved so much.” Parker sighs, sitting upright.

  “Yeah, not by everyone,” I reply dryly.

  Elsie, breaks out in laughter. Parker and I turn toward her. “What’s so funny, Elsie?” I ask.

  “Oh, you two. Don’t you see the chemistry between you both?”

  “Yeah, I think you’ve had too much to drink, and right now I need another one. A super-strong one again.”

  “You already have one.” Parker gestures to the bottle I’m clutching in my hand.

  “Well I better finish it then.” Lifting it to my lips, I scull down the remainder of my beer before tossing the bottle to the grass. Standing, I go toward the house, not caring that I’m leaving Elsie and Parker there. Heck, she can date him for all I care.

  Back in the kitchen, the music in the living room a dull thud in here, and thankfully, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around. I need some space. I pour another cocktail of drinks into another cup, like I did before. This time, it’s a much larger red cup. Bring it on.

  Loud, chatty voices float through the back door, and my blood runs cold. Ella. I stop what I’m doing and listen.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s take this home,” Ella’s high-pitched whiney voice says.

  “Not yet,” Hayden gruffs out. He doesn’t sound happy about something.

  “Who cares about him? Let him have her if he wants her.”

  Who are they talking about? I remain still with the bottle of alcohol in my hand. I know I shouldn’t be listening, except I can’t help myself.

  “I don’t care about them,” he growls. There’s that tone I know all too well. Ella must be deaf not to hear that bitterness in his voice.

  “Whatever. You’re only here with me because you knew she would be here. You’re just using me to get to her.” There’s silence followed by footsteps coming inside. I quickly get back to mixing my concoction, because I’m sure I’ll need it in a moment or two. I sense eyes staring at my back.

  “Well, well, well…” Ella’s voice is cold and unwelcoming.

  I don’t respond. Instead, I finish what I’m doing, then slowly turn around. She stands there in her short red strapless dress that shows her butt.

  “Oh, hey there, you two. Don’t you both look so adorable together?” I squeak out with as much cuteness as I can, even though the words leave a sour taste in my mouth. I wash it away with a mouthful of my drink, and it’s like acid’s being poured down my throat. Perfect. This is the mix I should have made myself earlier.

  Ella gives me the evil eye. What did I ever do to her for her to hate me so much?

  “Don’t play the sweet game. You can’t have him back,” she throws the words out at me.

  I take another few gulps and feel the courage within me grow stronger. “Why does everyone assume I want their boyfriends?” I raise my voice. A small group of people standing in the doorway turn toward us. Clearing my throat, I continue, “Now, slutty sister, I wouldn’t want him. I wouldn’t want him back after you’d had him. Who would want your sloppy seconds? Not me.”

  Ella’s hands fly to her open mouth while Hayden’s muscles flex. He shows no emotion what-so-ever. I never miss that twitch; it’s his tic. I know he’s angry, and what’s more, I love my liquid courage.

  Ella readjusts herself, raising her chin. As if I didn’t just throw some hurtful words at her. She deserves them. �
��How dare you speak to me like that? You do realize I could make your life here one where you’d be miserable,” she threatens.

  Hayden does nothing, only stands there studying me. His eyes follow the length of my body. Ella could well make my life living hell, but I’m not going to let her get to me. I’ll survive whatever she throws my way.

  I throw back the rest of my drink, placing the cup on the bench. I’m done with this conversation. “Ella…” I let her name linger in the air for a moment. She crosses her arms over her chest, tapping her silver high heel and, releases a heavy sigh.

  “Well?” she pushes.

  I walk toward her, a cold look on my face. I smile, yet there’s nothing pleasant about it. I stop short of her and Hayden. “Do your worst. I’ve lived with you my entire life. I know exactly what you’re like. You can try and bring me down any way you want, but know this…” I glance at Hayden, then back to Ella. “He only came here tonight because I was here. I know it, and so do you. Are you happy being with someone who appears to not even like you? Good luck to you both.”

  I step around them and head out the back door toward Elsie and Parker, who are on their way toward me. Parker has a hard glare on his face.

  “Hey, you two,” I say.

  “Are you all right?” Elsie asks, concern etched on her face. She wraps me in her arms.

  Stepping back, I sway slightly. Parker catches my arm. It’s a searing touch, and I don’t pull away. Instead, I move closer, pressing the back of my body against his front. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Elsie looks at me, looks to Parker, and then to the door I walked out of. “Ah… did you talk to your sister?”

  “Yep.” I add a pop to the P.

  “Did you get another drink?”

  “Yep,” I respond, popping the P again.

  “Yep, and I drank the whole thing while talking to them.”

  Elsie’s mouth falls open. “Was it as strong as the first one?”

  I give her an evil grin. “Even worse because it burned the whole way down.” I burp, and I can taste it all over again. Shit, that burns.

  “Wow! You’re seriously trashed, little mouse,” Parker says.

  He’s right. “Why, yes, I am, hot shot.” I snort with laughter. “Get it? Basketball. Hot shot. Gee, I hope you’re a good shot.” I snort again.

  Elsie stares at me, tilting her head to the side. “I think you’ve lost it.” She giggles.

  I press farther back into Parker. His hand comes to my hip. Tingles shoot throughout my entire body. “Who cares? I’m done considering what others think. My sister threatened to ruin my life here.” I cackle. “She really doesn’t know me very well.”

  “I’d like to see her try,” Parker grumbles under his breath. I’m not even sure if he really says it or not. I twist and look up at him, only his expression is unreadable.

  “Perhaps it’s time to go home. I’m sure you’ll be feeling sore and sorry for yourself tomorrow, and you have to work early,” Elsie says.

  “Pfft… Jen will understand. I want to dance more. Where’s Willow and Jane? They’ll party with me.” I step out of Parker’s grasp, making my way into the house. I stumble with each step I take. These shoes are going to be the death of me.

  “Willow… Jane… where are you?” The music’s still pumping, and there are still heaps of people around. I hear two familiar screams coming from the dance floor. I make my way toward the sound, and my friends greet me with warm hugs. Elsie comes in behind me, then the girls stop dancing, and their focus falls on something behind me.

  “What’s up, ladies?” Parker asks. I hear the charm dripping from his words. He’s such a womanizer.

  I turn around, and he’s inches from me. His hands find their places on my hips, and I want to melt into him, for him to wrap me up in those delicious arms. “Don’t you have friends here? Where are your little followers?”

  He chuckles, then leans into me. “They’re here. But I figure I need to keep an eye on you because you’re trashed.” His breath tickles my bare shoulder. Goose bumps rise on my skin. “You smell so good. Simply mouthwatering.” His warm hands wrap around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

  “Parker, baby? Is that you?”

  I hear his growl before he releases me, turning his back to me. Peeking around him, I see Stacey standing there in a skin-tight black leather strapless dress. Looks more like slut outfit to me. I’m yanked back into the folds of my friends.

  Standing face-to-face, Stacey and Parker face off.

  “Why are you with her?” Stacey jabs her finger at me.

  I offer a smile her way, she tips her head to the side, before turning her attention back to Parker.

  “I’m allowed to be. It’s none of your concern anymore. I believe your fellow cheater is here as well.” Parker shrugs.

  The music stops. I spin around. A policeman stands in the doorway.

  “Time to go,” Elsie says, taking my hand and dragging me out the back door.

  I want to stay and see what happens with Parker and Stacey. “Do we have to?”

  “No, underage drinking here. Hello… is the switch on in here Addison?” She taps a finger on my head.

  “Nope, she’s left the building.” I laugh.

  “Come on.” Elsie continues to pull me along, grunting and groaning. Willow and Jane have taken off and bailed on us. There’s a swarm of people rushing to leave as well.

  Suddenly, I’m taken hold of and spun around, then hoisted over someone’s shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” I scream. “Put me down!”

  “Shut it, little mouse.”


  “Do you mind? You’re flashing my underwear to the world.”

  He laughs. “And yet, I’m not given the privilege.”

  I want to die. This is so embarrassing. “Elsie, get him to put me down.” I’m really close to his ass. His nice ass.

  “Nope. You’re slowing me down, and we need to get out of here quick smart, thanks to whoever called the police.”

  “If I promise to walk faster will you put me down?”

  “Sure,” Parker says, stopping and placing me on my very tender feet.

  Adjusting my clothes, I say, “Thanks.”

  Elsie claps her hands. “Come on, you two. Where are your buddies, Parker?”

  Parker takes my hand in his and pulls me along, and I keep up as best I can. That last drink wasn’t the best idea. “They took off. They can take care of themselves.”

  Once we’re far enough away from the party, we fall into a slower pace, which is heaven sent. My feet are throbbing. “I need to take my shoes off,” I say to Elsie, so I stop and steady myself, gripping Parker’s arm. It tenses under my grip. My heels fall to the ground, and the arches of my feet seem to breathe a sigh of relief. “Oh, that feels so much better.”

  I collect my shoes off the ground, and Parker pulls me into his side. It feels nice and sets my body off.

  No, Addison, don’t go there.

  There she is, the sensible me. Drinks are definitely wearing off.

  Pulling away from him, I say, “We’re good from here. Thanks for your help tonight, Parker.”

  We’re only about five minutes from campus, which means his place isn’t far away either. Turning the corner, I see the lights on at the house he lives in.

  He doesn’t let go of my hand even though I’ve pulled away from his side. “Looks like the boys have brought the party home. Wanna come hang there?” His eyes set on me, and drunk Addison wants to respond and continue with this—whatever it is that’s going on between Parker and me.

  Elsie cuts in before I can answer. “No, thanks. She has to work tomorrow, and I think I’m going to be holding her hair back for her at some stage this evening, or should I say morning. She doesn’t usually drink this much.”

  “Oh, shhh, Elsie, you’re ruining my fun.”

  Parker releases my hand. I want to reach for him but refrain. He leans in close. “Was good seeing
you tonight, little mouse.” His lips brush the side of mine, and my breath leaves my lungs. He stands up, and I’m left gasping. “I’ll see you girls later.”

  “Catch ya, Parker.”

  “Bye,” I whisper, unable to raise my voice much higher.

  Turning on his heel, he’s gone.

  Elsie whips around in front of me. “Oh. My. Goodness. Parker Kent almost kissed you,” she squeals.

  It’s like a bucket of ice-cold water is poured over me.

  He nearly did.

  And I wanted him to.

  I can’t do this.

  He’s another player.

  Put the guard back up, Addison.

  “Oh, hell. I feel like death,” I mumble into my pillow.

  Elsie grunts in response.

  “What happened at the end of last night?” Things are a bit hazy. My brain is slowly showing me a slideshow of images, and some of them include me throwing my guts up, and only just making it to the bathroom.

  “You puked everywhere,” she mutters, before raising her head. “Are you going to work today?”

  I want to throw myself out the window for allowing myself to get so trashed. “I guess so.”

  I reach for my cell. My hand finally connects with it after a few taps around on the cupboard beside my bed. I bring it closer and light it up. The clock reads seven a.m. I don’t start until nine, which is a bonus.

  “Elsie, I don’t remember much about last night after seeing Hayden in the kitchen. I remember running into him again, then not much after that.” I shuffle onto my back. My stomach sways, and a wave of nausea rushes over me. I suck in some hard breaths, and eventually, it subsides.

  She grunts rolling over. She has dark circles under her eyes from last night’s makeup. If Elsie looks like that, I can only imagine what I must look like.

  “Do you remember telling Hayden and Ella off?”

  “I recall them being at the party and talking to Jase. Dancing. Chatting with you, and then Parker showed up, and from there, things become a little fuzzy.”

  “Oh, so you don’t remember Parker pretty much kissing you, and you getting all cozy with him.” She giggles, settling herself on to her side and facing me.


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