Reckoning (Book 5)

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Reckoning (Book 5) Page 14

by Megg Jensen

  Tressa held up a hand. "We have to move on. They aren't coming, and talking about it won't change anything."

  "Tressa is right," Krom said. "We have been waiting, stuck in time, for when the Dragonlands needed us most. If the Green and Black had been willing to fight, it's likely the Vulture's Tower would still be hidden from you. Clearly we are needed now."

  Tressa placed a hand on Krom’s shoulder. "I am so grateful I stumbled upon you on my way to the Meadowlands. Without you, I might have given up."

  "You?" Connor asked. "Never. You would have rode to Donovan, brandishing a sword, and done your best to kill him and his army single-handedly."

  Tressa laughed. She glanced at the people surrounding her, grateful for each of them and their commitment. Without them, she'd get herself killed. At least now she had a chance.

  A rider sped in from the south. "Nothing, sir. I'm sorry. There are no tracks. It's as if they simply flew away."

  Tressa's eyebrows raised. She looked to Connor and Bastian. "Now there's an interesting idea. Could they have flown? Could Jarrett be a dragon, and we just never knew?"

  Everyone looked at Tressa, expectant.

  "I'm not withholding anything from you. Jarrett was not a dragon when I knew him. It's possible that has changed. We had guards watching over him every moment. Unless Donovan had access to dragon blood after the fall of the Red castle, it's unlikely that Jarrett is a dragon. They did not have access to any dragon blood."

  "So maybe they had help from the Green?" Connor asked.

  "No." Bastian shook his head. "They wouldn't bother."

  "Then we keep looking," Krom said. "I know there is a great deal of magic in this world. Some we understand, and some we don't, but there is an explanation for this. We will find it. Don't worry, Tressa, we will find your friend."

  Krom walked over to the closest group of warriors. He spoke to them quietly. Two of them stood, quickly, and made their way to their horses. Within moments, they set off ahead of the group, heading east, each with a messenger bird perched on his shoulder.

  "We will know soon enough where Fi and Jarrett have gone and where Donovan is keeping his army. My warriors haven't found anything yet, but they will. They will not give up until we have answers," Krom said. "We should rest, now. Stop pacing. Take a seat. You won't be in your best form if you're exhausted." He walked back over to his warriors, taking a seat with a group of five.

  Tressa looked at Connor and Bastian. "I guess we should take his advice."

  Bastian grabbed Tressa’s hand, leading her over to a nearby log. She sat, and Bastian straddled the log, wrapping his arms around her. She leaned into his chest, taking deep breaths, attempting to relax. Her heart betrayed her, though. It wouldn't stop racing. Her mind ran over horrifying scenarios. Her heart ached for Fi, who'd been through so much.

  Connor sat on the ground next to them, wrapping his arms around his bent legs. "Are you two...?”

  Tressa glared at him. "Is this really the time?"

  "There's never a good time." Connor chewed on a long blade of grass as he eyed them.

  Bastian squeezed Tressa. "We are what we are at this moment. The three of us are together again. Some things just feel right. We started this journey together when we stepped into the fog. It feels right to finish it together."

  "Fair enough," Connor said.

  Tressa leaned in closer to Bastian, finding it harder and harder to keep her eyes open. They had been together the night before, but they hadn't stayed up too late. Even so, she’d barely slept. Everything was weighing on her. So much sadness. So many unwelcome surprises. Soon, they'd face their enemy again. Soon...


  Tressa woke with a jolt, sitting up, nearly clobbering Bastian on the chin with her head.

  "What's that noise?" she asked.

  "It's a messenger bird," Bastian said. The bird continued its scream as it streaked down to Krom.

  Krom removed the note rolled up and tied to the bird's leg. His brow furrowed, and he looked up at Tressa. "Donovan’s army isn’t far away. It’s coming to us, and fast. My riders are on their way back, hoping to give us specifics before Donovan gets here."

  A sword rang against a shield, beating out a repetitive pattern. The camp sprang to life as warriors reached for their armor and weapons. Tressa kissed Bastian on the cheek, then took off running to the edge of the camp. She searched the sky for Alden, realizing she hadn't seen him since they landed. There wasn't one ghost dragon to be seen.

  Where had they gone? Had they abandoned Tressa? Or could she just no longer see them? Maybe access to all the magic was fading, too.

  "Alden!" she screamed at the sky, but there was no response.

  "Your dragons did not stop here with us," Krom said. "They went ahead long ago. I thought you knew."

  Tressa shook her head, worried. "No, I didn't. Where could they have gone? They wouldn't engage Donovan's army without us, would they?"

  "I don't think so," Krom said. "I had assumed, wrongly, that they had let you know their plans. While I could see them, as you know I could not communicate with them. I left that to you."

  "I'm sure it's fine. Whatever they're doing, it's to help us," Tressa said, trying to convince herself just as much as she was trying to convince Krom. The dragons had no reason to desert them, and even less of a reason to betray them. No, whatever Alden had chosen to do would only help Tressa and her army. She would have to trust in them, just as she trusted in the others gathered around her.

  A shriek ripped through the sky, a sound that turned Tressa's blood to water and forced tears to spring from her eyes. Hands were thrown over ears as the howl continued, only escalating until it sounded as if the scream had ripped the world in two.

  "No!" Tressa yelled, wiping away the tears falling from her eyes.

  "What was that?" Krom asked. "I've never heard its like."

  Tressa would know that voice anywhere. It ripped through her heart, turning her worst nightmare into reality.

  "It was Fi." Tressa said, her voice cracking. "Donovan has her, and he's torturing her to force us out of hiding."

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Tressa mounted a horse and took off for the east. Bastian shouted behind her, demanding she stay with them. But she wouldn’t listen to them. All she could hear was Fi’s piercing wail.

  Not Fi. Tressa wouldn't allow Donovan to hurt her again.

  Her hair streamed behind her as she ducked low on the stallion's neck, urging him to go even faster with every nudge from her heels. Saliva flew from the horse's mouth, landing in a slimy mass on Tressa's hands. Still, she wouldn't give him surcease. She would be damned if she'd waste another moment. Donovan had Fi, and Tressa was going to rescue her friend.

  Two shadows fell over the ground. Tressa looked up, pleased to see a Green dragon and a Blue dragon above her. She made a fist and thrust it into the air. It was the only way she could thank Connor and Bastian from so far away.

  The three of them pushed on. A rumbling sound rose up behind her. Tressa glanced over her shoulder and saw the whole of the Vulture's Tower army kicking up dirt. She smiled. So many brave people. They would save Fi. She could feel it in her bones. No matter what happened this day, Tressa would save Fi's life. She owed her. Fi had saved hers more than once.

  Tressa entered a forest, slowing down out of necessity. If her horse broke an ankle, she'd be grounded. Tree branches reached out toward her. She ducked too late, and a spiky twig scratched her cheek. Blood dripped down her face. Her fingers probed the wound. It wasn't too deep. Good, because she didn't intend on stopping to clean it.

  It wasn't long before she was through the forest. The gray warriors behind her had lost ground as they navigated their way through the tangled mess of trees. Both Connor and Bastian had already cleared the forest and waited for her on the ground ahead, still in dragon form with their backs to her. Tressa drove her horse harder. She bolted around the two, then pulled up abruptly, her horse kicking up clods of dirt.
  Donovan's army stood before her. Rows upon countless rows of skeletons wearing armor and carrying swords, maces, and bows stood at attention behind a man Tressa didn’t recognize, except for the gray cloak, the same one Donovan wore when they traveled into Desolation. It was Donovan, in a new skin. There was no mistaking the cocky stance or the depraved grin on his face. This was the man he’d hidden from her in Desolation. Tressa didn’t need to see his old skin to recognize the man inside it.

  Fi stood next to him, her arms twisted at a sickening angle above her head, bound at the wrists. Her neck was bent forward, and her hair covered her face. Jarrett stood next to her, his eyes on the ground. Fi screamed again.

  "Let her go." Tressa bolted forward, but Connor grabbed the back of her shirt with his teeth. Damn him for staying in dragon form. He knew she'd try to get to Fi, and he probably couldn't have stopped her in his human form.

  Tressa hauled off, punching Connor on the snout. Unfortunately it didn't affect his grip. She dangled in the air, her shirt cutting into her throat.

  Donovan smirked and laughed. He pierced Fi's side with his sword. Blood flowed onto the ground, pooling in the grass. Tears streamed over Tressa's cheeks. She couldn't stand this one more moment. As if he could read her thoughts, Connor set Tressa down gently. He didn't let go of her shirt, though.

  Bastian strode up next to her, a sword in his hand. She hadn't even noticed he'd changed back into a human. Nothing mattered except Fi.

  "What do you want, Donovan?" Tressa asked. "Why are you torturing her?"

  "I want you, Tressa," Donovan said. "In fact, I need you. If you come to me, I will release your friend."

  Tressa felt Bastian's hand above her elbow. He wasn't going to let her move forward any more than Connor was.

  "No," Bastian said. "You can't have her."

  "Then her friend will die. It is that simple." Donovan ran his sword up and down Fi's leg. "Where shall I open her next?"

  Tressa gritted her teeth. "Let him take me. Get Fi to safety and the rest of you can attack. We will destroy him," she said to Bastian under her breath.

  "No. There's more to it than that. Donovan isn't stupid. If you go over there, I fear I'll lose you forever." Bastian's fingers tightened around her arm.

  "You won't. I'll fight. Fi isn't strong without her dragon the way I am." Tressa insisted.

  "I won't allow it either," Krom said, joining them. "This man is not honorable. He will kill you both."

  Tressa inhaled deeply. "It’s worth the risk. I can do it. I can save her. I've saved all of you at one point. Let me save Fi."

  "So, I see the real warriors from the Vulture's Tower have come to help you," Donovan said with a smirk. Spittle formed on the edges of his lips, spewing into the air. He swished his gray cape to the side. "It was a good disguise while it lasted. I suppose they've told you I'm not one of their ilk. They must think you're in pretty big trouble if they came out of their hiding place to help you." Donovan clicked his tongue. "Too bad they're all going to die."

  The skeleton army burst into taunts, clanking their swords against their shields.

  "I'll come to you, if you promise to send Fi here first." Tressa hated every word out of her mouth. She didn’t want to go to him, but if it would give Fi a chance, then she’d do it.

  Donovan cocked his head, and his eyes narrowed. Eyes. It was still strange to see him in a new body with two eyes instead of one and a scar where the other should have been. He was the same height and build, but his face was disconcertingly different.

  "Take her, my pet. Take this pathetic girl to her people." Donovan nudged Jarrett.

  Tressa's old lover stepped forward, took Fi's elbow, and awkwardly propelled her forward. Tressa took steps to match theirs. Her hands trembled, and her palms were slick with sweat. Her feet grew heavier with each step.

  "Fi?" Tressa said.

  Fi's head hung limp as she shuffled along next to Jarrett. Tressa worried Fi was too close to death, that they wouldn't be able to save her. Tressa wanted to see Fi's eyes light up and watch her mouth curve into a huge smile. She needed to know Fi still had some fight in her.

  They came ever closer, closing the distance with every labored step. Tressa reached out. She was so close to touching Fi, to holding her friend in her arms and sending her to the safety of their friends.

  Tressa's fingertips brushed against Fi's arm. It was so cold and limp. "It's okay. I've got you. We'll get you help. I promise." Tressa pulled Fi into her arms, crushing their bodies together. Fi's head lolled onto Tressa's shoulder.

  "Fi?" Tressa pulled back, holding her friend up by the arms. "You need to walk to Bastian. Connor will carry you."

  Fi didn't respond.

  Tressa slipped her fingers into Fi's hair, pulling it back from her face.

  Tressa screamed, stumbling backward, her hands over her mouth. Fi swayed in front of her.

  She could hear Bastian yelling from behind. Tressa looked over her shoulder. He was running toward her, and she took off for him, leaving Fi and Jarrett behind. Just before they were about to touch, they were propelled away from each other by an invisible force.

  "Help me," Tressa screamed, scrabbling on all fours to get away from her enemies. Something stopped her from getting any closer to Bastian. Donovan had tricked her. He’d done it over and over again, playing on her love for Fi.

  Donovan's laughter boomed in her head. Tressa clawed at her ears, but nothing would block out his triumphant chortle.

  "You bastard!" Her fingers scraped the ground, grabbing a handful of earth. She hurled the mess of dirt and rocks toward Donovan, but they fell far short of their mark. She kept her eyes on him, afraid to look at Fi and Jarrett. Afraid of what it would do to her if she saw it again.

  It was Fi. But the Fi she knew and loved had been changed. Just as Jarrett had, but far worse. Outside of her Hutton's Bridge friends and family, these were the two people she'd grown to love most in the Dragonlands. And Donovan had utterly destroyed both of them.

  Jarrett stood slack-jawed, his eyes vacant. Fi wobbled next to him, unsteady on her feet. She looked up, her hair falling away from her face.

  Fi's eyes had sunk back into their sockets. Her skin was ripped away from her face, hanging in bloody strips. Her lips were slack, laced with a faint sheen of drool.

  Fi's head twisted to the side. She appeared to be waking up, becoming aware of what was going on. Her jaw dropped, her teeth clattered together, and her forked tongue slithered over her lips. Her unforgiving eyes focused on Tressa, then moved to Jarrett, who still stood obedient at her side. With inhuman speed, Fi lunged toward Jarrett's throat, her teeth sinking into his neck.

  With a sharp snap, Jarrett's head fell to the side, limp. Blood spurted from his jugular, spraying over Fi's eager face as she ripped pieces of flesh from his body. He fell to the ground, dead.

  Tressa covered her eyes in horror. Her breaths came in short bursts, and her lungs felt as if they might collapse. It was too much, far too much to handle. The world in front of her became hazy. She reached out a hand toward Fi, even though she knew it was too late to save either of her friends. Too late to save anyone.

  Tressa’s hands fell, and her gaze shifted to Donovan. Anger, such as she had never known, nearly burst from her chest. "I will fucking kill you."

  "I would like to see you try." Donovan raised his sword and his skeleton army raced toward her.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Bastian rushed toward Tressa, but slammed into an invisible wall. He fell backward on his arse. "No!" He scrambled to his feet, pounding his fists against the solid air.

  "Bastian." Krom put a hand on Bastian's shoulder, pulling him away from Tressa.

  She lay on the ground on the other side, anger sparking in her eyes as Donovan’s army advanced toward her.

  "Why can't I touch her? She needs help!" Bastian struggled to pull away from Krom, but the man’s grip was too strong.

  In the blink of an eye, the trees vanished, and
they were standing inside a tower, one so high Bastian couldn’t see to the top of it. “Where are we?”

  “We are in the Vulture’s Tower.” Krom sat down on a bench at the table.

  “How is that possible?” Bastian asked. He ran his hands over the cool, stone walls. “How did we get here?”

  "This is not a place, but a time,” Krom said.

  "But Tressa..." Bastian sputtered. "You left her."

  "No, Donovan had already trapped her." Krom stalked away. "There was nothing I could do to help her. I could help the rest of us, though. I saved us from complete annihilation."

  Connor stormed over, back in his human form. "What happened?"

  "He decided to retreat." Bastian glared at Krom. "Now Donovan has Tressa, and we can't leave to rescue her until Krom decides it's okay."

  Connor hauled off, punching Krom on the face. "How dare you make that decision for us? Take away the spell. Let us rescue her."

  "It's nearly impossible for you to understand." Krom rubbed his cheek but didn’t strike back. "Know this. Tressa may have been captured, but this isn’t over. We can’t fight that army on our own. We need allies if we are to win. Many of them. It is up to you to find them. If you can do that, I will bring our army to Tressa at just the right time. At the time of her greatest need. It is what I do."

  Bastian looked to Connor. "You said the Black wouldn't fight?"

  "I tried to convince Sophia, but they are afraid,” Connor said. “Mestifito lost his dragon. Without him, the Black army is nothing."

  "I don't believe that for a moment. Let me talk to them." Bastian turned to Krom. "Can you get me to them without wasting any time?"

  Krom nodded. "Now this is more productive than misplaced anger. Yes, I can get you to the Black." He stood, motioning for Bastian to follow him to the door. "Do your best. Get them to help us."

  Bastian and Connor stepped over the threshold into the Charred Barrens.


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