The Best Man

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The Best Man Page 23

by Michelle Lee

  "Morning," he breathes.

  "Morning yourself," I quickly reply.

  His eyes gradually open and my gaze is stunned by the brilliance of their greenness caught in the morning light. A different shiver rises up my spine, causing me to shudder just a little, igniting a heat that radiates throughout my entire body. I feel as though I can combust, right there in front of him. I squeeze my legs tightly, hoping to relieve some of the ache that has made itself known. My efforts are ineffective as the ache increases, I squirm.

  "Kassidy, you okay?" he asks with a look of hurt on his face.

  "Yeah, I'm more than okay," I try to reassure him.

  "Oh, good. Um, I think we should, um talk about…things," he hesitantly says.

  Talk about things sounds like a good idea.

  I really don't know.

  Come on, Kassidy. We really need to get things straightened out and there's no time like the present.

  I know, you're right.

  "Talking sounds good," I reply with a smile.

  That wonderful crooked smile of his reappears and again I melt. This man can undo me with that simple, imperfect or perfect smile. He never ceases to amaze me.

  "So about…last night," he cautiously starts.

  "About last night…thank you. If you hadn't shown up when you did, I don't….I don't…." The tears resurface and begin to trail down my cheek.

  Davis cups my cheek in his hand, as his thumb erases my falling tears, one by one, and he kisses me ever so gently. I squeeze my eyes, trying to stop the unwanted tears from falling. His lips kiss their way up my cheek before settling on each eyelid, kissing my pain away. My eyes flutter open to see him simply smiling at me, but his eyes reflect the pain of the memory of last night as well. I reach up and caress his cheek. He leans into my touch, exhales with eyes shut, and presses his hand to mine. Davis opens his eyes, staring deep into my soul and takes my hand in his and ever so slowly brings it to his lips and places a single kiss on my palm. My heart skips a beat and butterflies swarm in the pit of my stomach. Oh my. He releases me from his grasp and the expression on his face shifts to darkness.

  "Kassidy," he whispers his jaw stiff, "I'm glad I got here when I did. If he had…had…had hurt you, I don't…I don't…I don't even know what…" he trails off, as he seems to lost somewhere miles away.

  I grab him by the chin, hoping to bring him back from where he disappeared to, and focus on me. "Davis. Davis, look at me," I insist.

  He exhales deeply and his eyes open, meeting my stare. The pain that I see in them breaks my heart into a million pieces. I want to help him, to fix this, to save him from whatever pain and guilt he is feeling. Davis has no reason to feel any guilt or pain, he didn't do anything wrong.

  "Davis, it's okay, I'm okay. I don't think…I don't think Jackson would have really hurt me," I try to convince him and myself.

  "What? Kassidy the…the motherfucker had you pinned down, if I hadn't pulled him off of you, he would have…" he again trails off, lost a million miles away.

  "But, Davis, you did show up and you did save me. We could go on and on about what ifs, but that is only going to make matters worse. Let's focus on what actually happened, otherwise, we will drive ourselves insane with the 'what ifs'." I am all too familiar with having "what ifs" drive you insane; I have done that with the Patrick Moore fiasco.

  He shakes his head as if to erase something, "You're right, you're right. I'm glad I got here when I did, I'm sorry you had to see…to see that side of me, you looked absolutely terrified. I'm sorry if…" I interrupt him by placing my hand over his mouth.

  "Davis, I was only terrified that you were going to get hurt. I have seen my share of fights, believe me. I'm a agent's daughter and I cop’s niece and cousin, I've seen a take down or two. I was just afraid Jackson was going to seriously hurt you considering how built he is." I smile.

  "Size doesn't mean everything, Kassidy. I have seen and been in my share of fights, as well. Jackson has nothing on me," he teases.

  You can say that again.

  "No he doesn’t. So, size doesn't mean everything, huh?" I tease back.

  My Hellcat turns Davis thirteen shades of pink, it is absolutely precious and sexy as hell at the same time.

  "Are you blushing, Mr. Davis?" I playfully ask.

  "Pink isn't my color, Miss Marshall," he replies with a raised eyebrow.


  Damn it I really liked those ones too.

  Thank goodness Victoria's Secret has a panty sale going on.

  "Actually, I think pink looks rather sexy on you, Mr. Davis," my Hellcat meows.

  He gulps, hard. I have actually made Ryan Davis nervous and it is about damn time. I am really tired of being the one who is always nervous and turning thirteen shades of pink; my how the tables have turned. I inch my way closer to him, our chests touching. I draw my bottom lip between my teeth, who am I kidding, I am nervous too.

  "Uh, Kassidy, I really need to tell you something," he breathes into my face.

  "Tell me what?"

  "When I said I loved you, I meant it. I have never felt this way about anyone, ever."

  My Hellcat retreats and I simply stare at him, unable to speak.

  "When I'm with you, I feel completely alive and when I'm not with you, I can't wait to be with you again. You're funny, beautiful, stubborn, sexy as hell and wickedly smart. I know you think I have a fucking harem and want to make you a part of it, but it's not the case. The night of the bachelorette party, when I brought you home and stayed with you, I erased it, erased them all. That night I realized what I was feeling for you and didn't need any random girls' numbers anymore, I only want you, I only need you. If you don't believe me I can grab my phone for you? Kassidy, I love you, it's only ever been you since that night, only you. I love you so much, Kassidy, I can’t imagine my world without you and I don’t want to find out what it would be like if I did," he confesses.

  I stare at him, completely at a loss for words. It is all there in his eyes, every word he just spoke. There isn't a harem, anymore. He erased it because…because he loves me. He only wants me. He only needs me. My heart speeds around the track, winning the Daytona 500. My eyes well up with tears, for like the billionth time, but this time they aren't tears of pain or sorrow, they are tears of joy, of happiness, of relief, of finally finding my more—my real more. Davis loves me. He truly, really loves me. Brick by brick the wall cracks, tumbles into a billion pieces and is swept away. I can let this man in, I want to let this man in, I need to let this man in.

  "Kassidy…" And before he can continue, I crush my lips to his answering his unasked question.

  Our lips move together, tasting each other. I jut out my tongue to taste him even more. He parts his lips and welcomes me into him. Our tongues explore each other, intertwining, becoming one. His hand moves up my side, pulling me closer to him. I push into him, feeling his length on my sex. I gyrate my hips on him, trying to relieve the ache that is present from earlier and has recently intensified. Davis pulls his mouth from mine and kisses his way down my throat. I arch my back, in anticipation. He moves to hover over me, his eyes boring into me, causing me to combust. His hand reaches for my throat and makes is way down my torso, between my breasts.

  He licks his lips, "Oh, Miss Marshall, what you do to me," he exhales.

  I wickedly smile at him, knowing that what he does to me, I do to him as well. My inner self is beaming.

  He grips the bottom of my shirt and carefully pulls it up over my head, exposing my naked breasts. Davis’s eyes smolder as he stares at me, sucking in his bottom lip. I become a pile of goo inside. His hand inches its way up my torso, leaving shivers in its wake. His hand finds my breast, kneading it, elongating my nipple as he pulls. His mouth meets the other, swirling his tongue around my erect nipple and taking it between his teeth, he gently bites. I moan and writhe underneath him. Davis looks up at me, his eyes dancing, as the scruff on his chin tickles my skin. His tongue flicks out and laps at
my heated skin.

  "You still taste beyond delicious." His voice is low and sexy.

  He continues to lick and kiss his way down to my stomach. His tongue swirls around my navel, before he sucks it into his mouth, leaving a little red mark behind—marking me his. I want him to mark all of me his. My body quivers under his touch. His hands reaches for the waistband of my fuzzy pajama bottoms and with one swift pull, they are off. Davis leans down and places several kisses at the waistband of my panties. Thank God, I have had the sense to put on a good pair last night. His fingers wrap around the sides of them, tug at them, and then easily pull them down to my ankles. I shift my feet and free my panties, tossing them to the floor. He sits up on his knees, between my legs just staring at me, burning my flesh with his stare. My entire body aches for him. I need to feel him on me, in me. Davis’s hands graze up my thighs, stopping millimeters from my aching opening. I buck underneath him, trying to push his hands to my sex, to get some much needed relief and release. He leans down, his face inches from my pussy. He cocks an eyebrow, smiles devilishly at me and then his lips and tongue are on my slit. His tongue flicks my clit and swirls around it, before he sucks it into his mouth.

  "Oh, Ryan," I groan.

  His tongue and mouth continue their sexual onslaught as I am pushed to the edge. With one last flick of his tongue against my clit, I spiral into the black hole of pure ecstasy; my insides tighten, as my orgasm continues for what seems like an eternity. I pant, as I lick my lips, ultimately turning into a pile of orgasmic goo at his hands, and mouth and tongue, oh that wonderful tongue. A post orgasmic smile spreads across my face.

  "Well, Miss Marshall, I thought you were beautiful before, but seeing you glow like this simply takes my breath away." His green eyes dance as he smiles.

  "Thank you, Mr. Davis, for…everything," my Hellcat purrs.

  He slowly kisses his way back up my torso, to my neck. He gently kisses and nibbles his way up to my ear, sucking on my lobe. His lips graze my jaw and finally meet my lips. I taste myself as he kisses me and the ache once again returns. He leans up on his elbow, peering down at me, smiling.

  "I love you, Kassidy Marshall," he breathes.

  "I love you, Ryan Davis," I reply.

  Our lips find each other again and this time every word we spoke or don't speak is felt in this one kiss. At this moment, it doesn't matter what the past held, all that matters is the present and the future. For the first time, in a long time, I feel I deserve to be loved and that I can truly love back with everything that I have. I’m not that scared, hurt, high school or college girl anymore; I am, for the first time, confident and sure of what I want. I want Ryan Davis, now and always. Chloe was right, about that whole destiny thing, because I really believe that Ryan is my destiny, as weird as it sounds, it is true. Our kiss grows more intense, more passionate. I grab at the hem of his shirt and he slips it off. I marvel at his sculpted chest, every contour. I rake my hand across it, feeling every muscle. He is perfection. My mouth finds his neck and I gently bite him. A low rumble erupts from his chest.

  "Kassidy," he simply moans.

  I leave a trail of tender kisses as I make my way down his chest. My fingers unfasten his pants, pulling them down. He wiggles them off, tossing them beside my panties. With my teeth, I grip the waistband of his boxer briefs and pull them off; they find the place beside my panties as well. I take his hard shaft in my hand, swirling my thumb around his head, a pearl of wetness seeps out. I run my index finger through the wetness, bring it my lips and lick.

  "You still taste delicious as well, even more so," I purr.

  Davis’s eyes dance at me in anticipation, his breath quickens. I reach down taking him into my mouth. He tastes salty, yet sweet, he tastes like he smells, honey and spicy. I take as much of him as I can into my mouth. I suck and carefully graze my teeth along his length. He bucks under me, moaning. I release him from my mouth, and gently blow into his opening, sending a wave of shivers throughout his body.

  "Oh, God, Kassidy," he groans.

  My inner self smiles and pats me on the back.

  I continue to lick, suck and swirl my tongue around him, taking in as much of him as I can. I lick my down to his balls, carefully sucking each one into my mouth. His muscles tense. I take his dick back into my mouth, moving up and down slowly and then quickening the pace.

  "Kassidy, I'm gonna…I'm gonna…" he grits.

  Before he can complete his thought, he explodes in my mouth, filling it with his saltiness. I swallow and smile at him.

  "Fuck, Kassidy, that was…shit, that was fucking hot, but you didn't have to," he says raking his hand through his hair.

  "I know, but I wanted to," I simply state.

  He pulls me to him, crushing his lips to mine. There is urgency to our kiss, a passion is ignited and explodes. Our hands and mouth explore each other. The ache between my legs intensifies, causing me to become mad with want. I need Ryan like I need and want no other.

  "Ryan, I need you, I want you," I breathe into his neck.

  I feel him smile against my shoulder. “You called me Ryan, not Davis.”

  “That’s because you’re not him or Davis to me anymore, you’re Ryan. My Ryan.”

  “And you’re mine.”

  His smile widens and brightens the room as we continue our ministrations. His fingers find my slit and ease their way inside me. He circles my spot on my wall causing me to again writhe in ecstasy. He pulls his fingers out of me, my body protests. I feel his length grow on my leg and he grips it, teasing my opening with his head. He slips it inside, filling me; my back arches in anticipation. He slowly pumps in and out and then the pace quickens. My hips meet him with each pelvic thrust. He pushes further in me, filling me up beyond capacity. My body quivers and shudders with each push. I tighten around him. I am so close to the edge, when he pushes harder and faster, throwing me off the edge into that black hole of ecstasy once again. This time we come together. We breathe as one as he kisses my neck. Our bodies glisten in the sunlight. Ryan gently takes my face in his hands and kisses me tenderly.

  "I do love you," he again confesses.

  "I love you," I easily say.

  He pulls me to him, embracing me as he had last night. We simply lay there, breathing each other in. We don't need to speak; we have said everything we need to—our actions and bodies speaking for us. He tenderly kisses my hair as I caress his arm around me. I know right then and there, that everything is going to be okay, and that I can face anything, even Jackson Remington at work. I push the thought out of my head, not wanting to ruin the moment. I nuzzle closer to Ryan, feeling his warm breath on my neck. I feel tired even though we have just woken up. I close my eyes and smile as Ryan holds me tighter. Our breathing comes and goes as one and it is soothing. My eyes stay closed as I drift off to sleep in the arms of the man that loves me—truly loves me. And I love him.


  I just sit at my desk smiling. I can't stop thinking about Ryan and the weekend we spent together in bed. We both have opened up to each other, honestly divulging our deepest darkest fears, secrets and desires. He knows all about Patrick and Kevin and now completely understands why I ran like I did. He of course, reassured me that he wasn’t like those two fuckers and if he ever came face to face with either them he would first thank them for fucking up so badly so he could have me and then kick their asses. My inner self has been quiet as of lately, she is spent, passed out cold on the chaise lounge with that "just fucked" perma-grin on her glowing face. I imagine I look the same. "Ryan loves me" is my new mantra, I keep saying it over and over again in my head, afraid that it may not be true, but I do know better. All of our bickering and banter led us to this wonderful place, us being together. I didn't believe Chloe in the beginning, but she was absolutely correct, Davis and I were destined to be together. I lean back in my chair, close my eyes and allow my mind to drift. My thoughts are immediately flooded with images of Ryan, Ryan's smoldering green eyes, Ryan's perfect fac
e, Ryan's crooked smile, Ryan's well defined, sculpted chest, Ryan's ginormous, glorious cock. I lick my lips as a heat radiates throughout my entire body. My legs slightly quiver and the ache grows between my legs. He isn't even in the room, just in my damn mind, and I easily come undone. God, what this man does to me. I decide to go with it, ease some of the ache. My office door is closed, I’m not expecting anyone, don't have any meetings scheduled, ultimately, I am alone. I ease back in my chair, lift my skirt slightly, thank God I am wearing a skirt, slide my hand under my panties, and feel my wetness seep onto my fingertips. If he makes me this wet just by being in my head, the floodgates must break when he's actually in the room with me, touching me. I slowly ease my finger into my heated, wet opening as images of Ryan continue to flash behind my eyelids. Ryan naked, Ryan hovering over me, Ryan touching me, everywhere. My finger finds the spot and I start circling it slowly, increasing my pressure and movement with each passing second. I add another finger and push them both into me, deeper. It isn't exactly Ryan-like; my fingers don't even come close. Even so, I press on, pushing and pumping harder and faster, until I see his green eyes, smoldering and dancing before me and then that wicked, crooked smile and I step off the edge, tumbling down into the pit of ecstasy, as only Ryan or Ryan's image can do. I adjust my panties and my skirt, just in time too, because Elaine is knocking at my door.

  "Come in," I quickly say, as I make sure I am in perfect order.

  "Miss Marshall, Mr. Remington would like to see you in his office, immediately," Elaine shyly responds.


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