A SEAL's Desire (Uniformly Hot!)

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A SEAL's Desire (Uniformly Hot!) Page 1

by Tawny Weber

  Subject: Petty Officer Christian “Cowboy” Laramie

  Mission: Locate a missing person...without seducing the man’s fiancée!

  Navy SEAL Christian Laramie knows everything about explosives, including how to avoid them. But he sure as hell isn’t prepared for Sammi Jo Wilson—all gorgeous red hair and long-legged sexiness—in a wedding dress, asking him to find her kidnapped fiancé. Yep, he is definitely dealing with one dangerous bombshell...

  Laramie has a rep for thoroughly pleasing the ladies, but he’s not interested in emotional entanglements. He has rules—and engaged women are a definite no-no. Yet the searing heat between him and Sammi is like nothing he’s ever experienced. Each touch gets hotter. Each kiss more intense. And if Laramie can’t disarm this desire, it will blow up in the only way possible...in bed!

  “Do you think I’m going to have sex with you,” Sammi Jo murmured, “in return for you helping me find Sterling?”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Laramie said, his eyes filled with laughter. “Sugar, I’m a highly skilled military machine. My training alone is worth more money than this entire town. You think you can pay me off with a kiss?”

  Well, she’d actually thought the payment would be a lot more than just kissing.

  “I don’t barter with sex. I don’t have to.” He waited a beat as the heat worked its way up Sammi’s cheeks. “But when we do have sex, you’re going to be the one asking.”

  Her mouth dropped.

  She wanted to laugh. To say that’d never happen. But as her stomach pitched into her toes, tingling the entire way, it assured Sammi that she should be careful.

  Otherwise she was going to be in big trouble.

  Big, naked trouble.

  “I came here for your help,” she said shakily, the words as much for her as for him. “I’m not here to sample your legendary sexual skills...”

  Dear Reader,

  I knew I was going to write Christian Laramie’s story from the first time he showed up on the pages of a A SEAL’s Temptation. Not only was he a yummy SEAL with the call sign “Cowboy,” but he had this way with women that made him a legend. The better I got to know him in the writing of A SEAL’s Touch, the more one particular scene gelled in my mind. The one I knew I’d have to write his story around.

  This gorgeous, lady-loving, freewheeling cowboy coming face-to-face with a runaway bride in search of a hero to rescue her groom. Sammi Jo and Laramie are so different, yet so much alike, and I truly enjoyed watching them explore those similarities and differences.

  That, combined with the reunion of childhood friends, the excitement and fun of the weeks leading up to a wedding, and the bride’s cold feet all came together into a story that I hope will make you smile, laugh and sigh.

  I hope that you’ll check out the rest of my sexy SEAL series. You can find them on my website, as well as insider peeks into this story and others. Visit tawnyweber.com or find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/tawnyweber.romanceauthor.

  Happy reading,

  Tawny Weber

  Tawny Weber

  A SEAL’s Desire

  A New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than thirty books, Tawny Weber writes sassy, emotional romances with a dash of humor featuring hot alpha heroes. It’s all about the sexy attitude! A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and her very own hero husband, Tawny enjoys scrapbooking, gardening, spending time with her family and dogs, and hanging out with readers on Facebook.

  Fans are invited to check out Tawny’s books at her website, tawnyweber.com. For extra fun, join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapters, recipes, insider story info and much more.

  Books by Tawny Weber

  Harlequin Blaze

  Nice & Naughty

  Midnight Special

  Naughty Christmas Nights

  Uniformly Hot!

  A SEAL’s Seduction

  A SEAL’s Surrender

  A SEAL’s Salvation

  A SEAL’s Kiss

  A SEAL’s Fantasy

  Christmas with a SEAL

  A SEAL’s Secret

  A SEAL’s Pleasure

  A SEAL’s Temptation

  A SEAL’s Touch

  Cosmopolitan Red-Hot Reads from Harlequin


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  All backlist available in ebook format.

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  To Birgit, for helping me find the heart of the story


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Excerpt from Turning Up the Heat by Tanya Michaels



  The cheer rang out across the sun-fried desert, making Petty Officer Christian Laramie grin as he blinded the second security camera perched high atop a rocky cliff.

  Of course, his grin was only on the inside. On the outside, he was too busy rappelling down a hundred-foot vertical drop. With nary a crease or crevice in the sheer stone, he had to rely on the soles of his boots to control his descent.

  He barely saw the laser flash in time to jerk to the left and kick into a spin. He circled too fast to see where the shot had come from, so could only judge by its trajectory. Close. Too close. Instead of wasting time trying to figure it out, or worse, having to dodge more fire, Laramie unhooked the D ring from his harness, tightened his grip and risked fast-roping the last twenty feet.

  Not as easy as it would have been if nobody were shooting at him. Granted, the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Sensor gear meant the hits wouldn’t be fatal. But that wasn’t the point.

  Because he was already free from his harness, the minute Laramie’s boots hit the ground, he rolled for cover. Crouched behind a large boulder, he jerked his shoulders to shed some of the sand. This was a communication-free maneuver, so he had no headset, couldn’t ask his teammates for input. Instead, he listened carefully.

  There. To the west, the sound of fabric on stone. Laramie angled his head around his boulder, assessing. Miles of hot sand were interspersed with rock formations, some tall, some wide. He watched the grouping to the west, eyes narrowed. Not on the rocks themselves, but on the sand to their left.

  And booyah.

  A shadow.

  Grinning this time, Laramie kept to the rocks, skirting around behind the shadow’s cluster and coming up behind.

  He didn’t need to see the man’s face to know who he was up against. The man’s size said it all. Laramie took a second to calculate how he was going to take down a man a good thirty pounds heavier and a hell of a lot more experienced than he was.

  He had no doubt he could do it.

  The calculations were simply to figure out how to do it fast, before he lost the element of surprise. He didn’t have a clear shot from here, and if he moved he’d be spotted. So he went for the dive, low and fast to hit the man’s knees. The element of surprise didn’t last more than that, if the fist that swung around at his face was any indication.

  The fight was down and dirty, each man struggling to hold the other and reach for their weapon. Laramie got a grip on his
, pulled the SIG from the holster strapped to his thigh, but a swift chop to his hand sent it flying. He let it go, and using that brief moment of distraction, Laramie used an armbar manipulation to bring the other man’s face to the ground, where he pinned him with a choke hold.

  Knowing a captive was worth twice as many points as a dead body, Laramie dug in his heels and, choke hold still in place, shifted to bring himself and his combatant to their feet. About halfway up, though, the guy made as if he’d lost his balance. The move pulled them both forward into a roll, with Laramie hitting the ground, back first. He was on his feet in time to watch the other man finish his own flight through the air, land with a thud, then twist to roll to his feet in a single smooth move that Laramie had to admire.

  Until he saw the pistol in the guy’s hand.

  For a guy with the call sign Auntie, Castillo was one hell of a fighter.

  Laramie grinned.

  His eyes locked on the weapon, he anchored his hand to the rock, bending low and taking a deep breath as if the fight had left him winded.

  He came up with a jump round kick, sending the gun flying. He feinted a palm heel strike to the face, wrapped his arm around the man’s neck and took them both to the ground. Before they hit, he had the knife out of his boot and carefully pressed the dull side to the man’s neck, tapping the sensor on his laser-engagement device to sound the hit.

  As he did, a loud beeping sounded, then an air horn blared loud and shocking in the gritty air.

  “Calling the win.”

  “That means you’re dead,” Laramie said, as he reached out a hand to the body on the ground. “And you owe me a beer.”

  “Dude, what’s with the backup blade?” Clasping Laramie’s outstretched hand to lever himself to his feet, Castillo gave the dirt on his fatigues a quick slap, then threw his arm over Laramie’s shoulder.

  Now that the battle was won, they were teammates again. The sixteen-man platoon had split into two, each side battling “to the death” to test some new equipment. Laramie, O’Brian and Eckhart had led their side against Castillo, Morelli and Thorne’s team.

  “Know your enemy. I figured your team would have some heavy hitters and I’d need everything I could bring to the game,” Laramie explained with a shrug. “That, and I saw the sheath inside the new boots and figured I’d try it out.”


  The two men strode off the mock battlefield, collecting the bodies of the others as they went.

  “You girls call that a battle?”

  The challenge bellowed out from a husky man so short that even standing there on that boulder, half the men on the team were still taller than him.

  “Can I help you with your critique?” As ranking officer on the team during this exercise, Castillo’s offer was both militarily correct in tone, and a clear screw you in message. Just one of the things Laramie liked about the guy.

  “Warrant Officer Murdock,” the troll-like man snapped, his words as sharp as his salute. “Here to take over CQC training.”

  “You’re scheduled to report for Close Quarter Combat training on Monday at o six hundred hours.”

  “I’m here now.” His heavy brow furrowed over beady eyes, the man spread his glare over the entire group before aiming it at Castillo again. “Do you have an issue with that?”

  “Now why would anyone have an issue with that?” Fingers hooked through his belt, Castillo rocked back on the heels of his combat boots and grinned. “We’re trained to deal with ambushes.”

  “Trained, my ass.” Murdock bent at the waist to stare into Castillo’s face. “You call that dancing around you were doing training?”

  “You’re welcome to join us,” Thorne called out with a tilt of his head toward the field. “Show us how it’s really done.”

  “You think I’m afraid of your big bad club?” Murdock’s laugh dripped with enough insult that Laramie felt as if he should shake it off his boots. “What makes you think you’re all so special?”

  “We’re SEALs,” sixteen voices chanted together.

  “Whatever. I’m here to teach you pansies how to really fight.” His words sneered down the extensive combat training and battle experience that each and every man there had under his special-ops belt. “The kind of fighting that requires more than guns or knives hidden in your socks.”

  The sidelong looks of amusement slanted his way made Laramie smile. Hell, that move had won the battle. Like the others, he began unbuckling and shrugging out of the vest that held the various laser sensors for their mock battle. Being the last man standing, Laramie’s laser-engagement sensors were the only ones not lit, indicating he hadn’t taken any hits.

  As if seeing that as a negative, Murdock pointed at the flashing lights.

  “You bubble-blowing babies don’t even play with live ammo? What’s the matter with you? Lasers all you can handle?”

  All that earned him was an eye roll since the SEALs were known to regularly train with live ammo. It was rare enough that they hauled out the MILES gear that a few of them had had to be briefed on how to use it. But the commander expected them to train with all available resources, and laser practice was considered a resource. Something Murdock probably knew if the disappointment on his face at not getting a reaction was anything to go by.

  Still, while the platoon continued to silently strip down, Murdock continued his insult-laden introduction.

  “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.”

  “At least he’s got his clichés down,” Scavenger muttered with a laugh as he joined them. The bag of MILES gear he dropped at his feet muffled his words, but from the glare on Murdock’s face, the warrant officer had a good enough radar to know he was being mocked.

  “So...” He took a slow look at them, his eyes shifting from man to man with a look of distaste that reminded Laramie fondly of boot camp. “Let’s see if one of you sissies can handle this new move. Any of you got the balls to step up here and take me on?”

  That got him a slew of laughter and a few pats between the legs as some of the team checked their personal equipment.

  “How about you, Anchor Clanker?” Murdock gestured to Laramie, using the derogatory reference to the anchors on the petty officer insignia visible on the collar of Laramie’s camouflage jacket. “You think you can take me on?”

  This time the laughter was aimed at Murdock. The guy was forty if he was a day, and those eleven years he had on Laramie weren’t any kind of advantage in a physical contest. The guy might have skills when it came to close combat fighting, but they weren’t likely to pay off in this situation.

  Because Laramie was good. Maybe not competition form, but he held a second-degree black belt in jujitsu, he was fast on his feet and he had big hands. Big enough that it usually only took one punch to put a guy down.

  Still, it was never smart to underestimate an enemy. Laramie rocked back on his heels, assessing. The guy was older, smaller, but too cocky not to have some tricks up his sleeve. He was also fresh, whereas Laramie was coming off three hours of intense maneuvers.

  So the minute the guy jumped down from his rock, knees bent and fists high, Laramie did a jump scissor kick, knocking him sideways. As soon as Murdock regained his balance and swung, Laramie blocked the punch with his forearm, launched a spring hip throw, then pinned him with a double arm lock.

  And grinned down at Murdock’s furious expression.

  “Point?” he asked, wanting his pin acknowledged before he let the guy up.

  When Murdock shoved, Laramie waited a moment just to make sure the guy knew he was letting him up, then pushed to his feet.

  As he did, Murdock kicked Laramie’s feet out from under him, sending him ass-down on the hard sandy ground.

  “How’s that for a point?” Murdock spat, lumbering to his own feet and slapping at the sand covering his uniform. “You didn’t give me a chance to show the move.”

  “That,” Laramie said bouncing back to his feet, his easy tone a vivid
contrast to the other man’s breathless one, “is how we do it.”

  “You mean by cheating?”

  “If we ain’t cheatin’, we ain’t trying,” Laramie paraphrased. It was known among the SEALs that the larger force set the rules, and the team was always the smaller force. Therefore, to win, they broke those rules. “Bottom line, I won.”

  Which shouldn’t be a surprise.

  Because Laramie was a SEAL.

  He made it a point to always win.

  * * *

  FOUR HOURS, A SHOWER and a hot oil massage from a talented blonde named Hilda, and Laramie was back in fighting condition. He strode into Olive Oyl’s bar, his Stetson taking the place of his battle helmet, jeans instead of combat gear and his cowboy boots knife-free.

  The Navy hangout located a few miles away from the base in Coronado, California, was loud. Music and laughter rolled over the top of the conversations, hitting Laramie in an inviting wave as he stepped through the double doors. Bodies were packed from one end of the long building to the other, proving why the bar’s proprietor hadn’t wasted a lot of time prettying up the decor. It was a man’s bar. A sailor’s bar.

  The grayed wood floors were nicked, the whitewashed walls punctuated here and there with anchors, rustic ship wheels and a faded nautical compass painted over the bar itself. Neon bounced off rope-trimmed stools and the roving waitstaff wore wide-legged white pants, striped cotton nautical shirts and classic sailor caps.

  Olive Oyl’s was the go-to place for the SEAL teams. It was also the embodiment of all of Laramie’s childhood visions of the seafaring world. He grinned. And a damned welcoming place.

  He moved easily though the crowd, his rolling gait as much from spending his formative years on the back of a horse as spending many of his adult years on the deck of a ship.

  He returned greetings and waves with ease, but didn’t slow on his way toward the back rooms where the team usually met. At least, not until one particular greeting.


  The breathy greeting was accented by a loud giggle and a bouncy little wave to get his attention. Laramie chuckled, appreciating what the bouncing did for the tiny strips of bright blue fabric masquerading as the blonde’s dress.


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