Waking Up

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Waking Up Page 26

by Renee Dyer

  “Then why did you let me do it, huh?” Her balled fists and screaming is turning me on. It shouldn’t, but I find myself walking toward her. Damn she’s sexy and I want to get my hands on her.

  “Because,” I shout. “Unlike you, I wanted to kiss you, to touch you, feel your legs wrapped around me. Since the second I met you, I have thought of nothing but that. It’s driving me fucking crazy.” Two steps more and I can pull her against me.

  “I’m sure that’s how you are with all women, Tucker,” she belts out at me. What the fuck did she just say to me?

  “Why, Adriana? Because I’m a movie star? What happened to me being just like everybody else? Only applies when you want it to, I see. At least I’m not asking you to be someone else so I can feel something for a few minutes.” It’s a low blow, but I don’t care. I’m hurting and I’m turned on. I can’t think.

  “Fuck you, Tucker!”

  “Fuck me? Great! Right now?” Forgetting my promise to be better I grab her and slam our lips together. I wait for her to push me away, but she doesn’t. She grabs my hair and pulls me tighter to her with a moan escaping her lips.

  It’s all the encouragement I need. Grabbing her by her ass, the ass I’ve wanted to get my hands on since the moment I laid eyes on it, I pick her up, stepping forward as I do and place her on the counter. Much easier to get to her tantalizing lips now. She wraps her legs around me and I’m lost.

  My hands find her hips. I’m still trying to restrain myself in some way, afraid of the rejection that may come later. But, in this moment, I’m taking what I can.

  Her feet dig into my ass, pulling me closer to her warm middle, her tongue darting in and out of my mouth, spurring me on. If there had been a time for her to pull away it’s gone now. My animal instincts have taken over.

  Wrapping my hands in her hair, I growl when she moans and pull her head back, exposing her neck. I attack it like a starved man, licking, sucking, kissing, nipping. Her fingers are scratching my back through my t-shirt leaving trails of fire wherever they touch.

  Little moans keep escaping her lips and I’m not sure I can keep myself from tearing her clothes off if she keeps it up. My dick is throbbing, begging me to be let out. Like a heat seeking missile it’ll find its target.

  Her head still held back in my hands, my mouth on her neck, her legs around me and sexy noises falling from her lips isn’t enough. I need more. I need to feel her skin, bury myself in her. I need to make her scream my name, beg me for more, claim her as mine.

  Breaking contact and dropping her hair, I pull her t-shirt off never stopping to notice what color it is. In the back of my mind, I’m constantly waiting for her to stop me, but she doesn’t. I spare a second to look into her eyes that are glossed over with arousal. She’s as turned on as I am and that’s what I need to see.

  Her black lace bra is begging me to reach out and touch something. How do I say no to that? Bringing my lips back to her, I take her bottom lip into my mouth and bite down on it gently, catching her gasp in my mouth. Running my tongue across her lip, I dive into the kiss with all the energy I have. Her moans and whimpers increase, making it impossible to not explore her body.

  Slipping the lace down, exposing her perfect pink nipple, I flick it. My dick swells more at the sight of her throwing her head back, her hands gripping my forearms. I do it again, adding a little nip. Her small jump makes me smile against her breast. She may not be a virgin, but she is more innocent than I’m used to.

  Palming her other breast, getting to know the weight and feel of it, I continue my assault on the other one as she wiggles beneath me. The more she moves, the more turned on I get.

  My hand that was exploring her breast, a breast that seems to have been made just for my hands to play with, starts roaming downward. I trace a slow path down her rib cage and laugh after she lets out a giggle and a snort or two. How I find that sexy, I still can’t figure out.

  I lay my hand palm open on her flat stomach and revel in the warmth. I want to bring my other hand into the action, but since she started wiggling so much I’ve had to use it to keep her from falling off the counter. I’m not opposed to taking her on the floor, but I do want to avoid any injuries if at all possible. Can’t say that I’m minding my hand planted on her hip or the feel of my fingers rubbing across her skin.

  How is her skin so soft?

  Only momentarily stopped by the thought, my hand resumes its path toward the treasure. I need to get part of my body inside of hers. I’m starting to feel frantic with this need.

  Never letting up, I keep nipping and licking her nipples. I don’t want her to come down off her high. I want to push her higher. Watch her tense up with need, squirm from desire, break apart under my touch. Her soft moans and tightening legs continually driving me on.

  Brushing the top of her pants with my fingertips, I can feel my heartbeat increase, blood pound harder. My dick swells to a painful tightness in my jeans. If I don’t get into her soon, my damn dick is going to spontaneously combust.

  I’ve never needed to touch a woman, had the desire to be inside a woman the way I do with Adriana. I’ve been trying all morning to stay away from her, but it’s been like gutting myself with a dull blade with no painkillers.

  She’s panting as my fingers find their way into her pants. Thank God for yoga pants– easy entrance. Seeing and hearing her so aroused makes me worry if I’ll last more than a couple minutes. I can’t remember a time I was ever this worked up. I’m ready to come in my pants already just rubbing up against her.


  My fingers run over lace. I assume her panties match her bra. The image of her lying before me in her bra and panties is almost my undoing. I trace my finger along her middle. Fuck. Her panties are damp. I have to work a little harder to steady myself. Knowing I have her that turned on has Tucker Junior doing jumping jacks. He’s ready to come out and say hello.

  I’m ready to get her pants off. See just how beautiful she truly is. Pulling my hand from her pants, I bring both my hands to her waist. I make sure I have her braced so she won’t fall and start pulling her pants off.

  Her hazel eyes are a golden color, they look like pure fire right now and they’re locked on me. She’s watching my every move as she bites her bottom lip. Holy fuck, she’s sexy.

  The black lace of her panties is in my view. I lick my lips in anticipation of what I plan to lick in a few moments. I’m so ready to taste her, have her in my mouth, on my tongue. I give her a final glance before I go back to pulling her pants off.

  I don’t move too quickly, enjoying the seduction of it all. The gasps she lets out when my fingers run along her skin are hard to ignore, but going slow is so worth it in the end. Anticipation makes the orgasm that much more explosive. And I plan to completely rock her world.

  I’ve almost got her ass out of the pants, another shimmy and these pants will come right off. One more little…

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  What the fuck is that?

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  Are you fucking kidding me right now? I hate that Goddamn oven!

  “Oh God, Tucker.”

  Here we go. The guilt is already setting in. Harden up, Stavros.

  Pulling her pants up, I put her back on the floor and hand her her t-shirt. It’s purple. Don’t know why I didn’t notice that before.

  “I’ll go shower now. Take my stinky ass out of your kitchen.” I’m surprised I can get the words out. I’m surprised I can say anything. She just did it again, but this time is so much worse. I don’t know if I can come back from this.

  “Good,” she laughs– actually laughs at me. “Kale and the boys will be here soon. I was hoping we could have breakfast together before all hell breaks loose.”

  “Sure. I’ll make it quick.” I want to turn and smile, assure her everything is okay, but I can’t. Everything is not okay. She crushed me. How many times will I let her do this to me before it’s too much and I walk away?

Twenty Nine


  I watch Tucker walk away from me again and I know I’ve upset him, but I don’t know what I’ve done. Kale and the boys will be here soon. I had forgotten all about them. Thank God for the oven timer or I would have been having sex in my kitchen when they got here. Dee and Kale would have been having a fun talk with the boys tonight.

  Oh my God– I almost had sex– in my kitchen– on my counter– with Tucker Stavros. Holy shit. What was I thinking? I still want him. What am I still thinking? Who am I kidding? I’m still wet and throbbing wishing he would take care of what he started. I wish I was more like Mick right now. If I was, I would march up to his room and tell him what I want, but I won’t.

  I’ll suffer in silence.

  Oh shit. I do need to go to his room.

  Tiptoeing up the stairs, I stop in front of his door and place my ear against his door. Thanking the heavens when I hear the shower running, I quietly turn the knob and open the door a crack. No sign of him on the bed. Dear Lord, my heart is pounding so loud I swear he’ll hear it over the water. I open the door more, praying the whole time that he is in fact in the shower and not here in the bedroom.

  The door open enough that I can sneak in, I’m relieved when I see he’s not here. Small miracles do happen. Glancing around the floor, I wince when I see no shoes. The first man in history to actually pick up after himself. I tiptoe over to the closet and quietly open the door.

  I get down on my hands and knees to be as quiet as possible and crawl to the back of the closet where he has his sneakers and boots. Why the hell did Alex make all the closets so damn big? Grabbing his sneaker, I quickly look under the tongue for the size.

  “Got a shoe fetish, sweetness?” I freeze with his shoe in hand. How the hell do I explain why I’m in his closet? Oh my God, this is so embarrassing. Wait a minute, I didn’t hear the shower turn off.

  “Wondering how you got caught?”

  “Actually, yes.” I’m curious. I was quiet as hell. I know he didn’t hear me. How did he know I was in here?

  “First rule of espionage,” he says with a sexy smirk that makes my panties dampen. “Make sure the bathroom door is closed.” Now, he belly laughs and I feel it all the way to my core. Still laughing at me he says, “I have been rather enjoying watching you crawl around though. Continue on if you want. Anything you want help finding? I’ll tell you where to look as long as you promise to stay in that position.”

  I know he’s goading me and I shouldn’t respond, but my body does. I dampen and my mind starts to race with thoughts of him taking me from behind right here in this closet.

  “Thanks, but I got what I came for. You have big feet, Mr. Stavros. And you know what they say about big feet.” I stand up and, with false bravado, I walk by him, head held high. His laughter follows me out of the room.

  I don’t know how I managed to not become a complete mess considering he was just in front of me in only a towel. I wanted to lick every stray drop of water off his chest. And those tattoos that I only got a brief glimpse at because I was trying to act brave. Why? Because I’m tired of him seeing me as a weak mess.

  Now, I’m a horny mess.

  Pulling out my cell, I text Alahna:

  Size 13


  Pride swells my chest as I make my way down the stairs. I have more pep in my step. I held my own against a God amongst men. It feels good. I am woman– hear me roar.

  Kale rings the doorbell as I’m finishing up wrapping his muffins. The three older boys come running in like a whirlwind right into my open arms. I love them all. Kale Jr. is getting so tall. Man, does he look like his dad with those brown eyes and strong shoulders. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see him wrangle up his little brothers so Kale can give them their hugs and kisses, mature beyond his eight years.

  I take Kaleb from Kale’s arms, loving the way his little arms wrap around my neck. I know he’s two and doesn’t need to be held, but he’s such a snuggler and I can’t get enough of his hugs. “Quite the stay-cation this turned out to be, huh?” I smile at Kale as the boys take turns getting love from him. “You have meetings, Alahna and I have the wedding Saturday, and Dee’s sick.”

  “What’s a stay-cation?”

  His voice wraps around me, warming me from the inside out like an embrace. I hadn’t heard him enter the room around the boys talking, but my entire body came alive the second I knew he was there. My mind goes back to him sitting on the edge of the bed only covered in a white towel that made his olive skin more prominent.

  I may have had just a glimpse, for only a second or two as I made my great escape, but it was enough to be aware of how amazing his body is, how defined his chest is, how his six pack flows down to a very tempting V that disappeared into that white towel. It was enough to have me panting and needy in the hallway, wondering how I’ll ever get through the couple weeks he’ll be under the same roof with me. That man is sex personified.

  Turning and peeking at him from under my lashes, I pray I’m not blushing. He continues walking into the kitchen, over to Kale to shake his hand, his stride so confident. I watch, engrossed in every step he takes, his long legs taking him across my kitchen quickly. He moves with a grace few men possess, but it doesn’t make him less manly, it makes him more appealing, more intense. I wonder if he’s aware of the sexuality that flows off his every movement, if it’s natural or if he’s perfected that over time.

  He chats with Kale a second, getting the hellos out of the way, wishing him luck on the big meeting, and makes his way toward me. Every step in my direction has my heart beating faster, my skin burning hotter. I feel like I’m his prey, he’s stalking me, ready to pounce, and I’m powerless to stop him.

  “Who’s this handsome little guy,” he asks reaching his hand out to Kaleb with a smile on his face. Kaleb squeals with joy always happy to play with someone new. He grabs Tuckers fingers and tries bringing them to his mouth, a habit Dee and Kale have been trying to break since he started teething.

  “Kaleb, no!” Kale’s voice is firm. Kaleb looks at his dad, drops Tucker’s hand and starts wailing. I wait for Tucker to run for the hills, but he doesn’t. He looks amused. “Sorry about that, Tucker. He puts everything in his mouth.”

  I feel bad for Kale. He and Dee have tried everything to keep Kaleb from putting things in his mouth, but he keeps doing it. I see the frustration with them, but I don’t know how to help.

  “Have you tried a little Tabasco sauce?” Tucker asks Kale.

  “No. It would burn his mouth. Why would you even suggest that?” I want to tell Tucker to shut the hell up and I think Kale is about to punch him in the face.

  “Whoa– hold up, Daddy.” Tucker puts his hands up in front of him. “My Grams told me I was a chewer as a kid and my mom eventually had to put small amounts of Tabasco sauce on stuff to get me to stop after I swallowed a penny. It scared her so much that she decided making me eat something hot that really couldn’t hurt me was better than me eating something that could. It’s just a suggestion man.”

  Every time he shares another part of his life, I want to hug him. He’s not at all what I think he should be. I know my parents raised us telling us famous people are real people too, but I don’t think I ever truly believed them. They always seem larger than life, untouchable, different than normal people, but Tucker keeps showing me how wrong I am and how right my parents were.

  “Sorry, again. I go into protective mode with my kids. I’ll talk to Dee about it. Speaking of. Her appointment is at 9:15. She’ll call you when she gets home. I’m hoping my meeting doesn’t go too long.”

  “I can keep the kids as long as you need.”

  “Thanks, Adri.”

  “No problem. Go dazzle the big boys.” Kale smiles and gives all the boys another kiss on their heads before heading out. He’s an amazing dad. I love watching him with his boys because he reminds me of my dad. No matter how tired he is from working all day, he still has ti
me for his kids. He plays with them, listens to them, teaches them, and disciplines when needed. His boys are lucky to have him.

  Walking the boys to the window, we all wave till Kale is out of sight. It’s a tradition Alex, Preston, and I started when we were kids. We would stand at the window and wave at whoever left first until we couldn’t see them anymore. It was probably silly, but we thought it was fun.

  “Boys, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Tucker. He’s staying here for a couple of weeks while he’s on vacation.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” Kale Jr. asks me.

  I blush at the question, mainly because a major part of me wishes I could say yes. Guilt instantly swamps me. “No, sweetie. He’s just a friend.” I bring my gaze to Tucker who’s standing there with an amused grin on his face. He’s been amused around me a lot it seems.

  “Tucker this inquisitive guy is Kale Jr.”

  “Actually, Lady Adriana, I’m King Stinky and these are my knights from Farts-a-Lot.” Tucker covers his mouth, trying to cover his laugh and smile, but he fails miserably. Korey and Konner fail, too. I can’t help the smile that stretches my lips.

  “I apologize, King Stinky. Tucker, this one here used to be known as Korey,” I say as I point to Dee’s next in line. He gives me a cute chuckle as I ruffle his hair. “This one was Konner the last time I spent time with him,” I say as I squeeze his shoulder. Konner bites his lip to keep from laughing.

  “And this little guy wrapped around my neck,” I say looking at Kaleb adoringly, “I think is Kaleb, but I think I’m going to be corrected on that, too. King Stinky, would you like to do the introductions?”


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