A Storm in the Desert: Dragonlinked Chronicles Voume 3

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A Storm in the Desert: Dragonlinked Chronicles Voume 3 Page 65

by Adolfo Garza Jr.

Liara smiled. “I’m so excited! I’ll be back as fast as I can.” She ran for the door.

  Polandra chuckled.

  Outside, Mia chirped at Polandra and followed her to the stable.

  What of Nenet’s eggs, Ikan? Any word?

  They are nearly ready to hatch, too. It is strange, is it not, that Anaya and Nenet both lay eggs close to the same time and now it appears that those eggs will hatch close to the same time as well, as if the two are somehow synchronized.

  Do you not have memories of this happening before?

  It is extremely rare. I can only recall it happening twice. And when it did happen, the dragons were friends. That itself is rare as well.

  They walked in her study. Mia hopped on the couch and lay down, chin on her forepaws.

  Polandra glanced in the den at Ikan. Perhaps it isn’t so strange after all. A similar thing happens with human girls who are friends. Our monthly cycles tend to synchronize.

  I see. So if two, or perhaps more, females who are friends become ready to lay eggs close to the same time, they will synchronize. Fascinating. Sharrah will likely want to hear of this.

  Polandra laughed. You are so right about that.

  Still chuckling, she sat on the bed and sighed. So much had happened in the last couple of days. She’d gone from feeling completely defeated, to being excited, to feeling a little overwhelmed. Never a dull moment here.

  And her dream was going to come true!

  It would seem so. Ikan looked at her from the den.

  One day, dragons will live in those caves again, and the sky above will be full of them.

  As I said, not such a silly dream after all.

  She sent a hug through the link and felt it returned. You’re a big, lovable beast. And if I didn’t have to get ready, I’d run over there and smother you with real hugs.

  We have some time, do we not?

  She smiled. Perhaps later tonight, love. I need to get ready before Guildmaster Millinith returns.

  She stood, stripped off the riding gear, and tossed it on the bed. Opening her wardrobe, she removed her formal riding gear. Willem made them all a set a few months back. Mostly of dark blue leather, it had white leather accents and sparkling steel hardware that set everything off quite nicely. It was gorgeous.

  After dressing, she spent a few minutes in front of the full-length mirror admiring the gear. “Damn. This looks good on me.”

  “Yes it does.”

  Polandra, cheeks warming, spun around. “Liara!”

  “Sorry” Liara laughed and walked to the mirror. She turned this way and that, watching her reflection. “It’s true, though. The dress gear is beautiful. Willem really outdid himself. I just wish we had more opportunities to wear it.”

  Zolin and Xochi return.

  The sound of two dragons landing, enormous wings beating, came from the courtyard.

  Polandra and Liara headed for the door.

  “If you’ll excuse me for but a few minutes, Capu, I need to change.” Renata ran for her stable.

  “Of course.” He turned to Isandath. “Though I’m not sure I should be called Capu anymore.”

  Isandath smiled when he spotted her and Liara walking over. “Polandra!”

  “Well, Capu you will be until we come up with a title for you in the guild. It is good to see you both again.”

  Jessip excused himself, saying, “I, too, need to change. Polandra and Liara can keep you company until we return.”

  “Of course, of course.” Capu Cirtis turned to Polandra. “I have to say, I am extremely excited to see this ‘bonding’ that I’ve heard so much about. Is it painful at all?”

  She chuckled. “No, it isn’t. It tingles a little as the spell bonds you. Then, it feels . . .” She thought back. “. . . like an expansion of yourself. Suddenly, there is a lot more of you there, your bond-mate. I felt him—his heart beating, his lungs expanding and contracting, I sensed everything, including his thoughts. And I knew he could feel the same from me.”

  She chuckled. “I must admit that I was a little worried at first. Here was this other entity, this other person, with complete access to everything I am. Everything. It caused more than one night of sleeplessness, let me tell you. But then I realized that all I felt from him, all I have ever felt from him, under everything else, was love. He loves me. Me. Even with all my stupid faults. And I love him just as much.” Surprisingly, she had to swallow past a tightening throat. She chuckled. “Sorry. I got a little carried away there.”

  A hand took hers. She smiled at Liara.

  “Not at all,” Isandath said. “There is no need to apologize. It sounds incredible.”

  “Oh it is,” Liara said. “It does come with a huge responsibility, though. We pledge to help people whenever and however we can, particularly by fighting nahual. I think the dragons are worth it though, by a long shot.”

  “They are amazing.” Capu Cirtis smiled at Zolin and Xochi.

  Zolin let out a happy rumble and Xochi chirped.

  “Excellent.” Guildmaster Millinith walked into the courtyard. “I take it Jessip and Renata are changing? When they return, we can head off to the Guildhall.”

  “I wonder how Cheddar and Sharrah are doing?” Liara chuckled. “They must be as nervous as all the candidates.”

  Polandra nodded. “I don’t doubt that they are.”

  Come on out, lazy boy. It’s almost time.

  I suppose.

  And tell Mia, too.

  Mia padded out with Ikan. She chirped at Liara.

  Jessip arrived, then, running and closing the last snaps on his jacket. Renata returned not seconds behind, ready and smiling.

  Guildmaster Millinith looked around. “Shall we?”

  At the dragon’s landing outside the clutching room, a thrumming, a kind of musical reverberation, filled the air.

  “They’re humming!” Renata hopped off and turned to Jessip. “Anaya did this to calm Nenet when we went to see her eggs all that time ago.”

  No sooner had she said that, when Ikan, Xochi, and Zolin joined in the soothing croon. Polandra glanced at him. When had he learned it? When had the others? Was it some kind of instinct?

  What is this hum?

  It is to calm and welcome the young dragons. They will emerge from their eggs soon.

  Polandra looked at Liara. “We should hurry.”

  Everyone headed into the wide dragon passage.

  The dragon hum seemed to intensify in the closer confines of the hallway. It was soothing, almost mesmerizing, but it also filled Polandra with energy and excitement. She picked up the pace.

  From the clutching room ahead, Anaya’s and Balam’s croons came to her. Of varying tones, the dragon croons still all worked together in harmony. When she and the others entered the room, the acoustics of the place made the welcoming song even more incredible.

  Liara whispered, “Wow.”

  “Come, let’s get seated.” Guildmaster Millinith made her way to the left, toward the new seating sections.

  Capu Cirtis and Isandath followed her, chatting excitedly. Jessip and Renata started to trail behind them, then they split off when they saw Aeron and Willem.

  Polandra frowned. There wasn’t room near them for her and Liara to sit with Aeron, Willem, and the others. Even though those rows were filled, Polandra was disappointed to see that many of the others were empty. It did seem as if everyone who could call any of the candidates friend or family was in attendance, but still. She’d ask later if there were rules about who could be invited.

  “Come on,” she said to Liara.

  Casting occasional glances toward the middle of the room and the eggs there, Polandra followed the Guildmaster.

  Like Balam, Ikan, Mia, Xochi and Zolin took up positions along the edge of the sandy area, sitting on their haunches, heads lifted, adding to the thrumming song. Anaya, also humming a welcome, sat several feet back from her two eggs. The candidates, all in riding gear for protection from young, clumsy dragons, stood opp
osite Anaya in a half-circle facing the eggs. They all looked excited and nervous.

  Where were Coatl and Kisa? Polandra didn’t see them with the others. Nenet wasn’t here either, though she was likely with her own eggs in the cavern.

  The front row of seats on the left had been reserved for the Guildmaster and her guests. Masters Doronal and Canneth were seated there already, on the far left, with the auditors, Oran and Komako. Lady Rora, Lord Baronel and their family, along with Lady Lora, Lord Eldin and theirs, sat in the row behind. After greeting the lords and ladies and introducing them to Capu Cirtis and Isandath, Guildmaster Millinith sat in the middle of the front row. Capu Cirtis sat to her right, and Isandath sat to his right. Polandra and Liara sat to the Guildmaster’s left.

  All eyes were on the candidates, and many people were leaning forward slightly in anticipation.

  How much longer, do you think?

  It is up to the younglings, for the most part. Though, they do seem to be getting more and more excited about emerging. It should be soon.

  Fillion, Gregor, Master Gella and a woman Polandra had never seen before, walked in from the dragon landing passage, followed by Coatl and Kisa. The brown dragon, humming, took up a position along the sand. Kisa sat next to him, head and wings raised in song.

  Quiet gasps came from behind and from the Guildmaster. Master Doronal was quietly speaking to those around him. After fierce whispers, everyone in the second row rose to their feet. Polandra glanced at them. What was going on?

  Guildmaster Millinith leaned over and murmured, “Polandra, if you two could make room? I think High Lady Hasana and Special Investigator Gella should sit next to me.” She then stood, waiting.

  High Lady Hasana? Polandra glanced at the approaching people. The leader of the nation was here? She and Liara quickly moved over, making room for the two women, and stood.

  Fillion had an enormous, smug grin on his face as they walked over.

  Guildmaster Millinith bowed. “High Lady Hasana, welcome to the Dragon Craft Guildhall.”

  More whispers, gasps, and murmurs broke out in the seats. Those that had heard and were not already standing immediately got to their feet.

  High Lady Hasana smiled and inclined her head. “Thank you, Guildmaster.”

  “We are honored by your presence.” Guildmaster Millinith shot a look at Fillion. “Had we but known you would be attending, we could have prepared a more appropriate welcome for you.”

  “Please, worry not on that count. The unannounced visit is completely my fault and I do apologize, but I feel I must witness this. I want to learn as much as possible about dragons. I suspect they will become very important to the nation. Even so, I cannot remain long from the palace on such an abrupt trip.”

  “As your time is short,” Guildmaster Millinith gestured to her side, “please, be seated. The eggs will hatch soon.”

  All the dragons went silent.

  With a tiny gasp, and with eyes wide and sparkling with excitement, High Lady Hasana quickly moved next to Guildmaster Millinith and sat. In a kind of wave expanding out from the leader of the nation, everyone else who’d been standing began to sit down as well.

  Fillion and Gregor ran to Liara’s left and sat. Polandra would have to ask Fillion about this later, but right now, she focused her attention on the candidates and the eggs.

  It is time, precious ones, is it not? Anaya’s voice held a hint of humor. Come. Meet those who would bond with you.

  The egg on the left trembled and sharp tapping came from within. Blows that sounded even more forceful came from the other egg and it shook with each strike. Again and again the eggs wobbled and trembled as the little dragons worked at escape. Reassuring barks and chirps came from the dragons as they encouraged the young ones in their endeavors.

  “Come on, you can do it!” Polandra turned to the guests, but she couldn’t tell which child had shouted her own encouragement.

  The candidates, perhaps emboldened by that shout, began to cheer on the little dragons themselves.

  “You can do it, I know you can!”

  “Keep at it!”

  A loud crack came from the egg on the right and a thin, jagged split formed in the shell. After a moment of shocked silence, humans and dragons resumed their support even more loudly and fervently.

  “Don’t give up, you can do it!”

  “That’s it! You’re almost there!”

  A crack appeared in the left egg, and from within both, muffled grunts could be heard as the hatchlings worked to free themselves.

  Come on, you can do it little ones. Polandra nibbled on her lip and clenched her fists, trying to send strength and encouragement through the very air.

  The left egg seemed to explode in shards and flakes of shell, and a little dragon tumbled to the sand.

  As they had been trained, the candidates remained where they were standing, though every one of them had eyes only for the little winged form, struggling to regain its feet.

  With a quiet, frustrated bark, the dark brown hatchling, as deep a color as chocolate, stood up, wings raised.

  Is it a boy or a girl? Polandra glanced at Ikan.

  He is male.

  “It’s a boy,” she whispered to Liara.

  Liara whispered back. “I wonder who he’ll bond with?”

  Taking a half-step back, and only looking a little wary, the male hatchling eyed the candidates.

  A muffled, angry bark came from the other egg. Little clawed fingers poked out the thin fissure in the shell, gripped tightly, and with a loud grunt and a sharp crack, the egg split open. The turquoise hatchling stepped out of the bottom half of the shell and calmly walked next to the other young dragon.

  Female, yes?

  She is.

  Polandra smiled. This one was full of confidence. Who would she choose?

  The candidates stood nearby, glancing from one hatchling to the other. From what Aeron mentioned during their training, candidates used to spend this time introducing themselves to the hatchings. Now, introductions were taken care of on their visits to the eggs, and hatching time was for the hatchlings. They would use it to choose who they would spend the rest of their lives with.

  Gods, I’m as nervous as when I faced you and Itzel all those months ago.

  Would it make you feel better to know that at least one of the candidates is close to throwing up from nerves?

  She stifled a chuckle. A little. But don’t you dare tell me or anyone else who you’re talking about. This is a special time for the candidates. Let’s not ruin it, okay?

  Humor came through the link. As you wish.

  The hatchlings passed their gazes over the nervous hopefuls once again. The boy hatchling chirped at the girl, and she chirped back. Then, after touching noses, they turned to the candidates, let out happy barks, and ran to their choices.

  Eyes on the little chocolate hatchling, Cheddar fell to his knees. Nodding, he said, “I do, little one, I do. Were you hurt at all?”

  Korrie stared at the proud, blue-green hatchling standing before her. Eyes wide, she said, “Uh huh.”

  Polandra looked at Sharrah. Pride shone in the girl’s eyes as she watched Cheddar, but there was also sadness. Polandra didn’t think Sharrah should worry over much, though. Two more eggs were close to hatching, and one was female. Sharrah would have another chance, soon enough.

  “Daddy!” Korrie threw her arms around the young dragon in a hug. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Polandra glanced at the row behind. Lady Rora and Lord Baronel both had large smiles on their faces.

  “That she is, sweetheart,” Lord Baronel yelled out to her.

  Korrie’s little brother and sister were practically bouncing on the bench in their excitement.

  “I knew she’d bond,” Terra said. “I knew it!”

  “Can we go see the baby dragons?” Gareth grabbed his father’s arm. “Can we?”

  “Once the bonding is complete,” Guildmaster Millinith said, “friends and family
are welcome to join them. Until then, for our safety, we must remain seated.”

  “There you have it,” Lord Baronel said. “We can go to Korrie in a few minutes.”

  “Candidates,” Guildmaster Millinith said, “exit the sand, please. You may join your friends and families. Chosen, please attend to your dragons.”

  “Good gods, of course.” Cheddar stood. “I’ll be right back, Xoc.”

  The two chosen candidates moved quickly to the side of the sandy area where trays of meat waited on a low table. After grabbing a heaping tray each, they returned to the hungry hatchlings.

  “Separate,” the Guildmaster called out to them. “At least ten feet between you.”

  Cheddar and Korrie led their dragons apart, then sat down and proceeded to feed them.

  Laughing, Korrie said, “Goodness, Nelli, that’s not very lady-like.”

  The little dragon let out a bark around the meat in her mouth, and continued to eat her fill.

  “They’ve been in the eggs for weeks, Korrie.” Cheddar shoved hunks of meat toward the end of the tray where Xoc was making them disappear. “Of course they’re starving.”

  “Good point.” Korrie nodded, staring at Nelli as if she were dreaming. And in fact, she then pinched herself. “It’s real!” She looked at Cheddar, eyes sparkling, lips clenched as if to hold back sobs, before looking back at Nelli.

  “I can’t believe it either,” Cheddar said.

  Nelli burped loudly and turned to Korrie. Letting out a little chirp, she leaned toward the blond girl, nose first, neck stretching.

  “Yes, we are one,” Korrie murmured, hand reaching out to Nelli.

  If Polandra hadn’t known those words, she’d likely not have understood them, so quietly had they been spoken.

  Brilliant white light burst forth from where they touched, the initial activation of the enchantment.

  Several in the crowd gasped and rose to their feet.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, remain calm.” Master Doronal stood. “You are now witness to what few have ever seen. The Bond is the powerful enchantment that links dragon to human.” He gestured to the two slowly being covered in thin lines of violet light. Soon, he and others had to shield their eyes from the increasing intensity.

  Korrie and Nelli were almost completely covered in the branching lines of light. Polandra had to look away, too, so bright had they become.


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