The Plan and other short stories

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The Plan and other short stories Page 3

by Stephen Brandon

  It took two months to locate where the stream went underground. Another 3 weeks to build a diverting dam and insure it would work.

  The day they started enlarging the stream tunnel they only got 24 feet into the cliff before a section of the roof fell in.

  Three days later they had it cleared. Looking at the debris they found traces of gold. Upon examination of the roof at the rear of the shaft more traces were found. After carefully setting more charges in the stream channel they blew it. It brought more roof down with more traces of gold. After repeating this process for another 800 feet they came to a small cavern. The underground bed of the stream was obvious. The debris piles where the roof had collapsed were evident in hundreds of places.

  Bring in their strongest lights they looked at the roof and could see the quartz formations. Dozens of places reflected yellow. Bill set up his camera on a tripod and started taking pictures.

  Bill sent Joseph the pictures and asked him to forward them to his engineer friend and ask tell him that they'd appreciate any suggestions on how to mine the cavern.

  Josephs mining engineer friend sent a letter back with a bid from a mining company. They wanted to purchase the mine outright, but Joseph recommended a much lower sale price with a percentage of all gold and other minerals mined.

  The mining company sent their own experts to evaluate the cavern and drill a couple of test holes.

  Joseph handled the sale for them and they were suddenly indecently wealthy. At their request he also helped them buy into a bank and handled their stock purchases.

  Bill and Joe were on their way with the councils plan.

  * ToCx *

  The First Year

  Joe inserted himself with glee into the companies that they had stock in.

  Bill purchased a medium size ranch in a remote section of Montana and proceeded to modernize it. The original cowboys taught the young men that he brought in how to ride horses and handle cattle. After six months Joe suggested that Bill purchase some Bison and start a herd, also more land. It only took three years to turn a profit from the ranch and then they put in an airstrip and purchased a plane. Two of their young men started educational courses on the internet with their manufactured documentation.

  Several of the women brought in married the young men and started families. However one married one of the original cowboys and was surprised when she turned up pregnant. The council was puzzled because initial reports indicated that there was only a 5% chance of biological compatibility. After all they all had six fingers and toes and the natives of star system 486-33 only had five. After complete physicals of the cowboys, all genetic material was thoroughly compared with the records of the People. The pregnancy was monitored more closely that any pregnancy in a thousand years.

  Academic and historical research was immediately started and ten more of the People were sent to star system 486-33 to research their historical documents.

  * ToCx *

  The Next Forty Years

  As per plan the number of The People increased on the natives planet. It took about thirty years to penetrate the civilian governments to positions of power.

  The educational systems remained resistant to any change. When scientific discoveries were demonstrated and reproduced the educational system initiated programs to discredit the scientist and results.

  As a result of this the three major power block countries were determined to be to hostile to knowledge to proceed in. After surveying the planet for countries that were in a better position to advance scientifically a small group of them were selected and infiltrated. Another two decades passed.

  The government and scientific communities were infiltrated. Several level 2 items were designed and built within the countries for protection. The hardest problem was designing them so any tampering with the shields would cause them to self-destruct to prevent theft and reverse engineering. The most critical were shields to protect them from aerial bombardment whether chemical or nuclear. The second was personal shields for their military personnel. When all was in place the first spacecraft was launched from the hidden space center.

  As expected the reaction from all three major power block countries was immediate. After the spies and saboteurs were blocked, diplomatic threats were launched. After all they could not allow what they considered a third world country the prestige of being a major player. When the countries didn't fold up and withdraw from space, military incursions were started and defeated.

  Then the planned propaganda broadcast were started in earnest lauding the educational and scientific systems of the small countries and the fact that they accomplished all this by allowing freedom of scientific inquiry backed up by the educational system. Slowly and steadily scientific discoveries started pouring out of the small countries until finally the educational systems of the three major block countries fell in confusion to the knowledge they were being bombardment with.

  * ToCx *

  Plan 1

  To neutralize the threat from the species at star 486-33.

  Operational Phases:

  Phase 1: Infiltrate the governments of the 2 major political powers and the 3rd emerging power.

  Phase 2: Infiltrate the educational system of the planet.

  Phase 3: Infiltrate the major religious organizations.

  Phase 4: Infiltrate the major economic structures to the point where they can be disrupted or guided.

  Phase 5: Accumulate local purchasing power to acquire land sufficient for bases near major population centers of the major political governments with backup bases away from population centers.

  Phase 6: (If needed) Plan for removal of leaders within the governments of the planet and replacement by our agents.

  Phase 7: (Last option) Start wars that will escalate to exchange of native atomic weapons. Then our military will need to either occupy safe areas of planet or destroy all natives left.

  Implementation time-line:

  1. Training of agents in our star system, 2 orbits. Training of additional agents will start here and then advanced training at bases on native planet.

  2. Insert agents with skills to duplicate any and all documentation needed to infiltrate all social groups. Start concurrent with I 1 and continue throughout all phases.

  3. Acquire land and shelters for bases. Will start during I 2. First bases should be in areas with few natives. Start, 1 orbit after arrival and will continue as resources become available. Level .8 technology may be introduced into native system to acquire money for purchases.

  4. Insert young agents in native schools. Estimate 4 to 8 orbits for acclimation. Starting estimate is 10 agents. 20 to 30 agents should be added every other orbit to build a support structure.

  5. Phase 1 through 4. Estimate from entry level to positions of mid-level power positions is 20 orbits.

  6. Infiltrate educational system for young natives. Start socialization advancement training.

  7. Infiltrate local military organizations.

  8. Gain indirect control of at least 11% of monetary system by way of native banks and other financial institutions. Gain an additional direct control over 5% of money used by natives. Level .8 technology may be introduced into native system to acquire this money and control.

  9. Disrupt or guide monetary system to slow technology advances. This may require the unpleasant task of removing certain natives that are involved in technology advancement toward space flight and level 1 technology.

  10. Guide educational and religious institutions to advance societal level to at least .8 level.

  Cost estimates: (200 orbits)

  Per agent trained here: *15,000

  Per agent trained on native planet: estimate *20,000

  Estimated cost per document: *10

  Equipping each agent: estimate *200 to *1,000 in our currency, local currency equivalent unknown (Age
nts may become self-sufficient reducing native cost.)

  Purchasing land for bases: no possible way to estimate

  Construction on bases: Use local technology for all visible structures. Unable to estimate. Security habitats will be installed if base is designated as an evacuation point. Size 1 security building housing 20, *10,000; size 2 security building housing 50, *20,000.

  Transportation equipment: tasked from military

  Transportation per round trip: *1,600,000 per round trip

  Transportation required to be located near native planet: Spacecraft sufficient to evacuate all agents in one lift.

  Documentation equipment: Unknown until evaluation of document technology level.

  Weapons for agents: Local self-defense weapons will be purchased where native laws allow. Cost unable to estimate.

  Propaganda should be started within 50 orbits to introduce idea of friendly aliens.

  Entry avenues

  1. Precious metals are still used in native economy. First agents need to research native laws on acquiring or claiming precious metals. 1 exploration ship should be dispatched to survey non-populated areas for mineral resources. This survey may assist in accumulation of preliminary money needed by agents to set up first bases and equip later agents.

  2. Train agents in skill set not needing native documentation. Agents would then enter native work force to help establish background identities.

  3. Technology could be introduced and sold to native industries for start up money.

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  Preliminary Historical Report star system 486-33

  The natives educational system teaches evolution as a theory.

  Their archaeological evidence has been twisted to to support this theory. Certain of their scholars have developed a fictitious geological column theory which can be disproved with a few scoops of soil and a large tube of water.

  Their biological evidence and historical documentation has also been twisted to support this supposed theory of evolution. Simple DNA & RNA analysis disproves this theory.

  Their astronomical data has also been perverted to support this theory and as a result they have a theory of a big bang as the start of the universe 4 billion years in their past. Their distance calculations to the stars is completely inaccurate. Also their calculation of the speed of light and speed of time passage because they don't take into their calculations the effect that gravity has on it. They even compensate for this time calculation difference in their primitive satellites.

  Some of their theological beliefs have the time elements almost calculated correctly. Others are so far off in left field that they are delusional.

  Team 16 has come to the conclusion that a hidden group has perverted star system 486-33 scientific community and educational system for some unknown reason. Further investigation is required. We suggest an additional team of private investigators that are trained in criminal investigations to ferret out the culprits subverting this star systems scientific community. We hope that this is an inside group and not an outside group.

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  History of The People (abbreviated)

  Five thousand twenty three years ago three interstellar spacecraft landed on our home planet. Due to navigation problems with the computers it was impossible to determine the origin of our ancestors flight. The war for leadership damaged all three spacecraft. They were cannibalized to start the industrial base of our civilization.

  The population increased and covered our planet over the next thousand years. When the normal progression of technology reached the planetary saturation point, the star system was utilized for resources.

  Then two colonies were set up in nearby star systems. We had a total of six colonies in other star systems when we encountered the first alien race. They attacked without warning and destroyed one colony before the council made a preliminary decision to commit and build a space military force. A second and third colony were exterminated before we decided to sterilize their colony and home-world. They only had one colony and their home planet system.

  After sterilizing their home-world and colony they still managed to kill another 21% of our total population in suicide attacks by their remaining military spacecraft. Unfortunately they were so fanatical that no live or dead member of their race was ever examined. They used the nuclear power units of their war-craft, habitats, and cities to commit suicide rather than capture.

  The Exploration Fleet was created to explore all surrounding space and locate civilizations that might be a hazard to ours. We have had almost eight hundred years of peaceful expansion.

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  # Main Table of Contents #

  Not Enough Wars

  or NEW

  * * * * *

  Table of Contents ( ToCn )

  Prologue (a must read)

  NEW - 1

  NEW - 2

  NEW - 3

  NEW - 4

  NEW - 5

  NEW - 6

  NEW - 7

  NEW - 8

  NEW - 9


  It was another disastrous event that finally broke the camels back. A Taliban suicide bombers truck Tuesday swerved into an orphanage and exploded.

  The demonstrations started after morning prayers Wednesday.

  Thursday morning they turned into riots outside the American embassy and the military headquarters in the cities.

  Saturday a suicide bomber blew himself and 48 Afghans up in front of the embassy. That didn't help a bit. Of course the deaths were blamed on the big Satan.

  Orchestrated demonstrations in Iran and Pakistan started Monday followed by demonstrations in half the middle eastern countries.

  By Friday, Afghanistan President Khwaja bowed to pressure. He ordered all American military and civilians out of Afghanistan and gave them fourteen days to be gone. Any Americans still in the country after the deadline would be considered spy's and executed.

  Saturday morning the first planes arrived and started the evacuation of the civilians, government workers, and nonessential military personnel.

  The evacuation was going smoothly until Monday morning when Ambassador Jones and the military commanders from 3 countries boarded a plane. Thirty minutes after takeoff it was shot down by a Pakistani jet fighter. Of course Pakistan claimed that they were justified because it was a military aircraft and didn't have clearance to overfly their territory.

  Needless to say no other evacuation aircraft were shot down, but there was no Pakistani air force left by the US Air Force jets flying escort. Then some smart ground commander then ordered using surface to air missiles to shoot down the evacuation planes. When their radar was turned on, they were quickly turned into smoking pieces of junk by the escorts and support aircraft stationed in the Arabian Sea. In less than a week Pakistan had no effective air defense left.

  China made their usual noises and then offered half a million ground troops and air support to Pakistan to keep the Americans from invading. It took two days for them to set up along the convoy route from Quetta to Karachi on the coast.

  By then all most of the Combat forces and equipment was assembled east of Kandahar in preparation to convoy down the highway through Quetta to Karachi. Ships were on their way to the port. However the Chinese military presence and Pakistan's warnings stopped the convoys just short of the border.

  Iran started invading western Afghanistan from Herat down to Farah. By Saturday Herat was occupied. Farah had fallen and what was left of the Afghan western command was in a pitched battle trying to stop their southern invasion force at Dilaram.

  ~ ToCn ~

  NEW - 1

  By noon Major General Black finally got an audience with General Sherzai the Afghanistan Supreme Commander. After an hour of tea and pleasantries General Sherzai finally asked what brought General Black to his headquarter.

  Quickly General Black outl
ined the situation his soldiers were in. Also commenting on the invasion in the west by the Iranians. He was sure that Afghan army would have problems if they had to evict the US and other military forces from the country while fighting an invasion from Iran. However he had a possible solution.

  General Sherzai didn't comment for awhile and then finally blinked. What is your possible solution to the problem I am forced into by my government?

  General Black quickly outlined what he wanted to do. After all if he hadn't missed the ambassadors plane he'd be dead also. All General Sherzai had to do was get President Khwaja to give him two more weeks to evacuate his forces. Included in the deal he would take care of the invasion from Iran. Of course he must be given free rein in dealing with the Iranian invasion force, plus command of some of the Afghanistan army until he crossed the border.

  General Sherzai demanded to know his plan, of course off the record.

  General Black then told him that he intended to move all the foreign military forces west. When they got to Dilaram he'd start splitting off units.

  He had full permission from the Joint Chiefs because the President had sent a memo to the Pentagon that simply stated that he wanted the problem in Afghanistan solved quickly using any means necessary.

  As soon as the invading forces were identified bombers would pound them into the ground. Then his ground forces would mop them up. Any civilian casualties would be blamed on the Iranian invasion forces. He didn't intend to take any prisoners and he intended to cross the border into Iran.

  Then General Sherzai would assume complete command of the Afghanistan army at the border and deal with any Iranians he could find alive. He didn't care if General Sherzai claimed that he'd chased the Americans completely out of the country. All he needed was full authorization from President Khwaja for the military operations within Afghanistan plus the extra 14 days.


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