Lady & the Vamp ib-3

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Lady & the Vamp ib-3 Page 20

by Мишель Роуэн

She was hoping the happy thing would kick in later, because she sure as hell wasn't feeling it right then.

  Chapter 17

  Quinn decided that he had a few problems to deal with.

  He and Janie were currently taking the El Diablo elevator up to the seventeenth floor. The glass walls looked down into the red and orange casino floor. Devil-costumedwaitstaff strode the area delivering complementary drinks to the gamblers. A steady line of what could only be hunters filtered into the Hell's

  Gate Theater for the beginning of the hunter awards.

  Every single one of Quinn's problems seemed to, he decided, revolve around the beautiful blonde in the sexy red dress standing across from him. The one who had the ability to make his thoughts go a thousand different directions at one time.

  He sighed.

  To recap his original plans: find the Eye, make the wish, be human again. Move on from there.

  It had seemed so simple. The perfect answer to all of his fanged problems.

  Nothing seemed simple anymore.

  He leaned back against the elevator wall and tried to appear as relaxed as possible. "Can I ask you a question, Janie?"

  She tucked an errant strand of long hair behind her ear and then crossed her arms. "What?"

  He noted that her fingernails weren't long and sculptured like some of the helpless women he'd known in his life. Janie kept hers short, practical, but a dark, dark red. He was pretty sure he'd heard that color was called "Vamp."

  Rather apropos.

  He suddenly imagined those nails raking erotically down his naked back.

  Yes, thoughts in a thousand different directions. Had to focus.

  "What?" she prompted again.

  He cleared his throat. "This boss of yours—"

  "What about him?"

  "I don't understand why you don't quit. If he's so bad. Just leave."

  She stared at him for a moment and then laughed humorlessly. "I can't do that."

  "Why not?"

  The elevator reached their floor and the doors opened. They walked down the hall to Quinn's room and entered.

  "My boss," she began, "He's… well, we're not supposed to talk about this, but he's got these contracts.

  I signed the contract to work for him in blood."

  Quinn felt cold at that admission. "Who the hell is this guy?"

  She shook her head. "I honestly don't know. Let's just say I won't make the same mistake again."

  "What? Signing your freedom away to a black magic practitioner who holds your life in his hands?"

  "No. Actually I meant that I didn't read the small print. I haven't had a raise in three years." At his look,

  she smiled weakly. "Look, it's really not that bad. I don't always have to do shitty things for him."

  "You're lying."

  "But it sounds believable, right?"

  "How do you get out of the contract?"

  "I'll have to die." She shrugged and then frowned hard. "At least, I'm pretty sure that will release me, but maybe not. Again, I really should have read the fine print."

  His stomach lurched. "Janie—"

  "So, shall I go get the Eye right now and you can make your wish?" Her gaze moved over the contents of Quinn's suite, from raunchy paintings to floor-to-ceiling brocade drapes. She walked over to the window and looked out at the brightly lit Vegas strip. "I'll bet you a thousand bucks there's a message in my room from Lenny about when we're meeting with the Boss." Her heels clicked against the half moon of orange and red ceramic tiles by the window as she turned around. "Definitely not going to get my raise tonight, am I?"

  "How can you sound so calm about all of this?"

  "Do I sound calm? Obviously the screaming is only going on inside of my head."

  "Janie…" He studied her for a moment longer and then looked away.

  Shit. If he made his wish to be human again, how was he supposed to protect her from this bastard of a boss? And how was he supposed to do anything at all to stop Malcolm's let's-create-a-vampire-super-race plans?

  Quinn had been the one who made the decision not to kill the old man when they had the chance at the museum. A stupid, sentimental decision. He hadn't even had enough time to check out the convention to make sure Malcolm hadn't done any damage there yet. He had said he'd been planning for a year for this event.

  He looked up to see that Janie looked back at him with concern in her eyes. "Quinn, what's the problem?"

  "I wish there was a better answer." He shook his head slowly. "I… I just don't want to be what I am."

  She frowned hard at that, but then understanding filled her expression. "You'renot a monster, Quinn, if that's what you think."

  "That's not what I think, that's what Iknow ." His voice cracked on the words.

  "You think you are. But you're not. You're… you're better than that. Much better."

  "Don't lie."

  She let out a gasp of frustration. "Why do you have to be so stubborn about this?"

  He stared at her for a moment. With anger suddenly coloring her cheeks she looked even more beautiful than she had before.

  "I don't know what to do, Janie."

  "What you need to do is listen to me. Look at me. Even if you're stuck as a vampire for the next twelve centuries, you're not a monster and you'll never be one. You have to be a monster in your heart, and your heart is pure." She rolled her eyes. "Okay, that sounded dumb, but you know what I mean. Even when you were a hunter, you approached it with that purity. You always wanted to do the right thing. You're the coolest guy I've ever known. You hear me? And I don't say that to just anybody, either."

  He shook his head and began to look away, but she grabbed his chin and made him look directly at her.

  "Do you think I'd let any vampire bite me like you did last night?" she said, and then a smile lit up her beautiful face. "And just for the record, I didn't want you to stop. Any of it. Do you think I'm lyingnow ?"

  She now stood close enough that he was able reach forward an brush the long blond hair out of her eyes.

  He swallowed hard. "No, you're not lying."

  "Of course I'm not," she said. "We made a deal, and now the Eye is all yours."

  "But your boss—"

  "I'll deal with him."

  No, Quinn decided. They'dboth deal with him when they took him the Eye intact. There was no way in hell he was going to risk Janie's life just so he could make his self-serving wish. End of story.

  "Now, you get the Eye ready. I'll go to my room and get the red stone." She glanced around the room.

  "I'm going to make a couple calls and find out what the status on the Boss is. Wait here for me, okay?"

  Before he could say anything in reply, she pulled him against her and kissed him hard on his lips. Then, just as suddenly, she turned and left him in the room, as his cheat pounded like crazy in his chest.

  Okay, she hadn't meant to kiss him.

  It was just one of those highly inappropriate things that sometimes happened when emotions were running high.

  Damn. The man had lips like a Greek god.

  She'd let herself in to her dark hotel room and now was trying to regain her composure in front of the vanity mirror. She flicked on a sidelight to look at her reflection.

  Nice dress.

  Not a bad outfit to die in. And when the Boss found out what happened to the Eye, that was exactly what would happen.

  Hopefully Barkley and Angela would be well on their way out of town by then.

  She already had the plan all figured out. Quinn would make his wish to be human. Then, knowing him,

  he'd insist on coming along to confront the Boss. That couldn't happen, especially not if the wish worked and he lost his vampire strength and extra healing abilities.

  Nope. She'd knock him out, throw him in a car trunk, and get Lenny to drive him out of the state, where he'd wake up and start his newlyrehumanized life.

  Give him a couple of days and he'd forget all about her.

s not something to cry about," she sternly told her reflection. A tear had begun struggling to make its way through her perfectly applied eyeliner. She grabbed a tissue and gently dabbed at it.

  Thank God she hadn't totally fallen in love with Quinn. Imagine how she'd be feelingthen .

  The thought just made the tears come faster, because she knew it was a damn lie.

  Two days? How the hell had she managed to fall in love with him in only two days?

  She sighed heavily. Now she'd have to wash her face and reapply her makeup before she went back to see him. Terrific.

  But first she had to get the Eye out of the safe and check her messages. Priorities. It was all about priorities.

  She took a very deep breath and let it out slowly, studying her reflection.

  "Pull it together, Janie," she told herself.

  Then she crouched down in front of the room safe and dialed in the combination, opened the small door, and pulled out the Eye.

  The Eye ofRadisshii , the museum had called it.

  The Eye of Radish.

  Normally this would amuse her greatly. She managed to smile wryly at the thought.

  Then she stood up, turned away from the safe, and gasped.

  Malcolm Price was sitting on the edge of her bed, studying her.

  He shook his head. "I thought you were much more observant, my dear. You didn't even sense me in your room?"

  She hadn't. Not even a little. She glanced back at the mirror, which, of course, reflected everything but


  Damn vampires.

  Her heart thudded loud and fast.

  But then she forced herself to relax. She wasn't some weak floozy who fainted at the sight of blood or danger. She was aMerc , a hired monster hunter, and she ate guys like Malcolm for breakfast.

  Not literally, of course. Because…gross . The guy was old.

  After another moment, a small smile curled up the side of her mouth. Quinn wasn't around to stop her from paying the old freak back for almost killing her twice.

  "Malcolm, how did you know where to find me?"

  He matched her smile and rose from the bed. "As a hunter, one acquires many skills related to tracking one's prey."

  "Oh, I know that."

  "You are not a hunter, though."

  She shook her head. "Always thought they were a little overzealous. I like to diversify, otherwise I get really bored."

  "You're a mercenary."

  "I work for an agency right now, but you could still call me that."

  She felt behind her on the vanity table. She'd slipped a wooden stake in there earlier before her mini shopping spree.

  He raised an eyebrow. "Your weapon isn't in there, dear girl. I've been here for quite some time waiting for you. I had a chance to look around."

  "Did you?" She found that keeping her voice steady wasn't all that hard. After all, she wasn'tcompletely freaked out by this situation. A little, but not completely. He'd taken her by surprise yesterday with the cane to the back of her head, which still, despite the healing balm, was a little sore. She sure as hell wasn't going to be surprised today by him when he was standing right in front of her.

  She could take him easily, even with her bare hands. She glanced down at her feet. The stiletto heels would certainly be useful. A sharp kick to the throat and… well, the maids wouldn't be very happy about the mess, but she'd just have to make sure she tipped extra.

  Unfortunately, since Malcolm had been made a vampire only less than a decade ago, there would be the inconvenience of a body. She preferred doing battle with older vampires, because their dead bodies disintegrated so conveniently. She usually kept wet wipes in her purse to deal with such a situation.

  "Yes. Quite the little arsenal you have hidden in here." Malcolm looked around the room. "Not much, but enough to take out a few belligerent foe. I suppose it's appropriate with this being the hunter convention. You fit in quite nicely, I think."

  Her smile widened, artificial as it was. "That's always been my goal, Malcolm. To fit in."

  "Oh, I find that hard to believe." He studied her for a moment. "You know, I think I like you."

  "So sorry, but the feeling isn't exactly mutual."

  "Perhaps not right now. I have been under the false impression that Quinn was to be my ally in my new plans, but I believe I have changed my mind."

  "He has his uses."

  He laughed. "You have brains, beauty, and strength."

  "Thanks. Most guys can't get past the boobs. A little inside information? They're actually my secret weapons."

  His lips twitched. "If you would hear me out, I would like to offer you greatness."

  "Which means what?"

  He nodded at the Eye. "You will give that to me and join me on my quest to create a more perfect world."

  "Sounds tempting."

  "It does?"

  "No. I'm just kidding. Malcolm, don't take this the wrong way, but you're a disgusting old coot who obviously thinks he has charm when really it's just…" She paused trying to find the right word. "Sad and pathetic. No offense."

  His smile vanished. "Sad and pathetic, am I?"

  "Very much so."

  "Quinn is the one who is sad and pathetic."

  "That's debatable. However, he isn't quite as crazy as you, at least not yet. Also, he's also a great deal hotter."

  "I see. Then I retract my offer."

  "Yeah, good idea."

  "I will have to dispose of you, then."

  She smiled brightly at that. "You can try, sweetie. You'll be the fifth vamp I've taken down in the past year and by far the one I'll enjoy the most."

  She placed the Eye down on top of the vanity table and approached him with the confidence she'd earned over the last few years. Her job wasn't pleasant, and it was a rare occasion that she really felt right about what she was doing on her assignments. This was one of those rare occasions. He'd threatened her. He was scum.

  He was going to die.

  She grabbed the front of his shirt and found it a little surprising when he didn't resist.

  "I thought you wanted to fight."

  He smiled at her. "You're the one who likes to fight. I prefer to take care of things in a more civilized manner."

  He lifted his left hand, which, she realized too late, held her stun gun. She felt 200,000 volts of electricity rip into her. Her muscles convulsed, and she crashed to the floor in a boneless heap. She blinked up at the old man stupidly, still twitching, but unable to move or speak.

  He nodded at her. "Brains over brawn, my dear. You might want to consider it sometime."

  He threw the stun gun onto the bed, stepped over her prone body, and snatched up the Eye. Just before he reached the door, he paused.

  "Rude of me, isn't it?" A strange smile twisted his mouth. "Presented with such a lovely treat and I turn my back?"

  He retraced his steps until he was over her. Then he grabbed the front of her dress with both hands, hauling her to her feet, and roughly threw her onto the bed.

  She felt his weight press down on top of her, and couldn't stop him as he wrenched her head to the side and tore his fangs into her neck.

  Chapter 18

  What was taking her so long?

  Quinn paced back and forth in the suite and glanced at his watch again. It had been almost ten minutes since Janie left to get the Eye. Her room was only four doors down the hall.

  A couple phone calls and get the Eye. That's what she said. And then she'd be back.


  He looked at his watch again. Surprisingly enough, it hadn't changed since the last time he checked.

  He walked over to the ridiculous, round, red-draped bed and threw himself on it and stared up at the ceiling for all of five seconds.

  Then he slammed the backs of his arms into the mattress, growled, and got up again. He couldn't relax.

  There was too much to think about, too much to do.

  And not enough time to wait around while she powd
ered her nose or whatever seemed to be taking so long.

  He felt in his pocket where he'd put the stone for safekeeping, and then he left his room and walked briskly down the hall, pausing in front of her door, and placed his palm against its cool surface.

  He knocked.

  "Janie? Any time now. That would be great."

  There was no answer.

  Just as he was about to try the door to see if it was unlocked, it opened and he looked up, completely stunned to come face to face with Malcolm. Quinn's eyes widened.

  "What the hell—?"

  Malcolm glanced at him with dark, dark eyes, and then a slow smile spread across his features to show off his longer-than-average fangs.

  "Janie and I had a little talk, and we've finally come to an understanding about this whole situation. She's sweet, that girl. Very, very sweet." His tongue slithered along his bottom lip.

  "Where is she?" Quinn managed.

  He shrugged. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

  As he brushed past Quinn, he noticed that the old man held the Eye in his right hand. Quinn grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the wall hard.

  "What are you doing here?" he growled.

  Malcolm shrugged. "Just some business, my boy."

  Quinn gritted his teeth.

  "Where's Janie?" Hot fury raced through his veins just as he heard a small sound.

  A whimper?

  Tearing his gaze away from the white-haired vampire, he nudged the door open to look inside.

  Janie was sprawled on the bed on her back, her limbs askew.

  Malcolm shoved him then, and began moving quickly down the hallway. Quinn was about to pursue, but he turned back to the room.

  Janie wasn't moving. The red of her dress seemed to have spread to the white sheets of the bed.

  No. No it wasn't the dress. It was blood.She was bleeding .

  He was at her side in a second.

  "No," he managed. "What… what did he do to you?"

  Her eyes were open and glassy, and she stared up at him. Only she wasn't really staringat him, it was more like she was staringthrough him. Her face was pale, corpse-like, and turned to the side so her throat was completely exposed.


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