Diamond Lives, Platinum Lies

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Diamond Lives, Platinum Lies Page 4

by Howard, Vonda

  “I told you, I don’t like that woman.”

  Simone just shook her head. “What brings you here this early, Peaches?”

  “I was checking on my big sis. How did last night go?”

  Simone smiled from ear to ear as she sat down at the table.

  “That well, I see.” Peaches sat down and grabbed a croissant.

  “No, nothing happened. He was a perfect gentleman.”

  “D-Smooth…a perfect gentleman? That doesn’t even sound right. He is a self proclaimed womanizer. He’s dated half of Hollywood!”

  “Yes, he was, and so what, he’s not dating anyone right now. By the way, his name is Darius.”

  “Darius?” Peaches laughed. “Well, excuse me!”

  “Yes Darius. He was so sweet and romantic, not any of the things I expected.”

  “Oh Lord Simone, are you swooning?” Peaches snickered.

  There was a knock at the door and Simone got up from the table to answer it. “No, I’m not swooning; I just had a good time. I probably won’t ever hear from him again.” She opened the door to a bell hop holding a vase full of at least 4 dozen bright pink roses. “What the hell?”

  “Who are those from?” Peaches jumped up from the table.

  “I don’t know, probably Trent.”

  “See, after what that jerk did to you, he’s lucky I don’t call some of my homies to find his ass!”

  Simone sucked her teeth. “What homies?”

  “What? You think I don’t have any homies I can call?”

  “Umm, no.” Simone laughed as she tipped the bell boy as he left the room.

  “Whatever. I got plenty of people I can call. Don’t sleep on me!”

  “Riiight.” Simone rolled her eyes in her head as she opened the card from the roses. The card read,


  You brighten my life


  You make me feel alright


  You turn the darkness to light

  And you brighten up the corners of my mind…

  Thank you for a lovely evening.

  Until we meet again….


  Simone smiled as she read the card to herself.

  “What?” Peaches reached around Simone and snatched the card from her.

  “D? D-Smooth? Girl, he must really like you.”

  Simone smiled. “Nah, he probably does this for all his women.”

  “Sure he does.” Peaches grabbed the remote and turned on the television to Fox 5 Morning News.

  “And now back to our top story. Hollywood super hunk Trent Michaels was found murdered in his DC condo this morning. Police are saying that it is most likely a murder suicide committed by Olivia Ackers. Ms. Ackers was, as you may all remember, the woman that was caught by Simone Carmichael kissing Mr. Michaels in H2O Nightclub a week or so ago.

  Simone screamed as she ran over to the television in disbelief. “What? No!”

  Peaches grabbed her and held her close as they listened to the rest of the story.

  Sources say that the couple was found in his condo by Trent’s maid whom was arriving for work. It is believed that Ms. Olivia Ackers shot Trent and then turned the gun on herself. Her motives are unknown at this time, but it is believed to be because Trent tried to break things off with her. More on this tragic story as it becomes available…

  Simone sat on the floor in front of the television in utter disbelief. She couldn’t speak, or move for that fact. Grief and despair tore at her heart for the man she had loved for years. Was he really gone? Peaches sat down beside Simone on the floor as she broke into a million pieces.

  Darius stepped out of his custom made Pearl White Escalade and was greeted by mobs screaming fans. He loved the attention. He would always try his best to greet as many fans as he could, especially the female ones. He loved showing his affection towards them and would often go out his way to do it. Some his male fans have been a little put off by his blatant ignoring of them, but he makes up for it by putting out tight-ass records. Just as he reached to sign the autograph of one of his screaming fans, his phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Well...I thought you were avoiding me.” The male voice said on the phone.

  “No, I told you I would get back to you.”

  “Look, Darius, I don’t have time for the games, I’m trusting you to get the job done. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  “I know.” Darius casually signed the autograph of the screaming teenager. “Just give me some space; I got this, trust me. I’ve made the contacts and things are moving as they should.”

  The voice was silent for a moment, aside from an exasperated sigh. “For your sake, you better be right. You’re a nice guy and all, but business is business. This deal has to go through.”

  He walked into the lobby of the radio station. “Hold up, you should know by now that threats don’t move me at all. Now, like I said, I got this.”

  “Like I said, it better.” The phone hung up.

  “Everything alright?” Asked Big J.

  “Yeah, man. We just got to get this shit moving. He is about to get on my last damn nerve.” Darius slid his phone in his inside pocket. Just as they walked up to the elevators and pressed the up button, the doors slid open and Ganja, a rival artist stepped out with his entourage.

  “What’s up D?” Ganja said with a very self-pleased smile.

  Darius just gave him an evil stare as he watched him step off the elevator. “You got a lot of balls saying anything to me.”

  “Look, D, we don’t even got to carry it like this,” Ganja stepped towards him and extended his hand for a handshake, which was knocked away. “Get that shit out of here!”

  Ganja laughed. “Now, D, it really is no reason for you to get salty. Just do what I said and everything should be fine.”

  Darius smiled and took a step closer to Ganja. “Like I told you, I’m not sure you know who it is you fucking with.”

  Ganja gave a devious, yet confident half smile. “Nah bra…I think that should be the other way around. See, you not just going to fuck me over and I’m not going to say shit. I’m going to get what’s mine.”

  “Fuck you.” Darius said as he walked around him stepping into the elevator, making sure to bump Ganja’s shoulder.

  “Look...” Ganja held the doors from closing. “I’ll even come down a little; how’s $9,999,999.99? No?”

  Darius and Big J just offered him murderous glares.

  Ganja took a step back and let go of the doors. “Well, ok. I guess I’ll be hearing from you by the morning then. He smiled as the doors shut in front of him.

  “How are we going to handle this punk?” asked Big J.

  “I got plans, trust me.” Darius said with a devious smile.

  “Care to share?”

  “We’ll talk them over later. That punk ass must think he got me by the balls, but he bout to be dealt with.”

  The elevator arrived at the floor they wanted and they stepped off.

  “Did you send Simone the flowers?” Darius asked.

  “Sure did, she should be calling you thanking you soon.”


  “Darius!” The star struck intern shrieked as he walked in the studio doors.

  “Yeah, what’s up baby?” He responded in a guarded tone.

  “I am so happy to meet you. Iyce is very eager to talk to you.”

  She tapped on the studio glass to get Iyce’s attention. He looked up and motioned for Darius to come in. “What’s up D? Glad you could come!”

  “No problem man. You know I’ll always find the time stop by when I’m in DC.”

  “Ok, well, go ahead and grab a set of earphones, we are about to go back live in a couple of seconds.”

  Darius sat down and smiled at the trembling intern as she sat down the cup of coffee in front of him.

  “What’s up DC! We are back and we have a special guest in the studio, my boy, D-Smooth!”

  “Yeah , wh
at’s up DC?’ He said in a smooth, cool voice.

  “Man, it is so nice to see you! You’re in town to promote your new CD, “Platinum Thangs” out today, right.”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “Just let me say man, this thing is off the hook!” He held up the CD.

  “Thank you, thank you.”

  “Man, my favorite track is #11, Punk Ass Nigga. You straight laid Ganja down with that, man! What did he do?” Iyce laughed.

  “You know, sometimes you get tight with somebody, ya’ll become boys and you never expect them to stab you in the back. That’s all I can say on it.”

  “Aww man,” said Iyce, “That’s all you going to give us?”

  “Afraid so man.” Darius laughed.

  “Aight.” Chuckled Iyce. “You are like an information brick wall!”

  “Gotta be man; I have to keep some stuff to myself.”

  “True, true. Is it true that this is your last one though? Man, say it ain’t so!”

  “Yeah man.” Darius laughed. “I gotta give the other artists a chance! No, really, I’m trying to focus on other ventures right now.”

  “Right! You’re opening a new casino on the waterfront right?”

  “Yep, the grand opening is coming up later this year, so stay tuned for that. We got the party of the decade planned.”

  “My name on that guest list, right?” Iyce laughed.

  “Of course! Can’t have a party without you man!”

  “Now, let’s go down the list, you have two car dealerships, two haute couture fashion lines, two restaurants and now a casino. Man! What don’t you have?”

  Darius gave a proud smile. “What can I say? I ‘m a jack of many trades and master of them all.”

  “Oh trust me man, I’m not going to down anybody’s hustle however, I do have one question for you.”

  “Shoot.” Darius smiled and sat back in his chair.

  “What’s up with you and Simone Carmichael?”

  Darius chuckled. “What makes you ask me that?”

  “Have you seen this?” Iyce handed him the morning paper with a photo of he and Simone on the front of the entertainment section.

  “It looks to me like I am just comforting a friend.” Darius smiled.

  Iyce smiled. “And exactly how long have you two been ’friends’? Is that friends with benefits?”

  Darius laughed. “No, we are just friends. She has had a hard time with all that went on with Trent and being the gentleman that I am, I stepped in to offer my shoulder.”

  Iyce raised one eyebrow. “Uh-huh.” They all laughed. “So you going to sit there and tell me that all you offered the sexiest black woman in Hollywood is your shoulder and nothing else?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “Come on D.” Iyce laughed. “We have been boys for a while now, your rep don’t exactly scream gentleman.”

  Darius laughed. “Well, things change man.”

  “Okay, okay. So, will we be seeing a lot more of you two?”

  Darius chuckled. “I knew that was coming.”

  “Hey, I got to try.”

  “No comment man.” Darius shook his head. “We are just friends.”

  “Aiight, man. Are you worried that Trent will see this picture?”

  He laughed out loud. “Not even a little bit.”

  “Oh okay.” Iyce laughed. “You hear that Trent, he’s not worried one bit. On the real side though, you are going to be at the charity benefit for The Boys and Girls Club next Friday night, right?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there to support the little ones. I have always believed that well adjusted adults start as well adjusted kids.”

  “I know that’s right.” Iyce replied.. “I think Simone is going to be there too, right?”

  Darius laughed. “You just won’t let that go will you?”

  “Man, I’m just messing with you. We only have a few seconds left, why don’t you tell the folks about your CD?”

  “Aiight out there, go and cop a legal copy of my new CD, “Platinum Thangs”, available today at music stores everywhere and on ITunes.”

  “You heard it out there DC, make sure you support our own home grown Hip Hop superstar and go grab that album. We’ll be right back after paying some bills.” Iyce stood up, took off his head phones. “Man, it was so good to see you, even though it was tough since you weren’t trying to give the real scoop on you and Simone, I still love you man.” Iyce said as he hugged Darius and shook his hand.

  “You my boy and all, but I gotta keep some things to myself. I’ll check ya later.” He smiled as he headed towards the door.

  “Can I just say something?” The young start struck intern asked as he exited the studio.

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “If the rumors are true about you and Simone, she is lucky as shit.”

  “Of course she would be.” He nodded and chuckled at her as he headed out the doors and was almost ran into by another one of the interns storming in with tear filled eyes.

  “Oh my God. Have you heard?”

  “Heard what?” Darius said with forced concern.

  “Trent Michaels was found murdered in his condo this morning.”

  Darius and Big J tried to look as shocked as the possibly could. “Damn, that’s fucked up! What happened?” Big J asked.

  The almost hysterical intern struggled to read the press release through her tear filled eyes. “It says here that he was murdered by that crazy bitch he got caught with in the club with a while ago.”

  “Damn. That’s fucked up. I’ll keep his family in my prayers.” Darius and Big J made their way out of the studio and towards the elevators trying as hard as they could to hold back their laughter.

  Chapter 6

  One week later….

  Simone’s limo arrived in front of the Convention Center where the benefit for the Boys and Girls Club of DC was being held. She always made time to give back. Her nana always told her, “Just as fast as God gave it to you, he can take it away.” She prided herself on her charity work. She always made time to give back to the people that got her to where she was.

  Peaches took a quick look at herself in her compact. “You ready?” Peaches asked Simone sympathetically.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Simone adjusted the strap on her dress.

  “Honey, you look fabulous!” Neal gushed.

  “Of course I do! It’s a CG Original.” Simone winked at him.

  “How come I don’t get to wear any Cornelius Grey Originals? I gotta look good too.” Peaches pouted.

  Neal and Simone laughed as she adjusted her shoulder length weave with bright pink highlights. “What?” She asked with her hand on her hip.

  “Nothing, lil’ sis, let’s go.” Simone chuckled. They stepped out of the limo onto the red carpet and were almost blinded by the media flash bulbs going off. “Simone! Simone! Reporters yelled from behind the ropes. She stopped periodically allowing for glamour shots as she walked down the plush red carpet.

  “Simone! Simone! Over here!” A single female voice struggled to shout out amongst the others.

  “Allison?” Simone squinted her eyes and shielded the sun from her eyes as she tried to see who was calling to her with a familiar voice. She smiled ear to ear when she saw her long lost best friend Allison standing behind the ropes, and rushed over and hugged her. “Allison, what are you doing here? How are you? How many years has it been?”

  “I don’t know, at least five or six. I am so happy for you, a big movie star! I knew you would be big one day though.”

  “You know, what can I say?” Simone joked.

  Neal walked over and tapped Simone on her waist indicating to her that they had to go.

  “Look, call me later tonight and we can catch up, okay?” She quickly used Allison’s pen to write down her cell phone number on her notepad.

  “Sure. It was so good seeing you.”

  “Same here! I’ll call you!” They hugged as Si
mone was dragged away by Neal. “Damn, what was the hurry? I haven’t seen her in years!”


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