Numen the Slayer (Magnus Dynasty Saga Book 1)

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Numen the Slayer (Magnus Dynasty Saga Book 1) Page 9

by Grady P. Brown

  Numen paused for a moment and replied, “I would if I could, but ever since Naera died Gramfyre remained silent. It is as though there is some kind of barrier blocking me from its power. If I cannot use Gramfyre, then it is hopeless to escape this fate. Besides, life without Naera is not life at all.”

  Swallowing hard, Hondo countered, “I know how you feel, brother, but my sister would not want us to spend the rest of our days living like caged animals. Is that how you wish to honor her memory?”

  Sighing, Numen said, “How do you intend to escape from here, Hondo? If I could get us out of here I would, but without Gramfyre or some kind of miracle we are stuck here. With no visible signs of release, this ruin will become our tomb. Robar probably has killed the rest of my family by now and he walks away unpunished. This is how our story ends.”

  An uncomfortable silence enveloped the dungeon as the captives contemplated the grimness of their fate.

  However, Joe Karly broke the tension and said, “Well at least you are starting to talk like one of the veteran fighters. You’re fitting in just fine, My Lord.”

  Throwing his plate aside, Numen rose to his feet and charged at Joe with blind fury. Numen briefly seized Joe’s throat, but Joe skillfully threw Numen off him. Suddenly, their scuffle caused all the other slaves in the dungeon to break into a chaotic brawl. The screams of madmen and damned souls echoed through the dungeon’s halls.

  Before Numen knew it, he and Hondo were fighting for their lives as their fellow captives turned on them. With their fists, Numen and Hondo threw punch after punch as they struggled against the crazed mob. Every once in a while, one person would strike them in the face or kicked them in the gut. Almost in unison, Numen and Hondo spat out the blood that filled their mouths.

  Without warning, the slavers entered the dungeon with whips in hand. The cracked their whips at one cell after another and the captives quickly became still and silent. Despite their anger towards the slavers, Numen and Hondo also fell back into line. Eventually, Raza Hornbane joined his comrades and inspected the slaves.

  Raza glared at the captives before coldly demanding, “What is all this? Who started this madness?”

  For several moments, there was only fearful silence and the captives kept their eyes towards the ground.

  Scoffing, Raza declared, “I hope you got that out of your system because tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Some of the most profitable bidders in Umbran are coming and I expect nothing less than the best death matches. Sleep well because some of you are going to die tomorrow.”

  After those words, Raza and his gang left the dungeon, leaving Numen and his fellow captives quietly thought about the day that was to come . . .


  Fully equipped with his armor and weapons, Numen sat in a bench just outside of the arena. Hundreds of spectators screamed for blood as they waited for the death match to begin. Numen recognized some of the spectators as members of the Umbran gentry. Apparently, there were members of the nobility who craved blood sports even though it was illegal. Numen smiled at the thought of the gentry members being executed if House Baal even cared about punishing them.

  Sitting on a bench on the other side of the arena was Clovis, who was a sight to behold. Clovis wore leather armor with plate armor encasing both of his arms to the shoulders. His face was concealed by a great helm that was decorated with bull horns. In his strong hands was his spiked war hammer, which was made with a steel, ram-shaped head and an oaken handle.

  At the top balcony, Raza rose from his seat and announced, “My Lords and Ladies, welcome to a day of blood and steel! We start today’s festivities with a duel between two titans of the arena! On one side is a promising recruit with a bright future, the Red Phoenix!”

  Numen rose from his bench and held Gramfyre over his head for the crowd to see.

  Raza smiled smugly before continuing, “On the other side is the undefeated champion for eight years in a row, the Bull Hammer!”

  Clovis raised his war hammer over his head and roared through his great helm.

  Displaying his gold teeth in a grotesque smile, Raza said, “Let the match begin!”

  With purposeful steps, Numen and Clovis approached one another with their weapons raised. Clovis made the first move with a two-handed strike, but Numen blocked the war hammer with Gramfyre. Numen grunted and groaned as he struggled to push Clovis back, but it became clear that Clovis was physically stronger than him.

  Violently thrusting forward, Clovis knocked Numen to the ground before lunging at him with his hammer raised. Numen narrowly rolled out of the way as Clovis’ hammer struck the ground in a burst of dirt. Reflexively, Numen delivered a swift kick to Clovis’ helm, forcing him backwards. Both combatants scrambled to their feet and faced one another again.

  Laughing, Clovis said, “You fight well. In the dungeon, you sounded as though you had given up all hope of living. What is driving you now?”

  Clovis’ words struck a cord in Numen’s being, causing him to briefly pause. Taking advantage of Numen’s distracted state, Clovis charged at Numen with furious determination. Numen was barely able to deflect a swing of Clovis’ hammer before being forced to defend against another. The strength of Clovis’ attacks was frightening and gave Numen little room to counterattack.

  As he pressed his onslaught, Clovis taunted, “Why do you defend yourself if you have lost the will to live? If you want to die so badly then drop your sword and let me smash your skull in! What is the truth behind this drive you possess?”

  Confused by Clovis’ words, Numen demanded, “Why are you asking me this in the middle of a death match?”

  “Your friend said that you slew the Graega with that sword. The Graega spent years slaughtering the fiercest warriors and yet you were able to succeed where everyone has failed. I want to see that power! I want you to give me the greatest fight of my life! Hit me with everything you have! Now!”

  Still defending against Clovis’ assault, Numen explained, “I can’t! Gramfyre has remained silent since my bride died. I can’t draw on its power even if I want to.”

  Undeterred, Clovis answered, “Then I will keep pushing you until you remember how to use the sword!”

  After those words, Clovis’ attacks became more erratic and violent as he chiseled away at Numen’s defenses. Numen quickly began to tire as he desperately tried to fend Clovis off. His breathing becoming ragged, Numen jumped a few steps away from Clovis and the two of them faced off again.

  Grunting, Clovis asked, “Has the loss of your Welt whore made you soft?”

  That question struck Numen with the force of an avalanche. A fresh sense of rage and grief welled up inside Numen as he relived Naera’s death over and over again. It was like a recent wound was bleeding profusely once more. As Numen struggled to process his repressed emotions, he could hear the familiar whisper of Gramfyre’s voice in his mind.

  Holding Gramfyre with both hands, Numen noticed the glyphs on the sword’s fuller glowing red. Empowered, Numen lunged at Clovis with renewed ferocity. With one upward strike, Numen shattered Clovis’ breastplate, lightly cut diagonally across his chest, and sent him flying twenty yards in the other direction. The crowd cheered fiercely at the spectacle and screamed for blood.

  Numen looked at Gramfyre and softly murmured, “So that is the key to your power . . . resolve!”

  Immediately, Numen felt Gramfyre draining his stamina and he briefly lost his balance. While struggling to remain standing, Numen lumbered towards Clovis with Gramfyre raised. It was like Numen was subconsciously obeying the crowd’s bloodlust.

  When Numen approached Clovis, he saw that Clovis’ helmet fell off his head, which exposed the dazed expression on his face. Numen noticed that the cut on Clovis’ chest appeared relatively light, but it would definitely leave a good scar if it healed. What troubled Numen was how helpless Clovis was, but why was he hesitating the finishing blow? Numen finished his previous foes off in the past, but this time was different. It was
as though Clovis’ words caused him to reconsider his way of thinking.

  The crowd continued to demand Clovis’ death, but Numen merely stood with Gramfyre in hand. His mind was deeply conflicted about what to do next. If he did not kill Clovis, the slavers would kill him and Hondo. If Numen did kill Clovis, then he would never be free of the endless cycle of fighting and killing he was trapped in. Ultimately, Numen lowered Gramfyre and stood defiantly before the slavers. The crowd jeered at the spectacle and Raza was livid.

  Rising from his seat, Raza commanded, “The mob wants blood! Give it to them! Have you forgotten our arrangement?”

  Fuming, Numen declared, “You killed my bride! If you kill my brother-in-law, you will only add fuel to the fire and your death will come sooner than you want!”

  With a wave of his hand, Raza summoned several crossbowmen from around the arena. The men pointed their weapons at Numen, ready to fire. Numen eyed his new enemies with glaring eyes.

  In a furious voice, Raza ordered, “This is your last chance, boy! Kill him or we kill you!”

  For several tense moments, Numen locked eyes with Raza and remained rooted to the ground. The volatile emotions the two men felt threatened to tear the fabric of existence apart. Drawing on Gramfyre’s power, Numen prepared to attack and Raza was about to order his men to kill.

  Suddenly, a piercing howl rang from outside the castle’s ruined walls. The howl sounded neither human or beast and had a faint twinkling in it. Confusion consumed everyone in the fortress as they searched for the source of the howl. Then many more howls filled the air, but these unmistakably belonged to wolves.

  Just as baffled as everyone else, Numen asked, “What in the name of the Gods is going on?”

  Through the cracks and holes along the walls, Numen saw movement in the surrounding forest. Within moments, Numen realized that the ruined fortress was being attacked by dozens of wolves. Upon arrival, the wolves mauled the slavers and visiting gentry.

  Following the wolves was a figure completely encased animal hides. Even though the stranger was humanoid in shape, it was hard to tell if they were even human. In their hands were a pair of bronze karambit daggers. The sight of the daggers made Numen realize the identity of the stranger, causing him to feel uplifted.

  Overjoyed, Numen called, “Naera! Is that you?”

  In response, the stranger removed their hood to reveal Naera’s face. However, Naera looked significantly different. Her red hair had started to turn white in some areas while her emerald eyes possessed a feral glimmer. Naera raised her karambits and released another unnatural howl. She lunged at the slavers and eviscerated them with animalistic barbarism. Even though he was overjoyed to see Naera alive, Numen found the sight of her brutality horrifying.

  Still, Numen returned his attention to Clovis, who had regained his composure. Clovis looked from his chest wound to Numen with astonishment.

  Not knowing what else to say, Numen ordered, “Go free the others while the slavers are distracted!”

  Confused, Clovis asked, “Why would I do that?”

  Impatiently, Numen explained, “Because we won’t survive this without help from the others! Now go!”

  Stiffly, Clovis picked up his war hammer and scampered towards the entrance to the dungeons. With Clovis taken care of, Numen glared up at Raza with venomous eyes. Drawing on Gramfyre’s magic, Numen jumped higher than humanly possible and landed in front of Raza on his balcony.

  Frantic, Raza drew his weapon, which was a kris sword with a gold, wavy blade. Numen went into a defensive stance as he held Gramfyre in a two-handed grip. With their swords in hand, Numen and Raza stared each other down.

  Snarling through his gilded teeth, Raza bitterly scowled, “I don’t know what kind of sorcery you’re using, but you have ruined my business! I will have your head for this, Slave!”

  Firmly, Numen countered, “I’m not your slave anymore, Hornbane! Umbran’s slave trade ends with you!”

  After that exchange, the two combatants charged at one another . . .


  Hondo moved to the front of his cell and listened to what was happening outside. His fellow captives were just as anxious as he was and they also looked through the bars of their confinement.

  Confused, Tristan asked, “What is all that racket? Are they having some kind of special event that got the bidders in an uproar. It’s happened before, but this time sounds more extreme.”

  Shaking his head, Joe said, “I don’t know about that, but what was that unholy howl? There was something unnatural about it. What in the name of the Gods was that?”

  Sneering, Hondo explained, “I know that howl all too well. My father made it when I was a child. With that howl, he could bend the beasts of the forest to his will. He must have discovered we were in trouble and came to our rescue.”

  Bewildered, Tristan asked, “How could your father do that? He sounds more God than man!”

  Shaking his head, Hondo replied, “My father is a Druid as was my sister. Their magic gave them a strong connection with nature. The things they could do with it were almost limitless, but it often came with a heavy price. Sometimes their magic costs them a piece of their humanity, memories, or stamina. What we are experiencing is Druid magic.”

  Suddenly, before either Tristan or Joe could ask further questions, Clovis entered the dungeon with his war hammer and a fresh cut on his bare chest. The captives pleaded to Clovis for freedom, but Clovis hesitated as he surveyed the dungeon. Finally, Clovis used his war hammer to smash the locks on all the cells. With their confinements breached, the slaves burst through their doors and ran out of the dungeon. When Clovis freed Hondo, Tristan, and Joe, they stayed with Clovis.

  Eager for answers, Tristan asked, “What’s going on out there?”

  His eye wide with astonishment, Clovis replied, “Some wench came out of the forest with wolves and ravens! They’re attacking the fortress and killing the slavers!”

  Smiling, Hondo murmured, “She lives! Thank the Gods, she lives!”

  Looking at Hondo, Joe demanded, “What are you sneering about, Welt?”

  Ignoring Joe, Hondo glanced at Clovis and asked, “Where is Numen? Did you kill him in the arena? If you did, I will avenge him!”

  Brushing off Hondo’s worries, Clovis explained, “Numen is fine. He is off to face Raza Hornbane. With the power he wields and the wound that he gave me, I am sure he will win. Now let’s go to the armory and give the slavers hell!”

  After those words, the group cheered with Clovis as they charged out of the dungeon . . .

  __ __ __

  Outside the fortress, Naera continued her onslaught as she slew one slaver after another. She not only sliced with her karambits, but also ripped and shredded her enemies’ flesh. Her reflexes were fast yet erratic and unpredictable as though she was possessed by some wild spirit.

  Naera’s mind has also changed with features belonging to a beast. Her affection to her comrades never ceased, but her rage and bloodlust were amplified to untold levels. It was as though she was barely in control of her own actions.

  In the dark corners of her mind, Naera thought, I paid a high price bringing myself back and summoning these creatures.

  As she fought, she saw her wolves and ravens in every direction of the fortress. The wolves ripped the slavers and their spectators to pieces while the ravens lacerated with their claws and gouged eyeballs out with their sharp beaks. It was a battle unlike any other with man against beast and steel against magic.

  Then a mob of former slaves emerged from the depths of the fortress with various weapons in hand. The freedmen proceeded to massacre the remaining slavers who escaped the clutches of the wolves and ravens. Among the mob, Naera saw Hondo brandishing his trademark falcata sword. Rushing to her brother, Naera vigorously embraced her, catching him off guard. As the siblings hugged, the chaotic skirmish continued unabated around them.

  When Hondo realized who grabbed him, he burst into joyous laughter and cried
, “I am so glad you are alive! Did father teach you how to come back?”

  Struggling to speak in a human voice, Naera managed to answer, “Aye.”

  Concerned, Hondo asked, “Did father tell you the price that came with that spell?”

  Again, Naera forcibly said, “Aye.”

  Tears flowing from his eyes, Hondo assured, “We will make it work. Let’s just survive this.”

  After that exchange, Hondo and Naera joined the fray and exterminated the last of the slavers . . .


  Numen barely held his own as Raza lashed at him with wild strikes. The gold blade of Raza’s kris sword gleamed in the sunlight, which frequently flashed into Numen’s eyes. Raza’s fighting style was like a combination between trickery and ferocity mashed together. Still, despite Raza’s aggressive technique, Numen realized that Raza had no formal training and was using a method that was created through hardened experience.

  With a backwards swipe of his left fist, Raza struck Numen in the gut and threw him over a table before jumping at him. Laying on his back, Numen could only hold Gramfyre up to fend off Raza’s relentless onslaught. Sparks flew as gold clashed with black steel. Desperate to turn the tide of the duel, Numen kicked outward, hitting Raza in the knee. A loud crunch could be heard and Raza yelped in surprise. Apparently, Numen either broke or dislocated Raza’s knee. Numen’s suspicions were proven right as Raza heavily limped towards him.

  With Raza off balance, Numen frantically scrambled to his feet and renewed his efforts against Raza. Due to the condition of his knee, Raza was on the defensive as he deflected Numen’s attacks with clumsy flicks of his blade.

  Growling, Raza said, “I will not be brought down by a petty slave like you!”

  Raza’s demeaning words triggered something in Numen as images of his family and Gramfyre flashed through his mind. He remembered his father’s words of their true identity and what House Magnus was destined to become. He remembered the glorious feel of pulling Gramfyre out of the ground for the first time. With no more regrets or doubts consuming him, Numen could feel Gramfyre’s magic coursing through his veins like liquid fire.


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