Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Made Men 10: And Then...There Were Seven (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She thought about Harley, and oh boy, now she was feeling stupid. Perhaps he would think she was easy. She shouldn’t have egged him on, nor said she would decide if she brought a man home or not. It made her sound experienced. Not that she wasn’t with men. She was, but Donata stayed in control of who she spread her legs for and she didn’t get involved with anyone locally. This could get ugly. Especially if her friends found out. They might try to play matchmaker, and oh what a mess that would turn into. It was good she was leaving. When she got back in a week, perhaps what had happened would be a distant memory and a lapse in judgment for both her and Harley. No harm, no foul.

  Donata headed back out to her friends and the dance floor, despite Harley’s warning to stay clear of any men and to go home alone. Maybe this would let him know she wasn’t easy at all.

  * * * *

  “What the hell happened?” Covan asked Harley as they got into the SUV.

  Harley exhaled and gripped the steering wheel as he drove. His mind was on Donata, that damn body of hers, and how she made him feel.

  “Harley?” Jack pushed when Harley didn’t say a word.

  “Let’s take care of business, and later we’ll talk,” Harley stated.

  “Fuck that. I want to know what happened. She was fixing her dress, and you looked wild and pissed off. I can smell her perfume on you, too,” Jack stated.

  Harley took a deep breath. He’d thought it was just him, like he was instantly obsessed with the woman and her scent.

  “You want to fucking know what happened? I saw her dancing with two guys on the dance floor. She was staring at me, and I couldn’t take it, okay. I couldn’t stand watching her let men touch her and press up against her. When I followed her to the bathroom to make sure she was okay, she seemed tipsy,” Harley said, feeling that same annoyed, concerned feeling he had worrying about Donata.

  “Tipsy? She should know better especially after what happened to her friends,” Turbo snapped.

  “Exactly. So I confronted her, and she gave me her wise-ass, tough-girl remarks and attitude. Things progressed.”

  “How so?” Jack asked.

  “She got mouthy, I got pissed, and I fucking kissed her.” He gripped the steering wheel.

  “And?” Jack asked.

  “And it got hot and heavy. She’s fucking built like some centerfold model. Her breasts are huge. I couldn’t even cup one fully.”

  “Jesus, man, you were going to fuck her right there in the office?” Turbo asked, sounding pissed.

  “If she fucking let me, I sure as shit would have. It was hot and we were both feeling out of control. She came in my arms, man. I felt desperate. Never so fucking desperate,” Harley admitted.

  “Holy shit,” Covan stated.

  “So that explains why you sounded so extra pissed off when I called,” Turbo said.

  “I’d be pissed, too. You should have blown us off and told us you couldn’t come along. We would have handled this,” Jack said, sounding a bit upset. Was his brother jealous?

  “It didn’t matter. She panicked at that point. Said she didn’t let men screw her in back offices. I think she was as shocked as I was about what happened and what we came close to doing.”

  “I bet she did. She talks a big talk, but she’s no whore. It’s why you’re attracted to her,” Covan said and stared out the window.

  Harley felt uneasy. His brother and cousins could pretend that they didn’t care for Donata, just as he had been doing. They did though. They always looked out for her when they were in the same places and when they could. She was gorgeous, with long brownish-red hair, deep green eyes, and a super-classy, almost ritzy appearance. She got under his skin and theirs, too.

  “It’s why all of us are,” Harley said.

  “No, she’s only interested in you obviously,” Jack stated.

  “Not true. When I kissed her, said things to her, I mentioned all of you. I mentioned us as one unit, and she didn’t deny anything. She seemed shocked and unsure.”

  “She probably doesn’t trust anyone, and especially not men with our reputations. I mean, we’re nothing like how Lenox, Cobra, Roman, and Ziek were before Alessa.” Jack said.

  “And certainly not like Royce, Train, Brew, and Logic with Alda. We don’t even date,” Turbo stated.

  “Donata doesn’t seem to date either,” Harley replied.

  “Which could mean a lot of things,” Coven said as they pulled up to the location.

  “Enough about this shit. We’ll figure it out. Let’s take care of business,” Harley stated firmly, turning off the ignition.

  “We’ll talk later,” Jack said and looked at Harley.

  “May not be anything to talk about. I think me leaving like I did made her feel like I used her and the opportunity to make her think this could be more. Let’s move,” Harley commanded. They all got out of the SUV, prepared to take action and put a little necessary pressure on some men who were trying to fuck their bosses, Mateus and Major, over.

  Chapter One

  Clay Ellis was trying not to look panicked, but he was. He was in deep shit and with seriously crazy people. If his partner, Kyle James, found out what had been going on behind the scenes, he would lose it on him. Ellis had jeopardized not only the company but future operations. The side negotiations with Admere were going to be discovered. The money he owed, taking an advance to feed his gambling habits, would come up, too. He was screwed unless he came up with another plan, and a way to branch out to make more money. Just enough to cover the debt he was in and the advance he’d accepted from Admere.

  He typed away on the computer. Was there a way to finagle the numbers, and make it look like the shipments had been received but misplaced? How long could he keep doing this? Shit. He hadn’t thought anyone would notice a few crates missing and being shipped elsewhere. Now Admere wanted more. He had his teeth sunk into Ellis, and of course the money was coming in nicely and undetected. Hell, no one knew about the side business Ellis was doing.

  He looked at the screen and tried to focus on work, but how could he? They were all leaving for India to meet this new guy, Halan Dajon, an international businessman trading goods and services throughout the Middle East and the United States. Cooper, who had set up this meeting, was into some shady business—anything that made him money, and he didn’t care about the consequences or screwing anyone over. What if this guy, Halan, knew about Ellis’s deals with Admere? What if Kyle found out about Admere and about the deal Ellis had made to import drugs by hiding them in the protein powder, sealed and undetectable? Kyle wouldn’t care about the millions they would make. He was a straight shooter, a by-the-books guy, and he would not accept this.

  Then to top it off, Donata was coming along for the trip and to work the numbers on the current deals with Kyle’s friend, the guy whose company made the protein shakes. It was a shittin’ mess. Ellis had no choice. He would have to just pretend everything was fine and keep his mouth shut. There had to be a way to still work a deal with Admere, to appease his wants and the volume of product he would like to ship to the US. He would explain why things hadn’t progressed yet and buy himself time, all while his partner was none the wiser. Ellis had been doing this for months without Kyle or anyone else finding out. He could continue to do this. He looked into his accounts at the bank. Too low to pull enough out to appease Admere. How was he going to get out of debt with Admere and with the loan shark he owed? There was only one choice. He had to continue to smuggle in the drugs for Admere, and perhaps see what this guy Halan wanted to sell in the US. Perhaps it would work out fine.

  As far as Halan Dajon was concerned, Ellis would have to feel him out and see if this was legit. Fuck, Kyle was going to lose it when he found out about Ellis’s side deal Ellis, but they were stuck. They would have no choice but to cooperate and do the deal, or else Admere would kill them all.

  * * * *

  The Imperial Hotel in New Delhi was extraordinary. From the moment they all arrived at the Delhi In
ternational Airport and were greeted by a car service, Donata knew this was going to be one very memorable trip. What she hadn’t expected was the upscale and elaborate décor of the hotel and five-star amenities.

  The service was impeccable and the rooms exquisite. As they took the first day recovering from jet leg, the evening fell upon them, and Donata met her brother and Ellis downstairs at the martini bar adjacent to the main lobby area. It contained very high ceilings and had a large oval dome above the bar with a huge crystal chandelier hanging at the center. The bar itself was in an outsized U-shape, with enough high leather stools for about forty people to gather around. It was rich in gold and stained glass, with brass along the bar rails. Ellis pulled out a chair for her to sit at, and he eyed her body in the slim-fitting black dress she wore and gave her a wink. Ellis had always been a flirt.

  “What would you like to drink Donata?” he asked her, and Kyle stood on her other side with a hand on the back of her chair.

  “A martini is fine, thank you,” she said.

  She took in her surroundings. On the way in from the airport, the driver told them about some close, local attractions she hoped she had time to explore: the Indira Gandhi National Center of Arts, Palika Park, the metro station, and of course she was interested in seeing the Janpath market, too. She was excited to be here, learn more about the culture, and meet Mr. Ashok, the owner of the protein shake company they had done business with for the last couple of years. She spoke with him often on the phone and of course his assistant Manoj more often, but it would be great to meet him face-to-face.

  “Let’s talk plan of action here beginning tonight. I’d say we enjoy the nightlife right here in the hotel. Tomorrow morning, Donata, you can maybe take the tour you want to after we meet Mr. Ashok to talk business. Then while Ellis and I meet this new potential client, Halan, you can maybe do a tour, accompanied by an escort of course. The hotel can arrange a tour guide and companion so you’re safe,” her brother told her, then winked and gave her a smile.

  “Sounds perfect if you’re sure you don’t want me present to meet this new client.” She took a sip of her martini. Ellis downed a shot of something, she wasn’t sure. He waved the bartender for another. Ellis wasn’t kidding that he hated flying. He’d seemed nervous from the time they boarded the plane and continued to look nervous.

  “Definitely we can handle meeting the guy. If things go well and there’s more to discuss, Ellis will suggest a dinner meeting to mingle and talk more. You can meet this Halan Dajon then.”

  “Sounds good, Kyle,” she said and they clinked glasses, took sips, and enjoyed the ambiance of the hotel.

  * * * *

  Ashok couldn’t take his eyes off of Kyle’s sister, Donata. She was gorgeous, with long, curly brownish-red hair, abundant breasts, and striking, smoky green eyes that drew him in. A quick glance at his assistant, Manoj, and he too was enthralled at the woman, talking to her nonstop. She was very smart, as well, and that gave him peace of mind. Since working with their US company for the last two years, they had been quite successful. He wanted to secure that success and make sure they wouldn’t take on any other suppliers while visiting India.

  “So, about these additional products we would like to add to the list, do you think you will find them sellable in the market with your customers?” Ashok asked them, have passed around and discussed the list of products only moments before.

  “I think so, definitely. Our customers are very satisfied with the protein shakes, the energy enhancement products, and even the protein bars. Our automatic shipment customers have increased immensely, and they have asked for more products and more options, so this comes at a great time, Mr. Ashok,” Kyle said to him. Ashok smiled.

  “Wonderful. I think we should come up with pricing and some ideas of promoting and when we can ship to you.”

  “Sounds great to me. I was thinking we should totally hype this up. You know, push the healthy living at better process than the chain stores offer. With spring right around the corner, people are itching for that quick fix and to start exercising as soon as they realize they need to lose weight after winter,” Kyle said.

  Ashok rubbed his belly. “Tell me about it. I have been neglecting myself a bit and missing the gym,” he admitted and they chuckled.

  “I personally love the protein shakes, and it’s quick and easy to mix up in the morning when I’m in a rush,” Donata added. He looked her over. The woman was gorgeous.

  “That’s wonderful. Perhaps you could be a spokesperson for the products and model?” he suggested and winked. She blushed and smiled.

  “Thank you for the compliment, sir, but I’m a behind-the-scenes woman. Numbers are my thing, not modeling.”

  “You would be exceptional at modeling.”

  “Thank you.”

  Not too long after, they started to part ways with Donata going on a tour of some local landmarks when Ashok noticed Halan Dajon and a few of his security guys enter the hotel. He looked at Ellis and Kyle.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re meeting Halan Dajon,” he said to them.

  “Yes, a friend of ours connected us to him, and we’re meeting to see what he wants,” Kyle said.

  “Be careful, Kyle. The man is involved in many things, and it may not be something you want to be involved in,” Ashok told them.

  “It will be fine. We know what we’re doing.” Ellis said. On the defensive. Ashok had noticed that Ellis seemed nervous and kind of snappy during their little meeting for drinks. He wondered if Ellis knew that Halan was into illegal products.

  “Well, we should get going.” Ellis shook Ashok’s hand.

  “Will Donata be okay on her own?” he asked.

  “I had asked the concierge about a security escort to go with her. She’ll be good. Thank you, and we’ll see you tomorrow for a more thorough meeting and to check out the facilities,” Kyle said to him.

  “Yes, we look forward to showing you where we make the products and how we package them. Good day,” Ashok said. As he walked away from them, he caught sight of Halan who eyed him over and smirked. He hoped that Kyle and Ellis knew what they were doing.

  * * * *

  Ellis was shaking he was so fucking scared. The second the meeting began and Halan mentioned exporting goods and dealing with customs, he knew that Halan had caught wind of Ellis’s dealings with Admere. This was not good. Kyle looked confused and then spoke his mind.

  “Wait, I think there may be some kind of confusion here. I’m not sure what Coleman told you, but we don’t involve ourselves in any shady business. We work with a local manufacturer here in India, and then sell the products in the United States. What’s this about customs and getting things past them? What things? What is this all about? Who is Admere?” Kyle asked.

  Halan leaned back in his seat and squinted at Ellis, looking arrogant. “If it’s the price that you want to negotiate, just say that and we’ll come to some sort of compromise, I’m sure. That’s if what I heard and have seen for myself is a successful operation.”

  “Negotiate?” Kyle said and looked at Ellis. Ellis realized he had to do something here to save their asses. He had been over it. He could offer Halan something, perhaps a small deal. Ellis put his hand up for Kyle to let him speak.

  “I’ll handle this. Okay, Halan, we can come to some sort of agreement. It’s by my rules though,” Ellis said.

  “Rules? What rules? What the hell are you doing, Ellis?” Kyle asked, raising his voice. Ellis shot him a dirty look.

  “Let me handle this, Kyle, and then I’ll explain things later.”

  “No, I don’t want to hear it, and I don’t need to be here to have knowledge of anything. You end this,” Kyle said and stood up.

  “Sorry, Mr. Dajon, I don’t know what’s going on here, but my company isn’t dealing anything illegal.” Kyle walked away, and Ellis watched him go. He was shaking but had to pretend he had control over the situation. He didn’t know how he was going to get himself out of this fu
cking mess. All he could think to do was negotiate a deal and hope Admere didn’t catch wind of it or get pissed because he wanted to expand his shipments and Ellis was pushing him off. There was only too far he could push men like Admere and this guy, Halan.

  “So your partner doesn’t know about your little operations, does he?” Halan asked.

  “You saw his reaction. He doesn’t know a thing. I’m in charge. The thing is, I’m not ready to take on additional clients or shipments at this time.”

  “I want in. I won’t take no for an answer, or you see, I’ll notify people I know in customs and make this very difficult for you to make your other client happy. So you will negotiate with me.”

  * * * *

  “I’m not doing it. I don’t give a shit what deal you made or who this man, these men, are. You caused this shit, Ellis, not me. You’re going to get us out of it. When we get back to New York, the deal you have with the other guy is finished, too.” Kyle raised his voice, furious, with his hands on his hips. He wanted this resolved before Donata got back to the room.

  “I can’t. It isn’t that easy. You don’t know these people. You don’t understand. I don’t even know how Coleman found out about my deal with Admere.”

  “Admere? Who the hell is that?”

  “That’s the Saudi guy I started doing these shipments for months ago. He wants more shipments, and to expand. The money is great. I have to come through on a few more shipments, or it will cause us more problems.”

  “Not us, you. You made this fucking mess, and have been making money on it behind my back. That’s fucked up, Ellis, no matter how you try to justify this. Tell him now that it’s over. End it.”

  “I can’t fucking end it, Jesus! How fucking thick are you, Kyle? These are Saudi guys, powerful, fucking smugglers, drug dealers, arms dealers. They will kill me, hell, us.”


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