Obsession (Dark Obsessions Book 1)

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Obsession (Dark Obsessions Book 1) Page 1

by A. Blackthorne


  Dark Obsessions Series

  A. Blackthorne

  Copyright © 2018 by A. Blackthorne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editor: Katie Sullivan

  Beta Reader: Autumn Lee


  Author’s Note




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Rage Excerpt

  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author


  Author’s Note

  Warning from the Author

  Additionally, I would like readers to know that I ALWAYS practice and endorse safe sex. Condoms are consistently used. Sometimes, I do not choose to include specific safety details in the narrative as I feel that it damages the readers’ experience of the book. I encourage EVERYONE reading this book to always practice safe sex which includes getting regularly tested and using condoms.

  **This book does contain scenes of violence. NO ANIMALS are harmed in this or any other book I will ever publish. ***


  Playlist for Obsession-Listen to it here!

  Marilyn Manson-Putting Holes in Happiness


  Vance Joy-Riptide

  Quiet Riot-Mama Weer All Crazee Now

  Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers-Don’t Come Around Here No More

  Garbage-Stupid Girl

  Theory of a Deadman-RX (Medicate)


  Special Thanks To:

  To my readers whom I LOVE! And to my best friend in the world, my beloved Lab, Pedro who is even more famous than I am!



  The little boy winced as the sand swirled around his eyes. It was another sand storm, his mother said.

  The Egyptian sun beat down on their backs as the little boy and his parents walked across the scorching desert to the camp. Several dozen people stood beneath a white awning surrounded by tents. It was an archeological dig, the kind the little boy had been on many times before.

  This wasn’t his first visit to Egypt, but it was going to be the most fun! This time they were going inside of one of the pyramids!

  His parents were archeologists working for a university back in the States. At the young age of nine, the boy had traveled the world he’d seen the sands of the Sahara, ancient Mayan ruins, and the Amazon jungle.

  “Cover your eyes, Jax!” His mother instructed as more sand came whirling at their faces. Quickly, he pulled the protective scarf around his face. His eyes stung from the grains of sand forced into them by the wind. His father wrapped his arms around them pulling them into the tent.

  “When are we going into the pyramid, Dad?” He asked trying to discern whether it was night or day. The sand had so obscured the sun it appeared to be twilight.

  “As soon as the storm dies down.” His dad shook the sand from his hair. His mother sat quietly in the corner of the tent trying to brush the sand out of her hair.

  “I hate all this sand!” The little boy exclaimed stomping his feet in frustration.

  “It will pass soon.”

  The next day, the sand storm had passed just as his parents promised. The little boy woke up excited as today they were going into the pyramid!

  As they descended a dark tunnel to enter the pyramid, Jax clutched his mother’s hand. His dad held a lantern up to light their way. It was so dark and cold down there! Jax huddled inside his jacket. They descended even further down the tunnel as his father held onto the rope. The rope was attached to the pyramid entrance.

  As they reached the floor of the pyramid, his father went with part of the team into one chamber while his mother went with the rest of men into a side chamber. Jax shuddered as a cool draft blew through the tunnel. He thought he heard whispering all around him

  Maybe there were mummies down there. He cringed at the thought.

  Suddenly, his mother was frantically digging at something with several men. They were whispering loudly as their voices became excited. They’d found something!

  “Look Henry, you’ve got to come see this!” His mother exclaimed. Jax reached for his dad’s hand as they hurried over to her.

  “What is it?” He asked staring at her.

  The room lit up as several Egyptian men brought their lanterns forward.

  Jax gaped at the large box in front of him. It was beautiful decorated with gold covered in many different, bright colors. He wondered what was inside.

  “It’s a sarcophagus, Jax.”

  What? He was confused.

  “Whose could it be? I thought most of these had been uncovered.” His dad spoke to the Egyptians.

  One of them peered down at the box holding a tiny brush he swept the sand and dust off of it.

  “I cannot say for sure without opening it.” Jax struggled to understand his heavily accented English.

  “Look, these hieroglyphs indicate something about the goddess, Wadjet.”

  “How interesting. I thought most of them referenced---“His mother broke off as she read the picture writing. Jax stood there confused.

  “The Eye of Horus is over here! I wonder what---“

  His father whispered as he gestured to the men to remove the top of the box. Jax stood to the side watching.

  With much effort, the men were able to remove the top of the sarcophagus. Anxiously, Jax peered inside.

  It looked to be a man’s body wrapped in white, dirty bandages. It smelled ancient and dusty. A plume of dust arose from it. Jax dissolved into paroxysms of coughing.

  “Who is it, Dad?” Jax asked.

  “We’re not sure.” His parents were busy with the other archeologists examining the body.

  Jax noticed a shiny object sticking out from the body. It was inserted near what should’ve been his eye.

  “Mom, Dad, what’s that?”

  “Shhh, Jax. We’re working. Go get my bag for us, please.”

  Reluctantly, Jax shuffled into the front room of the tomb. He grabbed his mother’s bag and brought it to them.

  The team was already slipping their gloves on and their masks. They looked like they were about to perform surgery instead of excavating a tomb. Jax sat down on the ground watching them.

  After they had pulled all the objects out of the coffin, they prepared to leave for the day. Jax slipped behind them. He stared down at the object protruding from the body. It was a beautiful gold U shaped pin. He wondered what it meant. He tugged on it several times before it gave way.

  As he tucked it in his pocket, a cold draft of wind swept through the tomb. Several objects crashed to the floor. The earth began to shake beneath them.r />
  “What was that?” His mother cried.

  “I think it’s an earthquake!” His dad grabbed both of them.

  “We need to leave now!” The Egyptians urged snatching their bags with the priceless objects in them.

  As the earth continued its’ terrible shaking, the tunnel behind them began to collapse. Dust and sand swirled around them making it nearly impossible to see. All they had to guide them was the rope that extended along the side of the corridor they’d descended when they first arrived inside the pyramid. His father held the rope tightly in one hand and his mother in the other. His mother held onto to Jax with her free hand.

  “Hurry!” The Egyptians cursed loudly in their own language as Jax began to cry. He didn’t want to be buried alive inside the pyramid.

  Finally, the terrible shaking stopped as they arrived at the entrance to the pyramid. The entire team had gotten out unharmed as they hurried back to the tents.

  Jax reached inside his pocket for the pin.

  It was still there, in his possession.

  As it would remain for many years to come.

  Chapter 1

  The rain pelted down against the roof of his house. Jax Paulson leaned back against his soft leather couch relishing the sound. He loved the rain. It always put him in the mood.

  To write.

  Chuckling to himself, he rose from the couch to stoke the fire as he put on a fresh pot of coffee.

  Outside, thunder crashed and a huge bolt of lightning struck a large tree in the woods behind his house. Jax raced to the window to see an enormous branch fall to the ground. The rain continued to pour as the wind howled.

  Walking back to the coffee pot, he heard a sharp knock at his door.

  “Who the hell could that be?” He looked at his phone. It was after midnight.

  He yanked open the door to see a gorgeous woman standing there drenched from head to toe. Her hair was plastered to her head like a helmet.

  Still, he could tell she was quite lovely. Her tan coat clung to her body revealing her delicious curves.

  “Hi, I know it’s late, but my car broke down a few miles back. My phone died and I need to call for help.”

  Jax nodded and stepped aside.

  “Please, come in. It’s really coming down out there. I’ll get my phone for you.”

  The woman walked inside standing right by the door.

  “I’m soaked and I don’t want to get your floors wet.” She smiled looking around at the large living room and spacious kitchen. She inhaled the delicious aroma of fresh coffee.

  “Of course! Let me grab some towels. You must be freezing.” Jax dashed to his laundry room to grab a handful of towels.

  When he came back into the room, she’d already taken her leather boots off.

  “Thanks. This is a fabulous house. I thought to myself when I broke down a few miles back, Sarah, go up to that gorgeous home you passed a few minutes ago. So, I walked back here. The rain was a bitch. I’m completely soaked.” She shivered.

  “You must be. It’s been raining hard for the past few hours.” Jax glanced back at his flooding yard. If this rain kept up, it would drown the flowers his gardener had just planted.

  “My name’s Sarah Bender, by the way. What’s yours?”

  “It’s Jax.”

  “Jax like Jax Paulson, the author?”

  “That would be me.” He grinned. It still amazed him that he had achieved minor celebrity status.

  “Oh my God! This is insane! I’m like your number 1 fan! I’ve read all your books. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you!” Her face flushed red as she dried her long hair with the towel.

  “Thank you. Can I get you a cup of coffee? I just made a fresh pot.”


  Sarah wrapped the towels around her wet clothes as she shuffled over to the kitchen table.

  “So, rain puts you in the mood?”


  Sarah laughed gesturing to the open laptop on the table.

  “To write. It’s exciting to see the place where the Master Himself makes his magic.” She winked.

  He shook his head.

  “There’s no real magic to it. I just write whatever comes to mind. Do you still need to use my phone?” He held it out to her.


  Quickly, she punched a text to a friend.

  “He’ll be here in about an hour. He’s downtown at the moment. Mind if I hang out here?”

  A quick glance out the window told Jax the rain was still pouring. He could see the water running in streams down the driveway.


  “While I’m here, maybe I could get you to sign a book for me?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve got a ton of paperbacks lying around. Which one is your favorite?”

  “Definitely Forsaken! It was so dark!”

  “No problem.” Jax handed her a cup of coffee while he pulled a paperback from his shelf. He quickly autographed it and placed it on the table.

  “Thank you! My friends will be so jealous when they see this!” She gushed.

  Jax looked at her still soaking clothes dripping wet on his floor.

  “Sarah, you’re still soaked. Can I get you a t-shirt or something to put on? I could dry your clothes in my dryer.”

  Her green eyes widened.

  “That would be terrific. I really appreciate it! Oh God, my friends are going to flip when I tell all about this.”

  Jax chuckled as he went to retrieve a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

  As he strolled back into the living room, his mouth fell open. There stood Sarah completely nude. She’d stripped off her soaking wet dress, bra, and panties.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll just leave the shirt here.” Jax turned to leave his face burning with embarrassment.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  Turning around, Jax was stunned to see how beautiful she was. Sarah was quite tall. He guessed her to be around 5’9 or so. Her legs were long and luscious. Her body was flawless with firm breasts and a slender waist. Her long hair was a sandy shade of brown that hung to her nipples. Jax couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  “Sarah, I just met you.” He murmured.

  “Oh please, I think we know what this is.” She winked motioning for him to come closer.

  Walking over to her, Jax became overwhelmed with desire. His cock throbbed with need as he took her into his arms. This was by far better than any of the sexy scenarios he had ever written. She pushed him down into his chair.

  She leaned over him and pressed her lips to his, and he felt how real all this had become to him. How very much all the fantasies he’d written all these years were becoming reality. Sure, he’d been a hotshot in the military some would say a national hero by becoming a Marine, and he’d gotten his share of pussy, but the fantasies he constructed by writing were far more vivid, more satisfying than anything he’d had in reality.

  Until tonight.

  Sarah’s long light brown hair swept across his face as she leaned over him her full sensual lips brushing his at first before he pulled her to him. Her tongue flickered out to roam Jax’s mouth becoming one with his. Her firm breasts loomed over him like two full moons. His hands drifted up her body tracing the planes of her dusky flesh. She was so incredibly soft. A slight trickle of perspiration dripped between the valley of her cleavage as he pressed her breasts together imagining what it would feel like to shove his cock between them.

  A small bead of come oozed from the tip of his cock as he ached to sink deep inside her. He could feel how wet she was as she leaned her body over his allowing his lips to graze her nipples. His arms encircled her waist bringing her down closer to him so he could suck her delicious nipples. They were so hard and pink feeling like gumdrops in his mouth. He rolled each nipple between his teeth teasing her, biting her a tiny bit harder each time. Her breathing quickened as his hands reached her ass squeezing it before giving it a light slap.

  She writhed ben
eath his touch as he pushed his hand down between the two of them feeling the heat between her legs. His fingers found her wetness and probed deep inside her. She moaned with pleasure. He did as well upon finding how tight she was. Sinking his cock deep inside her was going to be…


  Sarah reached to pull his fingers from her. He watched mesmerized as she took his fingers dripping with her own juices and shoved them into her mouth. Her eyes gazed deep into his as she slowly pulled Jax’s fingers from her lips licking them clean.


  This woman was the definition of wild. The rain still poured down outside in torrents pelting the small frame of his house. The fire flickered brightly in the fireplace casting a rosy glow over her body. His dick was harder than it had ever been before.

  “Sarah,” he murmured as he caught her waist and flipped her to the floor. He fell on her pressing his cock against her wet pussy.

  “Fuck me, Jax. Please.” She moaned as her arms curled around him. He eased his cock inside her feeling every inch being enveloped by her tight wetness. She cried out as he gave a hard shove at the end pushing in as hard as he could. She felt tight and smooth, like a glove. Her fingernails dug deep into the flesh of his back as he thrust in and out of her. He felt her tits jiggling beneath his well-muscled chest. Sweat began to bead at his hairline as the fire between them intensified.


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