Obsession (Dark Obsessions Book 1)

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Obsession (Dark Obsessions Book 1) Page 7

by A. Blackthorne

  Jessica took one last glance around the kitchen before turning off the light. She certainly hoped Jax’s book would be a huge success if not he was going to end up paranoid for the rest of his life.

  Monday morning was the most dreaded time of all, Jax thought as he rolled over in his bed. He didn’t imagine anyone enjoyed it. At least he didn’t have to go into a physical office, but nevertheless Mondays still greeted him with a sense of overwhelming nausea.

  Time to start writing, he thought.

  Yanking a t-shirt over his head, Jax walked down the stairs. He punched the coffee maker to the on position.

  Minutes later, as the aroma of hot coffee filled the air, Jax sat down in front of his laptop to begin his day.

  After several minutes of feverish typing, he stopped sensing someone was watching him. Jax stood up and walked over to the huge picture window to gaze outside. He looked to his right and to his left but saw nothing. The woods surrounding his house were even quiet save for a few birds chirping.

  Sipping his coffee, Jax walked back to his laptop. He sat down hard in the chair. His mind was blank as he stared at the screen. All the words he’d already typed swam before him.

  He was stuck again.

  Finishing his coffee, Jax drummed his fingers on the table. His mind had been so clouded lately. Maybe it was the ‘stalking’ that was getting to him. Sarah appeared in the oddest of places at all hours of the day and night. When Jessica gave him the idea, he figured Sarah would only appear at designated times like it was a job.

  At least that was what it was supposed to be.

  Jax shook his head to clear it as walked to the counter to refill his coffee cup. This was all getting to be too much. The stalking, Sarah, everything.

  Worst of all, he couldn’t write anymore.

  His first draft had poured from him, but he was stuck on the final draft. It was due to the editor in less than a month and he still was nowhere near finished. By hiring Jessica, he had hoped to finally crack the #1 spot on the NYT. He’d been at #1 on USA Today several times, but the NYT top spot had eluded him.

  He sighed as he sipped his coffee. Maybe he’d lost his spark. Ever since his last book he’d wanted to switch genres. His heart really wasn’t into romance. Jax’s dream had always been to be an author of thrillers or horror not romance that had all been Brooke’s idea.

  But it had worked.

  Women adored him as a romance author. He had women messaging him on Facebook all hours of the night sending the most X rated of pictures. Jax just ignored the photos, but Brooke looked at them all. She thought it was flattering her boyfriend was inspiring so many women to be so naughty.

  A smile teased his lips as he thought about her reactions to all the publicity. As he put a live feed out on Facebook, women began to mob him in public asking for his autograph. It all struck him as funny because he never thought of himself as a celebrity or a sexual icon. He was just Jax, a Marine and an author.

  As Jax ran his fingertips over the keys of his laptop, he wondered how well his impending release, Disturbed would be received. He was daring to depart from his erotic romance formula to dip his toes into becoming what he really wanted to be, an author of thrillers.

  In other words, a serious author as he phrased it to Brooke. She’d scoffed at him saying he was already making serious money that was all that should matter to him.

  But it wasn’t.

  It was never about the money for him. It was about sharing a part of himself with the world. That was all he ever really wanted to do, but Brooke just didn’t understand that.

  Neither did Allie or Jessica.

  So here he was, on the cusp of finishing his first thriller and while he was pleased about it, something nagged at him. At first he thought it was Sarah and the strange and terrible things she was doing to stalk him, but there was something more.

  Something dark emerging in his writing from within him.

  Brooke had even commented yesterday he seemed different. He’d blown her off, but secretly he was worried. He’d been finding himself in places he couldn’t remember going to, doing things he didn’t remember doing.

  The horrible night terrors were still happening even though he’d stopped the Haldol.

  The familiar buzzing of his phone distracted him from his thoughts.

  “Jax, are you coming into the office today?” It was Jessica.

  “I wasn’t planning to, but I can. Why, what’s up?”

  Jessica hesitated a moment. Jax wondered what was going on. Something was off.

  “I just have a few things to discuss with you. Can you bring in your work in progress?”

  “Sure, I can. Jessica, what’s going on?”

  “I just have things I want to discuss. Please be here around 1:00.”

  “Will do.”

  Jax clicked the off button on his phone. That was certainly odd. Jessica had never requested to read his manuscript before. Maybe Allie had said something to her.

  A loud thud hit his picture window. Jax raced over to see the body of a bird flipping around helplessly on the grass below. He watched as the bird struggled with his broken wings to fly. Jax felt a twinge of sympathy for the bird as he observed the bird’s last desperate bid at life. Then, the bird was still.


  Jax found his cheeks wet with tears. He couldn’t imagine why. He didn’t even care for birds.

  But something about the helpless creature reminded him of someone. Someone who had laid helpless before him.


  Who was it?

  Her long dark hair was shimmering beneath his closed lids. Her body was so firm and perfect with its’ lush curves. It beckoned to him even as she lie still.

  His eyes fluttered open.

  No, it couldn’t be!

  Shaken, Jax dumped the rest of his coffee out into the sink. He watched the dark liquid swirl around the drain and disappear. Checking his phone, he saw it was nearly 11:30. Time to shower and get ready to meet with Jessica.

  He sensed he wasn’t going to like what she had to say.

  Chapter 15

  With her hand over her mouth, Sarah fell back against the shrubs. Sharp thorns from the rose bushes cut into her hands. The cold mud soaked her jeans as she scrambled to get her footing.

  Shaking, she stood up and tried to brush the mud from her jeans. Her hands were bloody with scratches from the thorns as she raced back to her car which was parked far down the road.

  The night air was chilly and she shivered with cold as she walked along the deserted road. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen! Jax was fucking that girl just like he’d fucked her a month ago. How could he just jump from one woman to another? The voices were right as usual.

  He was evil.

  But there was more, so much more that Sarah didn’t even understand herself.

  As she opened her car door to slip inside, Sarah jammed the keys into the ignition. She stopped for a moment to think about all the women she’d seen Jax with over the past few weeks. There had been at least six of them so far. They had all been stunning to say the least. It struck her as odd as she would confront the women while they were out with Jax as soon as she could get them alone. They would look at her like she was crazy and go back to Jax. Later, when the two would leave, Sarah would follow them, but they would always leave separately.

  Then, her memory faded. She didn’t recall seeing them afterwards.

  It was as if they’d disappeared.

  Starting the car, Sarah roared off down the road. What did it all mean? Where did the women go after their dates with Jax? Sarah had tried to trail the last two but had lost them.

  She felt nauseated. She pulled over as the bitter taste of bile rose in her throat. Opening the car door, she leaned over as the vomit spilled from her mouth.

  Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she shut the car door. Sarah leaned back against the seat clutching her stomach.

  “What the hell is happening to
me?” she murmured.

  The trees whizzed past her as she drove along the darkened road towards Jax’s house.

  She parked a little way away and got out.

  She crouched down and crept past the fountain in the backyard where she’d spent so many hours watching the house.

  This time there was someone in there with him!

  Someone who wasn’t Brooke.

  Jax came into view with the blonde from the restaurant. They were talking animatedly to each other while holding wine glasses. Sarah watched transfixed as they sipped their wine, their faces relaxed and happy.

  She wished she could be the one Jax was with tonight.

  And yet, an impending sense of evil filled her. She knew that something awful was going to happen, but she didn’t know what.

  Then, the lights had gone out as the two left the living room. Sarah leaned against the concrete fountain for several minutes wondering if the two were fucking. She remained out there in the dark, lonely as ever, waiting to see if the couple would emerge soon.

  They didn’t.

  In fact, Sarah stayed out there until daybreak, but she didn’t see or hear anything more. Her eyes felt heavy as she blinked several times trying to escape the desperate call of sleep. She must’ve lost the battle as several minutes later she awoke to soft rain falling on her.

  Sarah got to her feet and dashed off through the woods.

  As she jumped into her car, she caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror. Her long hair was matted and tangled. Her cheeks were streaked with muddy streams from her mascara.

  Was this what she’d become?

  How long was she going to have to follow Jax? Until her job was complete?

  However long it takes, the voices replied. You must watch him. It’s more than just your job….

  It’s your destiny.

  “My destiny,” she repeated softly.

  For now, she continued the long drive back to her own house.

  As he sat in Jessica’s plush office, he looked around biting his lip. This whole meeting was making him very nervous for some reason. He bounced his leg as he waited for Jessica to return to the office.

  “Sorry about that, Jax. My manager needed to speak with me a moment. Now, let’s talk about you.” She smiled at him as she sat down behind her desk.

  Jax managed a half smile as he watched her shuffle some papers.

  “What’s this about, Jessica?” He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. The office was surprisingly chilly and he shivered.

  “I know. It’s freezing in here. I keep this sweater just for that. I’ve tried to talk to the maintenance guys, but they won’t do shit to fix it. They claim they have to keep it a ‘reasonable’ temperature. 60 degrees isn’t reasonable in my book.” Jessica chuckled.

  “Now, about you, Jax. Allie called me expressing her concerns over your latest draft. Now, I know it’s unfinished, but after I read it I’m afraid I have to agree with her.” Jessica tucked a piece of her long hair behind her ear.

  Jax peered at the papers Jessica held in front of her. It was from the last three chapters he’d written.

  “I’m not following you. What exactly is concerning to you?”

  “Your work. You’re supposed to be writing an erotic thriller. This isn’t a thriller…it’s---“

  Jax felt anger building within him.

  “It’s what?”

  Jessica swallowed hard. She felt herself tense at the flicker of rage in Jax’s eyes.

  “It’s not a thriller, Jax. It’s more like a horror…. the way that your antagonist---“

  “----Sabrina.” Jax filled in.

  “Sabrina. The way Sabrina stabs his maid…it’s sick. It’s reading more like a Stephen King novel.”

  Jax looked at her puzzled.

  “And what’s wrong with that? King is a fucking master. I should be so lucky to write as well as he does.”

  Jessica shook her head.

  “I’m just afraid your readers will recoil. Women who read romance don’t generally like graphic horror.”

  Jax shrugged.

  “Some do. Brooke does.”

  Jessica nodded.

  “You’re right. I’m sure some do, but most don’t. This is your career, Jax that I’m trying to improve. You came to me to do a job, so that’s what I’m doing.” Jessica folded her arms on the desk.

  “My career, Jessica. Not yours.” He said softly.

  “Look, it wasn’t my intention to invite you here to argue. I’m not saying this is bad work. Honestly, it’ very good, but you need to remember your audience. Your fans expect a certain amount of ‘heated romance’ in your work. So far, I’m not seeing that.”

  He gulped knowing that she was right. Despite getting back together with Brooke, he hadn’t been feeling particularly romantic lately. In fact, he’d been filled with rage.

  And dark, ominous feelings.

  Sensing Jax’s discomfort, Jessica tried changing the subject.

  “So, how are things going with Sarah? Those pictures you sent me—wow! I can’t believe she’d do that.” Jessica grimaced.

  “It was definitely creepy. It looked like she’d sacrificed a chicken in there. I still haven’t been able to get that out of my mind.”

  “Maybe that’s where the inspiration for this scene came from?” Jessica pointed to paragraph on his manuscript.

  Leaning forward, Jax scanned his own words and nodded.

  “Yes, I did a lot of writing after finding that. Have you seen Sarah lately, Jessica?”

  Jessica paused as she shuffled some papers on her desk.

  “No, I haven’t. I was going to call her into a meeting on Monday. I leaked the blood and feathers photos out on social media. We’re getting a whirlwind of publicity on this. I think she can start scaling back a bit.”

  “So, no more dates?” Jax sighed with relief. Brooke had had such a hard time with that.

  “Mmmm, not quite yet. Maybe a few more.”

  “What do the numbers look like?”

  Jessica turned to her monitor and typed on the keyboard for a moment.

  “Damn. They look awesome. Look at this.” Jessica spun the screen so that he could see.

  “That’s amazing. I have that many pre-orders? I’ve never had that many before!”

  Jessica beamed.

  “Yes, and that’s just on the ‘Zon. I know we’ve had thousands of orders from other distributers.”

  “Wow.” Jax sat back in his chair impressed.

  “That’s why you pay me the big money, Jax.”

  Jax rolled his eyes. He shuddered whenever he thought of the huge check he’d had to write her.

  Judging from the sales figures, she’d been worth every penny.

  “Speaking of dates, I have another one for you tonight.” Jessica handed him a card.


  Jessica laughed.

  “You are the only client I’ve ever had that complained about having to go out with a beautiful woman! Is it that bad?”

  He smiled and shook his head.

  “Not at all. It’s just my girlfriend is giving me a hard time about it. And Sarah….”

  “Sarah what?”

  He threw his hands in the air.

  “She’s always there. I know it’s what she’s supposed to do, but….it gets to be too much sometimes. She really freaks me out, Jessica.” There he’d gone and said it aloud.

  “That’s her job. I must admit, though, she’s taken it further than I ever thought she would. I plan on calling her today to schedule a meeting. I will talk to her then about scaling it back. The blood and feathers were overkill, no pun intended. Nevertheless, great publicity though.”

  Jax nodded standing up. His legs ached whenever he sat for a long time.

  “I’m glad we had this talk. All I need for you to do is to hang in there a little longer. Lighten up on the horror in the book though. Remember your audience.”

  Jax stuffed his arms into his jacket

  “But I told you Disturbed was to be more of a thriller novel. I’m trying to break away a bit from so much romance.”

  “And that’s fine. I think Disturbed will be a great transition book for you, but it needs to be gradual. I just want you to be successful, so does Allie. Write what you want but manage to throw some dirty scenes in it. The ladies long for that. Your characters are the ultimate book boyfriends. That’s what they want.” Jessica smiled at him as she moved towards the door.

  Looking at her lovely legs, Jax smiled. Of course, she was right. She’d done these many times before and made mid-level authors explode to the top of the charts. He was lucky she’d taken him on as a client.

  “I’ll be bringing Sarah in next week. We’ll keep an eye on her and the numbers. Call that number on the card and go out with her tonight. Tell your girlfriend this is almost over.” Jessica pulled the door open for him.

  “I will.”

  “And Jax, one more thing.”


  “Keep writing!”

  A few hours later, Jax was sitting at his favorite coffee shop sipping a cup of the city’s finest brew. He picked up his phone to peruse the news.

  The headline jumped out at him.

  Local Model Missing.

  Brianna Jaynes, a local glamour model hasn’t been seen since last Monday according to her family and friends.

  “I’ve tried reaching her on social media and I haven’t been able to.” Her mother told Fox TV anchor, Lisa Bailey.

  “None of her accounts have been active since then.”

  Several family and friends have also reported that the beautiful young woman has remained unable to be reached.

  Anyone with any information should call the local police department.

  The picture flashed across the screen making him suck in his breath. It was the same girl he’d been with last week. He was overcome with a strong feeling of nausea.

  My God, it couldn’t be!


  Jax pushed the revolting thought of his head and finished his coffee. Immediately, he texted Jessica.

  This is probably just a coincidence but check this out.


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