Desires of a Full Moon

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Desires of a Full Moon Page 11

by Jodi Vaughn

  He licked his dry lips.

  “Please tell me.” Her blue eyes penetrated his, imploring him to confide in her. There was no condemnation in her gaze, only trust and understanding.

  “It happened the night I tried to rescue you.”

  She frowned and glanced down at his scar. He squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn’t look at her. He knew the pattern of the scar; hell, he’d looked at it every night he’d gone to bed. The jagged edges started at his thigh and ran along toward the inside toward his balls. He should have counted himself lucky his cock and balls weren’t burned up with scar tissue as well. The red wolves had shoved salt into the wound of his thigh, making healing impossible.

  “After I killed that guy that tried to rape you, two other red Weres knocked me out. When I woke up, I realized I was in a different building. They proceeded to practice their golf swing on my head while I was hung upside down.”

  “Oh, my God.” Haley gasped.

  There was no stopping the words now. Nope. Once he started he couldn’t stop the flood of words coming out of his mouth. Maybe having the orgasm of his life had affected his brain.

  “When that wasn’t enough, they used their redneck version of shock therapy, hoping I would scream for mercy. They told me the second I screamed they were going to finish what they started with you.” Jayden clenched his jaw, acutely aware that Haley had snuggled deeper into his embrace, her eyes watching him carefully.

  “I told them to go fuck themselves. They decided to shock me instead.” He chuckled mirthlessly. “The thing about shock therapy is that it locks up your muscles. Even if you wanted to scream you can’t.

  “All these months I felt like I had failed you because I couldn’t rescue you. I thought they had raped you after they were done with me.” Jayden brushed her hair behind her ear. A huge weight lifted off his shoulder, knowing she was safe.

  Haley shook her head and looked away, clearly shaken by what he had just said. “After you killed that red werewolf, it wasn’t fifteen minutes before a group of Guardians, Jaxon, Zane and Lucien burst through the door. I learned later they were from Arkansas. I asked them if they had gotten you out, but when they checked the building they couldn’t find you.”

  Jayden nodded, his heart tugging. Even in her distress, she hadn’t forgotten him.

  “I had no idea they had done that to you, Jayden.” She looked back at him. Her beautiful blue eyes were moist with unshed tears. “I’m so sorry. All of that is my fault.”

  “Baby, it’s not your fault. It was those red wolves. And if I had to do everything over, I wouldn’t do anything different. I’d take the pain if it meant you were safe.”

  A tear spilled down her cheek and he swiped it away.

  She caressed his cheek with her hand. “So you really had no idea I was still a virgin? Yet you still wanted me?”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Wanting you has nothing to do with if you are a virgin or not. I’ve been walking around with a hard-on since I saw you sitting in my Granny’s house at her damn sex party.”


  “Yes. Damn, Haley, I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard.”

  She leaned over him, bringing her mouth across his. She dipped her tongue into his mouth and kissed him thoroughly.

  She reached between their bodies and grabbed his erection. “Feels like you’re ready again.”

  “Baby, I was ready two minutes after I came.” Jayden lifted her onto his lap, making her straddle him. She sat back on her heels and grinned down at him.

  He lifted his hands, caressed her cheek and trailed his fingers down to her breasts. Her blonde hair hung in waves across her slim shoulders. Her blue eyes shone like a woman satisfied.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous, you know that?”

  “So are you.” She grinned and pressed her breasts into the palms of his hands.

  He chuckled.

  She eased down the foot of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” He sat up on his elbow. He wasn’t ready for her to go. And his cock certainly wasn’t ready for her to go either judging by how it was standing up at a ninety- degree angle.

  “I’m showing you how gorgeous you are.” She slid between his legs and spread his thighs.

  “Wait…” His heart froze in his chest. It was the last place he wanted her.

  She looked up at him, only inches from his cock. Keeping her eyes on his, she bent and kissed his uninjured thigh.

  His cock twitched.

  She moved right toward his scarred thigh. Jayden dug his hands in the sheets to keep from pushing her away. He didn’t even like looking at the injury. He sure as hell didn’t want her examining it.

  She slowly turned her mouth and licked his balls with the tip of her tongue.

  “What are you doing to me?” Jayden shuddered. “I’m going to kiss it and make it better.” She turned her face, nuzzling her cheek against his scar before placing a gentle kiss on the rough skin.

  His cock hardened to the point of pain, yet he forced himself to be still and watch her.

  She kissed the twisted flesh. His heart clenched at the tender sight.

  She ran her tongue along the length of his scar until she brushed against his balls.

  “Damn, Haley.”

  “Does it feel better?” she whispered, her breath tickling his balls.

  “Yes,” he hissed out. Sweat popped out across his body as he strained not to touch her.

  “Your scar isn’t ugly. It’s a sign of your strength. A sign of your courage.”

  “Right now my strength isn’t that great. I’m not sure how much longer I can stay still with your mouth that close to me.” Jayden swallowed.

  “Be good and maybe I’ll give you a treat.”

  Holy fuck. Was his little virgin talking dirty to him? He gazed down at her, her lips an inch from his dick, her breath caressing his balls.

  He threaded his hand through her silky blonde hair and gently tugged. “Haley, come here.”

  She nuzzled his hand and turned her mouth towards his cock. Before she locked her lips around him she looked him straight in the eye.

  “You come first.”


  “Are you sure you still want to go out?” Jayden came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She turned in his arms and gave him an eye roll. “I had sex Jayden, not open heart surgery.”

  He frowned. “Yeah, but it’s your first time and you may still be hurting.”

  “I’m not hurting. Just sore in all the right places.” She waggled her eyebrows at him. Deep down her heart tugged at how considerate he was being.

  “Did I hurt you?” He cupped her cheek. Her heartbeat picked up speed.

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. I should be asking you that. I might have bruised your penis.”

  He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath.

  Haley bit back a smile. “Ah, so I see you can take a licking and keep on ticking.”

  “Stop talking like that.” He groaned. “Or we‘ll never make it to meet up with Braxton and Kate.”

  Haley laughed. As much as she wanted Jayden naked, she had also been looking forward to hanging out at the bar with his friends. Hell, she’d been looking forward to just getting out again.

  The past few months she’d felt like she’d been living in a cave, too scared to leave her dorm room. She even worried about what she wore. One wrong move and she could piss off her stalker and get something worse than love letters.

  She shook her head and glanced down at her designer jeans and fitted red top. She’d decided to wear her favorite red heels. When she’d walked into the living room earlier she could tell from the way Jayden was looking at her, that she’d made the right choice in her outfit.

  “No way. We are not missing the opportunity for me to kick your ass in pool.”

  He arched a brow. “Kick my ass? I’d like to see that.”

  “Want to make a bet?” She grabbed her r
ed purse and slung it over her shoulder.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  She crossed her arms. “If I win, you take me dancing. “ She stuck her finger in the air. “And you actually have to dance. You can’t pay someone else to do it.”

  “Fine. But if I win, you have to go skinny dipping with me.”

  She smiled. “Fine.”

  “In the university fountain.”

  “What?” Haley’s mouth hit the hardwood.

  He smirked. “Unless you lose.”

  Haley shut her mouth and spoke through her gritted teeth. “Fine.”

  Jayden’s smirk slid off his face.

  “What? You didn’t think I’d agree?” She shrugged. “It’s not like I’m going to have to do it anyway. I plan on winning.”

  Jayden’s sexy smirk was back and it gave her stomach a tumble. Maybe they could meet his friends another night?

  “Come on.” Jayden took her hand and walked her out the door. “Braxton’s already called to say they’re getting there early. Seems like the bed and breakfast meeting didn’t go so well.”


  Jayden walked into the crowded college bar with Haley at his side. He watched her face light up as she looked around at the people dancing to the band and playing pool. As much as he wanted to stay home and strip her naked, he was glad they came. She needed this.

  He spotted Braxton and Kate in a corner booth. Braxton was nursing a beer and Kate a glass of white wine. As they made their way over to them, Jayden didn’t miss the looks the college guys were giving Haley. He slid his hand from her waist to her hip and shot a glare at any asshole looking too long.

  He couldn’t really expect any male to keep his eyes off Haley; with her tight jeans and red shirt she was smoking hot. Not to mention her fuck-me red heels.

  He definitely had plans for those heels when they got home.

  Braxton nodded when he saw them approach.

  “How did you two beat us here?” Jayden let Haley slide into the booth first before settling in beside her.

  Braxton gave him a pained look.

  “It was going well until one of the men started talking about LSU and how they were going to suck this year.” Kate sighed. “You would have thought they were talking about sacrificing Braxton’s first born by the way he jumped up from the chair and started in on the guy.”

  “It’s football. It’s serious.” Jayden snorted. “You can’t trash talk about someone’s team. It’s like fucking their mate.”

  Braxton nodded and looked at Kate. “See. I told you.”

  Haley let out a laugh out. “I feel your pain, Braxton. But we are in Hog territory now. And when in Rome…”

  “I know, I know.” Braxton stood. “Come on, let’s get the ladies some drinks. I got a feeling I’m going to need it to numb the pain of being around all these Razorbacks.”


  Haley watched Jayden and Braxton make their way to the bar. Every female within a twenty-foot radius turned, eyeing both males. Haley narrowed her eyes.

  “It gets easier once you’re mated.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Haley jerked her head towards the pretty blonde.

  Kate slid her gaze toward the two males. “You won’t feel so jealous about girls looking at your man once you’re mated.”

  Haley knew the rules. Once a male werewolf mated his chosen female he could never cheat on her. They would be forever faithful until death.

  “I don’t think we are headed in that direction. We’re just having fun right now.” Haley shook her head and smiled.

  Kate fought a smile.

  “No, really. It’s not serious.”

  “Honey, anyone in this room that saw you two walk in knows it’s serious.” Kate cocked her head.

  “What do you mean?” Haley’s breath caught in her throat. Was it obvious that she’d fallen for Jayden?

  “I mean I see how he can’t keep his hands off you.”

  “It’s Jayden. I may not have grown up here but his reputation certainly has preceded him. I know he’s quite popular with the ladies.” She forced a smile and swallowed back the bitter taste those words left.

  “Really?” Kate wrinkled her nose. “Because when I met him in January, he was doing his best to get away from a group of oversexed ladies that were staying at my bed and breakfast.”

  Haley gave Kate her full attention. “For real?”

  Kate nodded and finished off her wine. “It was a group of writers. Romance writers. They stayed drunk and were continually trying to molest Jayden. Scared the poor guy to death.”

  “What about Braxton?”

  “Oh, they tried with him too, but I made it very clear who he belonged to.”

  “So you’ve been mated for a while.”

  Kate waved her hand in the air in a dismissive gesture. “Oh no. We were not mated then. But I knew he was mine.” She leveled her gaze at Haley. “When you know, you know.”

  “Okay, ladies. Chardonnay for Kate and Pinot Noir for the lady in red.” Jayden winked as he set the glasses down on the table.

  “Yeah, man. What’s the damn deal letting her out wearing red?” Braxton elbowed him in the ribs.

  Haley glanced down at her top. “What do you mean?”

  Jayden slid in beside her and rested his hand on her knees. “He means that red is the color all males seek out.”

  “You mean for male Weres.” Haley took a sip. There were very few Weres that she knew of at the university.

  “Honey, you don’t have to be a Were to seek out the hot chick wearing red. All guys, Weres and humans alike, love red. It reminds them of sex.” Braxton frowned “You know like those baboons with the big red asses. It means they want to mate.”

  Kate gave him an incredible look.

  “What? I saw it on Nat Geo.” Braxton shrugged.

  Jayden took a drink of his beer. “He’s right. I saw that same show. It has some fascinating facts on there.”

  Braxton nodded. “Did you know that more people are killed by donkeys every year than in an airplane crash?”

  “A donkey is a mean son of a bitch,” Jayden offered.

  Braxton took another sip of his beer. “Goddamn right they are. I hate a fucking donkey.”


  Haley pushed her plate away and sighed. “I think I ate way too much.”

  “What do you mean? There’s still half a burger left.” Jayden pushed the plate back in front of her.

  “No. I can’t eat another thing.” Haley shoved her plate at him. “Here you eat it. You’re going to need your strength for when you lose the bet and you’re going to have to go dancing.”

  Jayden cringed.

  “Dancing?” Braxton perked up sensing Jayden’s discomfort. “I didn’t know Jayden liked to dance.”

  “He doesn’t. But we made a bet. If I win, he has to take me dancing.” Haley smirked.

  “And if Jayden wins?”

  Jayden watched Haley’s smirk fade.

  “I think I need to use the ladies room.” Haley smiled.

  “I’ll go with you.” Kate grabbed her purse.

  The two men watched their ladies walk across the room to the bathroom.

  “You don’t dance, Jayden.”

  “No shit.” He glared at Braxton.

  “Which means only one thing.” Braxton rubbed his chin.

  “What’s that?”

  “It means that whatever you got her to agree to is a pretty good pay out for you.”

  “It is.” Jayden felt a smile cross his face.

  “Then you need to make sure you win, brother.”


  “Come on, Jayden. I don’t want you to let me win.” Haley crossed her arms over her chest and watched as he missed his shot. “I want to win fair and square.”

  Jayden looked up and scowled. He wished he could tell her he was letting her win. But he had apparently underestimated Haley’s talent on the pool table. Much like he’d underestimated her tale
nt in the bedroom.

  She was slightly ahead and winning.

  Jayden rubbed the back of his neck, watching as Haley walked to the end of the table and leaned over to set up the shot. His gaze drifted down to her firm ass and he growled under his breath.

  Braxton sidled up to him. “Get your head in the game, man, and off your woman’s ass. Or else you’re going to be ballroom dancing in a tux.”

  Jayden jerked his head over his irritating friend. “Ballroom dancing? Haley said nothing about ballroom dancing.”

  “Or salsa dancing. They’re pretty popular right now with the chicks.” Braxton took a long drink of his beer.

  “You know you’re really starting to frighten me with all your female knowledge on what’s hot in the dancing world.” Jayden snorted.

  “Fuck off. We have a bed and breakfast. It’s hard not to hear half the conversations females are having with their men about new things to try. Dancing always makes the top ten.” Braxton shot him a glare.

  “If they are looking for new adventures, maybe you should suggest having sex on a washing machine to liven things up.” Jayden grinned. While he had stayed at the Bella Luna, Braxton and Kate had locked the laundry door while getting down to business. Granny would have walked in on them in the act if the door hadn’t been locked.

  “Maybe I’ll add it to the list of things to do at the Bella Luna for the guests,” Braxton deadpanned.

  “I think it’s your turn.” Haley turned and caught his gaze on her ass. She arched her brow.

  Braxton slapped him hard on the back. “Come on, man. Make this shot and you’re back in the game. Otherwise you’ll be putting on your dancing shoes, Fred Astaire.”

  Jayden shoved his beer at Braxton and picked up his stick. His gaze locked on the table as he analyzed which shot would put him in the lead.

  He leaned over and took his shot, effectively sinking three balls.

  “Yeah!” Braxton yelled.

  Haley arched her brow and nodded. “Nice shot.”


  Haley focused her attention back on the pool table her brow furrowed as she concentrated on her strategy.


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