Claimed by Panthers: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Panther Shifters of the Amazon Book 3)

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Claimed by Panthers: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Panther Shifters of the Amazon Book 3) Page 3

by Laura Wylde

  I checked the camera around my neck at least a million times, checking that it was working okay and that it had plenty of batteries in it, as well as the video cameras I wanted to set up to track any activity if there was any, before I left. The last thing I wanted was for me to see one of the amazing creatures that I loved so much and to not be able to get evidence. Sure, I could take a picture on my cell phone as proof that I had seen the creature, but it wouldn’t be good enough for me to study it. I wanted to scour every inch of the image, to live the day that I finally saw a panther in real life for the very first time.

  I let out a little squeal of excitement before I made my way outside into the world, and I immediately began my journey to the jungle. Even with my short hair scraped back off my face so the purple streak wasn’t so obvious, I got stares, but I honestly didn’t care. I was far too thrilled for what today would hold. I didn’t even wait for a reply as I sent off messages to my friends, letting them know where I was going. I had all the time in the world to reply to them…

  The first thing I noticed was the thick atmosphere in this jungle. It was powerful and hard to breathe in, which was a little crazy because these trees and plants were what helped us to breathe, what kept us alive. That was why I had protested so many corporations that wanted to cut them all down for their own gain. I hated people who put their needs before that of the many.

  But this was leaving me dizzy and I wasn’t sure why. I kept having to stop to catch my breath. Sure, it was hot, but I’d been in warmer climates before and it didn’t feel like this. No, I was pretty sure that it was something inexplicable making me feel a little weird. Something so deep that it could be called magic if I let myself believe that.

  I snapped a couple of pictures as and when I could, but it wasn’t the priority it had been when I first came outside. I wanted to really feel everything, to experience it in the moment, to just be here. This was so damn exciting; I didn’t want it to ever end.

  “Ooh, what’s that?” I brushed my fingers over some deep scratches in the tree. They had come from a cat for sure. There had been a fight here of some kind. I wished that I could have seen it, even if it might have left my life in danger. “This spot needs a camera for sure.”

  As I set it up, tying my equipment up carefully so it wouldn’t fall or be tampered with, I wondered where the cats bed down for the night. If there were signs of fighting around, that probably meant that it was over territory which meant it was an animal’s home. Excitement built like fizzing anticipation coursing through my veins. Even if I didn’t see a cat today, I would likely see one on the camera. I could learn about their movements and track them. Get that picture.

  ‘Here is my first camera.’ I sent this in a message to my friends, to keep them in the loop but also to remind myself where I had put it. I didn’t know this jungle well and I didn’t want to lose it. ‘I will get some footage of the panthers here. Isn’t that exciting?’

  ‘Oh, my God!’ Maz shot back right away. ‘That seems so dangerous.’

  ‘Yeah, it does,’ Darla agreed. ‘Why can’t you ever do anything normal?’

  ‘You know me… the normal life has never been for me.’

  A part of me sometimes wondered if that was something that I should be worried about. If my lack of desire to settle down and do something normal, was troubling. Everyone else seemed to enjoy it. I didn’t see anyone else complaining, but I had no need.

  Anyway, this was no time to panic about what was going on inside of my head. I needed to get all the cameras set up in the right place. This was the first day of my adventure, and I wanted to get it right. So, I lugged my heavy bag around finding the places where there had clearly been activity, and I set up the rest of my cameras, sending pictures to my friends every single time.

  Each image I sent to my friends got them more worried. They seemed to have this strange idea that I was in a downwards descent, self-sabotaging because I was in a dangerous place. That was crazy, I honestly had no idea what their issue was. Everything was awesome.

  “I need a guide,” I said with my hands on my hips as I examined the last of my cameras in its place. “Someone who really knows this area, and the panthers too.”

  I could only go so far alone. If I didn’t get someone with local knowledge to help me out, then I was stuck. I suppose I could have asked Adriana, but I wasn’t sure that she was a jungle trekking sort of woman. I couldn’t picture it. Pedro either. No, it would have to be someone else.

  “Yes, that’s what I will do. Get someone to help me. Then I can come back at night.”

  A shiver raced down my spine as I imagined myself here at night when the animals would be more likely to show themselves. In the safety of the night with their incredible vision, they would feel much more relaxed. That way I could get the best image of them possible…

  What was that? I wasn’t sure what it was, but something caught my attention. A little sound, maybe, or perhaps a little tension in the air that caught my focus. But my heart was in my mouth, pounding wildly. There was an ice cold bolt of lightning shooting through me. Butterflies of terror flapped violently. I was a mess. Now, I was starting to see what my friends were talking about, perhaps this was a little dangerous after all. Maybe it was time for me to get out of here.

  “Stop being silly.” I chuckled, trying my hardest to make me feel a little better. “There isn’t anything there. It’s just… you’ve been out on your own all day and you keep talking to yourself…”

  But even as I turned back to the camera, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I couldn’t shake off the sensation that something was after me, someone was looking over my shoulder; I was in danger. So, I didn’t stick around for long. I gathered up everything that I had left, and I started the long walk back into town. I tried to focus on the idea that once I got back to the bar, I would have to find someone with knowledge and who was willing to take on the treacherous journey. I also wanted the advice of someone who might be able to tell me what was in the air in this jungle, why it made me feel so weird.

  “That’s all this is now.” I tried to convince myself as I shrugged my back pack on higher. “It’s nothing more than this feeling. This weird magic in the air.”

  But as I walked, I couldn’t stop myself from glancing behind me constantly, trying to figure out who or what was looking at me. I kept my fingers curled around my camera at all times, ready to snap a picture at a moment’s notice if the opportunity came around, but it never seemed to happen.

  Then, once I finally broke free from the jungle, I noticed the change immediately. It was instant; my lungs loosened, and it was so much easier to get air into them. That made my head clearer and my thoughts much easier to manage. The paranoia that someone was following me dissipated as quickly as it had arrived.

  “Foolish girl.” I shook my head and laughed. “What an idiot, honestly.”

  I felt foolish. I was leaving behind the girl who feared something in the jungle, and I hoped she wouldn’t return once I went back in there. That was the reason I needed to have someone else with me. Someone who could explain it all.

  “Get back, get around people… and stop talking to yourself, Tara, for the love of God.”

  The bar was empty. No one was in it, only me and the bartender, which was a disappointment. I was eager to start my hunt to find an assistant, excited and a little bit frustrated, but I suppose I was hungry as well. I could deal with my needs before my wants.

  I placed my order without looking at the menu, already knowing what I wanted, and I took my seat by the bar. Every creak had my eyes darting towards the door, just waiting for someone to come inside, but there was no one.

  “Você está bem, Senhorita?” The bartender asked before shaking his head. “Sorry, English. You are okay?”

  I nodded, almost automatically telling him that yes, I was fine thank you very much, but then I decided to ask for help. I had to start somewhere.

  “Do you know anyone who could help me
?” I asked, hoping that he could understand me enough. “A guide to help me in the jungle?”

  “Er, jungle?” I nodded, encouragingly. “I don’t know.”

  Disappointment crushed me, even though it was the first time that I’d tried, and I barely held out a lot of hope to begin with. There would be other people to ask, I was sure of it.

  “Okay, never mind. Thank you.”

  Maybe even those four guys would come back. The ones who intrigued me from last night. I wouldn’t mind seeing them again. I just hoped that I could work up the courage to actually talk to them this time around. They could be the ones to escort me into the strange territory that I wanted to explore. If they were on my side, I wouldn’t have a reason to be scared at all…


  “She’s back,” Tony hissed to me like I couldn’t see the striking streak of purple hair myself. “What do you think she might be doing here again? It might be time to go and talk to her…”

  I rested my hand across him, trying my hardest to prevent him from making a stupid mistake. He had such a charm, such a way with the women that it scared me to let him loose on this woman. He would probably charm her so much that she’d either end up in his bed or unable to leave him alone. We really didn’t need that nightmare on top of everything else.

  “No, just leave. Just forget about her. Let’s just get some food and get out of here, okay?”

  “But why? Why can’t I talk to her?” He shrugged. “I don’t see what the damage is.”

  “Because she’s just… a tourist,” I snapped. “She’ll be here for a few days and be gone.”

  “Exactly.” Tony furrowed his eyebrows at me. “So, why can’t I just have a chat? I don’t see what the issue is. Why can’t I just get to know her a little bit?”

  “Because we all know what your idea of getting to know someone is.”

  “Woah, what is that about?” He gasped in shock. “Do you like her or something?”

  I snorted as if that was the most ridiculous idea in the world, but I wasn’t totally pulling it off. So, I stomped over to the table and slammed my fists down on the table. I needed to end this conversation before it got the better of me. Before I said something I didn’t mean. I really didn’t want to keep talking about that fucking woman who was now starting to get on my nerves more than anything else. Yes, there was something intriguing about her and she was very good looking, but that meant nothing in the long run. It sure as hell wouldn’t matter when she was gone.

  “Look, I just need to blow off some steam,” I snapped. “I need a beer. It’s getting like a shit show out there and it’s doing my head in. The last thing I want is to bring anyone else into this.”

  “We got it,” Tony tried to reassure me as he took his seat beside me. “It’s under control.”

  “If it was under control, we’d be back in Panthera. Not stuck here.”

  “Do you even want to go back? I got the impression you don’t want to…”

  “Look, I just want all of this over, that’s all. I don’t want to think about what’s coming next. Once this jaguarian threat has passed then we can start worrying about other things, but until then we need to keep our eyes on the prize. We can’t think about distractions.”

  But that didn’t stop my eyes from darting over to the table where she was sitting, talking to Pedro and some other guys as well, in that wonderfully animated way of hers. There was a serious beauty in her eyes as she talked, a sparkle that made my heart sing.

  No, not sing. That was stupid. I could not think that when Tony was watching me intently.

  “So, what are we going to do?” I growled. “How are we going to stop this from being an issue?”

  Tony glanced to Ramon and Seth who barely even shrugged because they had no idea. Without a clear sighting of the jaguarians and any idea of what their next move could be, there was no answer. They were up to something for sure, but no one knew what. Something strategic, probably. Something that would knock us sideways. We just needed to keep them at bay.

  “I’m going to order some drinks at the bar,” Ramon said with his deep, thinking voice. “I’ll be back in a moment. I just need… I don’t know, I need a moment to think.”

  As he walked off, I watched him go, wondering what he was up to. Ramon only went off like that when he had an idea brewing in the back of his mind which he wasn’t quite ready to share with us yet. I didn’t want to get my hopes too high, but I had a little spark of hope.

  “What is he doing?” Tony asked. “How is he allowed to talk to the new girl?”

  I snapped my gaze back to him, panic almost consuming me until I could see that Tony was just exaggerating. Ramon was barely near Little Miss Purple, much less talking to her.

  “Will you just forget about her, already?” I spat out. “Keep your focus. Remember when I said that you need to keep thinking about what we’re actually doing right now?”

  Tony rolled his eyes and stared at the menu as if he was actually going to venture out and get something different to eat. Whatever, as long as it stopped him worrying about her that was all I cared about. Just because she was the tiniest bit intriguing, didn’t mean she was important.

  “So, Seth, what do you think?” I needed conversation. Anything to stop me from getting all caught up in her again. They were all laughing at her table, it was getting very distracting.

  “I think maybe we should speak to her.”

  “What?” I exclaimed in shock as my chest tightened. Not him, too. He was the peace keeper, he never went against the grain. “Why should we speak to her? She isn’t important.”

  “She wants to go into the jungle at night. She has no idea of the danger.”

  I stared at him with wide stunned eyes. “How the hell do you know that?”

  He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He didn’t like being the center of my focus like this, but it was tough. I needed to work out what the hell he was going on about. “Because I listened in. As we walked passed their table. She’s asking everyone there for a guide.”

  I already knew that he listened a lot when he wasn’t speaking, but this surprised me. For Seth to be paying Little Miss Purple any attention, it had to mean something. He thought that there was more to her being here as well. Now, I was truly concerned. Perhaps it was time to stop ignoring everyone and to find out more about her.

  “I’m going to warn her.” Tony jumped up, but I grabbed his hand hard. “What? She needs to know. We can’t just let her walk straight into the jaguar threat.”

  “I’m not letting you anywhere near her. I can’t trust you right now.”

  “Why not?” Tony shook me off hard. “Why are you being such an asshole?”

  “Let me go.” He basically made the decision for me. I didn’t have any choice now. “I will talk to her in a much calmer, more considered manner.”

  Tony didn’t like it. He simply nodded sharply and took his seat. Much as he wanted to charm the pants off this woman, he knew that he needed to respect me more. Thank God. I couldn’t lose my position as alpha of this group or everything would collapse around us. In the wake of what was going on with the jaguars, this was the last thing we needed.

  As I approached Little Miss Purple, a strange nervousness overcame me, unlike anything that I had ever experienced before. She made me feel new things that hadn’t ever crossed me before, and I hadn’t even said one word to her yet. This could get messy.

  “Ah, Jabari!” Pedro welcomed me, warmly. “Please, take a seat with us…”

  “I don’t think I can, I just want to…”

  “My name is Tara.” Little Miss Purple jumped up and extended her hand to me with a much too warm smile, since she didn’t know me. She really was going to get herself into trouble if she wasn’t careful. I shook her hand, forcing myself to remain where I was even as a shock of unexpected electricity bolted through my system, sending shock waves to all of my limbs. “I have actually been wanting to talk to you. Could I buy you a drink?”
br />   “Er…” The idea left me a little uncomfortable, but since I wanted to get her alone, I saw that I didn’t really have any choice but to agree with her offer. “Yes, sure, thank you.”

  I followed her stiffly to the bar, passing Ramon as we went. I couldn’t help but notice the moment of eye contact that they shared. It was so brief, so tiny, but dramatic, I could just sense it. What was it that the rest of my pack noticed about this woman that I hadn’t seen yet?

  Or perhaps I had seen it and I just ignored it because it was all tangled up in an attraction that I didn’t want to have with this woman. I couldn’t see it because it was all cloudy.

  “So…” Tara ran her eyes curiously up and down me, as if she was trying to commit every inch of me to memory. “I just told you my name. Do I get to know yours? I know you seem like the strong and silent type, but I atleast get to know that part, don’t I?”


  “So, it is Jabari? I thought that’s what Pedro said. That’s an unusual name. I like it.”

  I tried to smile but I couldn’t quite make it happen. “Yes, I suppose so.”

  “So, Jabari, do you know anything about the cat population around here?”

  “Oh, so right into it then? No time for small talk?” I cocked an eyebrow.

  “You don’t seem like the sort of man who likes small talk.”

  “No, I suppose not.” It seemed like we were in the middle of a weird stand-off. I had no idea who was going to win. “So, you want to know about cats? Any species in particular?”

  “Well, I’ll be honest, I like all big cats, but panthers are my favorite.”

  My heart stopped dead. Was she onto us? She was giving me a bit of a look like she knew we were the shape shifters. Did she? Was this why every member of my damn pack was fascinated by her? Because she was linked to us in some way?

  “So… so you’re looking for panthers?” I stammered.

  “Yes. I know there are some here, and I think that they might be more active at night. That’s why I want to go to the jungle at night, but no one will take me. They keep saying that it’s too dangerous and that they don’t have the knowledge or survival skills.”


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