Magic and Mayhem: How To Train A Witch (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Baba Yaga Saga Book 1)

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Magic and Mayhem: How To Train A Witch (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Baba Yaga Saga Book 1) Page 9

by Donna McDonald

  “I know it, but it cannot be spoken by the human tongue.”

  “Despite my humble beginnings, I am quite well educated. I speak nearly all languages, Professor. I translated ideas and terms routinely so I will find a human way to speak it. Now go ahead. Tell me his name.”

  Damien lowered his voice, whispered the name in dragon, hoping his guards wouldn’t hear. He also hoped Jezibaba wouldn’t ask him to repeat it.

  She heard the name, considered the full meaning of it, and then translated it into something her mind could wrap itself around. “Garrell the Wise One… or at least one of his horde. Do you think he gave himself that name?”

  Damien frowned. “I have been too fearful to translate it into the human tongue, but that sounds correct enough. And no… dragon hordes collectively confer titles. His parents were only responsible for his first given name though legend is unclear if he even had the standard two normal parents. Some say he was created by the Gods and Goddesses with the first dragons.”

  “I assure you he was very real because I’m living proof he procreated. Now I think I need to go,” Jezibaba began, “no…wait. I came here for a reason that I forgot during our discussion.”

  She pulled the dragon fire protection amulet from a pocket and held it out to him.

  “Your protective gesture was the nicest thing any male has ever done for me. As you now know, I don’t need this sort of protection, but Carol and Hildy do. Will you replicate it for them? You were trained under its creator. Your work on it will be faster.”

  Damien took back the amulet, feeling silly now that he’d tried to protect a dragon from dragon fire. But her idea about giving dragon fire amulets to the girls was a good one. “Yes. I can replicate it. One of the first things I did as a mage was break down the protection in it. I didn’t trust my trainer any more than he trusted me.”

  Jezibaba nodded. “Your caution serves us well in this case. The amulets will give us one more layer of protection against what we now know is coming.”

  She started to leave, then stopped to meet his confused gaze once more. “Damien… you must do something else for me.”

  Damien looked down as he turned the amulet over in his hand, then lifted his chin as he looked back up and met her serious gaze across the room. “Haven’t you figured out yet that I will do anything you ask, Witch?”

  She swallowed at the sincere offer she could never accept. “Please don’t tell my origin story to others. All anyone on the Council of Witches knows is that I’ve outlived many other witches. They attribute my longevity to Morgana. I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “Well, that is the truth of your life, is it not?” Damien asked.

  Jezibaba nodded and gave him a smile for his show of faith. “Indeed it is, Professor Smoke. Goodnight now. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Chapter 10

  Jezibaba returned to her room feeling vulnerable for having shared her deepest secret with someone she was trying to stay away from both physically and emotionally. Emotionally she was hanging in there, but her plan to do so physically wasn’t working out well.

  And now there were more mutant dragons coming after Carol and Hildy.

  She paced around her bed in the small space, feeling like a caged tiger. Her head was down in thought the whole time which is probably why she never saw the nine foot tall woman draped in green scarves materializing in her room until she spoke.

  “Blasted academics. They know far more than is healthy for them, Elenora. I swear I meant to tell you about all this myself, but it just never came up. What would knowing have changed for you in the past anyway? Nothing important, Child. So see how right I was to be discreet about not revealing your ancestry?”

  Despite her extreme frustration, Jezibaba walked to the woman and knelt, never erasing her frown of displeasure. “No I do not see. Hail, great Goddess-I-no-longer-trust. What brings you to visit this evening? You’ve never worried about my opinion of you before now.”

  Morgana chuckled at the disrespect before wagging a finger. “I should smite your ass for that sorry welcome, Elenora.”

  “It’s all I can manage after finding out you’ve been lying to me all these centuries. Using my give name does not undo the wrong you have done me as your faithful servant.”

  “Child—I never lie. I simply chose not to tell you something that would not have served you well to know before now.”

  She heard Morgana huff about her lack of retort, turn away, and walk to drop down on the only chair in the room. Even in her human form, Morgana dwarfed the seat, but did nothing to make it fit her larger frame. Ignoring her humble sitting place was the only outward sign that the Goddess was disturbed about how things had played out.

  Still dealing with her own angry reaction, Jezibaba rose and glared at her manipulative benefactor. She had long ago stopped hiding her true self from the Goddess. Morgana The Red liked poking her with any stick she could find until she came out of her corner snarling and snapping at it. A Goddess’s pet she might still be, but she had at least learned to no longer act a Goddess’s fool about it.

  “You told my great-grandmother the man she bedded was a dragon,” Jezibaba pointed out.

  Morgana nodded. “I did and it was the truth at the time. But dragons don’t regenerate, Elenora. Other creatures do. The dragon wanted immortality and I granted it to him. Your conception was my price. Losing his dragon form was his, and trust me, he gladly paid it.”

  Jezibaba snorted. “So what is my great-grandfather now?”

  “Nothing you need worry about,” Morgana declared, looking away. “He is nothing to Emeritus either. I merely used my Consort as a model creature to grant the request. Yes, I was eavesdropping on your discussion with the handsome Professor Smoke because the warlocks informed me you had gone to see him alone. I came to spy because I thought you might actually have the nerve to take the dragon for a lover, but you wimped out. Now here you are grumpy and pacing because you didn’t get laid.”

  “You know damn well why I declined his offer to bed me,” Jezibaba declared, lifting her hands in the air. “I cannot conceive the dragon’s child and risk what you set in motion being undone. I’m abstaining for your sake—not mine.”

  Morgana waved her hand impatiently. “You’re abstaining because you still don’t know how to just grab opportunity when it presents itself. Your ancestor had no magic with which to bring that statement into reality. I do not fear some off-the-wall statement.”

  “He must have had some power over things, Morgana. He made you wait three full generations for me.” Jezibaba glared when the Goddess shook her head in denial. Honestly, how could the woman ever call her stubborn?

  “Not really, Child. That was nature fighting back against what I’d done. The dragon paid his price for immortality. Your great-grandmother paid hers. She is happy in my court and has a handsome demi-god keeping her company these days. Your grandmother is with her as well because I value all healers. Neither woman remembers having ever been in this world you still occupy, but I kept my word about caring for the women in your family.”

  “And what of my mother?” Jezibaba asked.

  Morgana snorted. “Your great-grandmother had to name you because your mother refused after you burned her. Instead of embracing what you were, that power hungry witch did her best to destroy you. Your biological mother was never my servant and therefore she is unimportant to our discussion.”

  Jezibaba sighed when her Goddess glared at the wall above her head. Morgana had never forgiven her mother, but in truth, she had all but forgotten the woman and her lack of love. Three hundred years was too long to hold a grudge against a dead woman.

  “It’s not like I care—I was just curious. I can’t help wondering how many other things you’ve told me are deception and half-truths,” Jezibaba said quietly.

  Morgana snorted. “If your mother had been the dragon witch I was promised, I would have tracked your dragon ancestor down and shredded him. Only you matter to
me. I too was part of that original divine conception. You carry my magic inside you because of it.”

  Jezibaba crossed her arms and fought not to glare. Glaring only riled Morgana. “If my dragon ancestor means so little to my history, then why did you keep him such a secret? If he is immortal, then he is still around. It means he no doubt knows about me and has been avoiding me all my life. Are you responsible for that as well?”

  Morgana was silent for a long while. Jezibaba wanted to know all she could know and would have waited all night for the Goddess to answer.

  “The only reason I can attempt this explanation is because you’re finally starting to mature. Let’s just say that when you go against nature the way I did, unexpected things happen. I knew there were risks when I made the bargain, including that you might not show up at all in any generation. But you stand proudly before me and I have not been wrong… not yet. You truly are the most powerful witch ever born on this Earth.”

  Jezibaba sighed as she uncrossed her arms. “You don’t have to flatter me, Goddess. I both love and loathe the power you have given me. I will continue to do your bidding, but I need some show of understanding in this matter so we can restore our trust.”

  Morgana chuckled. “Really? You want an act of repentance from me for something I absolutely do not regret? All I care about is that I’ve hurt your feelings. I would not change what I did then or in keeping it from you. Your dragon ancestor’s role in your life is done.”

  Jezibaba snorted. “I’m not asking you to be truly sorry for deceiving me. I know better than that. What I want is well within your power or I wouldn’t bother to ask anything. Maybe you can consider it doing me a favor.”

  Morgana laughed genuinely. “Whatever else you are, you are always amusing, even when you vex me. The part of myself I contributed to your creation surfaces at the oddest times though, Elenora. Okay, ask me for your favor. It is yours if it is reasonable.”

  Jezibaba lifted her chin. “If you won’t tell me who my ancestor is, then I want you to release Damien Smoke and his family from the remainder of their debt to you.”

  Jezibaba rolled her eyes when Morgana clapped her hands loudly and bent forward to belly laugh at her request. The only reason the warlocks didn’t hear her was that Morgana always dropped some kind of confidentiality cloak over the two of them.

  “Listen to you, Elenora! I can hardly believe what my ears are hearing. You bargain for the dragon when he’s not even graced your bed yet. What if he proves to be a terrible lover? You will have wasted your favor from me. Was his kiss truly that persuasive?”

  “No,” Jezibaba declared, lying through her teeth. “But I have been swayed by Damien’s compassionate listening skills and by his own story. Plus he gave me an amulet to protect me from dragon fire. His personal inclination to protect me sets him apart from the other men in my life. So yes… I wish you to use my favor for the dragon.”

  Morgana’s continued laughter made her grit her teeth to keep from yelling at the Goddess.

  “I’m glad you think my feelings are funny, Morgana. Now will you grant me Damien’s freedom from your service or not?”

  Morgana rose and towered over her very tall charge. She put a finger under her servant’s chin and lifted it.

  “For teaching my prickly dragon witch to trust her heart again, the handsome dragon has more than earned his way out of my debt. If you truly wish his freedom as your favor—what is it you Celtic witches say—oh yes… so mote it be.”

  “Now? You’re releasing him now—as in immediately?” Jezibaba asked in surprise.

  “Why not? Are you afraid the dragon won’t stick around to continue helping you guard the girls?” Morgana demanded, her mouth tilted in a smirk. “I suppose I can hold off a bit if you want.”

  Jezibaba backed away. She couldn’t risk Morgana changing her mind. “No. What Damien decides after it happens doesn’t matter to me. I asked for his freedom and I still wish it.”

  Morgana snapped her fingers. “Then it’s done.”

  “Thank you,” Jezibaba said quietly, unsure what to think about Morgana’s quick concession. “Now who do I have to kill for you in return?”

  “Oh Child, you still have so much to learn. There is a time to make war and a time to make love. The trick is in recognizing which is which.”

  A loud pounding knock on her door had Jezibaba’s eyebrows shooting up. She heard him nearly yelling through it.

  “It’s Damien. Sorry to interrupt, but we need to talk. It’s critical I see you tonight.”

  “You know, I’ve bedded a dragon or two in my time. They’ve got a lot of stamina,” Morgana trilled as she finger waved. “Not as much as Emeritus has of course, but not all creatures can be that perfect. Let yourself enjoy the dragon at least for tonight. From a certain point of view, you paid for him, Elenora.”

  When Morgana disappeared, the room was so quiet Jezibaba could hear her own heart beating. She turned and walked to the door in a daze of confusion. Had she played into Morgana’s hand somehow and given the Goddess exactly what she wanted all along? Why was the Goddess pushing her into Damien’s bed?

  She opened the door to see the man in question staring at her with a mixture disbelief and awe. Her face burned with embarrassment for the first time in a century. Trust her wicked overseer to turn her request into a drama for all concerned. Morgana loved stirring shit up. She spoke before Damien could.

  “No need to get crazy about this, Professor Smoke. Morgana owed me and I used the leverage to free you and your family. Just be grateful to have control of your life back.”

  Damien nodded. “Oh, I am grateful. The lifting of the debt was instantaneous and I’m sure it was felt by all my kin. My mother even contacted me on my walk over here. I want to know how this miracle came about, but first… what did the Goddess demand of you in exchange?”

  Jezibaba shook her head. “Demand? Nothing. What Morgana expects though is another matter, and I would rather not say. The rest of our conversation was just a part of our normal contest of wills.”

  Damien looked back at the warlocks guarding her door, then turned his attention to her again. “Please don’t ask me to go back to my room and pace all night long. There is no way I can sleep now. Can I please come in?”

  Jezibaba tilted her head up to meet his eyes. “I refused you earlier and I still think that’s best. My stipulations haven’t changed, Professor. If you cross my threshold, you know what’s going to happen between us.”

  “Yes, I’m counting on it. And I intend to prove you wrong,” Damien said.

  Resigned to letting the dragon spend the night with her, Jezibaba moved away from the door. “Enter then. But I am making no promises about tomorrow.”

  “Understood,” Damien said.

  Then he stepped inside and closed the door to lock them in.

  Chapter 11

  “I can’t talk about what was said between me and the Goddess tonight. I can’t risk offending her by being indiscreet.” And the truth was that she didn’t want him to know that she had first asked to know her dragon ancestor.

  “Fine,” Damien replied.

  “Fine?” Jezibaba asked, her voice rising in surprise.

  Damien nodded as he walked to her. “Yes. I trust you and I don’t really want to talk.”

  “You don’t?”

  He chuckled as he neared her. “No. I’m done talking. I want to find out whether you want it slow and easy, or hard and rough, the first time. Though I think I’m going to have a very hard time going slow after waiting seventy-five years for you.”

  “Damien—don’t make this more than it is.”

  He gripped her chin and stared into her eyes. “Dear Elenora, she who is now the Great Jezibaba, you cannot make this less than what it was meant to be just because you’re afraid. I told you before—and I repeat myself now—I don’t give a damn how many males have disappointed you. I won’t.”

  She giggled above his hand. “Damien, I never doubted your bedr
oom talents. And I’m not afraid.”

  “Really? You never answered my question, Witch. Slow and easy or fast and rough?”

  “Braggart. Can I have both?” Jezibaba asked.

  “Done,” he declared.

  His mouth came down on hers, gentle and demanding at once. The world may have stopped spinning for a fraction of a second—she wasn’t sure. Damien finally freed her mouth only to trail hot kisses down her neck. She let him do so without uttering a single complaint, mostly because he caused a dizzying level of lust she hadn’t felt in—oh, maybe never.

  “Forgive me,” Damien whispered against her collar bone.

  “For what now?” she whispered back, laughing softly as her eyes closed in contentment. What he was doing felt so damn good.

  They opened wide when she gasped in shock, stunned by the trail of fire burning a line down the front of her dress. Damien’s hands ripped what was left of it apart and pushed the ruined material out of his way. Yet all of that barely registered over the feel of his mouth caressing every inch of skin he uncovered.

  She whimpered when he dropped to his knees and kissed her navel while he growled. “I have a perfectly fine bed we can use. I conjured it myself,” she whispered.

  Damien ran his hands around the back of her hips and cupped the rounded cheeks of her firm ass. “And we’ll get there eventually,” he whispered back, continuing his exploration. “I know what is beneath the scrap of lingerie you wear as a barrier. All you are will belong to me shortly.”

  “No tattoos though,” she ordered, wobbling on legs weakened by desire.

  “Tattoos? What are you… okay, no tattoos,” he promised, laughing at her strange, huskily-given order. “But you’re going to feel my fire—and you’re going to want to. I need to give it to you. You’re going to have to tell me if I hurt you.”

  “Doubtful…” She hissed when his head dipped to her ruined lace covered crotch. His tongue lashed out against the lace, his fire searing the remaining fabric, melting it away. Yet her delicate skin there remained unharmed, as was made obvious from her groaning against his tongue.


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