Dracula and His Brides

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Dracula and His Brides Page 2

by Darren Cage

  Even as I struggled to concentrate and ponder what I might have done differently so I would have joined her spirit instead of her body, my mind kept turning back to my thirst. My teeth ached, and I felt them with my tongue. Yes, I had fangs, and they longed to be used.

  Again, I stared at Mihaela. Her neck. I had drunk from her there, but I would go and drink from another’s. I would not disgrace her body any longer.

  With a groan, I sat up. Immediately, I was on my feet and by the door. It seemed that I had already acquired super speed.

  Evidently, I had been dead for some time as the hour was late, and the moon shone down on the path. I forced myself to move slowly, and I took one step to cross out of the house.

  My horse neighed and immediately dashed away, no doubt frightened of me. Animals were rather ingenious creatures, even if they did not truly understand the reason behind their fright.

  My desire to quench my thirst only grew. Mihaela and I lived toward the eastern outskirts of the town. At this late hour, either I would have to break into someone’s house, or I would need to visit the tavern.

  Yes, the tavern would be ideal. An unsuspecting drunk person would make for the perfect victim.

  No. Not a victim. A drink. A source of nourishment. Blood. There were no more casualties, no more fighting, no more corpses, no more victims.

  I practically only had to think about the tavern, and already, I stood underneath a tree across from one. My head tilted back, and I stared up at the moon. Her silver face brought me a sense of peace. Did she think of me as one of her children although I did not have her blood in my veins? Perhaps one of her siblings was a distant relation of mine.

  My thoughts refused to remain clear and focused, and my mouth salivated as a man and woman entered the tavern. For the brief moment the door was opened, music and laughter filled the air, but the sounds were muffled and muted the moment the door shut. Even so, I could still hear the talking and even pick out individual conversations. My ears burned from all of the noise, but I forced myself to hold still, to wait and watch.

  More and more people filtered inside the tavern, and when someone finally left, she was not unaccompanied. I glowered at the man on her arm. As thirsty as I was, I did not wish to have witnesses to my feeding, certainly not my first ever feeding. I only had one mouth after all and could not feed on them both at the same time. Perhaps I could hold the one while I drank from the other… but they were already disappearing from view, meandering away. Although their zigzagging journey suggested they had a fair amount to drink, I left them be. For tonight, they would not be my prey.

  The more people entered the tavern, the thirstier I grew until I did not think I could handle myself much longer. I recognized, albeit barely, that I could not risk entering the bar. My self-control at this point would be nonexistent.

  Thankfully, as if an in answer to the silent plea I had just sent up to the moon, a single woman left the tavern. She was laughing to herself as she staggered a few paces to the right and then left, overshot the path, and then stumbled back onto it.

  I slowly trailed behind her, but the moment the tavern was no longer in sight, I hurried to follow her and halted when I was beyond her by several paces. Curses!

  But it did not matter. Her head was down, and she took no notice of me. She was staring at her shoes as she walked this way and that.

  I chuckled. This would be too easy.

  At the sound of my laughter, she glanced up. Her mouth dropped open in shock, and then she slowly smiled.

  “Sir,” she said, the word slurring. “You look… healthy. I mean, no. Not healthy. What’s the word?” She stopped walking, put her finger to her cheek, and nearly fell over. She straightened and shrugged. “Rich,” she finally said. “You look rich. Are you rich?”

  “You’re rich,” I said, my own words slightly slurred, perhaps from the fangs.

  The woman shook her head and laughed. "No, sir. I'm not. I'm poor. Dirt poor. If people still had to piss in pots to sell for money, I wouldn't be able to afford the pot. No pot to piss in."

  The woman began to laugh hysterically, and then she wiped a tear away. From mirth? Or sadness?

  She hiccupped so violently she nearly fell over. I reached toward her to catch her, but she moved with a bit of speed that surprised me.

  “I don’t need your help,” she slurred. “I need your money. Can I have some?”

  She leaned in close to me and sniffed.

  “I’ll do anything you want,” she said. “You can tie me up, spank me, pull my hair, anything at all. I’ll blow you, give you access to my cunt or ass. Whatever. You. Want.”

  The woman brushed her hair back, revealing her short neck and the corset of her dress that shoved her boobies up nearly to touch her nose, but I was mesmerized by the thick vein along her neck. I could see it pulsating, could hear her heartbeat and even the rush of blood through her body. My arm snaked against her waist, forcing her against my body.

  She giggled, wiggled, and gyrated her pelvis against me, but she did nothing for me. All she was to me was a source of nourishment.

  “You want to take me here? Outside?” She giggled again. “If you insist.”

  The woman started to reach down, bending slightly to reach the hem of her dress, but I gripped her throat with my right hand, careful not to squeeze.

  Her eyes bulged, and she blinked several times. Thankfully, she was silent now, but even if she had continued her incessant babbling, I wouldn’t have been able to hear her, not over the undeniable thundering of her blood through that delicious vein.

  I licked my lips. She grinned, closed her eyes, and pursed her lips, but my own lips touched her neck a split moment before my fangs pierced her ridiculously thin skin. Blood immediately gushed into my mouth, and I drank. The delicious blood tasted of life so fresh, tangy yet sweet, and I could not get my fill. I yanked the woman even closer to me, biting harder, deeper, and even more blood poured into my mouth, dripping down my chin. I need more, more, always more. I could never have enough. Never.

  Even while drinking, my thirst remained unsatisfied.

  When the bloodstream slowed to a trickle, I licked and licked and licked before pulling back.

  The woman hung limply in my arms. Her head rolled from side to side, and I gathered her neck was broken. Her body must have spasmed as I fed, shaking so much that her boobs crammed into her corset had popped free.

  I had killed her.

  Chapter Three

  A moment passed and then another, yet I still felt no remorse. The woman had been desperate enough to want to sell her body, and I could tell from the tang in her blood that she had used drugs. It wasn’t as if she had children to care for. Somehow, I knew all about her body, could even see flashes of her life, of a terrible man screaming at her, his face redder than a tomato’s. He had been the cause for her desperate need for money.

  As tempted as I was to abandon her body so that the animals could devour her, I did not wish for others to realize a vampire lived among them. With ease, I picked her up with one hand. I tucked her under my arm and dashed to Devil's Precipice in Prahova county. Supposedly, a cache of treasure had been buried here eons ago, spelled so no one could find it. The villagers spoke of minotaurs guarding the place. The promise or even the hint of treasure can lead a man to try to claim it for himself, cursed or not, but all those who tried to dig the soil grew mad. They would wander about for a week or so, dazed and utterly confused. Many wore torn clothes, their skin scratched to the point of being carved, yet none could explain how they had been injured. Most, though, were never seen or heard from again.

  I abandoned the dead woman’s body there. Even I did not bother to dig the soil at Devil’s Precipice. After two steps, I glanced behind to see animals already creeping toward her body. Good. Feast on her. Ensure none can recognize her so that I might be spared a monster’s death.

  That thought haunted me the short trek back to my house. Something terrible had happened to me when
I died, more than just gaining immortality, super speed, and the thirst for blood. Now that I had died, I no longer wished to die again.

  But what did that mean for myself and my Mihaela?

  I could not bear for her dead body to see me as I was, and besides, another thirst was driving me. My cock was harder than it had ever been, and I thought it might burst. I had never been this hard or long before in my life. How could this be? I was dead! Yet, I had drunk blood, and blood was what caused a man’s cock to rise.

  Perhaps I had been too hasty in my quest to quench my thirst. The woman had offered her body, and now, I needed a woman and desperately. Any woman would do.

  I considered returning to the tavern, but I didn’t want another drink. Well, I did and always would, but my primary concern was a different kind of thirst entirely. Instead of the tavern, I headed to a nightclub. Live music blared, the lights casting most everything in the joint a reddish color that I thought rather apropos.

  The place was packed, bodies crammed onto the dance floor so much that those on the edges were not even moving. A woman stood off to the side, nursing a colorful drink, her gaze wandering over the crowd. After a minute passed and no one paid her any attention, I sneaked up beside her.

  She glanced up at me, startled, and stepped back.

  “I didn’t mean to invade your personal space,” I lied.

  She swallowed the rest of her drink and glanced away. “If you want to dance with me, you could buy me a drink first.”

  “Why do you need another drink first?” I asked.

  “I can’t dance,” she mumbled.

  “Then why are you here?”

  “My girlfriends dragged.”

  “Why aren’t you dancing with them?”

  “Because they found guys to dance with already. I’m not like them. I’m not… personable.”

  Maybe I should reconsider. Her friends would wonder if she went missing, but I was hoping to not feed on her. I just needed her body.

  The woman eyed me, giving me the once-over before blushing and looking away.

  I grinned, careful to keep my lips closed. “There is another kind of dancing than on the dance floor.”

  “Oh?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “Horizontal,” I said bluntly. “On a bed.”

  She blinked several times. “I really would need another—”

  I dashed over, grabbed a drink out of the bartender’s hand before he could give it to the customer, and was back to her side with it.

  “—drink,” she finished, staring at the drink now in my hand.

  Again, I smiled closed-mouth. She gulped it down and placed it on the table on her other side.

  “There are a few rooms upstairs,” she said shyly. “I never… My friends told me about them.”

  “Lead the way,” I said.

  She started to walk away and then hesitated, holding out her hand. We clasped hands, and she brought me around the bar to a staircase. Sure enough, there were several rooms upstairs, most closed. The sound of thumping beds and moans filtered through.

  The woman kept going until we reached a room with an open door. She pulled me inside and shut the door behind her. I reached around her to lock it.

  With a drunken giggle, she crossed over to the bed and flopped back, her boobs bouncing. She lifted her dress to reveal her lack of panties and unshaven pussy.

  “My girlfriends’ idea,” she said. “None of us are wearing underwear.”

  Within a second, I was on top of her. “Are you ready?” I asked.

  “C-Condom?” she sputtered.

  I growled. Of course I didn’t have one.

  She sighed, opened her purse, and handed me a condom.

  Furiously, I yanked off my clothes, barely able to refrain from ripping them. The woman propped herself on her elbows and gaped at my thick cock. To appease her, I tore open the condom.

  It wouldn’t fit. I was too big.

  Frustrated, I stared at her. My body was screaming at me to just take her already, her thoughts and feelings be damned, but I wasn’t quite capable of that yet.

  Yet. Why did I add the yet?

  “Are you clean?” she asked.

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  “I am, and I’m on the pill.” She bit her lower lip. “Go ahead, just… go slow.”

  Again, I nodded, and I ripped off her dress. She began to protest, but I yanked apart her legs, pulling her down and bringing her pussy to the edge of the bed. I perfectly aligned myself that the movement caused her to be impaled on my dick. She let out a cry, and I pulled almost all of the way out of her before slamming into her again. Her walls clenched around me tightly. It was perfect. She was so snug and wet and warm, and the more I thrust, the wetter she became. Tighter too as she orgasmed.

  But as good as this felt, I wasn’t coming yet. I was so very close, but I couldn’t quite get there yet. Why not? Could I not orgasm anymore? That would be a curse in and of itself.

  Annoyed, I pulled out of her, rolled her over onto her stomach, pulled her up onto all fours, and entered her from behind. Maybe if she came harder, I would be able to finally. I reached around, found her clit, and forced myself to slowly rub it.

  The woman whimpered. I was slamming into her as fast and hard and deep as I could, but every time I thought I was about to orgasm, the feeling subsided just enough before building again. Even when she came so hard that her entire body shuddered, I couldn’t find my release.

  Again, I pulled out of her, flipped her onto her back, and entered her. The way her breasts bounced as I thrust into her like a jackhammer was mesmerizing, and I had to suck on one of her large nipples. I bent down, captured it into my mouth, and nipped it.

  Blood flooded into my mouth. Heat rushed to my cock, and I exploded, coming far hard than I ever had in my life. It felt so damn good and lasted for so damn long that I had to feel it again. I continued to thrust away, pounding her relentlessly, drinking more and more. The breast wasn’t the best place to get a lot of blood, though.

  I glanced up at the woman’s face. She was crying.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked her roughly, still hammering her.

  “Hurts,” she murmured.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I asked even though I didn’t think I could. She was so fucking wet, and I needed to release again. I needed more of her blood, and I would have both.

  “No,” she said.

  “You like pleasure and pain?” I asked with a wide grin.

  She nodded, her eyes closed. Good. Otherwise, she would have glimpsed my fangs, and I highly doubted she would continue to let me fuck her like this if she had seen them.

  “Do not scream or shout out unless it’s from pleasure,” I urged.


  “Please what?” I asked.

  “Keep… going…”

  That was all the urging I needed. I licked the woman’s neck before biting. I tried not to drink too much, just enough to engorge my cock. Two driving thirsts warred with me, that of blood and sex, and the release I so desperately needed refused to come once more.

  The woman just lay there, not touching me, not rubbing or caressing me, but all I needed was the warmth and wetness of her tight hole. So far, this wasn’t quite enough for me, though, and I feared she couldn’t satisfy me.

  Perhaps not with this hole.

  Again, I rolled her over. My cock was covered in her juices and mine and maybe a little blood too. I smeared the liquid around her asshole.

  “Have you been taken here before?” I growled out.

  She shook her head.

  “Can I?” I grunted, pressing the tip against the opening.

  The woman didn’t say anything, so I reached around and rubbed her clit until she came.

  “Oh, yes! Yes!” she screamed.

  Taking that as permission, I slowly eased in the tip and then more and more until I was fully inside of her. I continued to rub her clit for her as I began to thrust in and out of
her ass. Her cunt had been tight, but nothing could ever be as tight as an asshole. I did miss the natural lubrication of her cunt, but the more I pumped, the easier I could pump. Not that she became looser. No, if anything, especially when she orgasmed, she was so very tight. I loved the way she felt.

  My balls began to tighten. No. I wasn’t going to lose it again. This time, I was going to orgasm.

  I yanked the woman’s hair back, bent down over her, and sank my fangs into the other side of her neck. Simultaneously, I buried my cock the deepest yet up her ass, and I came so hard that I saw bright stars. As I drank from her, my cock emptied itself, and I felt perhaps a little satisfied.

  Then, I slipped out and lay beside her. My cock was covered in blood. So was the bed. I didn’t have to roll her over to know she was dead.

  Chapter Four

  A part of me knew I had to clean up and get rid of the body again, but I didn’t want to move. I actually felt full for a moment.

  A creaking sound had me sitting up. The door. Hadn’t I locked it? There was a gold piece of the knob on the floor. In trying to lock it, I must have broken the knob. Sometimes, superhuman strength was a curse and not a blessing.

  The door opened as if by its own accord, and a woman’s piercing scream rang out.

  I flew over to her, grabbed her by the neck with one hand, and shut the door with the other.

  She kept crying out, her yelling muffled by my pressure on her throat.

  “You will stop that,” I ordered.

  Immediately, she stopped.

  “If I remove my hand, you will stay here,” I said.

  She blinked. In agreement? Perhaps but perhaps not.

  Regardless of whether or not she would obey me, I had no choice but to remove my hand from her throat. If I delayed too much longer, the siren sound of her blood thundering through her veins from her racing heartbeat would’ve forced me to drink from her right then and there.

  The woman eyed me but did not move. She was obeying me, and while I knew this was purely based on fear, I didn’t mind and took the time to ogle her.


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