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Chosen Page 13

by Kristen Day

  What did she just say? Death!? The blood drained from my face and the air left my lungs as my world flipped upside down. I clenched onto Finn’s arm and tried to steady myself.

  “Stasia! Your moonstone!” Natasha gasped. I looked down at the moonstone still clutched in my left hand, which was now glowing - pulsing a silvery light. A pulsing light that reminded me of the woman in my vision’s necklace once again. Feeling eyes on me, I looked up into the eyes of all ten Auras, who were now openly gaping at me. I gasped at what I saw. The glass orbs hanging from their necklaces were now glowing; pulsing in cadence with my moonstone. My last vision came crashing back to me. A crescent shaped beach. Just like the beach at Aphrodite’s Rock. White stone boulders. Just like the ones surrounding Aphrodite’s rock. A full moon. My eyes flew up to the full moon peeking out of the clouds, which had been building all afternoon. My vision was going to take place at Aphrodite’s Rock. The next thing I knew, I was running.

  Chapter 18

  I ran past the now wide-eyed Auras, past the startled hostesses who unsuccessfully tried to hold the door open for me, over the railing, and across the beach until I finally made it to my destination. The sea. The details of my vision revolved in my mind like a ferris wheel gone wild. The rocks, the crescent beach, the glowing orb, the woman who could only be the Moon goddess the Auras descended from. The pale skin, dark hair, and silver eyes. I had no idea what the vision meant, or why it had happened. All I knew was that I needed to stop it.

  Death. Elina’s last word also circulated through my thoughts. Torturing my already tortured soul, I pledged silently that it didn’t matter - as long as I could save those people on the beach. Maybe if I could get to them in time, I could stop it. I could make a difference! If I died saving them, then so be it.

  The sea’s crashing waves felt like a soft blanket on a cool night, surrounding my heart and energizing my muscles. I found the moonstone still in my hand and shoved it into my jeans pocket before diving underwater; swimming as fast as I could. I propelled myself through the water with incredible force and speed, surprising even myself. As the rain fell on the surface, a frenzy of energy swirled around me. Schools of fish suddenly came alive, darting back in forth with the cadence of the rain above. It was as if the sea was feeding off of the turbulent energy from above. I pulled from it and let it take over, filling every fiber of my being with its strength.

  As the bottom changed from sandy to rocky, I knew I was close. Allowing my instinct to guide me, I darted toward shore. The grass covering the boulders below danced in the chaotic rhythm of the waves and I could feel the excitement every living being fell victim to at the falling rain. It was if the sea was celebrating. Celebrating a part of itself returning after a long journey.

  As I made my way on shore, I realized I had lost my shoes at some point during my swim. I clamored over the rocky shoreline that swept the area. The pouring rain made it impossible to see and even more impossible to walk. It hadn’t been raining in my vision, but what about when the rain let up? What about tomorrow? The next day? I strained to remember if there was any trace of rain in my vision, but I couldn’t remember. The more time that went by, the hazier the memory of my visions became.

  My feet slipped on the slippery rocks of the beach and I tumbled sideways, landing hard on my side and scraping my leg. I pushed myself back up and continued, only to slip again. This time a pair of arms caught me mid-fall, securing me and softening the landing as we both tumbled onto the rocks. I felt the pain of several more bruises as my legs slammed into a couple sharp ones.

  “Nice night for a swim,” Finn’s sarcastic voice tickled my ear, momentarily hypnotizing me.

  “Let me go, I have to find them!” I yelled back at him, attempting to stand back up. Unfortunately, he easily overpowered my efforts.

  “You’re not finding anybody in this weather.”

  “I have to try!” I struggled against his strong arms to no avail.

  “Stasia, calm down.”

  “I’ll calm down when I figure out why the hell I keep having visions that don’t make sense!” I yelled at him, tears burning behind my eyes. “I have to watch a bunch of people have their souls ripped out of their bodies with no clue as to who they are, where they are, or most importantly when they are!”

  “Just because you have a vision about something doesn’t mean you are supposed to hunt to the ends of the earth to find it and prevent it,” he said calmly. “Some things are meant to happen. Fate and destiny are stronger than any vision, any essence, or any ability.”

  “Then why do I have them? Why can’t I have a vision about something good? Why do I have to watch people die!?”

  “It just takes time-“

  “I don’t have time!” I yelled back at him. “All of this! You’ve had time to figure all of this out! I’ve had months, Finn! Months! And each day I’m closer to my eighteenth birthday. Each day I’m closer to confronting Keto. Each day I’m closer to-“

  “…fulfilling your destiny.” Finn interrupted. “Why can’t you see how special you are? If your mother didn’t believe you could do this, she wouldn’t have Chosen you.”

  “Well being Chosen isn’t as great as it’s cracked up to be, if you ask me.”

  “Welcome to my life,” Finn muttered and chuckled in spite of himself. “Being Chosen isn’t supposed to be fun or easy. It’s hard - it’s very hard…which is why it’s not given out freely. Only those who can handle it are given the responsibilities and pressures that come along with it.”

  “I feel like my abilities work against me half the time. They distract me or backfire on me! How can I concentrate on what I’m supposed to do when I’m having visions constantly about people dying and horrible things happening? How can I concentrate on what I’m supposed to do, when I know Nadia is out there, waiting for me to stumble so she can kick me when I’m down?”

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you’ll figure it out. Once you begin to control and harness your abilities, it will all begin to fall into place,” Finn explained. “You have to trust me on that. When we return to Lorelei, Mom will make sure your only priority is to practice your abilities. I have a feeling the new Maven will not disagree.”

  I gave up my fight and sagged against him, leaning my head back on his shoulder. I let his darkness wrap around me and soothe my heart. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I murmured.

  “You’d probably have a broken leg,” he joked. “These rocks are no joke. Let’s get you someplace dry.”

  He helped me up and we delicately made our way across the rocky beach, toward a rock that was shaped like a giant letter ‘n’ stepping into the ocean; one leg on the beach, while the other was underwater. Beneath its arch the waves were slowly crawling toward the other leg, so that the sand beneath was wet, but we were still shielded from the rain. I sat down on the wet sand and stretched my legs out, allowing the water to slosh over them again and again.

  “We could be in one of those Giorgio for Men cologne commercials right now, and not even know it.”

  “I was in a commercial like that once,” Finn contemplated.

  “You were!?”

  “No,” he smirked.

  “I hate you,” I splashed water up at him.

  “Aw, you don’t mean that,” he mewed, moving closer to me. I inched away from him and crossed my arms.

  “Oh yes I do.”

  “I bet I can change your mind.”

  “I doubt it,” I retorted, instantly regretting it when I saw the knowing look in his eye.

  “Challenge accepted.” He grinned at me like a panther about to go in for the kill, and I was fully aware I was the kill. What I wasn’t aware of was the fact that it had started to storm. Lightning struck nearby, sending a shockwave across the beach that lit up the night with its flash. I shrieked out and instinctively moved towards Finn, who pulled me close.

  “I knew I could change your mind,” he chuckled. I didn’t miss the smug smile on hi
s face. “You didn’t know I could control lightning, did you?”

  “I hope the next one hits you.” I rolled my eyes at his phony claim, inwardly relishing the feel of his arms and the comfort of his body beside mine. As if on cue, another bolt of lightning shot across the sky and sent the resulting thunder over the water and onto the beach; rattling my insides with its tenor.

  “Careful Pasha, you never know what you might be capable of.” He grinned, leaning towards me and nuzzling my neck. “Burnt-to-a-crisp-Finn was not on the menu for tonight.”

  “I’m pretty sure I can’t control anything that powerful,” I laughed his comment off and shivered at the feel of his breath on my neck.

  “I beg to differ,” he whispered in my ear. As the warmth of his mouth met the rain-soaked skin of my neck, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to become lost in his touch. As his lips ran along my collarbone, I suddenly needed to feel them against my own. I leaned forward, pushing him off of me and against the rock. I let my knees slide on either side of him as he pulled me closer. I ran my fingers through his wet hair and clenched it tightly in my hands as I leaned down to kiss him. As the storm intensified, he ran his hands up and down my back as he pulled me against him and deepened our kiss, sending me into a world of sheer bliss. The energy of the storm had nothing on the energy and heat we were producing.

  With his hands on either side of my waist, he put a slight distance between us; taking a moment for his eyes to linger on mine before they roamed down to my lips, along my shoulder and finally to the shirt that now clung to me, accentuating everything underneath. His hands migrated to the bottom of my shirt when his eyes met mine once more, before he pulled it up over my head and discarded it onto the rain-soaked sand. (Thank goodness I’d worn one of my more lacy bras.) His eyes drank me in as they widened slightly, and a sweet grin danced across his lips. Chills popped up on my skin as I tugged off his shirt, which ended up next to mine on the beach.

  He slowly traced the skin around my bra with a light finger, sending even more chills down my skin. Once done, he leaned forward and his lips followed the same course; his tongue occasionally making an appearance, raking my insides with warmth. His teasing touch drove me insane as I felt myself swell for more beneath the lacy fabric. I reached back and unclasped my bra, slowly shrugged it off and slung it aside.

  “Wow…” he muttered breathlessly. Nervous giggles escaped my lips, and I suppressed the urge to cover myself as I sensed my cheeks flush. “You’re so beautiful.”

  He wrapped me in his arms, and the feel of his firm chest pressing against mine unraveled me. Every part of me suddenly came alive - warming and pulsing with desire. He kissed me softly and slowly, as his hands gently investigated the tender skin of my chest. As he cupped and caressed me, his kisses deepened and an intense feeling of closeness and safety warmed my heart. Allowing myself complete vulnerability to his touch, his acceptance, and his love freed me of the abusive words and judgments of my troubled past; healing something inside me I didn’t realize needed healing.

  Feeling way too restricted by the heaviness of my soaked jeans, I stood. Never breaking his gaze, I slipped them off and kicked them aside. As he stood I noticed he was biting his lip, almost nervously waiting for me to make the next move. I grasped the waistband of his jeans and pulled him towards me. As I unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to the sand, he tucked my wet hair behind my ears and smiled.

  “I think I’ve had this dream before,” he smiled down at me, alluding to our last beach encounter on Shackleford Banks. I didn’t miss the way he stumbled over his words nervously. “I keep finding myself half-naked on a faraway beach with the most amazing girl in the world.”

  “That’s funny,” I grinned. “I’ve had that very same dream!”

  “On a faraway beach with the most amazing girl in the world?” he raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, so maybe there was one slight difference in my dream…” I giggled.

  “Shew,” he wiped his brow. “I was starting to get worried there for a minute.”

  My laugh came out a little too spastic, and I realized that our rambling was an effort to hide our nerves. But I was in uncharted territory, and I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I didn’t want to stop. We gazed at each other in nervous silence, before he took a step towards me and his face turned serious. He wrapped one arm around me and swept me up into his arms, gently lying me back down on the sand. The chill of the ground below me was quickly erased by the heat of his body as he lay down on top of me. At the pressure of his weight, a sharp pain erupted beneath one of my butt cheeks and I cried out in pain. Finn jumped off of me so fast, I almost missed it.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  I searched for the sharp culprit beneath me and produced a sharp piece of something brown.

  “I think it was just some wood,” I explained; catching my breath when I realized what I had just said. “I mean…not your piece of wood…no - I mean…oh my god.” I laid back down on the sand and put an embarrassed hand over my face. I heard him chuckle and felt him lay back down on top of me slowly. He took my hand and somehow peeled it off of my red face. I peeked out at him from one eye.

  “I love you so much,” he grinned down at me, his eyes full of tenderness. Thankfully, my thoughts were swept away as soon as his soft lips met mine. The thunder continued to rumble around us as we became lost in each other. Each touch, each movement fueled the flames that threatened to engulf me. I could think of nothing else other than Finn. I wanted to be closer - I needed to be closer. Deciding that I couldn’t ignore the ache inside me any longer, I clumsily rid Finn of his boxers as he attempted to do the same for me.

  “Stasia,” he breathed into my neck; his voice husky with passion. “I’ve never…” The sudden intensity in his eyes sent ripples of every emotion through my body at once. Beneath the overwhelming passion and unmistakable desire was a layer of uncertainty, a side to him no one was allowed to see. A side of him I’d seen only once before. His innocence. It shone so brightly in his eyes, that my heart melted and ran down into the sand, mixing with the rain.

  “Me either,” I whispered back. I felt his body tense unexpectedly as a crushing disappointment fell over his face.

  “I don’t have…anything,” he stumbled, looking away from me in shame. “I didn’t know…I..”

  “It’s okay,” I rubbed his face to comfort him, utterly touched and silently thanking my adopted mother. “I’m on the pill.”

  His body relaxed and he closed his eyes, relief washing over him. I pulled him back down on top of me as his touch became more urgent, his kisses more desperate. I had never felt a need so strong. It was crushing in its intensity and urgency. I no longer heard the banter of the rain or the rumbling of the thunder. The storm was now raging inside of me, releasing entirely new and powerful feelings. Waves of heat rolled over me as we became one, and I willingly embraced this entirely new and profound level of love. Time faded away and the outside world disappeared into oblivion, leaving only me, Finn, and the perfect storm.

  Chapter 19

  “Time to wake up, sleeping beauty.” A light, feathery touch along my arm roused me from a dreamless sleep, as the musical sounds of crashing waves filled my ears. I kept my eyes closed, but couldn’t stop the sloppy smile from dripping across my face. I had a bad feeling that getting rid of said sloppy smile would take some effort. I knew that it would take Carmen all of two seconds to figure out what I’d done if she caught a glimpse of it. Finn’s touch trailed down my arm and onto my trace, as he took my hand and kissed it softly. The light of day burned against my eyelids as I blissfully replayed last night over and over in my head.

  “Turn off the lights, it bright out here.”

  “It’s called the sun,” he chuckled. “I’m afraid there’s no off switch.”

  “Damn.” Before I could say more, a loud squeal and subsequent laughter jolted me wide awake. I took in the throngs of early morning beach goers and to
urists snapping pictures of the rocky shore, Aphrodite’s Rock, and the sea. Shock and horror rushed over me when I remembered that I was lounging around in public, sporting nothing but my birthday suit.

  “Oh my god!” I instinctively curled up into a big red ball of absolute humiliation, until I realized that move had only succeeded in baring my backside to the entire world. I moved to huddle up against Finn, when I noticed his pious smirk and the unmistakable glint in his deep blue eyes as he watched me with amusement.

  “Where are my clothes?” I demanded with a hitch in my voice. I searched the surrounding sand in a desperate hunt for something - anything – that resembled my bra and underwear. Finn snorted and proceeded to antagonize me further by showing off the clothes he was clutching in his hands. Before I could beat him senseless, I discovered we were sparkling. I let out an exasperated sigh and collapsed back onto the sand.

  “I hate you,” I declared plainly. As he hid his laugh behind a poorly executed cough, I glared at his pearly whites and fought the smile that played across my own lips.

  “I notice you keep saying that,” he tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Although I’ve done nothing to warrant such harsh words…”

  Feeling increasingly exposed (which doesn’t take much when you’re standing naked on a beach full of people), I lunged at him unsuccessfully. He stood his ground and held them just out of my reach with a smile. Not surprisingly, no amount of jumping did me any good. Instead I was forced to watch in horror as he walked down the beach with a satisfied lightness in his step. I scrambled to my feet and chased after him, nearly tripping over a small toddler counting rocks near the water’s edge; his unsuspecting mother beaming with pride. The possibility that Finn’s cloak would disappear at any given moment was enough to send my legs into overdrive. I had no idea how far away from him I could be, and still remain invisible. The burning heat of my cheeks spread to the rest of my body as I chased him past a sweet older couple holding hands. To my relief, he turned on his heel and headed out into the waves instead of farther down the beach. I swam after him as hard as I could, and finally caught up with him after about a mile.


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