Burn For Me: A MFM Romance (The Banks Sisters Book 3)

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Burn For Me: A MFM Romance (The Banks Sisters Book 3) Page 11

by Aja Cole

  “She’s going to freak out when she sees our faces.” He murmurs, and I laugh.

  “How much do you wanna bet that she’s going to say she’s not choosing either of us before we tell her we’ve called a truce.”

  “That’s a bet I can agree with, man. Hey, you’re not uh…bisexual are you?” He sounds so nervous that I crack up laughing and I’m still laughing when Tara opens the cellar door.

  This is going to be fun.



  I got roped into a game of Cards Against Humanity, but I can’t stop thinking about Hawk and Liam.

  Liam’s been gone for a suspiciously long time to just be grabbing bottles of wine, and I haven’t see Hawk since he went back up the stairs and wouldn’t talk to me.

  Everyone is nice and easy to talk to, but I’m getting anxious. I’d rather be curled up in bed right now lamenting why I couldn’t just have a simple life.

  I still can’t believe Hawk is here. I didn’t think I’d see him anytime soon and even that small glimpse of him filled me with something dangerous.

  But Liam is so much more than even I thought, and I’m ready to just end it all.

  I’d rather be alone than hurt either of them by even trying to choose the other.

  So imagine my surprise when they both come around the corner, just chatting it up with Tara. My mouth drops open from that alone, then they get closer and I notice their faces.

  “Did you…did you do that to each other?” I stand, knocking over the deck of cards and scrambling to them. Tara slides away as I touch the massive bruise starting on Hawk’s cheek and then jerk my gaze to Liam’s swollen lip that’s obviously busted and, the cut near his eye. “Are you fucking kidding me? Are you teenage boys?”



  I put a hand up and shake my head. “No, see this is why I…no. I can’t do this.”

  Hawk looks at Liam, “You called it. “

  “She’s so predictable,” Liam tsks, and I look between them, incredulous.

  “What the fuck is going on right now?”

  “No, go ahead and storm away. Tell us you can’t be with either of us because you feel guilty.” Liam crosses his arms, his familiar smirk pulling at his lips.

  “This is better than reality TV.” One of the girls says from behind me.

  I frown, suspicious. “Maybe we should talk in private.”

  “Awww,” The group groans and laughs as I throw my middle finger up, heading down the hallway towards the room that Liam and I’s stuff is in. I turn around when I hear the door close behind me and look between both of them.

  Seeing them side-by-side is as painful as it is exhilarating.

  Liam, blue-eyed and lightly tanned skin with that messy blonde hair that always seems to be falling over his forehead no matter what you do to it. The slightest bit of vulnerability.

  Hawk, with his dark stubble and hair, and grey eyes that say so much more than his words. Strong and patient. Steady.

  Both of them more than I ever expected. Both of them with the power to light my mind and body on fire.

  “Why are you two suddenly okay with each other?” I ask, scared to hear the answer. Maybe they’ve decided to let me go so there’s no rift between them.

  It feels like I’ve eaten a bag of stones, the thought makes me so sick.

  “Do you love me, Michaela?” Hawk asks, eyes intense.

  I glance at Liam, whose face is neutral, then back at Hawk.

  “Don’t ask me to hurt Liam that way.”

  “I won’t be hurt, Mickey. You can answer him.” Liam assures me, “It’s a foregone conclusion that you love me, I’m irresistible.” His words say complete confidence but his eyes are shadowed like he’s hoping it’s true rather than knowing like he says.

  “Do you love me?” Hawk asks again, walking towards me.

  “Yes,” I whisper, feeling somehow ashamed. It was one thing to have sex with more than one person, but feelings…feelings are different.

  “Don’t look so heartbroken, baby.” Liam comes over too, and both of them being so near me is not good for my sanity.

  “Are you both about to leave me?” I force the words out because I need to know. I can’t wonder a second longer.

  “What?” Hawk frowns, “Why would you think that?”

  “You’re suddenly all okay with each other, which you’d only be if neither of you wants to be with me o—.” I stop.

  No way.

  “Or what?” Liam grins.

  “Don’t fuck with me.” I shuffle back a little so I can see both of their faces.

  “We’re not. Yet.”

  “We talked about it, and we called a truce.” The bruise on Hawk’s face is really starting to show. I can’t imagine what they’re both going to look like in the morning.

  “A truce,” I repeat skeptically.

  “But it’s really your decision.” Liam pushes me down gently so I’m sitting on the bed and both of them are standing in front of me.

  Similar heights, similar builds, but two very different men.

  “We want you to pick both of us.” Hawk glances at Liam. “If you’re okay with not choosing between us, we don’t want you to.”

  I blink at them, feeling incredibly slow.

  “Don’t choose?”

  Liam shakes his head slowly. “Nope. Two for the price of one.”

  “I date both of you? Separately?”

  “Separately…together…Whatever works?” Liam looks at Hawk for confirmation and he nods.

  “It’s not like we’ve done this before, so we just have to make sure we keep talking to each other and take it day by day.”

  “So you two are some sort of friends now?” I ask.

  “Hawk’s a pretty chill guy.” Liam crosses his arms, his forearms looking especially delectable.

  “Yeah, I think Liam’s good people.”

  I can’t believe what I’m watching right now. I’m scared to say the words out loud because I want it to be real so badly.

  “And…sex. Is that…separate too?”

  “At this point, it feels like I’m the only one behind this threesome curve.” Hawk rubs a hand over the back of his neck, a small blush coming to his cheeks. “I usually don’t feel inexperienced much.”

  “We don’t have to do that immediately though. We can just keep that separate…I don’t know, make a calendar?” Liam suggests and Hawk shakes his head.

  “That sounds worse. What do you want Michaela?”

  “Me?” I croak.

  I want to say it, lord, I want to say it but it still feels like some sort of trap. This can’t be real life.

  But they seem so genuine about it, and they really look like they’re serious about being okay with each other.

  They’re being completely honest with me, how could I give them anything less?

  “I want…,” I swallow hard, pulling at the fabric of my jeans out of habit. “I want both of you. Together. At the same time.”

  It feels like all the air’s been sucked out of the room.

  What did I just do?

  I jolt out of my thoughts when there’s a rapid knock at the door.

  “Hey, pause the soap opera and get your asses downstairs, dinner’s ready.”

  “After dinner?” Liam looks at me and I nod at him, then he gives me the most heated look I’ve ever seen.

  “We have a lot more to discuss.”



  Dinner is buffet style tonight and the place apparently came with chef-service. We’re high in the Alps so there’s still snow on the ground, and it’s beautiful through the large windows. There are light flurries tonight.

  But that’s the last thing on my mind, even though I’m doing my best to get to know everyone.

  “Did you visit Cinque Terre?” Adanne asks. She’s a really charming Afro-Brazilian woman Tara met when she spent a year in Salvador.

  “I did! I stayed in these
hostel apartments run by a family.”

  “I’ve visited Porto a few times, and a few of the coastal cities. There is such beauty in Italy, it is still one of my favorite places to go.”

  “When I wa—,” Liam moves past me, which would be normal if he hadn’t trailed his hand along my lower back as he did it. “I uh, yeah, Porto is amazing.” I get out finally.

  They’ve been doing small things like that all night. Everyone sat at the big table and ate dinner, but I was very aware of both of them on either side of me.

  Hawk brushed a kiss on my neck when I was just getting ice from the kitchen, and I just about threw the towel in. That was about 20 minutes ago.

  I’m only human.

  It has been months since I last really had sex, and this is just cruel.

  “I am jealous of you.” Adanne says and I turn back to her, dragging my eyes away from where Liam’s talking to Quentin - a groomsman.


  “It is hard enough to find one man, and you’ve nabbed two.”

  “I don’t really believe it’s real yet.” I murmur, looking down at my glass. “The man I thought I’d be with didn’t want me because I’ve explored my sexuality before, and they’re offering me both of them for more. For…love.”

  “Do you want my advice? Take it with…the grain of salt? Is that the phrase you use?”

  “Yeah.” I laugh, “You got it right.”

  “Good. You Americans have so many ways to say one thing.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “So, my advice is…do not let one person define what’s right for you. It’s for you, after all. So what, he didn’t like it. Apparently there are two that do. That’s really all you need to worry about. Ask yourself if you’re happy, and until that answer is no - just be you, cara.” She throws a happy arm around my shoulder, and I hug her back, amused but grateful.

  “Thank you, Adanne.”

  “You are very welcome, friend. Now, do either of your xodós have brothers?”

  “They do,” I smile at her as Tara comes up to us. “But I think you have someone right here that’s interested.”

  “Que?” She asks, and Tara and I both give her a look.

  “Sis, Christian has been looking at you like you’re a whole meal since we got on that plane.”

  We turn discreetly until Christian is within our view. He’s playing twister with a few of the others, and we watch as he falls to the side and lays on the floor laughing.

  Tall, chocolate, and handsome - that one.

  “He’s a snack.” I murmur and we giggle. “Shouldn’t you be encouraging your wedding party to keep things in their pants so things don’t get messy?”

  “But messy is so fun to watch.” Tara widens her eyes innocently. “Everyone’s grown. Hopefully, they act like it.”

  “Is that what you thought would happen when you locked Liam and Hawk in the cellar?” I ask, pursing my lips.

  “In my defense, I really didn’t peg Hawk as a fighter - and I’ve known him for years.” She says, shaking her head. “Whatever spell you’ve cast over those men is potent.”

  “I wish I knew so I could re-cast it when it wears off.”

  “I don’t think it’ll wear off anytime soon.” A deep, honeyed voice with the tinge of a drawl comes from behind me and I still, glaring at Tara.

  “Thanks for the heads up, Tara.”

  “You’re welcome.” She smiles and hooks an arm through Adanne’s, who raises her glass at me as they move away and I turn to face Hawk.

  It’s the first time we’ve spoken alone since I left his house that night.

  “Can we talk?” He asks, and I nod mutely, following him. We pass Liam on the way to the balcony, and he winks at me.


  Hawk closes the sliding doors behind us and then leans next to me on the wooden railing. We look at the lights of other homes in the distance for a bit before he speaks.

  “I missed you.”

  The words fill me with something heavy and poignant, even though they just talked to me about both wanting me.

  “I missed you too.”

  “I don’t know what we’re doing. But I’d rather try it and see than spend another moment away from you.”

  “You’re such a sweet talker.” I smile, turning my head to him. “I’m one woman, there are plenty more out there. You said even thinking about me with him made you want to scorch the earth.”

  “That was when I thought it needed to be only one of us because then I wouldn’t have you at all. Liam…I think we could be friends, and I think you’re good for him. If you have enough love to give to us both, then I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Thank you.” I slide a hand up to cup his face and he holds my wrist.

  “You can thank me by answering one question.”

  “Anything in the world.”

  “Have you had sex with Liam yet?” My face must show my hesitation to answer because he laughs. “Whatever your answer is, is fine.”

  “No, I wanted to make sure it was real first.”

  “Good.”He tugs on a curl that escaped my puff with his other hand and leans close to my ear. “I’ll be gracious and let him fuck you first then.”

  I don’t know if I’m going to survive the night.



  I’m brushing my teeth after getting out of the shower when I hear the door to my room close, and it sends shivers through me.

  I rinse my mouth and toothbrush slowly. For some reason, I’m a little nervous to open the bathroom door.

  I wasn’t even nervous the first time I ever had sex, so I can’t fathom what the hell is wrong with me now.

  I want this to work so badly. If it doesn’t…

  I’m in simple pajama shorts and a long-sleeve clingy top, nothing tantalizing. I take a deep breath and open the door, shutting the light off.

  Liam and Hawk are sitting at the table in the room talking quietly and they look up when I shut the door.

  “Hey.” I give a little wave like a cornball and mentally smack myself.

  “Hey.” Their voices mingle, both deep but subtly different.

  “C’mere,” Liam demands gently, and I walk to him in bare feet, stopping in front of him. “Sit.” He widens his legs and pats his large thigh, and I do. “We were talking about how tonight should go.”

  “Oh?” I squeeze my thighs together just a little bit, feigning like I’m just finding a comfortable spot. My hussy side is ready and raring to go.

  “Mhm. What do you want? Do you want to call the shots?”

  I look at Hawk across the table and shake my head in the negative. “No, I don’t think I do.”

  Hawk’s eyes darken, and if I wasn’t already growing wetter by the second, just the tautness on his face mixed with feeling Liam under me would’ve made me a goner.

  “In that case…” Liam moves me so I’m sitting more fully on his lap and puts his legs under mine, effectively spreading my thighs open. “Why don’t you get started on the first course, Hawk.”

  I lose the little bit of air that I had left in my lungs.

  “My pleasure.” Hawk comes over and drops to his knees on the carpet, fingering the waistband of my shorts. “You know how long I’ve been waiting to taste you again?”

  I hold my breath as he pulls at my shorts and Liam helps him get them off.

  “No underwear, baby? You were ready, huh?” Liam tugs on my earlobe with his teeth and I moan as they settle my legs over Liam’s again. Cool air hits me and I squirm, feeling and watching Hawk caress one finger over my labia repeatedly until it parts for him.

  “You should let Liam taste you, Michaela.” He presses two fingers inside me easily and I grip Liam’s thighs, dropping my head back against his shoulder. Hawk pulls his fingers back and tips my head down to him and paints my lips with my wetness. “Give him a taste, darlin’.”

  I turn my head to seek Liam, and he crashes his mouth to mine, devouring me completely. I
taste myself too and I moan into his mouth as he thrusts a hand into my hair, making it fall around my shoulders.

  Then I feel Hawk’s tongue lap at my clit and I gasp, my hips bucking towards him. Liam holds my thighs apart as my hips move on their own, pushing towards Hawk’s face.

  “Tell me how it feels, Mickey. Tell me what he’s doing to you.” Liam’s voice in my ear is a pleasure of its own kind, and I swallow hard when Hawk slides his fingers inside me again, lips and tongue playing all over my mound.

  “His tongue is firm but soft.” I croak, rolling my hips forward and digging my hands into Liam’s thighs. Liam moves his hands from my legs and Hawk seals his mouth around my clit, suckling and circling his tongue around the sensitive flesh. “Oh my..f…” I shudder, eyes closing from how good it feels. Liam slides his large hands to the hem of my shirt and pulls it up and over my head as I raise my arms.

  “The view from down here is phenomenal.” Hawk pulls back and meets my eyes, twisting his fingers inside me leisurely. When he presses a third finger in with the others, I clench around them, practically panting. I’m not a woman who doesn’t know what she likes, but it feels good to not even need to tell him.

  Liam traces my breasts with feather light touches, the pads of his fingers moving over the underside and sides, then down the sides of my stomach and over my abdomen. “Stop teasing me,” I beg.

  “No.” He keeps up the maddening touches, not touching my nipples at all, and I start moving restlessly. With Hawk working to keep me off balance with his talented mouth, Liam’s fingers are a frustrating cherry on top.

  The minute that Hawk decides to move his tongue in some magical pattern, is the moment Liam decides to pinch and roll my nipples and I open my mouth soundlessly, toes raising against the carpet because I can feel my orgasm building.

  So, so close.

  “Please,” I whimper.

  “What do you need, baby? Tell us what’ll get you there.”

  “Harder.” I breathe. “Make me feel it. Both of you.”

  Hawk groans from my words but starts to fuck me in earnest with his fingers, stretching and filling me at a pace that sounds obscene because of how wet I am.


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