Blooming Life (Fate's Intent Book 10)

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Blooming Life (Fate's Intent Book 10) Page 13

by Bowles, April

  They nodded and I knocked confidently on the door.


  I went in as authorized and he was sitting behind his desk but not looking up.

  “High Master?”

  His eyes met mine. “Seth, this is a surprise. What do you need?”

  “I was hoping that I may have a moment of your time and discuss a proposal.”

  He seemed interested enough to start. “Oh, do state it. Please.”

  “It’s in regards to updating the uniforms here.”

  I used updating instead of changing, hoping he would hear me but he immediately shot it down. “No. I don’t think so.”

  “Please, sir. Hear me out.”

  He leaned back and took off his glasses as to give me his full attention but not without a brief lecture. “Listen, Seth. I understand that you’re new to all of this and you’re not used to not getting your way but this school is built on tradition and some things just simply can’t be changed.”

  “Please. You haven’t even heard what I had to say.” He was silent enough that I went on. “I do understand that it’s built on tradition but it’s also built to give students a better future. A uniform change wouldn’t break tradition, it would simply just be reassembled for its time. This would boost the level of confidence among the students and increase productivity. They’d want to come here every day and not feel held back while doing it. You may see us as children but we’re here to grow into adults and should be able to have expression and creativity. The change I propose isn’t outrageous, flashy or vulgar. The color scheme has stayed the same to reflect the royalty of being Senian and the students would be proud to wear them. I already have their support.” I showed the list of signatures. “Now we just ask for yours.”

  He was silent for what seemed like a long while. I wasn’t quite sure what he was thinking and wouldn’t have until he spoke again.

  “You’ve put a lot of effort into this, haven’t you, my dear boy?”

  “Yes, sir, I have.”

  “I would assume you have something else to show me but a list of names.”

  “I do, sir. A sample of what would become the new face of the Academy.”

  “Let’s see them, shall we?”

  I was surprised I got this far but I wasn’t turning back. “Yes, sir.”

  I looked out the door and waved for Bryce first.

  “This is the boys look.”

  I designed the boys outfit to be pretty basic but still an image of Seni. White pants and boots with a silver shirt and two toned jacket that had the Academy’s patch on it.

  Bryce turned without a word so he could see it all. The High Master said nothing but waved him out and I brought in Janie next. He had a more expressive reaction and raised his old eyebrows.

  I had her dressed in a pair of white boots just below the knee, a white pleated skirt just above the knee, a silver ruffled shirt with a white short jacket. It had the patch on it as well except this outfit was donned with a white seashell and silver pearl belt.

  “Thank you, Janie.” I said.

  She only nodded and left the room for me to deal with the rest.

  “Well, I must say. I did not expect any of that.”

  “Is that your only opinion?”

  He sat for a while. It might have been his pride holding him back but I knew he liked them.

  “I have only a few concerns. Our school is run solely off the tuition and donations of the people. I am unsure if we could fund such a change of this magnitude. The belt I saw on that young lady would set us back a few hundred years.”

  I laughed. “I hope that will not be your reason for rejecting. I assure you that I will handle everything and it will not cost the Academy anything but their approval.”

  “No cost to us?”


  “When can you have it ready?”

  I smiled to his sudden quickness to accept. “Tomorrow.”

  “That soon?”

  “I’m gifted.”

  I’m sure he understood. “Tomorrow it is then. I will have all morning classes canceled till lunch so you can equip everyone with their new attire.”

  “Thank you, sir! I promise, you won’t regret this!”

  “I should hope not. You’re dismissed.”

  “Thank you!”

  I went out of the room and everyone stood up.

  “Does your excitement mean he agreed?” Janie asked.


  We celebrated for a moment until I noticed one thing.

  “Where’s Dirk?”

  “Didn’t come.” Bryce said. “Did you need him?”

  “No actually. I didn’t even have to use that to persuade him. It was next on the list though. Why didn’t he come?”

  “I didn’t see him.”

  Janie curiously became attentive. “Can I wear this home or are you going to need it to make the others?”

  “You can keep that one. It seems to fit you nicely.”

  “And how exactly did you expect to know everyone’s measurements?” Becca asked.

  Bryce laughed before I could. “He can. Don’t worry about that.”

  “Yes. The High Master is going to have morning classes cancelled so I can fit everyone.”

  “Okay. I better get home.”

  “Yeah. Me too.” Janie agreed. “See you tomorrow.”

  They both left and Bryce and I were to head home next.

  “Should we look for him?” Bryce asked.

  “No. Maybe he tried convincing Lynn to let him give her a ride home.”

  “I still haven’t seen her.”

  “Me either. I’m sure he’ll be home timely. Let’s go.”

  “Mind at all if I don’t change back? I don’t want to wear that ever again.”

  I laughed. “I know. Me either. In fact—” I pulled him aside into the empty library before we exited. “I want to change into it.”

  It was easy for me but I changed my outfit to look like the new ones and we headed home to tell our fathers the spectacular news.

  Chapter 26


  I followed her after class to see if today she’d be any more lenient about accepting my help. Cuisine Study went amazing. Our duck turned out to be best in the class and I’ve already had my fill. I wouldn’t mind being out passed dinner tonight.

  I followed on my horse to this large iron gate almost outside the upper ring of the city. She didn’t go through it, instead she walked down an alley towards a side door to her home that was stowed away behind a large stone wall.

  “Hey, Lynn.”

  She whipped her head around and saw me with extreme surprise. “Dirk! What are you doing here? Did you follow me?”

  “Why are you so ashamed to let me see where you live?”

  “I’m not ashamed.”

  “I know what your father does and it’s not a big deal to me.”

  “It isn’t?”

  “No. My parents are killers so technically they give people like your father a job.”

  She actually laughed and I could tell her mood was easing. “Yeah. I guess. I’m sorry. I’m not used to having visitors.”

  “I know but I want you to know I’m not like everyone else and I won’t push you aside. I like having your company.”

  “Yeah. Me too. I just didn’t want to give you the wrong impression.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That I’m this easy like your girlfriend.”

  “Janie? She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “Really?” She sounded hopeful.

  “Of course not. I don’t recall us making anything official. This is all still kind of new to me.”

  “Oh, yeah. I know what you mean.”

  “Do you think you’ll start to accept rides home if I ask?”

  “I don’t know. I’d have to get permission and my father would want to meet you.”

  “Is he home?”

  “He kind of works here, so, yeah. He’s always

  “Is he busy?”

  “I don’t know. Would you like to come in so we can check?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t hesitate to answer and got down off my horse.

  “There’s a place to tie your horse by the door we use for the mourners.”


  She opened the side door and I followed, leading my horse inside.

  It was a very big open space leading all the way to the iron gate and her house was big too. I guess it would have to be to also be the family business.

  I tied my horse safely outside and she led me in.

  “We live to the right but wait here while I see if he’s working.”

  I nodded and let her go through another door. She was only gone long enough for me to take a full glance of the little space around me.

  “Nope. Not where I thought he’d be. This way. He’s probably getting yet another late lunch.”

  I followed into her place of living and it looked relatively normal.

  “Papa! I’m home, papa.”

  “I’m in the study.”

  “Wait here.”

  I nodded and it was the respectful thing to do.

  “There’s my little bean cake. Have an uneventful day?”

  “Yes, papa but there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”


  I heard their footsteps coming and made sure I was standing straight and presentable.

  “Papa, I’d like you to meet, Dirk.”

  “Hello there young man.” Her father was tall and very slender. His hair was the color as hers and so were his eyes.

  “Dirk, this is my father, Ward MacRoy.”

  “Nice to meet you, sir.” We shook hands but I was gentle.

  “What do we owe the honor of such a visit? Lynn never brings home any of her friends.”

  She shied away from looking and I had just guessed that he didn’t know anything about his daughter being such an outcast.

  “I wanted to officially meet you and ask if it was all right if I give your daughter occasional rides home from the Academy.”

  “On a horse?” I saw Lynn’s eyes roll to his question.

  “Yes. I have my own.”

  “I’m sorry but my Lynn isn’t allowed on horses. Her mother fell off of one and died when she was just a year old, the poor thing.”

  “Papa.” She groaned it, not to be embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry.” I truly was. “May I walk with her instead?”

  “That would be more acceptable, yes. I would allow that.” He glanced out the window. “Oh, excuse me. My next appointment has arrived.”

  “Who is it?” Lynn asked.

  “Mrs. Perkins.”

  “Oh no. The baker’s mother?” Lynn sounded sorry and moderately normal about death happening.

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Go ahead then. I was going to show Dirk around.”

  He nodded and left us standing alone in her house. I was standing alone with a girl.


  “Come on. It will keep him away the rest of the night.”


  I followed her while she pointed out the different areas of her house.

  “My father’s study is in there, kitchen, bathhouse down on the left and this is the parlor. It’s where I spend a lot of time. I like to read here.”

  It was clear. The parlor looked more like a small library.

  “It’s nice. I’m glad I got to see it.”

  “Me too.”

  She sat herself on a sofa and I slowly sat with her.

  “So.” I said.

  She laughed. “I’m sorry. You’re my first guest. I’m not quite sure what to do with you. Not much talk happens around here.”

  “I understand.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” She hopped right up and grabbed her bag. “I better put these leftovers in the kitchen for my father.”

  “Oh, yes. Our delicious duck. May I come?”

  “Of course.”

  I followed her to the kitchen and it was very nice inside and very clean.


  “You really like kitchens, don’t you?”

  “I’ve been acquainted with a few.”

  “Ours doesn’t get used as much as it should but that might change. I like to cook.”

  “I know and you’re really quite good at it.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  I smiled.

  “Can I get you anything to drink or something?”

  “No. I’m still full from class. Your father is lucky there were leftovers.”

  She laughed. “Yeah. He’s been enjoying the class too but that will be our last project together for a while.”


  “You’ll have the supplies to do it yourself now. We won’t work together until our final test at the end of the year.”

  “But I’ll still get to sit by you.”

  “I suppose.” She blushed.

  “What’s the test?”

  “I’m not completely sure if I’m right but I heard the final recipe we make is creating one of our own.”

  “That sounds easy.”

  “I guess.” She sounded nervous about it. “I’ve never made anything without already having a recipe.”

  “Maybe that’s why it’s a couple thing. Two heads are better than one when it comes to creating something new.”

  “A couple thing?”

  She smiled her question and I practically blushed this time. “Partners, I mean. Sorry.”

  “I know. It’s okay. You’re really cute when you’re nervous.” I was surprised she said it and she was a little herself. “Oh, that came out? Great. Now I’m nervous.”

  “You do it cutely too.”

  She giggled and blushed again. “Come on. Let’s go back in the parlor.”

  I followed her and we sat close together on the sofa. It was relaxing. I liked being with her.

  She picked up this small silver box beside her and turned the crank until it wouldn’t go anymore then opened it. A fancy couple formed out of glass or crystal danced endlessly to a soothing melody.

  “That’s pretty.” I said.

  “My father gave this to my mother when they married a few years before I was born. It’s the only thing I have of her.”

  I was sad for her. She had never known her mother. I couldn’t imagine if I had never known mine. I was my mother’s favorite person and she’s always helped me get through anything I needed. I felt bad that Lynn never had that.

  I didn’t say anything else. I knew she wouldn’t have wanted my pity. We just sat together, listening to the tune. After a while, she leaned her head on me and I lifted my arm to put it around her.

  She wasn’t pushing it but I could tell she liked the company. Her hand settled on my chest and I placed mine on hers.

  She slowly moved her head and looked up. “Dirk?”


  “Do you want to kiss me?”

  I was surprised that she had asked. I’ve never gotten asked from Janie before; she would always just do it.

  “I wouldn’t mind to.”


  We positioned ourselves so we would be at a better angle. It was making me nervous and I don’t know why. I’ve never felt this nervous around Janie before.

  I leaned in slightly as she did and her eyes closed like she was waiting for me. I touched her chin and brought my lips the rest of the way. She tensed for a moment then relaxed herself while reaching for me. Her arm went around my neck and an even greater surprise, her tongue entered my mouth.

  I’ve never had a kiss like this and my tongue yearned to reply. When it did, she vaulted into my lap, her hands gripping my hair. It was an amazing feeling. I held around her back and began to feel a pulsing pressure surge below my waist. A deep desire to be sexually touched filled me and I glanced down. My penis had enlarged and hardened, wanting to break free from these cloth binds.
I’ve woken up like this before but it’s never been brought on like this. It felt better but it also made me paranoid and nervous. I didn’t know if I was ready.

  I stopped kissing Lynn and moved back, trying to hide it so she wouldn’t see.

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “I just realized how late it is and I never told anyone where I was going.”

  She thankfully didn’t sound offended and got up. “Oh, my. Are you going to get in trouble?”

  “I hope not.” The vest of this uniform hung low enough that it blocked view of my bulging pants when I got up and she never looked like she would have known. “But I better get back.”

  “Okay. Go ahead. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I was glad she wasn’t the type to ask a million questions like Janie had when I refused to stay with her and I quickly retrieved my horse to go home.

  It was getting dark and city lanterns were being lit but my ride back wasn’t as fast as I’d like. Movement on the horse cause my pants to rub against my stiff penis and only make it more and more stiff, wanting me to reach down and touch it. I reframed from it but the desire was still there. I needed to get rid of this before I was to go back inside the palace. I certainly didn’t want them to see it and have a group discussion. It would have been more embarrassing than yesterday.

  I entered the stables and was instantly humiliated just to see my father there waiting for me even if he didn’t know about this dilemma.

  “Where have you been?” His voice was obviously demanding. Seth or Bryce didn’t even know what I was doing so they couldn’t tell him.

  “I’m sorry, father. I brought Lynn home and met her father then stayed a bit.”

  He seemed to be more relaxed and took the reins. “Oh, well, get down from there and get inside.”

  This was going to be the worst part.

  “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I wasn’t one hundred percent about talking to him about this but we’ve had the sex talk before and it was somewhat related. Who else could I really ask?

  “I was in Lynn’s house while her father worked and we sat in the parlor, listening to a music box. Then we started kissing and—”

  “Oh.” He took just the slightest step back but seemed to know instantly so I didn’t have to say it. “And it hasn’t gone away?”

  “The ride home didn’t help. What can I do? I can’t stay like this.”


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