Hunter's Prey

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Hunter's Prey Page 4

by Kit Tunstall

  Armand joined in, choosing to focus his implement first on her neck and shoulders, where he massaged with firm strokes. The abrasive surface was just enough to heighten her senses, making each brush of their hands against her flesh that much more arousing. How in the world was she supposed to resist this when it felt so good?

  Foster trailed it across the valley of her small breasts to seek out the neglected one. At the same time, Armand brought the other sponge down her arm, deliberately rubbing it against the side of her breast, before going lower to rub soapy circles on her stomach. The water gently lapped with each movement of the sponge, sending swirls of lather into the water. They resembled milky semen, and her mind instantly supplied an image of the three of them in the bathtub, her mouth and pussy filled with their cocks, bringing all of them to satisfaction.

  She wanted to believe one of them had planted the thought in her psyche, but knew that wasn’t possible. Necros could sense and suggest emotions in humans’ minds, but they couldn’t read thoughts or implant ideas. No, her own fevered brain had produced the image and accompanying surge of arousal that had her core convulsing with need.

  Foster lifted one of her breasts to wash under it as Armand’s hand plunged lower, guiding the abrasive thing to her folds. Without thought, Shaun parted her legs in invitation, groaning with frustration when he detoured to wash her thigh instead. With gritted teeth, she endured the scrape of the sponge down her leg, across her foot, and over to the other, where he worked his way slowly up again.

  Again, she tensed with anticipation when the implement neared her pussy, and he perturbed her once more by lifting the sponge from the water. Grasping the soap in his hand, he said, “Time for more lather.” She didn’t think she imagined the hint of teasing in his voice, nor the sparkle in his eyes.

  With diligent care, Foster had washed her breasts thoroughly, rubbing them into a state of raw awareness. He lightly squeezed a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, inciting a dart of electricity that shot through her.

  Finally, Armand ceased teasing her by bringing the rough cleanser to her slit, slowly circling her mound. Abruptly, Foster’s hand was there between her thighs, parting her lips so the sponge could invade her opening. It was almost too coarse to endure, but the sensation was so enjoyable she didn’t have the will or strength to resist. Gradually, her head tipped backward to rest on the hard lip of the tub as the men worked her clitoris with fingers and sponge. Her hips moved of their own accord in a piston motion, and she was panting in no time. Her harsh breathing melded with their groans, filling the bathroom with an erotic symphony.


  The word was so out-of-place that Shaun opened her eyes to look at Foster. “What?” Was that scratchy, urgent tone hers? Had she really been reduced to little more than a pile of need?

  He grinned at her while his fingers tugged lightly at her clipped pubic hair. “With your dark eyes and warm skin tones, I thought your hair had to be dyed, but I see it isn’t.”

  She shook her head, unable to verbally respond as Armand tossed aside the sponge with an impatient growl. His fingers surged into her slit, finding no resistance, thanks to the passionate frenzy they had worked her into. Now was the time to protest, to tell him to stop. It was the perfect opportunity to see if he would honor his promise not to force her.

  The only problem was she didn’t want him to stop. Right then, she wanted nothing more than to have them -- both of them -- buried inside her, giving her more pleasure than she had ever imagined. It didn’t matter if they were necros and she was an agent. She didn’t even care if they were only fucking her to gain sustenance from her orgasms. All that mattered was finding release. An opportunity like this would never arise again. Why cast it aside, just because they were what they were? They weren’t human, but they were certainly alive. Their actions had proven that already. Maybe it was wrong to feel this urgency to have them fuck her. If she hadn’t had doubts about her purpose for a while, they probably wouldn’t have such a strong influence on her, but Shaun was in a place to be receptive to viewing them as men, not monsters. After all, there was little physical difference between the two vampires and the human men she had taken into her bed, except their physiques were more impressive, and they seemed to have more stamina. Why tear herself up with remorse? They were just like vibrators, only with fangs. She wouldn’t feel guilty for using a sex toy, so why should she worry about taking pleasure from them?

  A brief image of Torres flashed into her mind, but she didn’t linger on his fate, wanting to avoid bringing herself back to her senses with the reminder of what Foster and Armand had done to her partner. He hadn’t been an innocent victim. Like Shaun, Torres had been there to kill the necros before they could kill anyone else. He had known the stakes. Her rationalizations allowed her to blot his face from her mind with only a small twinge of guilt. Her mental picture of the three of them in the bathtub replaced it once again.

  She moaned when Armand withdrew his hand, shooting him a baleful glare.

  “What will it be, ma belle? Shall we leave you to dress, or would you prefer company?”

  The decision was already made. Shaun had a feeling it had been made the moment they kidnapped her. If not, certainly her body had decided by the time Foster had mimicked fucking her. It had just taken her mind a while to catch on. She extended her hand, beckoning. “You two need a bath as much as I did.”

  Chapter Four

  Neither hesitated to accept her invitation. Armand slipped into the tub with her first, easing her forward so he could settle behind her. When Shaun leaned back against him, the heat of the water masked any trace of coolness in his skin. His hot, thick cock pressed into the cleft between her buttocks, and she wriggled her bottom until he issued a low moan.

  Foster eased into the water in front of her, kneeling instead of sitting. He cupped her thighs to spread them wider, his gaze appearing centered on her pussy. A look of hunger crossed his face, and her stomach quivered with anticipation.

  Armand cupped one of her cheeks in his hand, squeezing lightly. “Juicy.” He traced her cleft with his thumb before venturing in to rub against her anus. Trembling under the force of her emotions, Shaun rested her head on Armand’s chest, closing her eyes. When doubts tried to intrude, she banished them, determined not to talk herself out of the most pleasurable experience of her life.

  With slow movements, Foster’s inched his hands up her thighs to her pussy. He parted her lips with one hand, while seeking out her clit with the other. The bud swelled with need and pressed insistently against the rough pad of his thumb. “You like that, chérie,” he said with a chuckle, clearly pleased. He raked it more vigorously across her clitoris, circling her clit with enough pressure to send tremors throughout her body. Shaun couldn’t hold back a cry of delight.

  Armand withdrew his hand from her buttocks, and Shaun opened her eyelids to slits, wondering what he planned. From the corner of her eye, she saw him take the bar of French soap, but lost sight of it when he whisked it beneath the water.

  Foster distracted her by withdrawing his hands from her pussy and lifting her by the thighs to prop her ankles on each side of the bathtub, exposing her pussy to him, just an inch above the water level. The position would have been uncomfortable if Armand hadn’t provided support with his thighs. “Relax, ma belle. You will not fall.”

  As Foster dipped his head, Shaun let go of the ledge of the tub to reach for him, not sure if she was going to guide him to her pussy or if she was having second thoughts and wanted to stop him. Fear mingled with desire at the thought of him drinking her blood. She could be in the throes of an orgasm, and he might bite her without her having a chance to stop him. As the blood rushed through her body, he might drain it.

  The thought didn’t frighten her like it should. In fact, her fear faded away as her desire grew. The idea of him drinking from her pussy excited her. Was it their natural sexual magnetism, or was she that depraved?

  Rational thought f
led under the dual onslaught of both men. As Foster’s mouth touched her pussy, his tongue tentatively seeking out her clit with slow strokes, Armand’s hands were once again at her buttocks, this time parting the cheeks. Her eyes flew open with stunned pleasure when he ran the bar of soap up and down her crack, working a rounded corner against her anus, testing the puckered rosebud. “What are you doing?” Her voice was little more than a moan.

  “Preparing you.”

  Her pussy was proving to be just as slippery as her anus, without benefit of the soap. Her natural juices, flowing fast and free from Foster’s ministrations, provided a slick surface for his tongue, easing his passage when the appendage ventured into her opening.

  The bar of soap disappeared suddenly, and Shaun mourned its loss, never having experienced anything so strange, yet delicious. She didn’t have time to notice the void in her anus, because Armand gently eased a finger inside with the assistance of the lather he had built up. At the same time, Foster replaced his tongue in her pussy with his finger, thrusting in lightning-quick. As he turned them in a corkscrew motion, Armand entered her anus all the way. They began finger-fucking her in completely opposite rhythms, making her feel as though she was being torn apart, while simultaneously being put back together.

  “Oh, what are you two doing to me?” Shaun tossed her head, caught in the pleasurable throes of surrendering to their control.

  “Do you like it?” Foster’s flushed face and harsh breathing betrayed his arousal. He lifted his head from between her thighs, even as his fingers continued drilling ever deeper into her convulsing pussy.

  “God, yes.”

  “So do we, ma belle,” said Armand as he pushed a second finger into her, penetrating with little resistance.

  She tossed her head from side to side, overwhelmed by the sensation. Once her snug back passage hugged his fingers, he began twisting them in the same corkscrew motion as Foster. She didn’t know if they used their powers to time their efforts or if it happened by chance, but they were thrusting into her in unison, applying the same speed and motions. If she thought the pleasure of them fucking her in different rhythms would drive her mad, she was wrong. It was the dual pleasure of them fingering her in concert that would do her in. The gratification would surely cause an aneurysm.

  She pumped her hips frantically, trying to match their pace. The water lapped in waves against her stomach, splashing over her breasts, and she groaned with anticipation. Foster lowered his head to her stomach, tracing a heated trail up to her breasts with his tongue, where her nipples begged for his mouth. He obliged by taking a firm peak between his lips, sucking almost all of her small breast inside. He moaned his delight, vibrating his mouth against her nipple. His tongue matched the rhythm of his and Armand’s thrusting hands, and the added, harmonious stimuli was enough to trigger convulsions in her womb.

  Shaun cried out a hybrid of their names, incapable of clear enunciation as the orgasm built in intensity, sweeping from deep inside to the sensitive nerves lining the walls of her pussy, moving downward, until release seemed centered on her clit. As she trembled on the edge, Armand inserted a third finger in her anus, pushing in with a force that should have been painful, but only served to send her over the precipice.

  Her vision dimmed, and she couldn’t be sure she didn’t lose consciousness for a brief moment when she climaxed. Once she came back to herself, she found their fingers, though motionless, still buried inside her, while her sensitive flesh contracted around them.

  A sense of buoyancy overwhelmed her, and she found it impossible to support any of her weight. Every muscle in her body relaxed, and she lay on Armand’s chest and thighs when he sank lower in the water. She managed to summon a small measure of strength to embrace Foster when he lay across her. She locked her thighs around his waist and let her mind wander, content to lie sandwiched between the two men who had so expertly pleasured her. She might be happy to stay that way forever, if the promise of further delights didn’t beckon.

  Shaun pressed her mouth against Foster’s neck, her teeth nibbling his skin. With a start, she realized she hadn’t even kissed either of them. That would have to change.

  “That feels good.” Foster pushed his hand between their bodies to find her breast, and he massaged the globe with smooth strokes.

  Armand’s cock lay nestled between her legs, and Shaun couldn’t resist arching her hips to slide her pussy down the hard length. Just a little shift in position, a slight easing forward, and she could offer him her pussy, take his cock inside her, but with Foster lying on her, she couldn’t move. Part of her was reluctant to anyway. She didn’t want to rush the experience since chances were good it would never be repeated.

  The thought drew her up short, and she stopped sucking Foster’s neck, although he didn’t seem to notice, occupied as he was with his fingers still busy teasing her ripe nipple. Was this her last hurrah? Was she really okay with the two of them fucking her to exhaustion before draining her blood? How could she have gone from upholding the policies of the NCA to the willing lover of two necros in just a few short hours? She couldn’t blame it on mental manipulation from them, which left only a serious flaw in her own makeup to accept the culpability. It was sobering to realize she was a coward. Months ago, she had acknowledged she didn’t believe in the cause to which she had dedicated her life, but had refused to face up to it. Instead of seeing her doubts as tools to help her find her way out of the life she was in, she had pressed on blindly, hoping something would change her mind, sway her back to the conviction she had felt upon signing up fresh out of college.

  “Shaun?” Armand’s gentle tone carried a trace of concern. “Is something wrong? Have we displeased you?”

  She shook her head, torn between the need to know her fate and fear of knowing. Finally, she mustered her courage. “What happens now?”

  Foster eased away from her. “We could move to a bedroom. Both Armand and I have large beds.”

  Again, she shook her head. “No, I mean what happens after the sex? Will you drain my blood? Am I to die, with sexual gratification as my parting gift?”

  Armand stroked her hip, his lips brushing against her neck when he spoke near her ear. “You will not die by our hands, ma belle. We have waited too long for this.” He spanned her waist with his hand, lightly stroking her navel with his fingertips. “Relax and enjoy what we have discovered together. Put aside worries of the future. Can you do that?”

  He shifted his hand higher to cup her other breast, and she issued a jerky nod. “Yes.” The whisper revealed her weakness, but she lacked the will to continue fighting. Stupid as it might be, she believed Armand’s assurance they wouldn’t kill her. A tentative bond was forming between them catalyzed by passion.

  Foster rose from the tub to take a towel from the rack. He held it out for her when she stepped from the tub with Armand’s assistance. Shaun only hoped she would live long enough to discover what was unique about the two vampires who had taken her captive and turned her into a wanton sexual being in just a few short hours.

  * * * * *

  Foster held her hand, leading her from her room and down the hall, with Armand following closely behind. They entered the first door on the left, which concealed a masculine bedroom done in dark gray and navy blue. The dark stain on the furniture had worn to a smooth patina from age, and while all the antique pieces were beautiful, it was the bed that captivated her. The four-poster dominated half the room, with blue bed curtains pulled back invitingly.

  The thick carpet cushioned her bare feet with each step as she and Foster followed Armand to the bed. She hesitated at the side until Armand’s hand at her back guided her forward. Shaun twisted so she could sit, feeling at a disadvantage with the two of them still standing, towering over her. She looked up at them, straining to see their expressions. The dim illumination of the single lamp on the nightstand didn’t aid her quest to gauge their thoughts.

  Did they feel the same way she did, experience the same
conflicting emotions? Probably not. No doubt, they had done this countless times before. There would be no hesitation or uncertainty on their parts. She couldn’t imagine Armand or Foster fearing what was happening like she did. The fear of joining with them was nearly as intense as the desire for the act, but need won out, keeping her glued to the bed as they finally sat down, one on each side of her.

  Foster placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her backward. “Relax and let us take care of you.”

  Shaun let her body follow his gentle demand, her stomach quivering with nerves. He eased her down until her back rested against the silky coverlet. She eyed each of them alternately, anticipating their next move.

  Armand twisted sideways to lean down, bringing his mouth to her breast. “You have beautiful breasts, Shaun.” When his tongue swept over the turgid peak, she moaned, finding her nipples super-sensitive after their previous ministrations and the sensuous toweling-off Foster had provided minutes ago. When his teeth scraped against her nipple, Shaun reached out blindly, grasping his thigh.

  Foster dipped his head to taste her other breast, making her cry out with shocked pleasure. His style was slow and delicate, his tongue swirling leisurely around her nipple, while he applied light suction. In contrast, Armand devoured her breast, his teeth nipping at her peak, while he seemed determined to suck all of her breast into his mouth. His passionate onslaught was almost painful, but she didn’t try to push him away.

  Once again, their pronounced contrasts were driving her mad, sending all logical thoughts scattering to the wind. Time and space shrank to the bedroom, then just to the bed, and finally, to the two men at her breasts. Wet heat dripped from her pussy in rivulets as they continued sucking on her nipples.


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