Space Rescue One

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Space Rescue One Page 3

by Atk. Butterfly

  "That's going to take a long time to do. We'll have to go through both airlocks over and over again to make a dent if it's as bad as I think. We're also risking getting the inner hatch jammed. If that happens, we won't be able to open the outer hatch without an override command. More importantly, we're putting more strain on their batteries," Chief Brunner said.

  "Captain Pern is sending over schematics and specifications to us. That should tell us what it can withstand. Ah, that must be them!" Captain Shortner said. He accepted several sheets of paper from a technician.

  The technician said, "There's more coming. Captain Pern indicated these were the most important and sent them first."

  "Good. Just bring in the others when they arrive. All right, Chiefs. Let's look at what we have to deal with," Shortner said.


  "I tell you that the political situation is getting bad. Mars and Venus are both putting in supplies for a siege. I think we're going to see war break out," Technician Clarke said.

  "Since when did popcorn become long range supplies to withstand a siege?" Richard asked.

  "Not just popcorn. They're stocking up on everything. They're both complaining about the high tax rates and buying weapons by the thousands. Machinery, too," Clarke said.

  "I know that they've bought weapons, but those aren't for space. Seriously, you don't believe that they'll invade the Earth, do you?"

  "No, but they think that Earth will send troops to enforce its rule. They think Earth will invade them."

  "Then it shouldn't matter that much to us. After all, there's still warfare on Earth among some of the nations. As far as I can see, it's going to be business as usual in space. If anything, it might get easier for a while. I reckon that Earth will impose an embargo on Mars and Venus. When their supplies run out, they'll beg to pay taxes and put their weapons away. I doubt if there will be more casualties than from a small riot."

  "I don't know. Maybe you're right. In fact, I hope you're right, but my mind keeps picturing it as being much larger in scope. That's the only way I see for the colonies to make their wills known. If they don't take the war to Earth in some way, then the nations on Earth won't take them seriously."

  "I just don't see it getting bad. Three colonies against Earth isn't even a fight. I doubt if the three colonies together have as much as half a million people against almost ten billion on Earth. I think the colonists are forgetting that Earth doesn't have troop ships or a space navy. We're the closest thing to anything official in space and all we do is rescue work. Why, even if Earth gathers all the freighters and uses them to transport troops, I doubt that they could send out more than five thousand soldiers with their supplies and weapons. The colonies have more to fear from an embargo than from any shooting. Same goes for the Earth," Richard said.

  "I don't think the Moon is going to rebel. They sound like they're trying to remain neutral like their charter states," Clarke said.

  "Okay, the Moon isn't part of the rebellion. What's that subtract from the total? Ten thousand? It makes no real difference either way."


  Captain Shortner said, "Here's an update from the Western Pride. We can't open their airlock. If we do that, we're condemning part of her crew to death. They have popcorn jammed in some of the inner hatches. It happened when they retreated to the bridge. They can't seal off the bridge so we can't jettison part of their cargo. From what I gather, the inner airlock hatch will probably jam the first time anyone tries to get in. We'll have to establish a tow."


  "Why won't you accept a date with me?" Richard asked.

  "Richard, you're a nice man, but that doesn't make up for your failings. You're what? Thirty now?" Shelly answered.

  "You're close. Am I too old?"

  "More importantly, you're too close to being set in your ways and becoming an alcoholic. When you go out, you only want to go to drinking places. It's one thing to be sociable and have a drink. It's another to drink until you're drunk. To me, that's not a fun evening."

  "Oh?" he exclaimed.

  "I'm sorry, but that's how you strike me. I can't go out with someone who pours himself into bed. You don't appear to have much of a future. If I got serious with you and it led to grander things. . ."

  "Grander?" he asked.

  She replied, "Like maybe marriage and children. Well, what would I tell our children? I couldn't admit to them that their father's an alcoholic and I married him knowing that. They wouldn't have much faith in either of us. The man I get serious about has to be just as serious about where his life is going. Plus I have to love him."

  "So, you don't love me?" he asked. Richard looked at Shelly with pained eyes. He waited for an answer. He finally said, "Well?"

  "I don't love anyone right now. If it wasn't for your failings, I think I could fall in love with you. Right now, no."

  "Then I have a chance?" he asked. He waited once more for an answer.

  Shelly replied slowly when she finally answered, "You'll have a chance if you can prove that you're serious and I don't fall in love with someone else first. I can't guarantee anything."

  "I guess I understand."


  Chief Dickson said, "There's another way. Our ship was built with future expansion in mind for larger ship handling. We can unhinge Space Rescue One at pins 1a and 2a. Then we just fasten our ship back together after we're in position."

  "It sounds tricky," Captain Shortner said.

  "It is, but we can do it. What other alternatives do we have?" Dickson said.

  "All right. It's my decision. We'll take the risk. I'll inform the crew while you get your teams ready," Captain Shortner answered.


  Rescue Team One listened to the intercom as Chief Dickson entered the Ready Room. The Chief began putting his space suit on for the second time, having taken it off to attend the Captain's strategy session in little more than his underwear. He noticed that the others were putting their suits back on as soon as the Captain mentioned how the mission would be performed.

  "Add on extra thruster propellant and air tanks, everyone. We'll be out there a long time," Chief Dickson said.

  There were a few affirmative replies. Dickson glanced over at Technician Saber. He watched carefully as Richard dressed and checked his gear. When everyone was dressed, Dickson announced, "Buddy check."

  Each of the team members took turns checking out one other team member. The Chief made it a point to be the one to check out Richard.

  "You sure that's not too loose?" Dickson asked.

  "I'm sure," Richard replied.

  "All right then, turn around and check out my gear."


  "Okay, head for Access Panel One. Team Two is taking Access Panel Two," Dickson said.

  "Kind of nifty that way, huh?" Clarke asked.

  "No. We arranged it that way so we wouldn't get confused as to who was doing what while talking over the radio. Now keep your comments on the work at hand," Dickson replied.


  "Team One to Team Two. We're ready to pull the final pin. What's your status?" Dickson asked.

  "Team Two is ready to proceed. We will pull on your mark," Brunner replied.

  "Roger that. I'll give a count of three and then say mark. Both teams will pull their final pins at that time," Dickson said.

  "Affirmative, Team One."

  "One…two…three…mark!" Dickson said.

  The pin moved slowly as Team One pried at it with their tools. Then it moved past the resistance and popped out. Richard felt himself sail off the hull. He glanced around before using his suit thrusters.

  "Get the pin!" Dickson shouted.

  Richard spotted it and scooped it into his left hand. He held it up past his head as though he was the victor holding a prize.

  "Good going, Rich. Now get your butt back over here. Team Two, what's your status?" Dickson said.

  "Umph, uh, Team Two reporting success. We just got our pin out. Ship is ready to
separate," Brunner replied.

  "Affirmative. Captain Shortner, we'll open the ship now," Dickson reported.

  "Understood. Proceed as scheduled," Captain Shortner replied.

  "Chief, I'm going to latch the pin into the slot for now," Richard said.

  "Uh, yeah, Richard. Go ahead. Make sure it's secure. We don't want to lose that pin," Dickson replied.


  The ship opened up like a computer bracelet, the latest rage on Earth. Except for the lack of a display, the ship possessed nearly the features of one. Its silvery hull gleamed in the bright star shine. Moments later, the two teams jetted out of the way.

  "Okay, Captain. You're ready to move in on the Western Pride," Chief Dickson said.

  "Affirmative. Are both teams out of the way?" Shortner asked.

  "Roger that. Go ahead and maneuver," Dickson replied.


  "This isn't as easy as pulling the pin out," Clarke said.

  "It's got to go in. Give it another try, everyone. Team Two, how are you doing?" Dickson asked.

  "We're not making much headway."


  "Yeah! It's in! Team Two, what's your status?" Dickson exclaimed.

  "We've almost got it," Brunner replied.

  "Do you need assistance?" asked Dickson.

  "We'll take the help. How'd you get your pin in?" Brunner replied.

  "We'll be there in a moment to show you. Laumer, Saber, stand by this pin. Pull it back out if we run into trouble. Clarke, Bradley, Knight, you're all with me," Dickson said.


  "All secured, Captain. We're ready to tow the Western Pride. Both crews are entering the airlock now," Dickson reported.

  "Well done, Chiefs. Pass that on to your teams," Shortner replied.


  "How bad is it inside there?" asked Captain Shortner.

  "We're full up, just about. Are you sure you can't take some of this damned stuff on board your ship? You could always have a party or use it when you show a cloneo. No charge. I'll even throw in free butter," Captain Pern answered.

  "Sorry, but your personnel should be able to reach their suits now."

  "I wish we could, but the popcorn went everywhere with no gravity to slow it down. We're all still jammed into the bridge."

  "Okay, just hang on tight in there. We'll be at the station in less than two hours. Maybe they'll take some of your popcorn off your hands."

  "I certainly hope so."

  Chapter 3

  "Attention all personnel. Space Rescue One is on scramble alert. Attention all personnel. Space Rescue One is on scramble alert," blared out through the intercom system.

  Men and women rushed for the corridor where Space Rescue One was docked. Personnel who weren't assigned to it pressed against the bulkheads to give those who were just enough room to get through. A few of them had bags of popcorn pressed into their hands. Some of the runners spilled popcorn from their fists or bags they carried. The running personnel disappeared into that one corridor within seconds, it seemed.

  Within mere minutes, the corridor closed off automatically while red lights came on to warn others that there was nothing beyond it except the dead of space. Space Rescue One was gently thrusting itself away from the station to a safe distance before engaging its main engines. Moments afterwards, the intercom blared out. "Maintenance personnel to Corridor One."


  "What's the mission?" Chief Brunner asked.

  Captain Shortner replied as Chief Dickson arrived and took his seat, "We have a nasty one to deal with. It's the kind we hoped we'd never see. We have a man with a gun on board the Persius Princess. Information is sketchy right now. We'll be updated as soon as more comes in."

  "Has he hurt anyone?" Chief Dickson asked.

  "Yes. Reports are one person dead, two wounded so far," Shortner answered.

  "Terrorist?" Brunner asked.

  "I don't think so. What little I have is that it's a botched robbery or burglary," Shortner answered.

  "A robbery?" asked Chief Dickson. "Where in blazes did the idiot think he was going to escape to on board a closed liner? This guy must have a screw loose."

  "We'll operate on the presumption that he's desperate. He's already killed one person if my information is accurate. That being the case, deadly force is authorized. Chief Dickson, you'll lead your team in through the forward entryway. Chief Brunner, you'll take your team in near the engines," Captain Shortner said.

  "Guns or hand lasers?" Dickson asked.

  "I want to keep it quiet. Use lasers. Caution your personnel about mirrors on board the cruise ship. Also have them ready to patch any hull breaches the gunman might cause. So far, I believe that the liner's hull is intact," the Captain said.

  "I'll use Plan Bravo," Chief Dickson said.

  "Same here," Brunner said.

  Shortner said, "Okay, that means you'll have three pairs of team members each to find and neutralize the danger. If you can take him alive, you have the authority to try. Otherwise, take him out."


  "Captain Fogel, anything you can add now that we're here?" Chief Dickson asked.

  "Yes. He has hostages. Right now he's barricaded in Stateroom D12," Fogel answered.

  "How many hostages?" asked Dickson.

  "We're still getting a passenger count. It could be three or more."

  "Okay, keep us informed. We're going to check out that stateroom and surround it if he's still in there."


  "Saber, take up a sniper position. If you get a clear shot, take it. I'm going to try to talk him out," Dickson said.

  "You want me to shoot him even if he appears to be ready to surrender?" asked Richard.

  "Until he does, the answer is yes. If you can disarm him, then do so. Otherwise, I expect a kill," Chief Dickson answered.


  Dickson ordered, "You in there! Surrender now! Throw out your weapon and release your hostages! You're not going anywhere! Your position is useless, so give yourself up and make it easy on you!"

  "Screw you! I've got a gun and hostages! I'm calling the shots! I want a billion dollars and passage to Venus. If I don't get an answer from you within the next hour, I'll kill a hostage."

  Dickson asked, "Just what do you think you'll do when you run out of hostages? Give up now. You've got nowhere to escape to."

  "Like hell, I haven't. If I have to shoot my last hostage, I'm taking all of you with me."

  Chief Dickson whispered to Captain Fogel, "Have all the passengers get suited up. Don't use the intercom to notify them."

  "I'll have crew members pass the word around quietly. Keep him busy long enough for them to suit up. Many of them aren't very experienced at it," Fogel said.

  "They'll have plenty of time," Dickson stated.


  "Where's my billion dollars?"

  Dickson answered, "Mister, you're not getting it. Just where do you think we'd get that much if we were willing to give it to you? There aren't any banks out here. You ready to give up now?"

  "Chief, you called for me?" Technician Laumer asked.

  "Yes, I did. Return to our ship and get concussion grenades, night vision scopes, and two armored suits for Saber and me. Take Clarke and Bradley with you. Hurry, now," Dickson answered.


  "What the situation, Chief?" Captain Shortner asked.

  "The gunman is trapped in a stateroom with probably five or six hostages that we can barely see. We can't see him to get a clear shot. We're going to have to make an assault," Dickson answered.

  "Okay, it's still your call since you're on the scene. Good luck, Chief."

  "We'll get him. Hopefully there won't be anymore passengers hurt."


  "Captain Fogel, I need the power shut off to the corridor outside of cabin D12. Then I want the power to D12 shut off. How soon can that be accomplished?" Chief Dickson asked.

  "Chief, I think we can arrange that within the next five min
utes. When do you want it done?" asked Fogel.

  "Ah! Here comes Laumer with the equipment we need. Five minutes from now will do fine, Captain. Better yet, set up a link between your engineers and here so I can let you know when to give the order to turn off the juice. That way, we can use the distraction more to our advantage. Laumer, take a look at these schematics. You see this duct? I want you to enter in D8 with a concussion grenade, night vision, and laser gun. Make your way from there to D12. Toggle your radio transmitter switch twice when you're ready. Toggle it three times if you have a clear shot at the gunman."


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