Space Rescue One

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Space Rescue One Page 26

by Atk. Butterfly


  "Clamp's on tight. We can loosen the chucks now."

  "Okay, you heard them. Loosen the chucks now so we can get him out of here. Stand ready with that Pneuman Tube. Remove the chucks!" Isaac ordered.

  The chucks were removed again, including the one where the rescue technician was trapped. As soon as his suit came free, he was shoved into a Pneuman Tube and sealed in as a precaution. Almost immediately, he was on his way to the ship while the rest of the team worked without missing a stroke to engage the winches and move the hull section into place so it could be pinned.


  Richard activated his suit thrusters once more as he corrected their trajectory toward the station. It was growing larger in his sight. The last thing he wanted was to fly past it and wind up in the same predicament.

  "Are we getting closer?"

  "Yes. I just corrected our course so we won't miss it. Just continue to hold onto me for now. We'll make it back safely," Richard said.

  "I wish I had your confidence."

  "You will someday. You just need more experience and a little more faith in your friends is all."

  "You're my friend?"

  "In space, everyone better be friends or they won't survive. That's the code here. You take care of your friends to insure your own survival," Richard answered.

  "Do you apply that all the time?"

  Richard gulped as he realized that he lately hadn't been so caring as he ought to have been. "I try to, but I'm not perfect. We all make mistakes. About the only thing you can do then is try to make amends and hope for the best."

  "You're not the only one. I called you a few choice names and I should apologize. Will you forgive me?"

  Richard replied, "Sure."

  "Thanks, Richard. I'm Amanda."

  "Pleased to meet you, Amanda. You're new here, aren't you?"

  "Yes, I am. I'm going to be a dispatcher, but they needed extra personnel out here for this hull expansion. What do you do?"

  "I'm . . ."

  She interrupted, "Never mind. I just realized that was a stupid question. You're a rescue technician or you wouldn't have been working on the hull expansion of Space Rescue One. Right?"

  "Close enough, Amanda."

  "Can I buy you a drink when we get back to the station?" she asked.

  "Sure, as long as it's not alcoholic. I put myself on the wagon," Richard answered.

  "You did? Why? Uh, don't answer that. I'm getting too nosy. Guess I need more experience like you said."

  "It's no secret why I did. I did it to protect my job. Either I quit drinking or quit the service. It was getting in the way of working with my friends."

  She replied, "That makes sense. Sure, I'll buy you something nonalcoholic."


  Isaac jetted out beside Richard and handed him a tether line. Richard took hold of it, leaving it to Amanda to hold them together, and carefully clipped it to his suit. He then grabbed hold of Amanda and waited for the slack to come out of the tether. Moments later, he felt the pull of the tether as it stopped his forward motion abruptly. There was a reverse action, but it was toward the ship where the tether's other end was connected. Isaac moved closer to assist Richard in slowing down their momentum toward the ship to make a soft touchdown.

  "Is he okay, Captain?" Isaac asked.

  "She, Chief," Richard answered.

  "Captain?" Amanda asked. "I thought you were a rescue technician."

  "I am," Richard replied. "I still am. How's the work progressing?"

  "We'll finish as soon as you hand over the last pin, sir," Isaac said.

  Richard blushed, though the filters of his helmet hid his embarrassment. He reached into a pouch and handed over the last pin needed for connecting the new hull section to the ship.

  "Thanks. We'll finish up now," Isaac said.

  "Okay, Chief. You all did a good job. What about the man with the torn suit? Is he okay?" Richard replied.

  "He's already inside. A little shaken by the close call, but alive and well," Isaac replied.

  Amanda said, slightly shocked, "Thank goodness he didn't get hurt or it would have been my fault."

  "Good. In that case, I'll take your advice and escort Amanda back to the station first. Anyway, she owes me a drink. Non-alcoholic, Chief," Richard replied.

  "I didn't say a word, Captain," Isaac replied.


  Standing at the bar, Amanda said, "So you're the famous Captain Richard Saberhagen who ended the war. You're bigger than I first imagined. Guess I'm so used to the height and weight restrictions they advertised so much."

  "Well, without constant gravity, we tend to stretch a bit out here," Richard said.

  "We do? Gosh, I should have ordered my suit with some growing room in it then," she exclaimed.

  "I'm just teasing. Actually, I just barely got in under the limit when I first went to space. There was a time just before then when I thought I'd have to shave my head to be sure of getting in under the height restrictions. Anyway, they're loosening up some now since it's so much of an everyday affair now, especially with tourists constantly visiting space. The restrictions largely had to go if tourism was to succeed since you can't always pick your customers. Rich people just don't come in one size," Richard said.

  Amanda stammered, "Well, uh, look Captain. I don't think a single drink is really sufficient thanks. Um, would you care to go bowling as my guest? They've got the bowling alley finished and it's open now."

  Richard thought quickly enough that there seemed to be no hesitation in his answer. He replied, "Sure, I'd enjoy that. It's been a long time since I've been bowling, though."

  "Well, it's different up here. The alley is curved. I understand that it takes some getting used to since you're throwing down while aiming at the pins which appear to be up."

  "I think I can picture that. Sounds like it might be fun then."


  "Amanda, thank you for the great evening. I had fun bowling with you," Richard said.

  "Aw, stay for another set," Amanda said.

  "No, I'm actually tired and need to hit the sack soon. Besides, I've duties and responsibilities to see to as well. I hope you'll understand," Richard replied.

  Amanda nodded. "Shall I walk you home?"

  "No need to. You should go on and have some more fun bowling. Perhaps we'll get together again later on."


  Richard entered his quarters, having made the rounds of his ship first. He was only a bit surprised to see that Shelly wasn't already there. Feeling tired, he undressed and dropped onto his bed where he fell asleep quickly.


  Shelly finally finished her duties. She returned to her quarters where she hurriedly undressed, tossed her uniform to the deck, and grabbed her robe as her only concession to Richard's embarrassment at learning that she was walking between his quarters and hers while nude. Besides reducing her laundry, it was necessary then, before he knew she was spending the nights beside him, so she wouldn't have to worry about accidentally leaving something in his quarters that might tip him off to what was going on. Now it was no longer something she had to hide. For a moment, she wondered if she was taking her robe because of how he felt or for some other reason. Unsure, she didn't put it on immediately as she left her quarters with it draped only over one arm. It felt kind of silly to her to put it on solely to go from her quarters to his only to take it right off once more before slipping under the covers beside him.

  Her thoughts about her nudity were only briefly in her mind as she remembered that Richard was in love with her. Did she love him? All day long, the question returned with a vengeance to slap her mind with the force of a rocket launch. Absent-mindedly, she slipped on the robe before she was halfway to his quarters, though she didn't secure it fully around her. It only covered her from the sides and back as she thought about how wearing the robe might please him.

  She entered his quarters and saw that he was already in bed asleep. He see
med so peaceful and safe for the moment that she decided that she could sit quietly for a while to ponder her own feelings before she slipped in beside him. Her biggest question was still hitting her. Did she love him? Too many factors seemed to exist for her to wade through.

  For one thing, he was the Captain. He was dedicated to rescue work, but then so was she. He was also her boss, though she felt that was no obstacle. If anyone claimed that he had a conflict of interest, she'd merely refuse any promotions. After all, life wasn't only getting promotions. Besides, getting promoted to wife might be better anyway. That is, if she loved him.

  Then she had to consider his other side, the side that truly needed her. She no longer felt repulsed by him. His scarred back, the visible reminder of the accident that put his soul in jeopardy, didn't offend her anymore. Now she saw it as a badge of courage. She saw his beard the same way, knowing that it hid more scars from the fire he saved people from. Still, that other side of his was so prideful, so arrogant, so unyielding that she wasn't sure she could bear a marriage to him. She had to be sure. Did she love him? She knew she had to have something sound to base a commitment on. That he loved her was good, but if she couldn't stand being married to him, she didn't want to hurt him further with wounds whose scars couldn't be seen, except maybe in his eyes.

  Fatigue finally overtook her. Hoping that she wouldn't toss and turn enough to disturb him, she dropped her robe and slipped under the covers to lie beside him. She wasn't at all disturbed to discover that he was naked. She slid closer to him to lie against him like two spoons in a drawer. One hand of hers pressed against the scar on his back while her other draped over him to rest near his hip.


  "Chaser One has succeeded in capturing comet T3100. Request update on instructions."

  "Congratulations, Chaser One. Wait for Chaser Two to rendezvous before you deliver it to Mars."

  "Chaser One acknowledging."


  Seguma chafed at the fact that Bea was pushing his chair into the courthouse. Her eagerness to get him there to file his claim only made his impatience with others that much more visible. He spoke harshly, "I can propel myself, Bea."

  Bea responded, "I know that, but I figured that you didn't want to arrive last and have to wait all day. You can't get any work done if you're standing in a line all day. I'm sorry, Seg. I mean sitting. I didn't mean to say it the other way. Force of habit."

  "Yeah, I know. It happens to me. Can I at least propel myself now that we're inside?" His bitterness continued to sound in every slowly spoken syllable.

  Bea released the chair. "Fine, wheel yourself in the rest of the way. Sit here all day then. You'd think that you might remember that it's not only your damned time that you're wasting with your stubborn streak."

  "Then you don't have to wait with me. Go do whatever it is you want to do. I'll make my own way home," Seguma said.

  "Sure and probably buy some poison on the way. I've stuck with you this far. You're not going to waste one of our finest minds ever by taking your life. No, I've gone this far with you. I'm going to stick it out in spite of your pride and venom."

  "Now who's stubborn?" he asked.

  "Not me. I'm just not a quitter is all."


  "And Liberty is finally leaving the launch pad in what appears to be another perfect launch. The largest space liner ever built is now heading into space where it will soon dock at Earth Station One to take on passengers for a momentous voyage."

  "That's right, John. Not only have you witnessed its take off, folks, but we'll both be meeting it soon at Earth Station One to take a tour of the opulent Liberty. Then I'll remain on board to send back daily reports on what it's like to take a grand tour of space in the most opulent liner ever built. I'll be meeting with some of the immigrants who are traveling to other worlds to live. You'll see what it's like to dine on board a liner. Learn how the passengers are entertained and how they relax on their voyage. You'll even have an opportunity to enter a contest or two in which someone will win the opportunity of a lifetime to take a star voyage on the Liberty's next trip through the solar system," Amy said.

  "Too bad I'm not eligible to enter. I'd sure like to travel on the Liberty. Hope you have a good trip, Amy," John said.

  Chapter 17

  "Attention all Space Rescue Three personnel. This is a priority alert scramble. Comet chaser in distress. Repeat, this is a priority alert scramble. Attention all Space Rescue Three personnel . . ."

  "Keep me informed of our progress. Let's get this show on the road," Captain Reason said.

  "Corridor One is disengaged."

  "Airlock is secured."

  "Engage thrusters," he ordered.

  "Thrusters engaged."

  "Distance from station is five meters . . . ten meters . . . twenty meters . . . thirty . . . forty . . . fifty meters."

  "Engage main engines. Ahead slow," Captain Reason ordered.

  "Engaging main engines. Ahead slow."

  "Passing course to helm."

  "Helm has course from navigation."

  Captain Reason stated, "Proceed. Communication, what additional information do we have on the comet chaser?"

  "It's a level one emergency. Chaser Two lost an engine, sir. Half her engine crew is splattered against the bulkheads. The rest are presumed dead, probably floating somewhere in space. The bridge is still intact and the other engines were shut off shortly after the explosion. They're off course out of the solar system. They could possibly be on a collision course with Jupiter."

  "Don't they know for sure?" he asked.

  "They're still checking their figures. Information is still sketchy but they're apparently operating only some of their equipment to conserve the power they have for life support and radio contact. I guess they're checking those manually."

  "Well, tell them to find out quickly even if they have to briefly divert the radio power to their sensor instruments. Then they're to let us know immediately what we're up against," the captain said.


  Ralph glanced back to find out who was there to see him off. He spotted his friends from the rescue teams and smiled back at them before returning their waves. His accommodations weren't first class since he was taking the first ship to Venus leaving from Earth Station One. In other words, he was taking a freighter. They ordinarily wouldn't have accepted someone on short notice, but his background and friendship with Richard were enough to overcome that obstacle. It wasn't often that a freighter could boast of having someone as qualified as Ralph on board to help out if an emergency arose. Since the recent war ended, many of the ships were manned with even more green crew members than before who didn't know their "asshole from a black hole" as spacemariners most often would remark. Ralph's presence alone would compensate for some of the inexperienced crew members since he could be relied on to lend a helping hand when needed.

  Ralph trudged down Corridor Two and through the waiting hatch, disappearing after turning to wave once more. He carried little with him as he was an experienced spacer who knew that there was often little space available for personal items. The bag he carried contained only the bare necessities, a few photos, and his personal weapon. Not everyone who went in space was allowed to carry a personal weapon.

  It was primarily a throwback to the American system of law enforcement that a law officer could carry a weapon while not on duty to protect himself against any possible retribution. Since Space Rescue was the nearest thing to law enforcement in space, most of the rescue personnel had a personal weapon, sometimes two, at hand or in their quarters. Ralph did. He was glad at last that he had brought his along. He wished that his brother had seen fit to carry a personal weapon. Perhaps he wouldn't have been hurt badly enough in the first place to take his own life later.

  Ralph felt somewhat glad that Richard was among his well-wishers, though Richard's face betrayed how he felt. Ralph knew that he was doing something that Richard didn't approve of. Still, even more than be
fore, he felt that it had to be done if only because Gene was dead. Without a witness, Ralph felt certain that there was no way to get those two men convicted. In fact, had Venus not won its independence, he would have tried first to rely on the courts to handle the matter as an Earth court would have been more accommodating. He wasn't sure if Venus even had courts or trials yet since those used to be taken care of on Earth. It was only one more reason among many why Venus and Mars had declared their independence. It was the only reason why he felt compelled to seek justice on his own for Gene, even if it meant killing the two men he was after.


  Richard finished his tour of the ship satisfied with the maintenance he'd inspected. Still short-handed, he hoped that suitable replacements arrived soon to fill out his two rescue squads. For the time being, he was commanding one squad personally until someone was promoted to take Chief Brunner's place.


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