Taking Charge

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Taking Charge Page 12

by Bridgitte Lesley

  “Can you hear me?” Tanya roared with laughter.

  “Loud and clear.” Joy grinned as she rode home. Tanya chatted all the time. She hopped off the bike and ran inside and waved. Joy waved and rode to the pub. It was just before nine. She ran through the door and headed upstairs. Jordan stared at her as she came through the door. She was dressed in leathers from head to toe. Jordan smiled. Joy smiled. They stood in the kitchen and kissed and cuddled.

  Jordan smiled.

  “Cash up and straight home.” Joy smiled.

  “Fancy a picnic?” Jordan grinned and nodded.

  “How was the breakfast run?”

  “I think Tanya is soaring!” Jordan grinned.

  “Next week it is us.” Joy grinned and nodded.

  Jordan went through all the slips for the evening. He literally stared at the turnover. He placed orders for the stocks that he needed. He chuckled as he punched in the order for all the bottles of liqueurs. He hadn’t realized what a big hit it would be. He shook his head and smiled. The pub was making such a profit. He smiled and walked through. Frank smiled as he walked through.

  “Boss. That was an amazing night!” Jordan chuckled.

  “It sure was. Frank we all need a day off. Think of something.” Frank grinned.

  “Starting today. You can have the day off.” Jordan grinned.

  “Sure?” Frank nodded. Jordan grinned.

  “Thanks!” Frank grinned.

  Joy packed their lunch into containers. Jordan walked through with a huge basket.

  “Found it downstairs.” Joy smiled as she packed the basket.

  “So do you know where you are taking me?” Jordan nodded and smiled.

  “To the pond.” They were soon on their way. Joy and Jordan sat under a huge tree and had their picnic. Jordan smiled.

  “The turnover from last night is way over what we are used to. We sold bottles and bottles of liqueur. I can’t begin to tell you what a profit we made.” Joy smiled.

  “And the books balance.”

  “They certainly do.” Joy smiled. Jordan grinned.

  “Where on earth did you learn to sing like that?” Joy grinned.

  “Choir?” Jordan roared with laughter and Joy giggled. He shook his head.

  “Robes and all?” Joy grinned.

  “Robes and all! I can pitch so high I can break a glass!”

  “No!” Joy nodded.

  “Unfortunately yes! I had to try. My mother was not impressed.” Jordan grinned. They sat and ate their sandwiches and Jordan lay with his head on Joy’s lap. They waved at a few passersby. Jordan smiled.

  “I am going to get used to this. Can you?”

  “You know. I think I already am.” Jordan smiled and looked up.

  “I could nap right here.”

  “Then I think it is home time. I need a nap.” Jordan grinned. They both got up and packed their lunch away and shook the blanket. Joy was in fits of laughter.

  “Will you stand still!” Jordan chuckled. The passersby all grinned as they watched the two of them shaking the blanket.

  They headed straight home and lay on the bed and slept. Jordan got up early in the afternoon and walked down stairs. He smiled.

  “Frank lock up. Tomorrow is your day off.” Frank beamed.

  “How was that picnic?”

  “How do you know we had a picnic?” Frank grinned.

  “I am the barman in this town. Nothing goes past me.” Jordan grinned.

  “Marvelous. And Miss Sheridan is fast asleep.”

  “Should be with all the exercise she gets.” Jordan grinned.

  “See you tomorrow?” Frank grinned.

  “With all the gossip I am loving every minute!” Jordan roared with laughter.

  It was Monday morning. Joy was dressed and ready.

  “Right.” She walked in to the kitchen and poured their coffee.

  “Right.” She put the cup down next to the bed.

  “Right.” She walked to the kitchen and made French toast for the two of them and carried it through. “Right.” Jordan sat up and smiled.

  “Right.” Jordan grinned.

  “Joy. You are right and ready. Do you know how many times you have said right?” Joy smiled.

  “I am ready.”

  “Right!” Joy grinned.

  “Got to go.” She kissed Jordan and headed out. Jordan jumped out of bed and put his shorts on and walked out with Joy. Joy smiled as he hugged her and she climbed in the van.

  “Right.” Jordan chuckled and nodded and watched as Joy headed for school.

  Joy sat in her office for a little while. She took a deep breath and walked through to the assembly hall. She felt the nerves in her stomach. The little knot that had formed. Joy smiled as she walked down the middle of the hall. Every pupil was in the hall. They were all standing up. She walked up to the stage and smiled. Joy stood behind the podium and yelled.

  “Good morning Banderlee!” The pupils roared. Joy smiled.

  “Let’s all take a seat.” Everyone sat down.

  Joy smiled.

  “Miss Rose has handouts ready for you. Your new rosters and your weekly newsletter.” She smiled and looked at all the parents. There were three rows of parents.

  “Welcome to all our parents. It is nice to have you here for our first proper assembly.” They all smiled.

  “Today is a special day for all of us. And I hope when you go home today you will realize the importance of today. I am not going to prolong this assembly. We are sticking to business.” Joy smiled and looked at the teachers.

  “From today onwards. Your teachers have their own class. You, the pupils, will be going from class to class.” It was all quiet.

  “You will find the classes easily enough. The teachers names are now on their door. Miss Lewis will be your English teacher and Mister Carter will be teaching Biology.” They both nodded and smiled.

  “When you walk out of here you will have your roster. Please follow it as there will be a roll call at every single class. Remember your three strikes ladies and gents. Do not be late for your next class and every class that you attend.”

  Joy smiled.

  “Today I am introducing you to your Prefects. Yes we have new Prefects. Ten of them. They will be my ears and eyes. Respect them and listen to them. I would like the following pupils to join me on stage please.” Joy smiled.

  “Mister Barry Gibb who is our head boy for the year.” Barry got up and walked to the stage. There was loud whistling and cheering. Everybody clapped. Joy smiled as he walked up. Thomas and Tanya had joined her on the stage.

  “Miss Jane Smith. Our head girl. Please join me.” Jane proudly walked up to the stage. Joy called out the remainder of the names and everybody joined her on stage. Everybody stood in a line for everyone to see them.

  Joy whispered and Tanya walked to the cupboard. She took the first blazer and handed it to Joy.

  “These are your Prefects. You will recognize them by their blazers.” It was quiet as she handed the blazer to Barry. He smiled as he put it on. Tanya and Thomas helped everyone to put their blazers on. Joy walked along and handed each their brooches. Joy put out her hand.

  “These are your Prefects. Give them a round of applause!” Joy smiled as she moved to the side. Some of the parents stood in the middle and took photographs. The flash bulbs went off. Joy smiled and waited a while.

  “You may resume your seats.” They all walked off of the stage with huge smiles.

  Joy stood on the stage.

  “My lawn looks amazing! Now you can sit without being scared of bugs.” There was a quiet little murmur. Penny started handing out all the rosters. There was a rustle of papers as everyone took a look.

  “If we can all stand. Do you all remember the sequence?” Everyone nodded.

  “But I think we sing our hymn and then we play it for a second time and then we depart. Ladies and gents. If you are not sure where to go. Ask.” Joy looked at everyone.

  “We rise.”
Everyone stood up. The parents stood up and looked at the pupils. Joy started clapping her hands and stomping her foot. There was suddenly music and Joy smiled and looked at Paul. He grinned. She mouthed thank you and he smiled and nodded. Everyone sang as loud as they possibly could. They clapped and stomped their feet. The parents all had huge smiles as they sang along. It was a jovial assembly. The song ended. Joy smiled.

  “Have a fantastic day!” The song started again and the pupils walked out in single file singing their song.

  Joy smiled. She looked at the pupils. She had made the right changes. Things would be a whole lot better. Her Prefects looked very smart and they were proud. Joy walked down the stairs and shook the parents hands. They all smiled as they shook her hand. Mister Gibb smiled.

  “Miss Sheridan thank you. What do we owe for the blazer?” Joy smiled and looked at everyone.

  “The blazers are supplied by the school. That is their blazer to keep. You might find them wearing them for years to come.” Jane’s Mum smiled.

  “Really?” Joy smiled and nodded.

  “Of course! If you had a blazer like that wouldn’t you like to wear it?” They all roared with laughter and nodded. Helen smiled.

  “I see there is a civvies day on Friday.” Joy nodded.

  “Yes Ma’am. They pay and they come to school in civvies. The first of many.” The parents all smiled and nodded. Joy started walking them all to the door.

  “Thank you for joining us.” Henry Gibb grinned.

  “You have got to be kidding me. Do you know how that song gets me going? Now I am rearing to go!” Joy chuckled.

  “Most welcome any Monday.” Mister Matthews grinned.

  “Man this is better than church!” They all roared with laughter as they all started leaving. Joy walked to her office. It was quiet. Every pupil was in class.

  Penny smiled.

  “This is going to work. Every single pupil walked and took a look at the name plates on the doors. They all understand the roster. This is going to work. And wow! Those blazers are amazing. Did you see their faces? Did you see how smart they look!” Joy grinned.

  “Oh wait till first break. Now that is what I want to hear.” Penny shook her head.

  “And why is that?” Joy smiled.

  “I don’t think you have opened your drawer yet.” Penny opened her drawer and giggled.

  “Oh Miss Sheridan!” Joy smiled as Penny took her new pen out of the drawer. She giggled.

  “It is so sweet! And the hardcover book?”

  “That is your homework book. They all got one so I thought you might like one to take home.” Penny giggled.

  “I can use it for the newsletters.” Joy shook her head.

  “Now that would be nice. But there is a book in your cabinet for that. I snuck your keys. I didn’t touch.” Penny giggled and got up and opened the cupboard. It was stocked with hardcover books and boxes and boxes of pens and pencils and every bit of stationery you could think of. Penny sighed.

  “Oh what a beautiful sight!” Joy smiled.

  “When the teachers need books and pens and things. They ask you. Monitor it so that we can keep it stocked.” Penny nodded and took a hardcover book.

  “Newsletters.” Joy nodded and smiled and walked to her office.

  She sat down and took a deep breath and smiled. The assembly had been so successful. She smiled to herself. Next time they would sing their anthem and then have the assembly. Joy relaxed in her chair and picked up her cell phone. She dialed Jordan.

  “And?” Joy chuckled.

  “Hello handsome.” Jordan smiled.

  “Hello gorgeous! How did it go? What was the reaction?”

  “Phew. Those kids walked off of the stage as if they were walking on a cloud. The parents snapped away with their cameras. They all have their newsletter and roster. I think it went down very well.” Jordan chuckled.

  “I see the businesses can advertise. Now what is this about civvies day?” Joy roared with laughter. Jordan chuckled.

  “Oh I am sitting with my copy right here. I think this has been photocopied and handed out to the town.” Joy roared with laughter.

  “You aren’t serious?” Jordan grinned as he spoke.

  “Oh I am dead serious. The postman delivered my copy to the door just after assembly.” Joy started to laugh.

  “Oh Lord! What have we started?”

  “And we are all sitting here designing our advertisement which we will be placing in the newsletter. Now about live entertainment. Should I say Friday or Saturday?” Joy giggled.

  “Friday and Saturday.”

  “Sure about that?”

  “Yes I am.” Jordan chuckled.

  “Now you sit and relax. Have a cup of coffee. And prepare yourself for an influx of advertising requests!” Joy giggled.

  “Oh Jordan. Have a lovely day.” Jordan smiled.

  “And you sweetheart. And you.” Jordan smiled as he put the phone down.

  It was first break. Joy smiled as every teacher walked through to the staff room. Paul sat down. Joy walked through and looked at everyone.

  “Talk to me.” They all roared with laughter. Wayne grinned.

  “We haven’t lost a pupil yet. Not one. And it is so good to have my own desk. My own lockable cabinet. My own classroom.” Tanya giggled and nodded.

  “And thank you for our stationery. Oh my pen is absolutely gorgeous!” Paul roared with laughter.

  “I have Bart Simpson suspended to the tip of my pen. And these huge eyes that wiggle. Every time I mark off a name I grin.” Wayne grinned.

  “I have Spiderman. And his arms snap together when I press a button.” Tanya roared with laughter.

  “Do you keep pressing the button?” Wayne grinned.

  “Oh for sure!” Joy shook her head.

  “The pupils. Are they happy with their book and pen?” Tanya grinned.

  “I told them that is for any homework that they need doing. Well, Grace put her book away so fast. I can see these kids putting them to good use. And Phillip. That pen of his has been dancing!” Everyone roared with laughter. Joy smiled.

  “Penny has stationery in her cupboard. Pens and pencils and post it notes. Let her know if you need anything.” Tanya gasped.

  “We have post it notes?” Penny grinned and nodded.

  “Oh I need a little pad please. Garth doesn’t stock those.” Joy smiled.

  “All round? A good day?” They all grinned and nodded. Joy smiled.

  “How do you fancy coming to school in a uniform?” They all grinned and nodded.

  “On Friday. Arrange a uniform. They are all going to be in civvies. We can be in uniform.” Penny grinned.

  “Oh you too Penny. We all come dressed.” Tanya grinned.

  “I already have all the money for civvies day. Do I give it to Penny?” Joy nodded.

  “Already?” Tanya nodded.

  “Already.” Joy chuckled.

  “Hand it to Penny. Penny make a list.” Penny nodded.

  “A uniform. Where am I going to get a uniform?” They all chuckled as they left the staff room.

  Joy smiled as she took her bag and briefcase and walked out with Penny after the bell rang. Penny smiled as they looked at all the pupils. They all had their pens and their books in their hands. Walking through the gate of the school. The parents were all waiting. The pupils had huge smiles. Joy waved as she left the school. She headed straight for the pub. She walked through the door and looked at Jordan. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him right at the door. Frank and Craig cheered and clapped. Jordan grinned and whispered.

  “Hello sweetheart.” Joy smiled.

  “I love you.” Jordan spun her in the air.

  “I love you.” He kissed her again.

  “What a day. My pupils are happy. My teachers are happy. Everyone is happy.” Jordan smiled.

  “Even the parents are happy. You have no idea.” Joy chuckled.

  “I think we need some coffee.”

bsp; Craig walked over with their coffee and two little biscuits. Joy looked at the biscuit. She chuckled.

  “Sarah has been at it. In future we have a biscuit with coffee. But people have been coming in all morning and buying packets of biscuits.” Joy chuckled.

  “Really?” Craig chuckled and nodded.

  “We had this tiny little person walk in here. Probably about three or four. Frank looked over the counter and he handed Frank a coin. And all he said was ‘biscuit’. Frank handed him the biggest biscuit he could find and he walked out chewing on his biscuit.” Joy grinned and shook her head.

  “Ouch. What did the woman down the road say?” Jordan chuckled.

  “She has been in and bought about ten packets.” Joy roared with laughter and shook her head. She took a bite of her biscuit.

  “Oh this is divine! Oh this is nice! Shortbread!”

  Jordan smile as Craig walked off. He held Joy’s hand.

  “And what have you got planned for the afternoon?” Joy smiled.

  “The next newsletter. I have ideas in my head so I am going to jot those down. But I need to go to the grocer and buy something.” Jordan smiled.

  “We have everything we need.” Joy smiled.

  “I know. But you never know what might just be on special.” Jordan grinned.

  “Our cupboards are bulging!” Joy chuckled.

  “Not to mention the fridge.” Jordan smiled and shook his head.

  “But I haven’t bought a thing. I need to give you money.” Joy held his hand.

  “That is my board and lodging.”

  “You realize you are still paying.” Joy nodded.

  “Just have to carry on for a while. Not yet. Let people get used to the idea of us.” Jordan smiled and nodded.

  “Oh the comments. They walk in here and have to comment on my new girlfriend.” Joy chuckled and nodded.


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