The Temple of Sacrifice

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The Temple of Sacrifice Page 43

by Tameri Etherton

  Fadair (Fah-d-air) The name Eleri have given to anyone not Eleri. It is meant to be used as a way to signify someone not of Eleri descent, but often it is used as a disparaging slur against non-Eleri.

  Faerie Cakes Small cakes light in texture, but filling. Made with sponge cake and jam, these are Taryn’s favorite. Don’t ever leave a plate sitting around or she’ll eat them all.

  Feiche (Fee-ch) A large black bird similar to a raven, but faster and a bit bigger. They hunt in packs and are capable of taking down a small horse if so inclined.

  Frost End The time between Wintertide and Summer. On Earth, it would occur around April.

  Gaarendahl (Gare-en-doll) An older castle located between the Spine of Ohlin and the Summer Sea. It belongs to Valterys’s family, but Zakael uses it most often.

  Geigan (Guy-gan) A warrior race of people. Dark in coloring, they are rumored to be the source of mating with the Sitari.

  Glamour A slight shimmering beneath the skin. Found only on Eleri.

  Godsteel A metal forged by the Artagh of Haversham. Stronger than any other metal, godsteel is unbreakable. Long ago, only the gods could wield weapons made of godsteel (hence, the name), but at least two swords have made their way into mortal’s hands. Rhoane’s and Taryn’s. But there are rumors that a few other swords have been tainted by Black ShantiMari. Their owners are unknown at this time.

  Grierbas (Greer-bah) A large, wolf-like animal that makes its home in the Narthvier. Wild and territorial, grierbas keep away from civilizations, even avoiding the Eleri.

  Grhom (Gr-om) A spiced drink made by the Eleri. It has healing properties and gives strength through the many ingredients used to make it. Taryn likens the taste to a thick chocolate mixed with chai. Occasionally, the Eleri will add alcohol to the drink.

  Gyota (Gee-o-tah) In Eleri, gyota means ‘destroyer’.

  Harvest The months during the season between Summer and Wintertide. On Earth, this time is referred to as Fall.

  Haversham A mountainous region where Artagh mine for gems, minerals, and the necessary metals to make weapons. Highly guarded, outsiders are not welcome in Haversham.

  Hildgelt (Hill-d-gel-t) A Danurian ornamentation made from thin layers of blown glass.

  House The family name by which most Aelans associate themselves. Every House has their own color and insignia. It is by these outward displays members of nobility and the court can recognize another’s importance.

  House Galendrin Ohlin created this House for Taryn on her crowning day. This is the highest honor anyone could hope to achieve and has only been granted once.

  Kalaith The art of communicating with only a fan. Summerlanders have perfected this archaic language. It is often used as a form of seduction in the Summerlands.

  Kiltern River A river that runs north of Paderau to Ulla.

  Lan Gyllarelle (Lahn Gill-a-rell) A vast lake located in the Narthvier. Its waters are rumored to hold healing properties. The Eleri often hold ceremonies on the banks of the lake.

  Lake Oster Located between Talaith and Paderau, Lake Oster is often used as a stopping point for travelers. Fresh water and an abundance of fish refresh stores between the two great cities.

  Levon (Le-von) A sleek black bird. Faster than any other birds, the levon is a favorite form of transportation for those competent in transformation.

  Light A strain of ShantiMari found in females born on Aelinae. Not all women exhibit traits of the power, but are able to pass on Light ShantiMari to their daughters. Eleri females have Light ShantiMari, but their powers will differ from the Fadair’s in that they use nature as a catalyst and Fadair use the air and sky. The Lady of Light is able to manipulate weather and has slight control over the sea.

  Light Celebrations A week long event featuring competitions of physical prowess. The celebrations began as a way to offset the dreariness of Wintertide.

  Light Throne The ancestral court of The Lady of Light, otherwise known as the Empress of Talaith. Also referred to as the Crystal Court. The actual throne is made of ancient oak from the Narthvier. Woven into the planks of wood is a thin layer of crystal.

  Mari (Mar-ee) The female side of ShantiMari. Also referred to as Light.

  Mind-Speak A form of communication used between two people within their minds.

  Mount Nadrene (Mount Nay-dreen) The holiest place on Aelinae, Mount Nadrene is where Nadra sent Taryn through a portal to Earth. It is also a cavern filled with glittering crystals and a large lake. Some believe the cavern is the birthplace of all the gods and goddesses of Aelinae.

  Mowbat A Summerland creature resembling a tiny winged squirrel.

  Nadra (Nah-d-rah) The Mother Goddess, she and Ohlin created Aelinae.

  Narthvier (Narth-veer) A vast forest covering the northeast portion of Aelinae. The Eleri make their home in the Narthvier, or vier as some call it. The Eleri are protective of the forest and use veils to dissuade unwelcome visitors. Only the Eleri know how to raise the fabled veils.

  Obsidian Throne The ancestral home of the Lord of the Dark. The actual throne is made of the same oak planks as the Light Throne. Within the wood fibers is woven obsidian granite.

  Offlander Any person raised outside of the courtesies of court. The term is an insult of the highest order.

  Ohlin (Oh-lynn) The Great Father, he and Nadra created Aelinae.

  Paderau (Pah-der-oo) A vast city ruled by Duke Anje. Paderau sits between the Narthvier and Talaith, which makes it a busy port city for trading goods.

  Paderau Palace The home of Duke Anje and his family.

  Privy Council A body of advisers to the Empress of Talaith. The council is made up of senior members of the highest Houses. On occasion, as with Hayden and Duke Anje, a junior member can represent their House in council. Also included in the privy council are the High Priest, and captains of the guard or military.

  Ravenwood The less formal home of the Duke of Anje. When in residence, he oversees the local businesses.

  Runyon Tree A black, gnarled tree with sharp thorns embedded in its trunk and branches.

  Sargot (Sar-go) An orange-like fruit that tastes similar to a mango.

  Seal of Ardyn Seals created by the Elder Gods to keep Rykoto imprisoned in the Temple of Ardyn.

  Shanti (Shahn-tee) The male side of ShantiMari. Also referred to as Dark.

  ShantiMari (Shahn-tee Mar-ee) Two halves of the same whole. ShantiMari is a power found in all things on Aelinae. Within men and women, it manifests itself in varying degrees from no visible signs, to extremely powerful. Those in positions of great power will have more ShantiMari than those born to the lesser clans or Houses. ShantiMari is often referred to as Light and Dark, or female and male. Within the confines of ShantiMari are rules, or etiquette. The power can be culled from the smallest pebble to the stars themselves. Wielding more power than one is capable of controlling often leads to a painful death.

  Shadow Assassin Neither alive nor dead, Shadow Assassins were the elite force of Kaldaar’s army. Only a powerful Master can create the demons.

  Shadow Spawn, Shadow Soul Nicknames given to the Shadow Assassin.

  Sheanna (Shee-ahn-a) An exiled Eleri. When an Eleri is sheanna, they are required to cut their hair and live outside the borders of the Narthvier until a certain amount of time has passed. Once they return to the Narthvier, they must complete the purification ceremony before they are considered to be Eleri once more.

  Silden River This river runs south from Paderau to Lake Oster.

  Sitari (Sit-ar-ee) Blue skinned warrior women who live in a community devoid of men. Their island sits at the southernmost edge of Aelinae. It is rumored their preferred mates are Geigan males. Sitari women can be found in other kingdoms of Aelinae, usually scouting for the strongest to procreate with. Once coupling has been achieved, the Sitari return to their island. Male offspring are said to be sacrificed to their goddess.

  Skirm (Sk-ur-m) A banana-like fruit. The leaves of the skirm tree are broad and often used in cooking roasted m

  Smelting Day An annual celebration of Artagh to honor their god. The fires of Haversham burn brightest on Smelting Day, but no actual forging is done. Instead, the Artagh participate in dances and rousing songs around the flames.

  Spine of Ohlin The range of mountains stretching from the Temple of Ardyn in the far north to the Summer Seas in the south.

  Summerlands An island kingdom located south of Talaith in the Summer Seas.

  Summer Seas The body of water covering the entire southern area of Aelinae.

  Surtentse (Sir-tants) An ancient title meaning ‘Son of the Terrarae’. Verdaine gives this honorific to Rhoane.

  Sword of Ohlin Also known as Ynyd Eirathnacht. Ohlin had the sword made out of godsteel for his daughter, Daknys. The bearer of the sword must be pure of heart and worthy of the weapon.

  Sylthan Age (Sil-than Age) The fourth century of Aelinae’s time clock.

  Talaith (Tal - eth) The capital city of the East. Ruled by the empress, also known as The Lady of Light.

  Temple of Ardyn (Ar-din) Rykoto’s temple and source of power. He was imprisoned here by Daknys and the Elder Gods after his defeat in the Great War.

  Treplar (Treh-p-lar) Round apple-like, spiky fruits from the Summerlands.

  Trisp A thick alcoholic drink.

  Ulla (Oo-la) A kingdom located in the far East of Aelinae. The Ullans are a tribal people, following their herds throughout the season. Ullan horses are of the finest stock.

  Verdaine (Vehr-d-ane) Daughter of Nadra and Ohlin, goddess of the Eleri.

  Verdaine’s Prophecy When Rhoane was born, Verdaine prophesied that he would be exiled from his people until the gyota returned. His fate would be tied to the one who is and who is not for all time.

  Veil A mysterious barrier preventing outsiders from entering the Narthvier.

  Vier ~ Nickname of the Narthvier.

  Vorlock A huge, lizard-like creature with heavy scales and a wide frill around its head. Vorlocks contain a poison that can kill a man or woman instantly.

  Weirren (Weer-en) The ancestral home of the Eleri King and Queen.

  Weirren Court The gathered nobility of the Eleri live among the many buildings interwoven through the ancient tree that makes up the Weirren.

  Weirren Throne Built into the oldest tree on Aelinae, the Weirren Throne is a living, breathing seat.

  The West Geographical area located to the west of Ohlin’s Spine. Includes the kingdom of the Overlord of the West, Danuri Province, and Haversham.

  Western Seas The body of water located off the Western Coast of Aelinae.

  Woodland Faerie Faerie folk who make their home in the forests Aelinae, most commonly found in the Narthvier. Woodland faeries grow to be around three feet in height, although some are taller. They are the exception. Woodland faeries share a special bond with nature and can cultivate new species of living plants or animals.

  Ynyd Eirathnacht (Inid Air-ath-nack-t) The name of Ohlin’s sword, currently in the possession of Taryn Rose Galendrin.

  About the Author

  Tameri Etherton is the award-winning author of the Song of the Swords series. She grew up inventing fictional worlds where the impossible was possible. It’s been said she leaves a trail of glitter in her wake as she creates new adventures for her kickass heroines, and the rogues who steal their hearts.

  She lives an enchanted life traveling the world with her very own prince charming and their mischievous dragon, Lady Dazzleton.

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  Read More from Tameri Etherton and explore the World of Aelinae at


  To Alexzandra and Michael, for being you.

  Love, Mom

  The Temple of Sacrifice, Song of the Swords Book Three

  Copyright © Tameri Etherton (2015, 2018) All rights reserved.

  Second edition. Previously published as THE TEMPLE OF ARDYN

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  ISBN: 978-1-941955-16-1

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  Cover design: Deranged Doctor Design

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