You and I Forever

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You and I Forever Page 17

by Melissa Toppen

  A light knock pulls my attention to the door just as an older, dark haired nurse pushes her way inside. “There she is.” She smiles at me the moment she sees I'm awake. “How are you feeling?” She crosses to the side of my bed and immediately starts taking my vitals.

  “I feel like I've been run over.” I say, following her finger with my eyes.

  “Close enough.” She says, patting the back of my hand. “You are very lucky.” She adjusts my bed so that I am propped into an upright position and can see around the room.

  Bentley stands to the side and watches as she she checks my injuries. I don't miss the way his features tighten when she lifts my gown revealing bruises peppering my entire torso.

  “How's Tina?” I turn my head towards Bentley as the nurse continues to check me out.

  He laughs lightly and shakes his head. “How do you feel about Tina number two?” He smiles. “I'm afraid Tina number one didn't make it.”

  “That bad?” I question.

  “I told you.” The nurse chimes in. “You are a very lucky girl.” Bentley nods his head in agreement, waiting until the nurse is finished before stepping back up to my side. “The doctor will be in shortly.” She says, just moments before disappearing out into the hallway.

  “I want to go home.” I turn inward to face Bentley the second the door latches closed behind her. “I don't want to be here.” I say, not missing the understanding on Bentley's face. The last time I was here it was with Patty. That wound is still too fresh. This room brings back too many memories.

  “And you will.” He promises. “But not until the doctor feels you're ready. You have someone else to think about now.” He reminds me, bringing the baby back into the conversation.

  “I still can't believe I'm pregnant.” I say, reaching out for his hand which he happily offers. Twisting my fingers with his, I look up into his beautiful blue eyes.

  “Sometimes life has a way of giving you exactly what you need. Even when you least expect it.” He smiles down at me.

  “Look at you getting all philosophical on me.” I laugh, shaking my head at him.

  “I just know it happens. It's what happened when I found you.” He leans forward, laying a gentle kiss to my mouth. “I know this is scary. I know that it's a lot sooner than either of us planned. But I'm happy Anna. So happy. There is nothing more I want than this. You and me. A family. A life together.” He smiles weakly.

  “Then why do you look like you are the furthest thing from happy right now?” I ask, taking in his sudden sad expression.

  “Because it's not possible that I get to have everything I want.”

  “Why isn't it?” I question. “I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. This baby isn't going anywhere. I hate to tell you Mr. Reed, but you are stuck with me.”

  “Well I guess it's a good thing that I want to be stuck with you Mrs. Reed.” He chuckles lightly when I crinkle my nose at him.

  “A baby.” I say again out loud, just trying to make it seem real.

  “A baby.” He smiles, pushing my hair away from my face just as the doctor steps into the room.


  “Knock. Knock.” Andrea's voice pulls me alert just as I start to doze off. Jumping slightly, my eyes dart towards the door just as she steps inside. “Hey.” She says weakly, her eyes puffy and void of makeup. A dead giveaway that she has been crying.

  “Hey.” I clear my throat, pushing up a little in the hospital bed.

  “How are you feeling?” She asks, crossing the room to stand next to the bed.

  “I'm okay.” I smile weakly at her. “Tired. But okay.”

  “Anna I am so sorry.” She immediately starts, but I cut her off.

  “Don't.” I say, shaking my head at her. “This is not your fault. Please don't think for one second that I hold you responsible.”

  “But if I hadn't told you to leave. If I had just had you stay, none of this would have happened.” She wipes at a stray tear that manages to escape her eye. I can honestly say that I have never seen Andrea like this before and honestly, I am in unfamiliar territory.

  “You didn't know what would happen anymore than you know what tomorrow will hold, or the day after. This was Aaron. Not you.” I say, reaching for her hand.

  “Thank you for saying that.” She smiles weakly, squeezing my fingers. “So.... A baby?” She phrases it like a question. “I was in the waiting room when the doctor came in and talked to Bentley. He let me stay.” She shrugs.

  “A baby.” I confirm, letting out a slow exhale.

  “I'm just wondering what the hell else could possibly happen to you this year. First, Bentley. Then, Patty died. You got married. You practically got abducted by a psycho ex. And now a baby. My god girl.” She laughs lightly, the sadness that riddled her face when she walked into the room fading away slightly.

  “I know right.” I laugh out, this being the first time that I have really thought about how much has happened to me and how quickly it has all seemed to come together.

  “So Bentley said you get to leave soon.” She pulls up one of the uncomfortable looking chairs from the corner of the room and scoots it next to the bed before plopping down in it.

  “Yes, thank goodness. I'm already losing my mind with boredom.” I laugh.

  “You never were one to lay around and stare at the walls. Me on the other hand, I like being lazy so I think I could handle it.” She leans forward and rests her elbows on the edge of the bed. “Lo came by earlier. You were still asleep. I called her and told her you were awake and she said to tell you that she will call you later.”

  “Okay.” I acknowledge her words. “Why don't you go home?” I shift inward to face her, not missing the dark circles under her eyes or the way her dirty hair is knotted on top of her head, completely Un-Andrea like. “I love you girl but honestly, there's nothing you can do for me here. Not to mention, you look like a hot mess right now.” I smile widely when she bursts into laughter.

  “Glad to see that slamming your head against a car window did not lessen that excellent sense of humor of yours.” She teases, fighting her way through a yawn.

  “Seriously Andrea. Go home. Get some sleep. I'm good here.” I say, gesturing my eyes towards the door.

  “Fine.” She huffs, hitting me with a weak smile. “We still on for our Pre-Thanksgiving feast this Sunday?” She asks, referring to our annual tradition of going to the biggest buffet Chicago has to offer the day before she goes home for the holiday.

  “I wouldn't miss it.” I promise, smiling up at her as she stands. Leaning forward, she gives me a sort of half hug, careful not to touch me too hard, before pulling back.

  “Do me a favor.” She turns around just before she reaches the door. “Don't go getting yourself into any more crazy shit for a while. I don't think my heart can take much more of this.”

  “I'll do my best.” I laugh, throwing her a wave as she turns and disappears into the hallway.



  “You sure you're okay?” Bentley closes the door behind us and rushes to my side, guiding me down onto the couch in the living room of our hotel room.

  “Would you stop?” I swat at his arm when he attempts to fluff the couch pillow behind me. “I'm fine. Really.” I reassure him.

  I swear, he has not stopped since the doctor finally agreed to release me earlier today. The fact that he gave us very specific instructions about my pregnancy did not help matters. Take prenatal vitamins, stop taking birth control, don't eat fish or lunch meat, no medications except from the approved list, no hot tubs, the list went on and on. Unfortunately, I don't think the doctor realized how literally Bentley will take every word he said. I can only imagine how the next six months of this pregnancy are going to play out.

  “I'm gonna run you a bath.” He says, not waiting for my response before spinning on his heel and disappearing down the hallway into the bathroom.

  I understand that he's concerned, having only been three days sin
ce the incident with Aaron and just over twenty-four hours since I woke up. I get why he's acting this way. I just wish he would realize that I am not some fragile piece of glass that is just going to shatter. I'm sore. It's hard for me to get up and down. But other than that, I really do feel okay.

  “Bath is running.” He reappears into the room, crossing the distance between us in the matter of seconds.

  “Can we talk?” I ask, looking up at him.

  “Of course.” He kneels down in front of me, his forehead knotting together in concern. “What is it?”

  “I know you're worried about me. But you have to stop treating me like this helpless broken thing. I am still me. I appreciate what you are trying to do, I really do. But Bentley.” I reach out, cupping his cheek in my palm. “You have to let me move past this and as long as you are treating me this way, I can't. Every time you look at me the way you are right now, I think about what happened, about Aaron, and I don't want to. He's in jail. He can't hurt me.”

  “I'm sorry.” He lets out a slow exhale. “I don't know how to handle this. I just want to take care of you.”

  “You can take care of me without babying me. Look at me.” I say, waiting for him to meet my eyes. “I am okay. I have a few bumps and bruises. That's it. Please.” The last word comes out barely above a whisper. “I just want things to go back to the way they were.”

  “So do I.” He admits, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss to my lips before pulling away again. “I promise I'll try to not baby you anymore. But don't ask me not to help you. You are carrying my child Anna. I want to help in anyway that I can.”

  “And you can. By being the amazing man that I married and not an overprotective worry wart.” I laugh when he crinkles his nose in distaste.

  “Worry wart?” He questions.

  “Have you never heard the phrase? My grandma used to say it all the time whenever I would obsess over things.” I laugh.

  “Well then, you have my word. No more worry wart.” He laughs on the word.

  “Thank you.” I say, leaning forward slightly, trying not to cringe at the pain that shoots through my stomach when I do. “Just sore.” I reassure him when his forehead immediately pulls together in concern. Tangling my fingers in the back of his hair, I pull him the rest of the way to me and press my lips firmly to his.

  He immediately deepens the kiss but only touches the side of my face with his hand, clearly still hesitant to touch me anywhere else out of fear of hurting me. Reaching up, I grab his hand and slide it down to rest against my side. Reaching for his other hand, I repeat the process until he is as close to holding me as he has been in days.

  “You can touch me. Just be gentle.” I breathe against his lips, pulling him closer to me, his hands skirting down to my legs and tentatively squeezing the tops of my thighs. The action immediately causes heat to spread throughout my limbs, my body craving his touch.

  “Take me to the bath.” I pull back enough to speak before closing the distance between our mouths again. He doesn't hesitate pushing to his feet and taking me up with him. Within moments I am in his arms, cradled gently against his body as he carries me across the room, his lips still dancing gently across mine.

  Stepping into the bathroom, he sets me to my feet next to the garden style tub, breaking away from my mouth just long enough to peel my shirt over my head. I can feel his need, sense it in the way his kisses become more intense and the way his hands tremble slightly against my bare torso. He's fighting his instinct to strip me bare and take me hard and fast. Fighting against his need to be inside of me. I can sense it in the tension radiating through him.

  Breaking away from my mouth, he slowly begins to remove the rest of my clothing. First my bra, then my pants, until he is kneeling in front of me, peeling my panties down my legs revealing the last piece of my flesh.

  Leaning forward, he kisses my stomach lightly before trailing his lips down to my hip bone. Gently nibbling on my flesh, he teases me just enough to cause my legs to quiver under my weight before switching to the other side.

  “Bentley.” I cry out when his head dips lower, his lips trailing across my bare pubic area. He reaches up with his hands and spreads my legs slightly, blowing a cool breath across my most sensitive area before closing the distance between us, his tongue skirting gently along my skin.

  My head falls back on a soft moan as he slowly nibbles at my flesh, his tongue working long sweeps across my clit. I arch my back against the wall and spread my legs further but the moment I lean back, I have to reposition because of the painful strain the position puts on my sore stomach. Bentley senses my discomfort and immediately pulls back to hit me with dark eyes.

  “I'm okay.” I pant, just wanting him to continue.

  “Come here.” He says, taking my hand and guiding me to sit on the edge of the bath tub. Reaching over, he shuts off the water before settling down in front of me again. Looking down, his eyes bore into my flesh as he takes in each inch of me.

  Placing his hands on my knees, he spreads me open even wider, dipping his head down once more, his tongue finding my clit instantly. The moment the contact is made, the heat simmering through me turns into a full boil, my entire body feeling the effects.

  It takes only minutes before I am tangling my fingers into his hair and holding on for dear life. The build working its way from deep inside and causing my entire body to go rigid. I asked him to make me feel like me again and that is exactly what he is doing. He is reminding me of the heat in his touch. Of the way he consumes my entire body. I come undone above him, my cries of pleasure bouncing off of the bathroom walls around us as he continues to devour me until I am shaking so violently, I am forced to push him away.

  Without a word, he stands, kicking off his shoes and removing his pants and shirt before reaching down to pull me to my feet. He leans forward and kisses me gently, the taste of me still on his lips, as he slowly steps out of his boxers.

  Pulling back, he steps past me into the large tub and then turns to help me inside as well. Guiding me down into the warm water, he waits until I am settled against the back wall before sliding down onto his knees in front of me. He studies me for a long moment, his hand pushing my hair away from my face before he leans forward and takes my lips again, his body sliding down to rest against mine, his hips settling between my thighs.

  Lifting his face away from mine, he stares deeply into my eyes as he slowly slides inside of me. I feel so tight around him but the water allows him to enter me fully on one deep thrust. He holds his movements still for a few long seconds before he finally starts to move inside of me.

  “I'm okay.” I reassure him, pulling his face down to mine as he increases the speed of his thrusts.

  The soreness in my stomach makes it near impossible to move against him but Bentley holds me steady and keeps his movements controlled as to not put too much pressure on my body. The water sloshes around us as he increases his speed, pulling my already building orgasm crawling to the surface.

  Latching my hands around his back, I hold onto him as tightly as I can, the water making it hard to find any real gripping. Finally finding a steady hold, I cling to his torso as he continues to move inside of me, his body becoming more rigid with each thrust until he finally lets out a groan from deep in his chest and spills his release inside of me, immediately bringing my orgasm to the surface as it rips through me even more intense than the first one.

  He slows his movements but doesn't stop completely until he has drained every ounce of pleasure out of both of our releases. Settling his weight down, he's careful not to put any excess weight on my torso as he hovers above me.

  “Are you okay?” He breathes, clearly concerned that he was too rough with me.

  “I'm fine.” I reassure him for the hundredth time today, before latching my hand around the back of his head and pulling his mouth down to mine. I lay a soft kiss across his lips before pulling back. “Now will you stop worrying?” I push his hair away from his forehead
and look up at his gorgeous face.

  Giving me a dimple filled smile, he lays a kiss to my forehead before rocking back onto his knees and pushing himself to the other side of the tub. Reaching for my hand, he slides me across the slick bottom, turning me in the opposite direction in the process until he has me settled between his legs,my back against his stomach. I let out a slow exhale and drop my head back to rest comfortably against his chest.

  “Better?” He asks, dropping a kiss to my temple as he drapes his arms across my chest and holds me firmly to him.

  “Much.” I lean my head to the side to look up at him before facing forward again. He gently trails his fingertips across my stomach, tensing behind me when his hands skirt across my very bruised stomach.

  “It's not as bad as it looks.” I stare down at his hand as he continues to trace every inch of my purple flesh with his fingers.

  “When I think about what he did to you, what he could have done.” He tenses behind me.

  “Hey.” I say, resting my hand gently on top of his, stilling his movements. “I'm right here. I'm fine. Our baby is fine. It's over.” I entwine my fingers with his.

  “No one will ever hurt you again. I promise.”

  “You can't promise something like that.” I laugh lightly, shifting slightly against him. “You can't control everything. Sometimes, things just happen.”

  “How are you so calm about all of this? After everything that has happened to you, you don't seem even the least bit frightened.” He drops a kiss to my shoulder. Reaching for the soap, he lathers some in his hands before dropping them back to my body as he slowly begins washing me.

  “Because I know that everything is going to be okay.” I say, turning my head to look up at him. The moment my eyes meet his, his hands still against my body.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I know that we can handle anything that comes our way, as long as we have each other. Don't promise that no one will ever hurt me again. Promise that you will be there to comfort me when someone does. Don't promise to never let me fall. Promise to be there to pick me up when I do. You can't protect me from the world Bentley. But you can make it bearable when I feel like it's caving in on me.”


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