Destined for A Dirt Road (Dirt Road Summer #2)

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Destined for A Dirt Road (Dirt Road Summer #2) Page 8

by Ashley Johnson

  Seconds turn to minutes and soon there’s a knock at the door. The door opens and in walks the doctor. Thank you, God. “Hi, Beau, I’m Dr. Pollard. How are you today?”

  Lookie here, a doctor actually caring to hold a conversation with me. He doesn’t truly want to know how I am today, this isn’t a therapy session, so I look at him with a forced smile. “I’m doing well, thank you.”

  “That’s good to hear, son. You’re about to be doing better. From the looks of your x-ray, the bone has healed. You’re good to go. Now I recommend you go to physical therapy, but that decision is solely yours. You can easily look up exercises online and follow those but it will take a bit longer.”

  His words are like music to my ears. No more crutches, no more boot. I can finally stand on my own two feet again with no barriers. “This is amazing news. Thank you so much. I’ll probably look some stuff up online.”

  “You’re welcome, son. You’re good to go.” He winks as he stands. I remove the boot from my foot and stand. It’s a little wobbly at first but I grit through the pain and adjust as well as I can. I extend my hand out to him and he accepts my handshake.

  I bend down to grab the boot and hold it in my hand as I steady myself one last time on the crutches just to get to the truck after I finish up with the receptionist. I toss the crutches and boot into the bed of my truck and take a few steps back. I can do this. I put one foot in front of the other, attempting to keep my balance. My foot tries to give out from under me but I refuse to let it. I’ve overcome so many other things I can damn well overcome this. I make it to the truck and this time I climb inside. I’m ready to be back home. I want to relax but most importantly, I want to work on regaining the strength in my foot.

  Sienna’s car isn’t at the house when I pull up and neither is Rob’s. I take that as a hint to get inside and begin working my foot out. I pull out my laptop and search physical therapy exercises for the foot and narrow a few of them down. This is harder than I thought it would be. I’m going to be sore as hell tomorrow but I don’t care. An hour of working my foot and I’m completely exhausted. I take baby steps to the bathroom to take a shower and once I’m done, I text Rob to let him know I’m tired and I’ve gone to bed. I can’t even keep my eyes open long enough to see his response.


  Two weeks have passed since I was cleared from the doctor. Two days after Dr. Pollard cleared me, I went back to work for my Dad. I never realized just how much I missed working here until I came back. Business is keeping my mind from roaming. I have hardly had time for a break let alone time to think and I like it. My foot aches every once in a while but the Advil seems to be taking the edge off the pain. Dad seems concerned by the way he scrunches his brow every time he sees me lifting something heavy but I give him a nod, letting him know I’m fine. No way in hell am I ever dropping anything on my foot ever again. Been there, done that, and I sure as hell don’t want the t-shirt.

  Rob texted earlier to see if I minded a party a little later. Truth is, I actually don’t mind. This will be the first party since I got rid of those dreadful crutches. I could use a good drink and good times with my friends. I missed out on a good bit of that for a year and when I returned, I was held back because of my foot, so yes, I’m ready to cut loose.

  Branson texted me yesterday asking how everything is going. After I told him everything was okay, he did nothing but text about Farrah. Holy shit, someone has finally settled him down. She didn’t even have to fight to do it, he just basically became severely pussy whipped. I find it quite hilarious. Maybe one day I’ll see him again and I can laugh at him in person and joke with him about the days when he was a complete man-whore. I can’t lie, I do miss his ass. He was a good friend to me while I lived in Missouri and I’m glad he’s been keeping in touch. That at least makes me feel like my move up there wasn’t completely fucked up.

  I finish rotating a set of tires and glance at the clock on the concrete wall of the shop. It’s closing time, which means this baby right here is my last customer. I can’t help but grin as I grab a shop rag out of my pocket and dry the wet grease off my hands. I make my way to the outdoor sink and put a little degreaser on my hands. This is something I truly missed, gritty dirt and grease. I missed the way it cakes on my hands after working on a vehicle and I miss the smell of the degreaser as it makes my hands like new again.

  As I clock out, I look toward the office to see my Dad sitting there filing away a few papers and closing up. I poke my head in the door and wait until he looks up. He smiles as I walk inside and he motions toward the chair in front of his small wooden desk.

  “Enjoy your first day back? It sure is good to have you again. Things just didn’t seem the same without the other Granger here.”

  “Yeah, Pop, it feels great. I’m glad to be back where I belong.”

  “Well, you had to go learn for yourself. This world is never all we think it’s cracked up to be,” he tells me with a light chuckle.

  Boy is he right. I could almost laugh myself but instead I simply nod my head yes. “I’ve learned a lot, Pop, and trust me, I’ll be remembering so I don’t make those same mistakes again.”

  “Well, that’s the crazy part. You will always make mistakes. Some things just constantly draw us in no matter what we do. All you can do is keep a straight head about it and weigh the consequences the best you can before fully jumping in. Human nature is a crazy thing. You know the story about your mom and me. We had our fair share of bouts but ultimately we ended up together.”

  I know the story well, he’s told me before. “Grandpa really didn’t like you, did he?”

  “Not at all. To him, what I did wasn’t good enough for your mom. They tried everything they could to keep us apart but love, it always prevails. That’s the one thing we’ve been able to count on throughout everything in our life. Love.”

  “Damn, Pop, when did you get all sentimental?” I ask jokingly in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  “I know I must sound crazy to you right now but I know you’ve been through some emotional things and I’m just trying to show you I know what you’re going through. I know it’s tough but you’re tougher and if anyone can get through it, you can. If I did it, so can you. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Thanks for the talk, I’m sure I needed to hear something in it. I’m taking control of my life again and resetting my foundation here where I belong.”

  “That’s my boy. Do you need to stay at home until you get back on your feet again?” he asks me with sincerity in his eyes.

  “No thanks, Pop. Rob and Sienna said I can stay with them until I can get my own place again. I still have some money put up from Springfield and in a few weeks, I’ll be good to go again.” I stand up. “I better get going, I just wanted to pop my head in and talk to you. Thanks again for letting me come back.”

  “You’re my son, you always have a place here. No matter what.” He winks.

  I walk out of the office and replay the entire conversation in my head. He’s right about everything. When he said some things just draw us in no matter what, well, I know what that is for me. It’s Shay and it will always be. As soon as she enters my brain, I quickly shove her away. I’m finally beginning to feel a little better about things and I’m fully determined to enjoy myself tonight. No more moping around playing the sob story.

  Chapter 12


  Clinical life plain sucks right now. I’m stuck doing all the bitch work while Farrah and the other students get all the good cases. Turns out Wyatt did exactly what I thought he would. He’s taking it out on me because I won’t be his late night secret anymore. I just hold my head up high and do the best I can to get through my days. Not too many more hours and then I can kiss clinicals goodbye. I can’t wait.

  Farrah meets me in the lounge where I’m sipping a cup of coffee. “Hey Shay, where have you been today?”

  “Shut up, I’m not in the mood. I have all the shitty cases, as you already know, an
d my period is pretty damn late. I’ve been so busy with clinicals and trying to decipher my personal life that I have completely forgotten.” I glare at her before downing the last of the cup.

  Farrah’s eyes widen and her jaw practically lies on the floor. “Holy shit, have you taken a test? What’s Wyatt going to say?”

  It’s time for my eyes to widen. Wyatt won’t have anything to say because if I am pregnant, the baby would be Beau’s. Wyatt and I haven’t slept together since Beau and I did. I cut all those ties, thank God.

  “I haven’t taken a test yet, I have one in my purse though, and it wouldn’t be Wyatt’s. We haven’t slept together in a while.”

  “Shut your mouth. You’re saying it would be Beau’s? When the hell did you two sleep together, because I don’t remember hearing about this.”

  I sigh as I begin to tell her everything. I tell her about how he brought me home that night the beer got spilled on me. She knew that part but she didn’t know the rest. Her eyes widen again and she mutters a string of cuss words.

  “You have to take the test, Shay, and no more drinking until you know for sure. Now I feel shitty for the other night.”

  “I’m taking it this evening, I promise, and I’ll let you know.”

  “What are you going to do if you are? Didn’t Beau move back to Louisiana?”

  I gulp as that realization hits me square in the face. “He did. I have no clue what I’ll do.”

  The door to the lounge opens, pretty much ending this conversation, and Mona comes walking in, strutting her stuff like her shit don’t stink. The first time I saw her, I could totally see everything Farrah told me about her. The way she pouts her lips around every male that comes near her is enough to cause a severe eye roll from me. She couldn’t be any more obvious if she wore a sign across her chest. She tells us hi and heads over to the refrigerator. She grabs a bottle of water and presses it against her neck. I scoff and roll my eyes, she’s acting like we’ve been standing out in one hundred degree heat. We work in a hospital, it’s air-conditioned.

  She notices we’re just staring at her like she’s lost her mind. This is the first time I take notice of her lips, they’re swollen as if she’s been making out like a horny teenager. I remove my eyes from her lips and turn back to my now empty cup of coffee.

  “You look a little hot Mona, are you okay?” Farrah pipes up. I want to smack her arm and tell her to shut up but I know that wouldn’t do any good.

  “It’s just a little warm in here,” she replies. “Sometimes this hospital can get a little hot.”

  Oh barf. I walk over to the trashcan and dispose of my coffee cup. I glance at Farrah and tell her I’ll catch her later. As I exit the room I can’t help but fight the urge to laugh. This girl must think we’re all insane if we think it’s just hot in here.

  “What’s so funny?” A voice startles me, causing me to jump.

  I look up to see Wyatt standing in front of me. A scowl instantly replaces the laughter and I cross my arms over my chest. “Nothing, Farrah just said something funny in the lounge. I need to get back to my rounds.” I try to move around him.

  He puts his arm out, stopping my forward progress, and raises his other hand to brush my cheek. “Don’t be like this, sweets. We can bring things back to how they were. I miss that, don’t you?”

  I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want to at all but I have to admit, I’ve been lonely ever since my decision to cut both of them out of my life. Just call me celibate Shay. My heart pounds in my chest but not for the reason it should be. It’s purely lust and I feel myself being dragged back into his game and as much as I want to say no, I don’t think I can. I haven’t heard from Beau in two weeks even though I could be carrying his baby. I don’t know that I ever expected to but reality is sinking in. This is my life here and that’s final.

  He must be able to sense the doubt in my eyes because he continues to gently stroke my cheek. I close my eyes and quickly open them again. No way is this happening, I won’t let it. “No more labels, none of that. Just you and me, doing what we do best.”

  He glances around before leaning forward to place a soft kiss on my lips. When he pulls away, his eyes are filled with lust. He licks his lips and attempts to dive back down to my lips again but I rear my hand back and slap him just like I did that day in his office.

  “What are you doing, Shay?” he asks angrily.

  “I told you I was done with you. I’m not falling for this again, leave me alone.”

  I turn on my heels and walk off as fast as I can, not once looking back. I’m proud of myself for being strong when I need to be and not being the weak link. He would have dragged me into the closet and fucked me for sure and I don’t want that, not from him.


  A few hours after the encounter with Wyatt, I’m finally finishing my rounds for the day. I can’t wait to get home, take a hot shower, and relax. Wyatt and I had a pretty nasty run-in earlier and I know I need to make some sort of peace to keep things civil here, especially if it’ll make my remaining clinicals a little more bearable. I find myself walking toward his office. I know he’s still here and I want to make sure he isn’t going to continue making my life hell. Call it a truce if you will. As I round the corner, I take in the quiet of the hallway. This hall is usually busy during the day but it actually quiets down and is somewhat peaceful as the work day comes to an end. His office is in sight and I take a deep breath and let it out as I get my hand out, ready to reach for the doorknob. This isn’t a terrible decision, right?

  A moan fills my ears and I turn to make sure no one else is down the hall. The coast is clear from what I can see but then I hear the noise again. I open the door to Wyatt’s office, only to be greeted by the sounds of the moans. Mona is on her knees in front of Wyatt’s couch with his dick in her mouth. His eyes meet mine and he doesn’t even look a little sorry that he just got caught with his dick in someone’s mouth. She stops for a second and turns to face me.

  “Oh hey, Shayleigh, want to join in?” Mona asks as she licks her lips.

  I put up my hand in disgust and scrunch my nose. “I don’t think so. I’m out of here. Wyatt,” I say, pointing at him with a shaky finger. “You are a worthless piece of trash.”

  “Sweets, maybe if you sucked my dick when I asked, we wouldn’t have this problem. Now unless you want to see me fuck her, you may want to leave.” His words drip with poison.

  I turn and grab the door, slamming it on my way out. I take off running to the bathroom up the hall and as soon as I get inside, I empty the contents of my stomach inside the porcelain bowl. I’m not sure when I started crying but the tears soak my face and they aren’t stopping. I have to stop crying before someone walks in and starts asking questions. I’m the stupid one for walking down there, willing to talk like adults and help my clinicals be a little more bearable but instead, I got more than I bargained for. I should have known he was bad news. While I’m in the bathroom, I may as well do what I was going to do at home. Nothing is holding me back.

  I reach in my purse and pull the test out. It’s still wrapped in the box. I stare at it for a moment, wondering just what will happen if I am pregnant. It’s now or never. I need to know so I can move on with my life. I open the box and rip the plastic off the test. I sit on the toilet and pull my scrub pants down to my knees. Closing my eyes, I begin to pee on the stick. I place the plastic cover back on it and set it on the toilet paper dispenser as I pull my pants back up.

  My phone starts ringing and I fumble to silence it. It’s Sienna. I don’t want to talk to her right now. She would pick the worst time ever to call me. I’m patiently awaiting my fate and I need peace and quiet.

  A few minutes pass before I have the courage to look at the test. My heart races as I bring the test to my face so I can see what fate it holds for me. The pink line staring me dead in the face tells me all I need to know. I’m carrying Beau Granger’s baby. He’s moved back and has nothing to do with me anymore. How am I supp
osed to drop this bomb on him? Text message is a shitty way to do it, just like a phone call is. He’s not going to be coming up here anytime soon and I can’t just pack up and leave in the middle of clinicals. What a shitstorm I’m stuck in. I’m going to be all alone and I have no idea what to do.

  After standing in the stall for what seems like forever, I open the door and walk over to the sink and splash some cool water on my face. I look into the mirror and stare at my splotchy, red-eyed reflection. I’ve worked hard to be where I’m at in school. I’ve studied just like I should and pushed myself until I couldn’t push anymore but today pushed me to the limit. I want to quit, I want to give up but I can’t. I can’t show my face inside this hospital again. I can’t look Mona or Wyatt in the face and forget anything I saw. I’m pissed at them but I’m more pissed at myself for putting myself in this predicament. All my hard work is being flushed down the drain. I have a baby I’ll have to bust my ass to support and I’ll just have to cross my fingers I can get my clinicals transferred. Goodbye hopes, goodbye dreams.

  My phone rings again and I stare at Sienna’s name. She just doesn’t stop. I silence the call once more and tuck it into my pocket. It’s time to get the hell out of here and once I’m home and safely away from all of this shit, then I’ll try to decide just what I’m going to do with my life now.



  A few cases of beer and several jello shots later, we are all set up for a party. Sienna is standing off to the side looking aggravated, so I grab a jello shot and walk over to her.

  “Hey, what’s got you upset?” I ask.

  “Shay won’t answer her phone. I’m just trying to check in on her. It’s been a few days.” She looks a little worried. “Sorry,” she adds.


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