#Rev (GearShark #2)

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#Rev (GearShark #2) Page 9

by Cambria Hebert

  It doesn’t matter, I told myself. I wasn’t walking in there and announcing tonight this happened because of a lifestyle choice.

  I know that was ironic.

  I was so determined to make the world Drew and I lived in a place where it was okay for us to love each other. Tonight wasn’t the night to go there. I hadn’t talked to Drew about it yet. I wasn’t going to “come out” until he was okay with it. I could come out as gay and leave him out of it, but let’s be real. Everyone would know who I was involved with.

  They already speculated.

  Judging from Drew’s initial reaction to our family seeing us first touching (as more than friends), bringing it up right now was off the table. He needed some more time, and he was going to get it.

  Do I need more time? I asked myself as we pulled up to the house.

  A ton of lights were on inside, illuminating the grass and landscaping around the house. I even saw a sliver of light peeking through the heavy drapes in the dining room where we held our meetings.

  Maybe I did need more. But honestly? More time wouldn’t change anything.

  I couldn’t say I would ever be “ready” to face people’s judgment. There are some things a person can never be ready for, but it shouldn’t stop you from doing it. Waiting wouldn’t change anything for me. I’d still feel the same way later.

  I’d been digesting how I felt for a long time. I’d been trying to make sense of falling for my best friend almost since the day we met.

  It came down to one thing.


  I valued my relationship with Drew far more than I valued anything else. That deserved to be recognized. Even if it was the recognition I didn’t want.

  “Are you sure about this?” Drew asked, letting the engine idle as he stared out the windshield at the house.


  “I’ll come in with you,” he said for the hundredth time.

  “No,” I replied for the hundredth time. “Having you there will just make more tongues wag, and it’s a house meeting. You aren’t an Omega.”


  I grabbed his jaw and pulled his head around. “Quit worrying like a damn woman.”

  One side of his mouth tilted up. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. Let’s have dinner. You can eat all my fries, and we can talk racing business.”

  “I like fries.”

  I released his jaw and laughed. “I know.”

  “See ya, frat boy.”

  I squeezed the top of his leg and popped open the door. On my way to the house, I looked in the lot at my Mustang. It was still there, pretty as ever. At least no one messed with it.

  Drew sat on the road and waited for me to make it to the door. I knew he’d never just drop me off in a parking lot and drive off ever again. I couldn’t even blame him. I would do the same.

  Everyone was already gathered in the dining room for the meeting when I pushed open the front door. The familiar nerve-grating sound of Conner’s voice set my back teeth on edge.

  “…Just saying when he steps down, we need to make sure Jack is ready to assume the role as president.” He spoke to the room.

  You know how I said I was too tired to fight?

  I just got a second wind.

  This guy was really pushing me to my limit.

  I dropped my chin and closed my eyes for second. Then I took in a deep breath and calmed down.

  It wasn’t the deep breath. It was the fact I caught Drew’s scent. I opened my eyes and looked at the shirt I was wearing. His shirt. It smelled like him. Maybe it was weird, but having his shirt on, being able to feel connected to him in some way, was all I needed right now.

  I moved around the corner and filled the doorway of the room.

  “Who says I’m stepping down?” I boomed across the room.

  Everyone turned toward me. Some low curses went through the room.

  “Trent!” Jack gasped from beside Conner.

  “What the fuck happened to you!” another brother yelled.

  I made a point to place a palm over my ribs when I walked through the room to the podium. They still hurt like hell, but in any other circumstance, I wouldn’t have acted like they did.

  Con was watching me with fear and wariness in his eyes. I made sure when I looked straight at him, he would be able to see the anger and promise of revenge.

  He moved out of the way immediately, and I turned away, dismissing him like the trash he was.

  Jack stepped up to my side instantly. “Man, you look terrible.”

  “Let me guess,” I said to him but spoke loud enough the entire room could hear. “Con here was making yet another case against me for not being here all weekend?”

  Jack nodded, and some of the others shifted uncomfortably.

  “I was being disloyal?” I asked, glancing around the room and then back to Jack.

  One of the guys in the room cleared his throat. “He told us you were stepping down as president.”

  I lifted both my eyebrows. “Now where would he get that idea?”

  I locked eyes with one of the men who helped jump me. He looked away immediately, a flush coloring his cheeks.

  Aww, what’s the matter? Is it hard to look at the damage you caused?


  “Who did that to you?” the guy next to him demanded. “Were you in an accident?”

  I glanced behind me at Con. A nervous expression crossed his face.

  I balanced both hands on the podium. “This wasn’t an accident. I was jumped by four men last night.”

  Everyone started talking at once, exclaiming and cussing.

  I held up my hand, and the room fell quiet. “It was right outside, on Omega property. Right out there in the parking lot.”

  Looks of outrage became a common theme as I kept talking.

  “I didn’t see their faces.” I shook my head sadly. “But I’m pretty sure this was a blatant attack on this fraternity. They were trying to send some kind of message, ignite some kind of war with this house and our brothers.”

  “They come after our president, they come after us all!” someone roared.

  I nodded. “It’s a sad fucking day, brothers.” I called them that on purpose, reminding them we were united.

  “This frat is being targeted. I don’t know why yet. Or by whom. We can’t let anyone on this campus think we’re fair game.”

  “Omega rules!” one of the younger charters yelled, knocking over his chair in the process.

  “I look worse than I am.” I went on. “Some swelling, some bruises. A couple cracked ribs.” I paused to meet two more sets of eyes… those of the men who were there last night.

  They were looking very apprehensive.

  I smiled, showing all my teeth. “They didn’t do a very good job with their attack. You’d think four guys could work me over better than that.”

  “Pussies!” someone hollered.

  “Oh, they definitely were.” I agreed. “They had to gang up on me, hold me down, to get the job done.”

  “This is a bunch of horse shit!” one of the men I went through rush with exclaimed and stood. “We need to pay back these motherfuckers! No one messes with Omega and gets away with it!”

  I let them all talk over each other while I stood back and watched them all whip themselves into a frenzy of anger.

  What can I say? Men are predictable. Especially when their egos are at stake.

  It was working to my advantage.

  “I agree. We need to spread the word. Make it known that the attack on me and everyone in this house will not be brushed under the rug. We will not go crying to the dean.” I glanced at Con, making sure he heard that part. “Here at Omega, we serve justice on our own terms!”

  Everyone started cheering and hollering. It was like a pep rally for a football game.

  “Brothers,” I yelled over the noise. My head was still throbbing and my midsection was sore as hell. I wanted to go lie down, but this wasn’t
done. “Before the meeting is adjourned, I would like to make clear that I was in no way skipping out on the frat this weekend. I hit up a doctor and laid low… Wanted the attackers to wonder where I was, what I was doing.”

  One of the men who beat me cleared his throat. I smiled at him.

  Oh, what a beautiful thing it is to be calm when people expect you to be enraged.

  He actually looked scared.

  I’m just getting started.

  “I was also working on something, an opportunity for the fraternity. Something that will bring a lot more notoriety and good press to our house.”

  Everyone seemed interested.

  “As you all know, I’m friends with Maryland Knights quarterback Romeo Anderson and also Braeden Walker.” Everyone sat up a little straighter in their seats. “Since they’re both also alumni of Alpha U, I knew they would want to be involved in what I was suggesting.”

  In truth, this was Romeo’s idea. I was taking the credit because it would make me look good with the house and gain me some extra favor in case it was needed.

  “What is it?” one of the guys in the back hollered.

  I grinned, my puffy lip stretching uncomfortably. “Romeo and Braeden have agreed to play in a charity football game with Omega. The money raised from ticket sales and donations will go to a charity this house will choose through popular vote. I suggest Omega makes the charity one they support annually and, every year after this, organizes at least one event to fundraise and donate one hundred percent of the proceeds to said charity.”

  People started talking excitedly, and I lifted my hand. “In addition to Romeo and Braeden playing, they will be getting a few other Knight players to donate their time to come down and participate. Because of the popularity of the team here in their home state and Romeo’s legendary reputation here on campus, this will be a very popular event and a chance to raise quite a bit of money.”

  “And get the Omega house back to being the most prestigious frat on campus!” Jack whooped from beside me.

  Everyone cheered.

  “I will set up a meeting with the Wolves coach here on campus this week and talk to him about scheduling a time for us to play the game, maybe get in some practices, etc. Teams will be divided up at a later date. Once all the details are worked out, I’ll have another house meeting to keep everyone in the know.”

  “Props to our prez for not letting our rivals keep him down and for still striving to make this house better.” Jack spoke to the room.

  “I am not and will not step down from the presidency that I have held for almost two years. I remain true to the Omega brotherhood and will be until I give over the honor of president to Jack in just a few short weeks.”

  Everyone clapped.

  I turned to Con. “Thank you, Conner, for looking out for the frat, for taking action when you thought we were leaderless.”

  Con swallowed, his eyes wide.

  “But as you can see, I’m here. And I’d like to decree that if anything or anyone else should question my loyalty to the frat in the coming weeks, it is Jack who should step in and act as president.”

  Jack stepped forward. “Thank you, Trent. Men, keep your eyes and ears open for anything that might lead us to the scum who did this to our leader. Any information on their affiliation or motives will be rewarded. We will show this entire campus that Omega is not a house to be fucked with!”

  Everyone went crazy again.

  I banged the gavel, signaling the end of the meeting.

  Con and his merry band of assholes left the room pretty quickly. I wasn’t so lucky. I was the last one out, having to talk to almost everyone. I answered question after question. I replayed what happened over and over, joining in plotting and speculating.

  Most people were inclined to believe this was the work of a rival frat. I didn’t disagree with them. Eventually, I’d rat out the guys in this house. Until then, I’d let the rumors run wild.

  By the time I was done, I didn’t even have to make an effort to look pitiful because I felt pitiful.

  “I’m gonna call it a night, guys,” I said to the few remaining brothers. “I need some pills and my bed.”

  “You need anything, anything at all, just yell,” one brother said and offered his hand. I shook it.

  Another guy spoke up. “And don’t worry about anything tonight. Get some sleep. No one will get in this house that isn’t supposed to be here.”

  “Fuckin right,” I drawled and shook his hand, too.

  My ass dragged up the stairs. I wanted to go home to the familiar sounds of Prada running around, Braeden’s sarcastic jokes, and Rimmel’s hovering.

  Most of all, I wanted to lie in bed with Drew. Maybe hold his hand.

  I had a moment’s thought outside my bedroom door to just say fuck it and drive back over there. But I couldn’t. Not tonight. I had to be here.

  As I was reaching for my keys in my back pocket (my door is always locked), I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned quickly to see Con hovering nearby.

  I pinned him with a hard, cold stare. “You’ll get yours,” I vowed. “Can you guess when?”

  He turned tail and ran like the little bitch he was. Fucking yanked my chain the guys actually thought I’d run out of this house and never come back.

  I slid my key in the door and frowned. It was unlocked.

  That peckerhead better not have been messing around in my room. I’d call him out here and now.

  The door swung open, and all my attention went to the bed.

  To who was sitting in the center.


  Surprise stopped him cold. The dark lashes that framed his hazel eyes pulled wide, and the expression of relief written on his face made the back of my neck tingle.

  I smiled, holding a finger up to my lips, reminding him to be quiet.

  He recovered quickly, moving into the room, hastily shutting and locking the door behind him.

  I wasn’t sure how Trent would react to me sneaking into his room, especially after he told me he didn’t want me to come in the house.

  When the door first opened, before he saw me waiting, I recognized definite exhaustion clinging to him. For all the convincing he’d done that this was where he needed to be right now, it was painfully clear he didn’t want to be.

  It was pretty fucking heady when everything instantly changed the second his eyes found me. A complete three-sixty. The exhaustion evaporated and his hazel eyes lit up.

  That crooked front tooth of his even came out to play.

  I was so glad I snuck in.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, talking in hushed tones. “How the hell did you get in?”

  I held up the spare key to his reinforced lock and smiled.

  He laughed. “No shit! I forgot you had that!”

  I made a show of slipping it back into the pocket of my jeans. “I snuck right in. No one noticed ‘cause you were too busy getting them all riled up.”

  “You heard that, huh?”

  I chuckled. “Most of it.”

  Hearing him talk made me more impressed. He was a good public speaker. People hung on every word he said. I couldn’t even blame them; I did, too.

  “I wanted to beat his ass,” Trent growled and dropped on the edge of the mattress. “When I walked in, he was trying to convince everyone how great he was.”

  “Judging from the stuff I overheard, no one really bought the bullshit he was selling.”

  T made a sound and glanced over his shoulder. “I thought you went home.”

  “Have you seen the way you fill out my shirt?” I teased. “I’d follow you anywhere.”

  Trent’s white teeth flashed. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too.” I rubbed my hand over this head and trailed my fingers down the back of his neck. Of course I’d be here. There wasn’t anywhere else I wanted to be. The second he disappeared into the house and out of sight, there was this spot in the center of my gut that began to a

  The idea of him in that house, basically full of vultures, left me feeling cold. Yeah, I knew T could handle himself. But not knowing… anticipating… lying in bed all night alone, just waiting for the next time I’d hear from him to be sure—I couldn’t handle that.

  I parked down the street in an overflow lot most of the houses around here used when they had parties and needed extra parking. I put the Fastback in the back of the lot, in the dark—something I didn’t like to do because I was afraid someone would mess with it, or worse, try to steal it.

  But it was a risk I was willing to take tonight.

  I walked right in the house and moved swiftly up the stairs and let myself into his room. It took maybe thirty seconds.

  I was gonna have to get up hella early, something I hated, but at least when I woke, he’d be beside me.

  Damn. I was turning emo. I needed to drive. Fast.

  “You’re right,” I said, trying to keep things light. Trent would never say it or even allude to it, but he was in pain.

  He frowned. “Right about what?”

  “This bed is too small for you.”

  The sound of his low chuckle vibrated beneath my skin. “Sorry you snuck in now?”

  I’d sleep in a cardboard box in the pouring rain if it were beside him. “Nope. We’ll just have to sleep extra close.”

  “Best idea I’ve heard all day.”

  “Take off your shirt,” I ordered.

  “I feel used, Forrester. You’re just here for my body.”

  I gave him the finger, then reached for the hem of the shirt to slowly peel it over his head. I did it extra slow—you know, because of his ribs. And because the way his abs rippled when he lifted his arms was something I needed to stare at longer than two seconds.

  “I want to look at your ribs, jackass.”

  “They look the same as when you saw them an hour ago.” He grunted.

  I tossed the shirt onto the floor, and he reached for mine. I let him pull it off but then turned my attention to his midsection. He was right; it looked pretty much the same as earlier.

  “I really wish I’d been here,” I whispered, ever so lightly caressing the worst of the bruising.


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