Heart Melter

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Heart Melter Page 17

by Sophia Knightly

  “Drop it, Eileen,” Alec said, his mouth twitching. He turned to Natasha with a smile. “Are you currently in a show then? You’re an actress, right?”

  “Yes,” Natasha said. Clearly, Alec had run a check on her too.

  “Tasha sings like an angel and her dancing is gorgeous,” Ian said, smiling at her.

  “Aw, thank you, Ian. You’re too kind,” Natasha said, astounded by his generous compliment.

  “I’m only stating the truth,” he said. Anyone would think he was looking forward to seeing her on stage. She regarded him with puzzled eyes and he smiled back enigmatically.

  Eileen beamed at her. “I love musicals. I always go to them on the West End when I’m in London. Which one are you in?”

  “It’s a new 1920’s musical comedy called “The Bee’s Knees,” Natasha said.

  “I would love to see you in it. Sounds lovely!” Eileen gushed.

  “Well, Natasha, good thing you can sing for the two of you,” Alec said pleasantly.

  “What do you mean?” Natasha said, noting his teasing tone.

  “Haven’t you heard Ian sing, or rather croak? Laird MacGregor can’t carry a tune in the bucket,” Alec said, shaking his head mournfully. He turned to Ian with a merciless grin. “Remember when they sent you home from choir tryouts with a note saying you were more suited to science than singing?”

  “I remember,” Ian said dryly, “and thanks for bringing it up. The only reason I was in choir tryouts was because Mum coerced me into going. She thought it might help me sing better.”

  “Oh no. Did that really happen?” Natasha said, looking from Alec to Ian.

  “I’m afraid so. The minute Ian sang the first verse, everyone covered their ears.” Alec threw his head back and howled. “He sounded like a rusty pipe.”

  Ian chuckled good-naturedly. “Stop talking rubbish, Alec. You’re making me look bad in front of Tasha.”

  “Aye, quit giving Ian a bad time. His singing isn’t that bad,” Eileen said, giggling. “Just because you have the lungs of a lion, Alec.”

  Alec flashed a generous grin. “Thank you, Eileen. I’ll take the compliment. Blimey, I’m hungry as a lion too. Are we ready to eat now?"

  “Aye, please follow me into the dining room,” Eileen said.

  “We’re in for a treat.” Alec straightened his large frame and patted his lean stomach as he rose from the couch. “Eileen is a fine cook.”

  Fine was an understatement. Eileen’s cooking was Michelin star quality. They enjoyed a perfectly roasted loin of lamb, surrounded by glazed apples and accompanied by a homemade mint sauce. Dessert was poached pears in a brandy-laced butterscotch sauce. All deliciously prepared by Eileen and served by the freckle-faced, apple-cheeked housekeeper, Tilly, who bustled around them cheerfully.

  After dessert, they retired to the balcony overlooking the sea. "Will you look at those clouds?" Alec said, puffing on a cigar. "It’s already starting to rain. We're in for a big one tonight."

  “Oh no,” Natasha said, dreading it.

  "I hate to cut the evening short, but we should leave before the storm hits,” Ian said, slanting a glance at Natasha.

  “Dinna fash. We understand. The roads aren’t the best.” Eileen paused and studied them for a moment. “Why don’t you spend the night here? There’s plenty of room and you won’t have to deal with the storm.”

  “Thanks, but we’ll be fine. We just need to get going,” Ian said.

  They said their good-byes and thanked Eileen for the superb meal. They ran to the car in the drizzling rain and made it inside mere minutes before it turned into a squalling thunderstorm. Water sloshed against the car as it chugged along the dirt road. Natasha clenched her hands in her lap and watched the lightning and thunder outdo each other. Her pulse roared in her ears like loud ocean waves as she strove to harness her panic. Staring out the front window, her eyes fixated on the wind shield wipers as they worked nonstop to clear the blinding rain.

  They had only driven about a mile when the car hit something solid with a loud thump. Cursing loudly, Ian got out of the car to check what they'd hit.

  “What’s wrong?” Natasha said when he returned.

  “There’s a fallen tree blocking the road,” he said, wiping his wet face on his sleeve.

  "Can't we turn around and go another way?" Natasha asked, peering behind the car.

  "No. The tires have sunk into the mud. We'll have to wait it out, then I’ll call Alec to give me a hand."

  Natasha closed her eyes to block the distressing childhood memory she always associated with lightning and storms.

  "We're safer in a car than in a house, Tasha. The tires will ground us from the electrical currents," Ian said, guessing her fears.

  Logically, she knew that, but emotionally was another thing. She took a deep breath and reached for a blanket in the back seat.

  “Here, dry off,” she said, handing the blanket to Ian. The moment he took it from her hands, a spectacular ray of jagged lightning lit up the sky. A loud crack of thunder propelled her into Ian’s arms.

  "I hate lightning,” she said, burrowing her face in his chest.

  “It’s going to be fine, Tasha. What happened to you at summer camp won’t happen again.” He smoothed her hair and kissed the top of her head as they listened to the howling wind and driving rain.

  “I feel ridiculous. I should’ve outgrown the fear by now,” she mumbled, “but the minute I hear thunder and see lightning I’m right back at summer camp, bleeding on the ground.” She shook her head. “One way or another, I have to get over it. Especially before I have kids. They can’t have a mom who freaks out over storms.” She wished she could say, before we have kids, but how could she? She had no commitment from Ian, save for his declaration of love.

  Ian held her face and gazed deeply in her eyes. “You will, angel.”

  Her heart skipped a beat and the storm’s danger was forgotten as she stared at him, imagining how their children would look.

  Suddenly a bright light illuminated the car from behind and Ian’s body tensed as he craned his head to look. Natasha pulled away and looked behind him too.

  “What’s that light?” she asked, the fine hairs on her nape standing on end. “It’s so bright.”

  “Get down." He gently pushed her head below the dashboard and reached for the rifle in the back seat with lightning speed. "Stay there," he said before getting out of the car.

  Natasha's head shot up when she heard the door slam. She strained to see what was happening, but the powerful light was blinding. Moments later, she opened the door and got out when she heard Alec's voice.

  "Don't shoot, MacGregor! I'm here to help," he boomed with a loud chuckle.

  Ian put down the gun. "How did you know we were stuck out here?"

  "Eileen was worried you might have trouble returning to the cottage because of the storm. Get in the truck and I’ll take you back to the house," Alec said. “You're both drenched and I’m sure you’d like a hot bath tonight."

  "I don't know about Ian, but a hot bath sounds wonderful to me," Natasha said gratefully. "But what about the car?"

  "We’ll get it tomorrow morning," Ian said. "I need to buy a new tire anyway.”

  "Get in, get in. Eileen will be pleased to have you stay the night," Alec said.

  When they arrived, Alec excused himself to check on a banging shutter outside of the house.

  "I'll help you," Ian offered.

  "No need to. Go inside. Eileen’s waiting for you," Alec said.

  "Goodness, were you sitting inside the car or out of it?” Eileen teased when she opened the door. "Come in and I’ll fix you a hot toddy." She led them into the kitchen and added warm whiskey to hot tea laced with honey.

  Afterwards, Eileen showed them to a comfortably decorated bedroom with access to a marble-tiled bathroom. A white porcelain tub with clawed bronze feet filled the center of the room. She handed Ian a large robe that probably belonged to Alec and a wine colored velvet robe a
nd silk nightgown for Natasha.

  "Let me have your wet clothes. I’ll give them to Tilly and return them to you nice and dry tomorrow," Eileen offered.

  “That’s very kind of you. Thanks,” Natasha said.

  Eileen smiled. “You’re welcome. Make yourselves comfortable now. Good night.”

  Ian showered first so Natasha could enjoy a hot bath. When she returned to the room, the lights were off and Ian was already in bed. She waited a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. As she came closer, she saw Ian’s nude body was turned away from her, a sheet carelessly draped over his hips. Natasha admired his broad shoulders, the smooth muscles bracketing his strong spine and the shape of his compact buttocks beneath the sheet. When he turned on his back and flung an arm above his head, her eyes took in his corded chest muscles and the dusting of dark hair tapering to a V near his navel.

  Just as she reached the side of the bed, he grabbed her waist and hauled her on top of him. She squealed and clapped a hand over her mouth, worried someone might hear them. “I thought you were asleep,” she said, giggling. She slipped out of the robe and laid it at the foot of the bed.

  "I thought you'd never get here," he growled, anchoring her on top of him. His hands slid beneath her nightgown and fondled the backs of her thighs and buttocks, stroking, squeezing, kneading as she moaned and wriggled against him.

  Tremors of excitement shot through her and searing desire spread to every nerve of her body. Her nipples tightened at the feel of his hard chest rubbing against their tender peaks through the nightgown. Straddling his lean hips, she sat up and pulled the nightgown over her head and off. Ian tipped her forward and kissed her nipples as his hand slid toward the apex of her spread thighs, probing lightly to rub her tender folds with his thumb.

  "You’re dripping honey, angel," he rasped, his voice deep with a Scottish burr.

  Natasha’s thighs pressed either side of his hard hips, every muscle pulsating with delicious tremors as he thrust upward, entering her with deep, deliberate strokes.

  She dug her nails in his shoulders and matched his rhythm. “Oh yes. Like that. Just like that!”

  "You’re in for a looong ride, darlin’," he promised wickedly, delivering a few lusty smacks on her buttocks.

  “Watch it, Dr. Who,” she said, tingling with pleasurable spasms. “You’ll wake the neighbors.”

  The following morning, Natasha stretched and smiled, remembering Ian’s sexy playfulness the night before. They were back to where they’d once been, comfortable enough with each other to tease and play, even during sex.

  Gazing at him tenderly, she tickled his ear with a soft kiss on the lobe. "Wake up, Highlander. We have to get the car, remember?"

  "What time is it?" Ian asked in a sleep-roughened voice. He buried his face in the pillow and didn’t open his eyes. He looked so gorgeous and relaxed, she would have loved to stay in bed with him all day.

  She glanced at her watch. "It’s seven-thirty. I want to get back to our cottage."

  "Go back to sleep," he ordered. "The stores don't open until ten."

  She blew softly in his ear. "I don't want to sleep. I want to talk."

  Ian turned over and gazed at her, his silver-green eyes slumberous beneath coal dark lashes. "About what?" he asked lazily.

  She smoothed his tousled hair from his brow and drew in a steadying breath as she prepared to ask him a crucial question.

  “Tell me about Danielle Parkhurst,” she said, ripe with curiosity as she searched his eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Bloody hell. You woke me up to ask about Danielle?” Ian muttered, fully awake now and out of sorts.

  Natasha’s chin shot up. “It’s a reasonable request. No need to get your feathers ruffled.”

  “I’ll ruffle more than your feathers.” Ian’s voice rumbled out of his chest in a sexy growl as one strong arm snaked and pulled her toward him. He cupped her breasts in his hands and kissed the pink buds. “Beautiful,” he breathed between kisses.

  A wild shiver coursed through her, but she set her jaw and scooted away from him. “Not now,” she said in a strangled voice, the moisture from his kisses teasing her tightened nipples. Damn him. Ian knew the power he wielded over her. If she let him continue, she’d melt in his arms and all talk about Danielle would be over. “You’re playing dirty.”

  “What’s wrong with playing dirty?” he said with a wicked grin.

  “No playing until you tell me about Danielle,” she said doggedly.

  Ian shook his head. “Stubborn lass. What do you want to know about her?”


  "I don’t talk about previous relationships,” he said stiffly.

  "That’s chivalrous of you, but she’s also your partner. Isn’t she?" she persisted.

  “We’re no longer involved and our connection is strictly business. End of story," he said firmly. Ian’s unshaven chin stuck out belligerently.

  Natasha rolled onto her stomach and propped herself on her elbows to study his face. “Why are you being so tight-lipped?”

  “Let it go, Tasha,” Ian said. “There’s nothing between us anymore.”

  “Oh, never mind. Forget I brought it up,” she said crossly. She yanked the robe over her shoulders and pulled the sash tightly as she got up from the bed. “Do you and I even have a future together?”

  Ian shot up and was at her side in seconds. Grasping her shoulders, he grated, “Aye, we do, damn it. What brought that on?"

  Her eyes flooded with tears. “I feel sick inside that I’m going to leave and you’ll be here with Danielle,” she admitted brokenly. “I know it’s stupid and weak, but I’m jealous and it’s eating away at me.”

  He gave her a little shake. “Haven’t you been listening to me? I told you Danielle and I are over. Don’t you trust me?”

  “I don’t want to share you with anyone,” she said in a small voice. “I want to be with you, but you haven’t said anything about…” Her voice trailed off uncertainly as she dashed hot tears from her eyes with her knuckles.

  “What makes you think I’d let you leave here without a commitment to return?” he demanded, eyes blazing.

  She hiccupped and looked down. “You haven’t said anything about wanting me in your life permanently.”

  Ian lifted her chin and peered at her. “You’re being daft, Tasha, and unfair. You asked me to take it one day at a time and I did.” Sighing deeply, he leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I should have followed my instincts and told you exactly how things are.”

  “What do you mean?” she said shakily.

  He held her face between his hands and kissed her hard. “You’re mine. Every morning I wake up and every night I fall asleep beside you, I’m grateful you came back to me.” He kissed her tear-streaked cheeks and looked deep into eyes and straight to her soul. “You’re not leaving until we find a solution. I’ll work around your show, commuting back and forth, whatever it takes to be together until we can make definite plans for our future.”

  She stared at him in wonder. “Are you saying you’re willing to compromise, to make concessions for my career?”

  “Damn right I am. I’ll move heaven and hell to make it work. If I’d done it years ago, we wouldn’t have wasted so much time apart.” His eyes glittered with fierce resolve. “I love you, and I’m not going to lose you again.”

  “You’ll never lose me,” she said, her heart bursting with so much love it hurt. “There’s no one in the world I love more than you, Ian.”

  “And there’s no one in the world for me than you, angel,” he said, kissing her tenderly.

  Later that morning after Ian left with Alec, Natasha went downstairs and found Eileen in the kitchen. "Good morning, Eileen.”

  Eileen turned to her with a warm smile. "Morning, Natasha. I trust you slept well," she said, eyes dancing.

  Heat rose to Natasha’s cheeks as she wondered if they’d been too loud in their lovemaking. "Yes, very
well. Everything was comfortable. Thank you.”

  "Would you like a cooked breakfast?"

  Natasha glanced at the fluffy scrambled eggs and kippers with grilled tomatoes and toast. "Looks delicious. I'd love some," she said, brimming with happiness over Ian’s recent affirmation.

  “Cuppa coffee or tea?”

  “Coffee please. Just black.”

  Eileen served Natasha a mug of steaming coffee and set a plate of hot food before her. Brodie came up and begged charmingly on his hind legs, dancing for a morsel of food.

  “Stop that, you wee rascal,” Eileen scolded fondly as she lifted the dog on her lap and fed him a piece of toast. “The lads had quite an appetite this morning before they left.”

  “I’m sure,” Natasha said, smiling at the image of Ian and Alec wolfing down Eileen’s good cooking. “I’m not complaining because it’s been wonderful staying in your cottage, but we’ve been roughing it with canned and dry goods.”

  Eileen smiled wryly. “Not exactly gourmet, eh? Do you like to cook?”

  “I do. Although it’s only me and my little dog in my apartment.”

  “What are your plans after Rico is caught?"

  Natasha was taken aback by her candid question. She had spent a week avoiding that very question and now Eileen had uttered it quite calmly.

  "I have to go back to New York. I’m under contract in the show," Natasha said.

  Eileen fiddled with her napkin. “What about the danger?"

  “I won’t return until it’s safe. Hopefully, that will be soon. But who knows?” Natasha stared at the food on her plate, suddenly losing her appetite. In all her euphoria over Ian’s renewed love for her, she hadn’t thought about Rico and the mob.

  "What about Ian?" Eileen asked.

  Natasha gave a dreamy sigh. "I adore him."

  "And he adores you. It’s plain to see."

  “I’m thrilled we’re back together again. It wasn’t easy to regain his trust,” Natasha said with a sigh.

  Eileen nodded vigorously. "Aye, Ian is a force. He dominates any room he walks into. Like my fiancé, Callum,” she said with a sly grin.

  “You’re engaged?”


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