Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2)

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Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2) Page 10

by Kim Cormack

She was still stuck on his statement; Frost would never do that to me.

  They all left the room. Grey was walking ahead of them and Frost placed his arm around her and whispered, “If I wasn’t all hung up on someone else, I would totally do that to him.”

  He gave her a playful squeeze and she laughed.

  Grey turned around and chuckled, “You’re such a jackass. I heard that.”

  Lexy wasn’t about to knit pick about Grey’s choice of night time activities while she was still having hot and steamy flashbacks of her own. They descended the stairs, all three of them slightly hung over and uncoordinated as they entered the diner and surprisingly enough there was a table full of their fellow Ankh sitting in the corner. Lexy’s eyes didn’t narrow in on that table. Her eyes noticed the booth full of Triad she’d have to pass along the way. The table of Triad, with an absent Tiberius. From their blank expressions she knew Tiberius hadn’t uttered a word about what had happened between them the night before. She touched Grey’s arm and said, “Order for me? I need to use the washroom.”

  He smiled at her and replied, “I know what you want.”

  She knew he didn’t mean it the way that she’d taken it. As Lexy walked away from Grey, she glanced back and he was already seated at the table conversing with their friends. Sometimes, it was difficult to adjust her mindset. For heaven’s sake Lexy, you were with Tiberius and Grey seduced and slept with a random waitress last night. Get a hold of yourself. She gave the bathroom door a good hard shove, and it appeared to be locked. Lexy gave the door to the family bathroom a push and it opened. She went to close the door…

  Tiberius shoved her inside and closed the door behind them and said, “I have to leave. I just wanted to make sure we had an opportunity for a proper goodbye.”

  Lexy smiled at him and replied, “Both of our clans are out there.”

  “I’m aware of that,” he whispered. Tiberius didn’t attempt to make a move; he remained in front of the exit blocking her escape. His eyes travelled from her feet up the length of her legs to the zipper of her jeans that he’d undone the evening before. Mr. Trouble bit his lip and continued, “I was disappointed that you didn’t come looking for me last night.”

  She’d wanted too. Lexy smiled at him. It was flattering now where his flirtations had never been before. Remaining across the room, versus closing the space between them had only made her long for more of what he’d given her last night. Lexy found her eyes drawn to the bulge in his jeans. She exhaled and whispered, “They’ll come looking for us and find us in here together.”

  Tiberius reached over, locked the door and said, “Is that better?”

  Lexy wanted him in an absolutely crazy way, but she couldn’t take that step towards him after her reaction that morning. She looked into his eyes and said, “We can’t.”

  He grinned at her and teased, “What happened between last night and this morning that changed your mind?”

  Lexy met the intensity of his gaze and gave him a version of the truth as she replied, “I woke up with a change of heart.”

  Tiberius grinned and sparred, “It’s not your heart I’m interested in. Change it all you want.”

  She met his penetrating gaze and asserted, “I’ll never love you.”

  He grinned, stepped towards her and intimately tucked a wild strand of her crimson hair behind one of her ears and teased, “I’ll never love you either.”

  Why had he tucked her hair behind her ear? That was Grey’s move. Had he stolen that from her memories thinking it would draw her closer? Instead it made her think of Grey. She loved Grey and this wasn’t about love. They were playing a titillating game that would only lead to one thing. The undeniably dark union of two Dragons.

  He took one finger and traced a path down her throat to the spot where he’d drawn blood the night before and teased, “It’s not fair to deny me, after I’ve given you what you needed.”

  Her pulse started to race, she smiled and questioned, “Who said life was fair?”

  Tiberius chuckled as he rather abruptly, turned around, opened the door and said, “Triad’s out of the Testing. I’ll see you at their banquet if Ankh makes it out. Save a dance for me.”

  “I’m never going to dance with you,” Lexy called after him.

  Tiberius confidently stated, “Yes, you will.” As the door shut behind him.

  She leaned against the scratched up, dated pastel green linoleum counter, knowing he was right. Lexy grimaced as she felt a cold sensation and realized the counter she’d been leaning against was wet. Shit, of course. Lexy knew she should just walk out there and tell her clan Triad had made it out but she wanted to wait until he was gone. Triad was out. Lexy smiled. She’d liked Kevin and she was glad he’d had made it, but she also knew that only two clans could make it out and if Ankh wasn’t fast Trinity might beat them and then it wouldn’t matter who was a Dragon. They would be lost in there…forever.

  Lexy left the bathroom knowing Grey was probably going to come in there looking for her soon. She strolled towards their table and all eyes were on her.

  Lily looked directly at her and said, “Triad just left. Do you know why?”

  She looked at the table and then noticed that Jenna wasn’t there. By the expressions on everyone’s faces they’d seen Tiberius come out of the bathroom she’d gone into. Lexy decided to pull the band aid off and answered Lily’s question, “Tiberius just told me Triad made it out of the Testing.”

  Frost’s face sunk as he started to pick at his meal with his fork. The odds of Ankh’s survival had just been altered. She sat down in front of the one plate without an owner and when she went to thank Grey, he wouldn’t look at her. She attempted to touch his arm and he yanked it away. Oh, she was sick to death of these double standards. Lexy left her meal at the table, without even taking a bite, stood up and blurted, “You know what Greydon; this jealousy thing is getting old. You get to sleep with any random girl but I have a conversation with someone and you blow a gasket.”

  He looked directly at her and scoffed, “Tiberius is not just some random guy. The thought of him touching you and then you climbing into the same bed I’m sleeping in…it makes my skin crawl.”

  They’d already talked this subject to death. She hissed, “Do you think a random girl hurts me any less than the bloody thought of Tiberius touching me hurts you?” She was either going to punch him or throw something at him. Lexy picked up a full glass of orange juice and tossed it directly into his face, stormed away and left him sitting there shocked with sticky juice dripping down his face.

  Grey was fuming as he stood up and marched after her. Frost glanced at Lily and announced, “It’s about time you got with the program. You go get Lexy and I’ll go talk to Grey.”

  Lily and Frost dashed away from the table leaving Arrianna and Orin sitting there alone.

  Orin casually said, “So, does this mean we get to eat their bacon?”

  Arrianna snagged a piece from Grey’s plate, and shrugged as she replied, “We might as well, they won’t be back for a while.” She popped it into her mouth. They both giggled and continued their now quiet breakfast together.


  Frost caught up with Grey before he caught up with Lexy. He snagged him by the arm, held him in place and stated, “I think we need to have a little chat.”

  Grey scowled back at him and responded, “She threw a glass of juice at me.”

  Frost coldly replied, “You deserved it.”

  “How’s that?” Grey questioned.

  Frost kept a death grip on his stubborn friend’s arm and whispered, “You don’t even know why you’re this angry, do you? Come with me…” They walked farther into the centre of the parking lot and once they were out of ear shot, Frost hissed, “I’m tired of watching this bullshit. So, I’m going to break all of the rules and let you in on what’s really going on. You are going to feel like the most epic piece of shit in the damn universe, my friend.”

  Greydon’s gaze softened, just a
touch as he spoke, “I thought we’d already talked this out. He’s your brother and even you despise him. She knows he held me captive and tortured me for bloody days. She’s supposed to be on my side. I’m her damn Handler. My whole life has been dedicated to her. You’d think if she knew something bothered me that much that she’d just make a different choice.”

  Frost slowly shook his head, clutched his friend’s shoulders with each hand and said, “He probably accosted her while she was in the bathroom with the sole purpose of messing with her by telling her that Triad made it out. What do you think they were doing while in a public bathroom for ten minutes? Will you get a hold of your damn self and think rationally?”

  A lightbulb lit up above Grey’s head and he whispered, “What in the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Would you like me to tell you?” Frost said as he squeezed both of his friend’s shoulders at once. Grey nodded and Frost added the stipulation, “If I tell you this you have to promise me you won’t tell her I’ve told you.”

  Grey took a deep breath and sighed, “Just tell me. It can’t be any worse than where my thoughts have been taking me.”

  Frost smiled at Grey’s one track mind and began his explanation, “So, when a Handler sleeps with his Dragon all memories of the event are erased as he sleeps.” Grey shrugged as though he had no idea how that sentence would apply to him and Frost continued, “You’re in love with Lexy. You’ve been sleeping together for a long time. I have a feeling it’s been twenty or thirty years now. Every morning you forget and most of the time you go ahead and hook up with someone else before she’s even had a chance to breathe. You’ve been gutting this girl that worships the ground you walk on for decades. I’m not sure how you keep remembering how you feel about her, but you do. You remember that you’re in love with her and judging by the fact that you don’t know you’re in love with her right now, she gives in to whatever you want. I’ve been in her shoes. I know how she feels. So, I’m asking you to be the one that consciously makes the decision to stop yourself from hurting her.”

  Grey appeared to be soaking it all in as he replied, “But, I don’t love her that way? What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense?”

  “My point is that you will. In a few days, a week, or a month, you’ll remember how you feel. I’m asking you to be the one that allows her get on with her life. I’m asking you to be the one that watches her with someone else and hurts. It’s your turn. You owe her this. If she wants to get her freak on with my idiot of a brother so she can get on with her life, you owe her that. Think about how many times you’ve been with someone else and then used her for an emotional crutch. How many times have you slept with someone else and then slid into bed next to her and snuggled up against her? Do you think she didn’t know? Do you think she wasn’t dying inside?”

  Grey appeared to be sick to his stomach as he took in Frost’s harsh but real words. He met Frost’s eyes and said, “Sometimes I wake up in strange places or I have no clothes on and I’ve always thought I was just partying too hard. Did it just happen while we were in the in-between?”

  “Yes, I’m pretty sure it did. That’s why she’s been drawn to Tiberius. She’s probably willing to do anything she has to do to stop wanting you in that way. I know that’s why I’ve always acted like I do with women.” Frost replied as someone unlocked their car and the beep startled them both.

  They strolled out of the parking lot in silence and sat on a bench by the front entrance to the motel.

  Grey looked over and said, “Well, congratulations, I feel like a piece of shit. Was she really hurt last night when I took off with that waitress?”

  Frost gave him a strategically worded response, “She was a little bit reckless last night, but I don’t remember much. She obviously stuck around at the bar with me after you left and managed to get herself wasted enough to wake up in bed next to me. That in itself speaks volumes about her mental state.”

  Grey looked directly into Frost’s eyes and said, “Are you sure you two didn’t…?”

  Frost grinned and assured him, “We were fully clothed but that didn’t stop either of us from having a complete jammer when we woke up in bed together.” He reached over, gave Grey’s shoulder a brotherly squeeze and said, “From this moment on you have all of the information. You have to stand by her and allow her to make her mistakes, as she’s allowed you to make yours. She should be hooking up with people. Lexy has needs too.”

  Grey smirked shook his head and said, “I’ve always thought she just never dated anyone after Tomas.”

  Frost grinned and questioned, “Does that seem rational when you say it out loud? I have a feeling it was only you. She’s been in a one sided relationship with you for longer than the span of most marriages. Don’t you think that she deserves to have a little fun? Lexy’s an immortal. Gratuitous fun, is the only upside to our situation.”

  Grey grimaced and whined, “But Tiberius? Why does it have to be him?”

  Frost chuckled, “I’m sure she felt the same way about Arrianna, Lily, and Melody. Think about that for a second. She had to bunk beside them and everything. Who gives a shit about Tiberius…honestly? That’s never going to go anywhere. Orin, now if she ever gives in to his tedious flirtations and you suddenly remember you’re in love with her, that one is going to hurt. He’s a great guy and it will be happening right in front of you.”

  “I’d rather it be, Orin.” Grey whispered under his breathe.

  Frost replied, “No, you don’t. Lily could sleep with as many damn strangers as she wanted but even after like eight hundred years, you stung a bit. It was because as painfully stubborn as you are, you’re a good guy. I’m asking you to go and make up with Lexy and tell her you don’t care who she is with as long as she’s happy.”

  Grey was silent for a moment before saying, “If I ever start having those feelings for her again, I’ll keep them to myself.”

  Frost grinned and said, “You’re going to keep this whole conversation to yourself.”

  Grey nodded and replied, “Of course.”

  Frost grinned and said, “Good, let’s go and find them.”


  Lexy was huffing, puffing and seething with rage as she stormed away from the diner. She had managed to make it all of way to the dog park on the other side of the parking lot before Lily managed to catch up with her. She’d never intended on sharing her situation with anyone, but because she’d already told Frost it became much easier to give Lily the heartbreaking details of the true nature of her relationship with Grey. They’d been sitting against a tree chatting for a long time watching the dogs and their owners playing fetch with balls and sticks when Frost and Grey finally found them.

  Lily stood up and announced, “Well, that’s my cue. We’ll leave the two of you alone to talk. I’ll see you later, Hun.”

  Lexy peered up, finding herself gazing directly into Grey’s eyes. He had an expression on his face that she couldn’t quite place and she knew each and every one of them by heart.

  Frost raised his voice, “Heads up!”

  Lily dodged out of the way as an exuberant canine leapt directly at her while chasing his tennis ball.

  Frost’s face split in to a wide thoroughly entertained grin.

  Lexy smiled, it was obvious that the owner of that particular golden retriever had probably aimed his throw directly at Lily on purpose. It was a rather ingenious way to pick up a girl.

  Frost chuckled, “I thought you were going to end up on your back in the grass being slobbered on by that retriever.”

  Lily scowled at him and accused, “You could have caught the ball and thrown it elsewhere.”

  Frost grinned and sparred, “And wreck that guy’s game…never.”

  Lily clicked in to what Frost meant and glared at the guy in his mid-twenties that the dog had sprinted back towards with the tennis ball proudly gripped between his teeth. Lily shook her head as she wandered off with Frost.

  Grey had been just standing th
ere watching it all play out. He strolled towards her and said, “Mind if I sit down?”

  Her anger had been defused by her conversation with Lily and the young guy’s rather inept dog park pick up attempt. Lexy patted the grass beside her and she could tell by his expression that he was about to apologize. She’d never been able to stay mad at him longer than five seconds.

  Grey sat down, leaned against the tree and started his apology tour, “I’m sorry, Lex. I was a complete shit head earlier.”

  Yes, you were. She smiled and replied, “I’m not sorry I threw a glass of juice at you.”

  He chuckled at her lack of apology and admitted, “I deserved it.” She extended her hand towards him as he comically warned her, “I’m still sticky.”

  Lexy’s eyes softened as she replied, “I don’t care.”

  Grey laced his fingers through hers and added, “I really am sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean it.”

  His eyes were full of questions as she yanked her hand away and laughed, “You are super sticky. Let’s go back to the room and get you cleaned up.”

  They started to walk back together and the tennis ball came sailing towards her face. Lexy caught it in one hand and rifled it in to the bushes like a damn superhero. Grey chuckled as both the pick-up artist and his canine friend dashed towards the woods.

  His stomach grumbled and sighed, “I’m starving. We just left our breakfast there.”

  Lexy grinned as she sparred, “Well, at least you got your orange juice.”

  He chuckled, placed his arm around her and pulled her in for a partial hug without breaking pace and teased, “Funny, Lex.”

  “I try,” she sighed as they made their way back to the room.

  For a second there she’d wondered if Frost had told him everything, but he was acting normally again.

  Chapter 8

  The Aries Intervention

  They were about to cross the road when a black sedan cut them off. The passenger side window rolled down and there was a lady in a business suit. Lexy recognized her. She was with the Aries Group.


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