Rub Me The Wrong Way (Erotic Shorts Book 2)

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Rub Me The Wrong Way (Erotic Shorts Book 2) Page 2

by Neal, Xavier


  She chortles at her joke. “Okay, but seriously. I saw the look on your face when I announced the call. is...whatever he is...just...try it. You deserve a little happiness. And these massages seem to help some, but you really need more, ya know?”

  Uncomfortable with the topic and the balls that have now started whispering to an orgasm to come out and play, I merely mumble, “Noted.”

  The remainder of the drive, Hope reviews scheduling for the next couple of days, reminding me of numerous meetings I've got for the week including one with an author we just signed. By the time we arrive at Le Mur, I have a new stack of business problems to accompany the old ones.

  “Want me to pick you up?”

  “I'll grab a cab. Go home to your husband.”

  “Not that I'm complaining,” she sweetly begins. “But you keep taking a cab home from this place. Is my driving getting worse?”

  I lightly giggle and the balls shift again rubbing against my inner walls in a way that has me gripping the door handle hard enough to snap it off. “No. I'm just trying to be a better boss.”

  “You mean friend.”

  “You're awfully lippy today.” Grabbing my bag, I open the door and carefully get out. “Don't forget since tomorrow is an early meeting-”

  “Grab you a toasted bagel and orange juice. It's almost like I've done this before.”

  “I could fire you.”

  “No you couldn't.”

  She's fucking right. I couldn't. It'd be like trying to fire myself. I'd rehire me immediately. I shut the door and head into the facility.

  During the process of completing my routine drop of items I state, “I brought this little...thank you gift, if you will for Klous. Is it alright if I bring it back to him?”

  Snow White whose name I still have yet to learn nods skeptically. “That's fine as long as you can assure us you aren't trying to sneak electronic devices into your appointment.”

  No. Just trying to sneak this set of Kegels in. “No electronics.”

  She motions her hand. “Go ahead then. Enjoy your massage.”

  Right away, I'm lead back to Klous' room where I waste no time stripping out of my clothes the minute the door shuts. While this process is usually instant, I have to be more careful with the sensation shifting inside of me. Sitting on the table instead of lying down, I wrap the sheet around me and position the box beside me.

  There's a firm knock on the door. My pussy clenches in anticipation forcing a moan successfully out of me.

  Klous opens the door and greets me. “Miss Anderson.”

  “Mr. Klein.”

  He smirks as he shuts the door. “How are you feeling this evening?”

  The urge to play his game but on my terms gnaws at me. “How do you expect me to feel?”

  His large arms fold across his chest. “Unsatisfied.”

  Surprised by his answer I lift my eyebrows. “Is that so?”

  Now standing directly in front of me, he plants his hands on both sides of me. “If it's not my cock inside of you, I don't want you feeling satisfied.”

  Well fuck me. I do my best to counter but struggle. “Because you're the only one who can do that?”

  He licks his lips slowly and the balls push their way forward as if being beckoned. Klous leans his lips next to my ear. “Because I'm the only one who should do that.”

  The words hitch my breath causing my muscles to tighten, the balls to rock forward again, nudging a whimper out of me.

  Pleased by my response he pulls back and smiles. “You alright, love?”

  “Fine,” I quickly answer. Grabbing the box I lift it up with a similar smirk. Smug bastard. “Here. Thought you might want this.”

  The amused expression disappears at the sight. Good. I like when my plan works like I wanted. He takes the box and tosses the lid beside me. With a cold expression he looks down at the contents, which instantly brings back a cocky look. At least this time it was on my terms.

  He tilts the box at me. “My trophy?”

  “I thought that was me.”

  Klous nods. “Time to lay down on the table, Astin.”

  Once he grabs the lid and strolls away towards the area where the oils are kept, I stretch my body out across the table, the entire time the process is something almost too much to handle. I'm not a quitter though. And he can't win everything. Well, he can't immediately win everything.

  On a deep breath, I try to relax. Seconds later Klous' hands are massaging away the stress of the long weekend and even longer work day.

  As his hands dig deeper into my flesh he questions, “How's the pressure?”

  Building. Building in my pussy so steadily if you graze it with a finger I'm going to come. “Perfect.”

  He doesn't reply but moves his hands lower. The action forces me to squeeze my pussy tighter. The balls slamming back inside, wetness sliding down my thighs. “Relax, love.”

  “That's...not gonna happen with these inside of me.”

  “You want them out?”

  What a stupid fucking question. “I don't want them in.”

  Suddenly the blanket is ripped off of me and a hard swat is given to my ass cheek. The sting is intriguing but the rocking motion moves the balls inside. “Try again.”

  Unsure I enjoyed being spanked, I snap, “Are you deaf now?”

  Another hard swat lands on the other cheek. The balls brushing my walls cause me to buck and bite my bottom lip. Yes. Yes to all of the above.

  “Try. Again.”

  “No.” I'm rewarded with another slap. My eyes drift closed at the way pleasure meets the cusp of pain, the orgasm I've been fighting this evening, about to take me down for the count. God, I don't wanna come before he's inside of me.

  “Try. Again.”

  “I...I…I...don't remember what the question was.”

  Klous' strong hands paw at the sting, soothing it. The gesture just turns me on more. “Do you want them out?”

  In a breathless whisper I answer, “Yes.”

  A pleased hum leaves him before he drags his fingertips over the area that's been receiving punishment. There's a familiar ache between my thighs from the sensation that's spinning me around agony and euphoria. Holy shit. I'm gonna come without being touched.

  “No matter what happens, love, do not let those balls out.”

  Confused, I quickly ask, “What's-”

  He delivers another pop. “Do. Not. Let those balls out. Understand?”


  The next blow causes a deep moan I try to bury in my throat. “Yes!”

  “Good,” he says seconds before a slick thumb is pushed between my ass cheeks.

  Helplessly I cry out at the invasion against the tight hole. My muscles naturally clutch around the balls tighter naturally wanting to force the intruder out but can't risk losing the toy inside either. Delicious misery.

  “Do not come before my cock is inside of you.”

  Through a frustrated groan I grumble, “You're bossy.”

  Expecting to receive another pop on the ass, I'm surprised when his thumb pushes deeper into me while his lips land next to my ear. “And you're submitting.”

  Before I can muster up a witty response, he pushes inside me further, the fullness too much. God this is all too much. Slowly he drags his thumb out only to immediately reinsert it in further, my entire body tensing.

  “Relax, love.”

  In short breaths I reply, “I. Can't.”



  His thumb sinks in further.

  Losing the train of thought I had, I whimper, “Klous...”

  “Answer me.”


  The repeated motion has me wiggling until a hand lands firmly on my back pinning me in place. “Answer me.”


  Klous roughly begins pumping his finger. “Answer. Me.”

  A deep moan comes from me. “Oh, my God.”
Not the type to beg but not sure I can handle any more of the pressure of double filling me, I complain, “Because you're not inside me.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  Feeling powerless, I plead, “Yes please.”

  “How bad?”

  Annoyed he's now toying with me like some sort of predator in the wild, I snip, “Not that bad.” Roughly he pushes his thumb so it's completely inside. Uncomfortably overwhelmed by the stimulation, I recant instantly. “So bad. Oh God...please...”

  “Please what?”

  “Please let me come...”

  Klous' thumb removes itself and for a brief moment, I feel sanity hitting my senses. “On your knees and open wide.”

  Obeying the instructions, I position myself while listening to the way the room echoes with sounds of him removing his shoes. His pants. The condom wrapper being ripped. My bottom lip slips between my teeth to fight the desire to demand him to move faster.

  The moment his hands glide up my thighs, I shudder, closing my eyes again. Very lightly a thumb strokes my clit. “Now, remember...only come on my cock, love.”

  Mentally I chant, like The Little Engine That Can't Come. I think I can, I think I can. Klous' hand lightly tugs on the string freeing a ball from its prison. A loud moan seeps out of me. Not certain I can hold my orgasm back during the process, I squeeze my eyes tighter. I think I can...I think...holy hell this has to end soon. Klous lightly tugs again, another ball free, another moan bouncing around the room.

  “You ready for me, Astin?”

  Desperately I reply, “Fuck yes.”

  He removes the last ball and swiftly replaces it with his cock. There's only a single pump inside before my pussy is trying to absorb him while I shatter to a million pieces. In a cocky tone he states, “Good girl.”

  While my muscles do their best to survive the forceful pounding, I claw at the table, desperate to anchor myself down. Klous' cock pushes inside me clearly declaring that he is in charge. That I am at his mercy. God, have mercy. The sharp thrusts are in sync with the harsh breaths leaving him. There's something about knowing he's craving to consume me as much as I'm craving to be consumed that lights the orgasm fire faster. With one hand he grips my hip tighter and uses the other to deliver a spank to my ass.

  “I want another, Astin.”

  Pushing my hips back so my pussy bounces on his cock, I playfully snap. “Greedy.”

  I receive the swat I was hoping for. Klous pops my ass cheek once. Gives it a rough grip. Hits it again. The combination of pain being barebacked by pleasure has me mewling to the point I'm pretty sure I've lost all other ways to communicate.

  “Come for me, love.” He demands as he alternates between bouncing me and popping me on the ass. My pussy prepares to oblige by clamping down in an attempt to keep his cock inside. The heated mix of groans and grumbles pouring out of him feel like they are submerging me in an ocean of ecstasy. Klous gives me one more precise pop and unleashes the flood gates of the second orgasm that washes over me so hard, my arms give out. Incapable of crying out anything more than his name, I continue to ride the wave of the orgasm that sucks and sucks the life out of me before finally sucking one out of him.

  Hearing him roar, “Astin” ignites the desire to wish he was filling me instead of his condom. After a short pause, he slips out of me, allowing me to feel emptiness in my body for the first time in almost an hour.

  Exhausted I collapse completely on the table.

  A pleased chuckle leaves him. “Feel better.”

  “With your magic fingers? Always.”

  He laughs a little louder this time. A little more full of life. I fucking love it. Shit. No I don't. I didn't say that.

  “So,” he starts, his voice much closer than it was a moment ago. I open my eyes to see his beautiful green ones staring from a squatted position. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  “Tell me.”

  Klous cocks a grin. “So fucking beautiful, love.”

  I smile softly.


  Uncomfortable by the question I shift my sore body. “Um...I kind of have an early morning tomorrow.”

  “Still have to eat, right?”

  I try again, “Not hungry?”

  The hurt look in his eyes is unmistakable. “Answer me this, Astin. Are you actually not hungry or are you looking for an excuse not to see me outside of these four walls?”

  Hating the way the truth burns on my tongue, I remain silent.

  Without waiting for a reply he nods. “That's what I thought.” I watch Klous rise to his feet and slide his pants back on. “Look, Astin. Don't get me wrong. I've enjoyed this past week with you. Every...single...minute...but we can't keep doing this here.”

  “So you wanna do it at my apartment?”

  “I wanna do it everywhere. Anywhere. All the time.” I smirk until a defeated sigh escapes him. “My point is, Astin, besides the fact this keeps risking my job, it's not enough. I want more of you.”

  “I'm not sure I have time for more.”

  “Not sure you have time for more or unsure you want to have time for more?”

  Very displeased with his change of tone as well as the valid points he keeps making, I force myself to muster up the energy to sit up.

  “It's fine. I'm a patient man.” He insists before pulling his work shirt back on. “Please get dressed, Miss Anderson, while I retrieve you something cool to drink.”

  Klous' abrupt exit leaves me feeling cold and uncomfortable. Neither of those from the fact I'm naked.


  After spending the morning denying new marketing ideas that felt like porn ad suggestions rather than book suggestions, I shut myself away in my office. Unfortunately Klous didn't say much more before I left. For some reason, the fact that he was saddened by my declining his dinner invitation hurt more than if he would've been pissed. Why did I deny it? I was pissed as shit not hearing from him all weekend then shut him down when it's clear he's interested like I had been hoping. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I acting like those stupid heroines in the books I help get published?

  Hope's joyful face appears around my office door. “You okay?”

  I clear my throat. “I'm fine. Why?”

  “I knocked like three times and you didn't answer.”

  Shit. Have I been this distracted all day?

  “And at the meeting I swear you missed Jill's entire presentation.”

  So that's a yes.

  “Wanna talk about it?”


  “Okay.” She shrugs. “I'm going to grab you lunch. Pizza?”

  Suspicious I lift my eyebrows. “You only offer pizza when there's a phone call I'm about to take that I don't want to.”

  “Your sister's on line one.” No wonder she gave up on the other topic so easily. She knew a deadly one was about to occur. Smugly she smirks. “Be back shortly.”

  Annoyed, I pick up my work phone, leaning back in my chair. “Afternoon, Angela. Engagement decorations on fire?”

  She gasps before shrieking, “How could you curse me like that?”

  “It was a joke.”

  “That's not funny!”

  “Sorry.” I quickly apologize and wake up my computer.

  “You should be.”

  Not in the mood to fight with my sister, I try to move the conversation along. “What'd you need?”

  “About your date to my party-”

  In disbelief I snap, “Really? You called in the middle of the work day to ask me about my non-existent date to your engagement party?”

  “You weren't busy were you?”

  There's no reason this should surprise me. The world has always revolved around her. Sometimes I wonder if that's why I was so determined to make it to the top of the food chain. It's the only way the world could revolve around me for a moment.

  “Apparently not,” I mumble. “No. I don't have a date yet.”


sp; “Look, things have been really busy at work-”

  “They're always really busy.”

  I bite my tongue. It's a pathetic excuse yes. But still a good one.


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