The Silver Sphere

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The Silver Sphere Page 24

by Michael Dadich

  "Don't worry, laddie. You have me," Throg said as he sat down next to Zach and handed him some smoked ham.

  Morgana moved closer too... gingerly. "And you are stuck with me." She ran her fingers through his hair. She bore scrapes and bruises from the battle, and a small gash bled at her shoulder.

  "I love you both," Zach said. "I knew when Brock died. He came to me, told me he was proud of me, honored to be my Kin. He said he had to leave to join the truth seekers. 'Godspeed,' he said, and then he was gone." Zach chewed on the ham as Morgana continued stroking his hair.

  General Krupp walked over to Bianca and Shelby, and bowed. "Madame Bianca, we are happy you are safe. Meracuse is under siege. We need to act quickly before the city falls."

  "Thank you, General. We must ride to Meracuse immediately, and recruit along the way."

  "The Battleswine are proud to be with you, madam. We have another battalion en route to Meracuse already."

  Bianca nodded.

  General Krupp bowed again and then returned to his soldiers to inform them of the plan.

  Shelby watched Bianca's gaze shift toward Zach, who still sat hunched between Throg and Morgana.

  "Come with me, Shelby. I need to speak to Zach."

  They sauntered over to them, and Bianca said, "Hello, Captain Throg, great to see you. Thank you for coming through once again. You were always our best."

  He rose, and they hugged. "Don't mention it. This is Zach, Brock's Kin."

  "I know." Bianca knelt beside Zach. "My dear, you have been so brave. Brock would have been thrilled." She held her hand out, her caring eyes fixed on him. "Come with me. I have much to tell you."

  Zach accepted, and the pair walked off, continuing to hold hands.

  Shelby drew closer to Throg and Morgana, and sat down. "Is he okay?"

  "Yes. An emotional experience when a Kin loses their link."

  She nodded. "Presage told us if our Kin passes, we inherit the ability to operate the Sphere."

  "Yes, Brock's power has passed to Zach. Bianca is explaining everything to him now."

  "He's been through a lot. The rest of us were together. We worried about him. I feel like I already know him. I just wish we'd been able to meet him sooner."

  "The link is powerful among Kin," Throg said.

  Shelby smiled. "Presage was thrilled when the Leshy informed us he was with you. He thinks highly of you."

  Morgana put her arm on his shoulder. "We all think highly of Throg. He saved my life."

  "I don't think much of the oaf." Brodeur came up behind Throg with Blunderbuss. They both let out a snicker.

  "We brought you a spot of ale," said Brodeur. He handed Throg a small jug and sat down.

  Blunderbuss lit up a pipe as he spied the Kin interacting. "Like a family reunion, isn't it?"

  "A soul family reunion," Throg said, and swigged the ale.

  They settled for a time, enjoying the happy faces of the Kin and the Assembly as they socialized among each other. Shelby smiled at how well Emily and her Kin got along. It was good to catch her so chatty. Shelby's gaze slipped over to Max, and her heart clenched. What would happen once Meracuse was saved? Would they all have to go home? Where was home anyway? Would she ever see Max again?

  The thought made her despondent. She pushed it aside and accepted a cup of tea from Lito. As she sipped, she considered everything that had happened. The beast would cower in fear of her here. He'd run wailing from the woman she had become.

  Suddenly, through the forest, the thumping sound of hooves rang in the air. Shelby and the others sprang to their feet.

  "General Krupp, we need some arms," Macklin cried out as he bounded forth. "They're coming!"

  The general glared back, nodded, and sent one of his soldiers off. The enormous Swine Shelby had met earlier stalked forward, but didn't stray far from Krupp. The Battleswine hurried around the glade and prepared to defend. A soldier rushed over to Macklin, cradling a bag of swords. The Assembly armed themselves as the sound of thundering hooves grew closer.

  "More Nightlanders?" asked Blunderbuss with disdain.

  "If they are, let them prepare to be slaughtered," said Rowan with a hiss.

  Through the clearing, Milo and the Stonecoats cantered in. The Battleswine surrounded them, several of them jeering. Milo and his men still wore their darker colors, blending well with the forest from a distance.

  Shelby relaxed and gave a sigh.

  "Drop your weapons, Milo," General Krupp commanded.

  Milo retorted, "Drop yours, pig-head."

  "Milo!" Shelby yelled, running out to him.

  Max ambled forward. "It's okay, General. He's with us."

  "Milo and the Stonecoats? We will not ride with these dissident heathens," General Krupp snapped.

  Shara pranced in place. "That's okay, Krupp, because we don't ride with pigs." Milo spit on the dirt.

  The mountainous Swine with the white fur streaked across his snout, roared and bared his tusks. "Pigs, are we? What does that make you?"

  "Gunther!" yelled Elita, but her voice was drowned out as the Battleswine and Stonecoats bickered and shouted.



  "Renegade traitors!"


  They stopped abruptly.

  Bianca strode forward and cast a look of rage at the two sects. "You are both allies to Meridia, and we are under siege by Biskara. Put your differences aside. We need every sword in the coming battle, or we're all doomed."

  The two parties grumbled as Milo and the Stonecoats dismounted. They maintained their glares, though, refusing to say a word to any of the Battleswine. Milo handed Shara's reins to another of the Stonecoats, then hurried to Bianca and bowed his head.

  "Milady, you are free." He embraced her.

  "Yes, thanks to our Kin... and the Battleswine. Please be kind to them, Milo. They came when we were in utmost need."

  He seethed, but nodded.

  "Where is everyone else?" Shelby asked with urgency.

  "We retreated to lead the Nightlander army away from you, and then regrouped. We have been scouring the woods for you since. We came upon Blunderbuss's camp, and they led us this way."

  "Sculptor and the others?" Secretly, she wondered if Mr. Dempsey had just been wounded. She closed her eyes and, mustering all her courage, asked, "What of Mr. Dempsey?"

  "Sculptor, Barrick, and the rest are on their way to Meracuse." He paused. "I'm sorry. Mr. Dempsey is... dead. We gave him a proper burial. It is an honor, milady, to perish saving Kin."

  Dumbfounded, Shelby's lips squeezed shut. When Max had said it, there had still been a chance. Max mentioned that Mr. Dempsey had been knocked down by a horse. The way Milo spoke, though... there was no mistaking it. Mr. Dempsey was truly gone and buried. She held her tongue, unwilling to meet Milo's eyes.

  Simon peeked around the Stonecoats. When he viewed her, he raced to Shelby and hugged her. Shelby wiped away her tears and hugged him back.

  "You did it. You did it!" he chirped.

  "Not without your help," said Shelby, her voice cracking.

  Throg jogged up. "They will not be well for long. Meracuse is under siege. We have to mobilize."

  Bianca said, "We should be strong enough to attempt utilizing the Sphere by the time we reach Meracuse. There is a small hidden tunnel for the Assembly to enter the secret chamber and operate the Silver Sphere."

  "Yes, Bianca, it is time to ride," said Throg.

  Throg stood with the six Kin. Brodeur, Morgana, and Simon joined them. Simon gathered brush and built a fire, and they all sat in a circle as he and Brodeur brewed some tea, the mood upbeat.

  Shelby poured herself a cup, and sank back in the loop beside Max, with Stuart on her other side.

  "Are you all right?" asked Max, his brow pinched.

  "Yeah," she whispered. "Just a little beat up, inside and out. I thought... I know it's silly, but I was so sure that he didn't die...." Tears brimmed, making her vision murky.
She rubbed them away.

  "He was a strong man, Shelby. He did it to save you."

  "Thanks. Just hard."

  She sat in silence.

  The Battleswine dashed around the camp and packed. General Krupp ordered them to bring armor and fresh clothes. Gunther, his second-in-command, the gigantic Swine, hollered orders to the archers above.

  Shelby and the girls slipped into the cave, and used the running water inside to bathe. The rest of them did the same when they were finished. Everyone relaxed a little after washing the blood from their bodies.

  Max moaned a bit, and Lito came over and fortified Max's ribcage with a wrap before he put his armor on.

  "Take these for the pain," Lito said. "One every couple of hours."

  Shelby thought she could use some as well.

  They mounted their steeds and rode back to the Gida Path. Despite Mr. Dempsey's death, Azimuth felt like home. Shelby tightened her grip on the reins, trying not to worry about what would happen when everything was over.

  The battalion galloped on the Gida Path, over a thousand strong. The Kin rode behind the Assembly, who marched along with General Krupp, Gunther, Milo, and Throg. Behind them cantered Blunderbuss, Brodeur, Morgana, the Stonecoats, and the rest of the Battleswine.

  "How many archers do you have, General?" asked Macklin.

  Krupp grunted. "Our battalion has three hundred. The one we have on its way has the same."

  "Good. We'll place them on higher ground before we attack. They'll fire as we approach, and if we need to retreat and regroup, they can cover our escape."

  Shelby listened to Blunderbuss's discussion with Brodeur.

  "My men are nervous they will be arrested by Lord Achernar," said Blunderbuss.

  Brodeur laughed, "I believe some warrants are out for me as well. Bianca has told me Lord Achenar will pardon us if we join the battle, and welcome us to stay in Meracuse."

  "City life is not for me. We will continue to live the way we always have," said the Centurion leader.

  "Well, keep that to yourself. We are welcome for now, and if Malefic triumphs, none of us will be able to live the way we did."

  "I know. That's why I'm here."

  They passed several villages and gatherings along the course. Every village mirrored the one before. Stone houses with thatch or shingled roofs lined dirt or cobbled streets. Many had wells and inns where Shelby wished they had time to rest on their weary march. Forests gave way to farmland.

  Numerous men from the villages joined their ranks and the battalion swelled.

  In front of Shelby, Bianca held her temple for a time. "I have made contact with Presage. Nightlanders have surrounded Meracuse and begun storming its walls. Their weakest flank is on the east side of the wall."

  "How many Nightlanders?" Throg asked.

  She tensed and rubbed her temples. "Twenty thousand."

  Everyone gazed at one another, silent.

  Bianca sucked in a lungful of air. "Okay then, we will have General Krupp's other battalion meet us on the eastward flank. You need to get to the central gate, which is the weakest point of Meracuse. You must protect it until we can summon the Sphere and have the Truth Seekers engage Biskara. Something is holding the United Forces back from launching the star darts, and my guess is Biskara is holding them at bay. If the gate falls, then the star darts will not be able to offer much help. They can't fire into the city. General, who is leading the other battalion? I'll contact him and confirm our plan."

  "Colonel Demetrius Maza."

  Gunther blew air through his nose. "Good Swine, but be wary. He may be foolhardy and try to take down the Nightlanders without our aid."

  She concentrated again and held her temples. After some time, she looked up. "It is done."

  "How much longer?" Max asked.

  "A few hours," said Rowan. Though she and Riley were both blonde, and had the same pirate-like smile, Rowan carried stern and cold features.

  Shelby noted that those on the Assembly were more than political figures. They were warriors.

  They ambled forward, their ranks continuing to surge. As they grew closer, the battalion had doubled in size. The citizens of Meridia that joined the cause brought up the rear.

  The march was long, and Shelby was growing tired. She nibbled on a piece of chud to keep her energy up.

  "We will arrive soon," said Macklin. "We need to ride east now. Nearby the tunnel we will use to get inside Meracuse, there is a clearing. You can set up camp and plan your offensive there."

  They broke off the Gida Path at Macklin's direction and hastened their pace.

  "Scouts! I need scouts!" Krupp roared. A group of Battleswine rode forward atop their massive chargers.

  "Yes, General?"

  "Ride forth over the hill. Observe what's up ahead and report back to me. Do not go farther than two miles."

  "Yes, General!"

  The scouts buried their hooves into the enormous horses' flanks. Their mounts turned and lunged in the direction of the rolling hill ahead. Where green, lush grass once covered the ground, now only churned mud and soil lay on the slope.

  "Halt!" boomed Krupp, his voice carrying across the field.

  Banner men and other soldiers repeated his order, and the battalion stopped as they awaited the scouts. Flags and banners fluttered in the wind like snakes churning. Nervous whispers arose from the masses.

  Shelby glanced behind her at the men who had come to fight alongside the Kin for the freedom of Meridia. A swell of pride rose within her, and she smiled.

  Before long, the scouts returned. They rode hard down the hillside, racing toward the main battalion. Both reined in beside Krupp.

  "There are several Nightlander sentries posted in the trees around the clearing, General Krupp."

  "We will dispose of the sentries," said Milo. "Stonecoats, with me!"

  He brandished his naked blade and charged forth. The Stonecoats raced after him, their camouflaged armor glittering under the late afternoon sun. While they were gone, the soldiers in the battalion shifted uneasily.

  After some time, Milo returned. "All is clear."

  "That was fast," said Shelby.

  "'Tis but a warm-up for the Stonecoats, lass."

  Macklin reared his steed to the front of the army, and cried, "March!"

  "Move out!" thundered Gunther.

  The battalion galloped up the hill, the men on foot marching behind. Captains and other leaders organized and motivated the soldiers, shouting encouraging words to those who came to fight.

  Shelby followed the rest of the Kin up the slope, leaning into her steed as the mare raced.

  Shortly, the army reached a grassy clearing. The Battleswine poured onto the field and dismounted, then scurried across and set up camp as Gunther and others called out directions. Krupp barked orders, commanding his men to arrange the tents first and get their weapons taken care of.

  Milo said, "Meracuse is down the hill ahead. Let us scout out the terrain and make our plans." He removed his helm, and a red mark covered his cheek where the helmet had been too tight.

  The Kin accompanied Macklin, Milo, Gunther, and a score of Stonecoats as they snuck their way to the top of the highland. When they arrived, Shelby looked down at Meracuse.

  The city beamed. Bright lights of many colors emanated from inside the imposing walls. Enormous buildings of pristine white spiraled toward the heavens. The center of the city rose high on a hill, surrounded by a bailey, the better for defending against an army breaking through the gates.

  Stone walls were the only things keeping out the Nightlanders, now a sea of black encircling Meracuse. The sounds of battle pierced the air.

  Milo pointed to a large precipice. "We will position the archers on that bluff. They'll further weaken the eastern flank as we charge down. They will remain there, protecting the camp and providing cover as we carry the injured back or need to regroup."

  "There will be no need to retreat," said Gunther, pumping his huge fist in
the air.

  The Nightlanders' numbers were massive. Disheartened at the size of the army before them, Shelby was sure the city would fall. Her gut twisted in fear as she stared down. The Nightlander legion was winning, and obviously so. Raging Disembowelers ripped Meridian soldiers clean in half. Their army slaughtered on sight anyone who opposed them. She wondered if they were marching to their doom.

  At last, she and the others tore their gaze from the city and returned to camp.

  Milo approached General Krupp upon their return. "We need to send scouts to a cliff we spotted. That will be the best position for the archers."

  The general nodded. "Excellent. Colonel Maza is only minutes away."

  Shelby sat alongside her fellow Kin, joined by Morgana and Simon, around a campfire as they awaited instructions. It was cold, even sitting in the middle of camp. The flames sizzled and crackled as cooks prepared food and men prepared for battle.

  Colonel Maza's battalion soon arrived and reinforced the camp.

  At last, Macklin cantered by on his steed. "Zach, you will accompany the Assembly into Meracuse through the tunnel in a few moments."

  Zach nodded, wringing his hands.

  Milo trotted up to the Kin. "And the rest of you will ride into battle with the Stonecoats. Remain here until I return." He galloped off, shouting orders as he rode.

  "Stay close to me when we get down there," Max whispered to Shelby.

  She nodded.

  Zach said, "Morgana, I insist you remain in the camp with Simon."

  "Nay, Zach, I will join the archers. My father trained me for this, and I will be safe while providing assistance. I do this in his memory, and I vowed vengeance."

  Zach stared at her a moment. "Okay then. I forgot for a second what a good shot you are."

  The fervent pace of the camp around them filled the air with electricity. Archers raced by, circling Macklin and Elita.

  Morgana packed up her bow. "I'm off now. Godspeed to you all."

  Zach walked her to her steed, and they clasped each other a long moment before she mounted and raced off.


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