Riftkeepers: Reckoning

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Riftkeepers: Reckoning Page 9

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Izak smiled, looking at her plate. “It doesn’t seem that you mind too much. I’ll go to Klara now. They’ve had time to change her clothing.”

  Markus nodded and crossed to the side table to pour himself a large drink.

  She watched him as she ate. His back to her, she could see taut muscles through his shirt, rippling as he tipped his glass, the only clear sign of the tension he felt.

  “What do you think happened?” she asked, placing her plate on the tray and picking up her cup.

  “I can only assume that Nyja is building her army. If Klara crossed her path, it suggests she is in Bulgaria looking for wyverns. It also explains their unrest.”

  He poured another drink and took the armchair opposite her, swirling the amber liquid in its glass. “We shall have to track her down. Klara can give us locations when she’s conscious.”

  “You’re coming?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yes. Dursek, could you tell my brother that Charlotte and I would like to speak with him? When he’s ready.”

  They sat in silence: Markus sipping whisky, Charlotte sipping sweet tea as they waited for Petr. Dursek had returned quickly and took his place by the door. She was tired; the effort she’d put into keeping her power away from Klara’s had drained her. Stifling a yawn, she shifted in her chair, pulling her legs up beneath her.

  “Take the sofa,” Markus suggested.

  “No, really, I’m fine; thank you,” she said. “What’s taking him so long?”

  “He’s outside the door, plucking up the courage to knock.”

  Shaking her head, she called, “Petr, come inside.”

  Markus chuckled as there was a knock on the door. Dursek escorted him inside, offering him a seat.

  Petr sat uncomfortably, his eyes flicking from Markus to Charlotte, his attention drawn to her thin sweater.

  “Congratulations, Princess.” His smile was genuine, but it didn’t meet his eyes.

  “Thank you. Markus offered me the position as a birthday gift last night,” she explained, admiring her pin.

  He nodded and looked to his brother. “What can I do for you, Markus?” he asked carefully.

  “I wanted to apologise,” Markus said, studying his glass.

  Petr’s brows rose slightly and he glanced at Charlotte. She smiled and bowed her head.

  “You’ve lost a daughter,” he continued. “Your only child, Petr, and my treatment of you has been…harsh, under the circumstances. I’m sorry.”

  Clearing his throat, Petr said, “I understand. The pressure. The…”

  “No, there is no excuse.” He left his seat, returning to the decanter to fill his glass, and one for his brother. “There have been developments. Nyja has been sighted in Bulgaria. Klara crossed her path and”—he paused, reading his brothers expression—“she’ll recover. Charlotte cleansed her and the healers have taken her down. Izak is with her.”

  Relaxing, Petr said, “Thank you, Charlotte. How are you feeling?”

  She shrugged and said, “Okay, I think. I’m just a bit tired now.”

  “Our talented colleague repaired all of the damage in her first attempt. Klara should be feeling more herself within a few days. Now we face the task of locating the rogue couple before they do any further damage.”

  Petr was silent for a few moments, gazing thoughtfully at the fireplace as he sipped his drink. “Could she be at the summer house?”

  “It has sat empty for hundreds of years. Why would she go there?”

  “It is heavily warded. Close to the clutch,” Petr explained. “The only reason I see for her being there is to obtain a wyvern. The summer house is close with grounds large enough to keep a wyvern while she works on turning it to serve her.”

  “Why would she want a wyvern?” Charlotte asked, sitting forward in her seat.

  “She’s preparing for battle,” Petr said. “A wyvern of her own would distract ours. One less opponent to concern herself with. She is an excellent strategist. It would be foolish to underestimate her. She will strike the castle with enough force to keep us busy in the hope of slipping inside. Should she reach the portal…” he trailed off and shook his head sadly. “The summer house must be investigated, Markus.”

  Ours? Us? He’s picked a side then?

  “You stand with us?” Markus asked.

  “Always, brother.” A look passed between them that she’d seen many times before between Callan and Dagda.

  Charlotte pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger and said, “Okay. So, a trip to Bulgaria is on the cards. Shouldn’t we be discussing this as a group?”

  “When Zander has completed his work, I shall call a meeting,” Markus said, striding to his desk and scribbling a note. Dursek stood at his side waiting for instructions while Markus sealed the parchment and it vanished. “Dursek, have the informal dining room arranged; a full table please. We may be in there for some time. And have the chairs replaced with something comfortable.”

  Dursek bowed and left to make the arrangements.

  “Charlotte, Petr will deliver you to your suite. Take some time to rest. I will inform you when the meeting is to begin.”

  She nodded and took Petr’s offered arm. Without a word, they were gone.

  “Can I get you a drink, Petr?” she asked, sliding her hand from the crook of his arm.

  “No, thank you, I must return to Markus. There is much to discuss,” he said with a grateful smile. “Thank you for persuading him—”

  “I didn’t,” she interrupted. “He knew. He was just…I don’t know. He was upset.”

  He inclined his head. “I believe you have played a part and I am grateful. I shall see you at the council meeting later.”

  She was half asleep on the sofa when Callan came back. She heard him send the children to their room to play and waited until their door was closed before she asked, “Did you hear?”

  Callan sat beside her. “I heard. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I was just tired. A slab of cake, a cup of tea, and I was as good as new. Has there been any news on Klara?”

  “She’s conscious and in quite a bit of pain, but she’ll be fine. Are you sure you’re okay? Cleansing that much damage at once…”

  “Callan, I’m perfectly well. Stop fussing. If this is how you’re going to react over something so small you’re going to be a wreck in Bulgaria!”

  “Who’s going to Bulgaria?”

  Shit. Probably shouldn’t be telling him anything since Markus is calling a meeting.

  Oh well. Gets this out of the way in private.

  “We all are. Klara bumped into Nyja near the wyvern colony. Sounds to Markus like she’s after a new pet. We have to go and sort her.”

  Clenching a fist, he said, “I want you to stay here.”

  Don’t start this now.

  “I will not, Callan,” she said indignantly. “I’m on the council. We’re the first line of defence; I’m coming. Markus said he’d send word when the meeting is. Now stop fussing.”

  “I’m not fussing, Charlotte. I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said, his voice unwavering.

  Searching his eyes and seeing nothing but steely determination, she sighed. “We’ll all be fine. We look after each other, remember?” She hoped that softening her tone would calm his rising temper. “I can handle it. I promise you. If I can’t, I’ll let you get me out, okay? Straight home. Not even back here.”

  She felt him physically relax as he said with a dejected sigh, “Fine. Straight home though!”

  Cuddling into his shoulder, she asked, “How did Zander do?”

  The silence lingered and she assumed he was still annoyed. Eventually he said, “He’s done. All the wards have been altered, fortified, and have passed inspection. I don’t know how he learns so quickly.”

  She nodded, wondering the same. “Good. How are we going to manage them while we’re in the meeting and in Bulgaria?”

  “Ma, probably. I’ll go and check with her now.�

  When he had gone, she went through to see the children.

  “Sorry I was asleep when you came home,” she said, poking her head through the door.

  “That’s okay, Mummy. Is Klara going to be alright?” Enya asked, not looking up from her dolls.

  “Yep, she’s all better. Did you hear Izak talking to Daddy?”

  “A bit. He said you saved her.”

  “I helped a little bit,” she admitted, smiling.

  “Mummy, why are bad things happening?” Zander asked, turning away from the TV.

  The hell do I say to that?

  “Erm…well it’s because sometimes there are bad people. They do bad things; they make bad things happen. Then the good people try to stop them, and fix what they did wrong.”

  Please let that be enough.

  After some thought, he said, “So, we’re the good guys?”

  “We try to be,” she offered, smiling. Looking between them, she went on. “You might have to spend some time with Nana and Grandad soon. Daddy and I have some jobs to do with Markus, okay?”

  They exchanged a glance, then nodded.

  They’re working this out. We need to be much more guarded with our conversations in future…

  Sighing, she sat on the bed closest to her and asked, “Do you need me to answer any questions?”

  They shook their heads and continued playing and watching TV.

  The children had eaten, had baths, and gotten ready for bed by the time Markus called them to the meeting.

  “It’s really creepy how he can stick his voice in our heads over this distance,” she said to Callan. “Are you going down there calm and rational Callan, or overprotective cave man Callan?”

  “Both,” he grumbled as Caoimhe knocked on the door.

  With a shake of her head, she went to let her in.

  “Thanks again, Caoimhe.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” she said with a warm smile. “Taran and Dagda are already down there.”

  “How come Markus doesn’t attend Seelie council meetings?” Charlotte asked.

  Callan and Caoimhe exchanged a smirk. “Art almost lost an arm when things got a little…heated, around Dad’s table. Markus stopped attending after that. He sends Dane to our court and holds his own meetings at Houska.”

  “I can do that?” she asked, taking Callan’s hand. “All the times he’s spoken to me like that and I could have just slapped him or something?”

  “Yes. It may not be well-received, but Arthur often needs putting in his place,” Caoimhe laughed. “I’ll have them in bed by nine. Who knows how long this meeting will go on. I’ll be here when you’re finished.”

  Charlotte went into their room to tell them Caoimhe had arrived, kissed them both, and said, “Now be good. We’ll see you for training in the morning.”

  “Are we training together?” Zander asked, hopeful.

  “Do you want to?”

  His eyes lit up. “Yeah, we haven’t trained together for ages!”

  She smiled, kissed his head, and said, “Okay, I’ll have a word. Be good for Nana.”


  They sat in comfortable armchairs, plates piled with food as they discussed what had happened with Klara. Charlotte picked at a warm bread roll as she listened.

  “So she wasn’t even trying to conceal herself?” Dagda asked, incredulous. “They’ve been parading around the Rhodope Mountains, for weeks, unchecked?”

  “It would seem so,” Petr replied. “If she is using the summer house, she is well protected; hidden and comfortable. She’ll be feeling confident.” He took a bite of a small pastry and added, “She is also cornered.”

  “In what way?” Callan asked, glancing to Dagda.

  “The summer house is built into a mountainside. The grounds lead to the house, fully visible, along a narrow valley. A few well-placed wards would halt her escape, giving one of us time to…” he trailed off, unwilling to say the words.

  “And the warlock?” Tyrin asked over a mouthful of chicken.

  Charlotte met his eyes and said, “We kill him.”

  Tyrin’s mouth turned down at the corners as he shrugged. “Fair enough.”

  “How is Klara?” Callan asked, shifting the topic away from her father as he placed his empty plate at his feet and picked up a glass.

  “All better; just resting,” Izak informed him. “She isn’t happy about it, but Mark gave her orders and she’s gone home to recover.”

  Callan nodded and gave Charlotte an appreciative smile. She looked at him and sent her thoughts.

  I only cleaned her up. Dane’s done the same for me twice now.

  Callan shrugged and looked away.

  When everyone had finished eating and refreshed their drinks, Markus asked, “Lukas, have you been working on your cloak? Would you be able to keep Anton out of view within the grounds to place the wards?”

  Lukas shook his head. “I cannot maintain it for more than a few, short minutes, Father. I’m sorry.”

  Markus nodded slowly then looked to Charlotte.

  “I haven’t had the chance to practice and there isn’t time now,” she said in answer to the unasked question.

  “Show me,” he said quietly.

  “Here? Indoors?”

  “Yes,” he said, insistent. “Your power has grown considerably in recent weeks. Try.”

  “It’s your castle,” she muttered, handing her drink to Dane.

  She shifted to face Callan and smiled, then pushed out her cloak. Callan looked around, then back at her, grinning. “They can’t see either of us.”

  “Good.” She smirked at him, leaning over, and tugging his shirt so that he would kiss her.


  Dane! How can you see us? Has my cloak failed again?

  No. You’ve pushed your cloak farther than you thought.

  Laughing against Callan’s lips, she sat back in her seat and took back her drink. Shuffling back, she glanced sidelong at Callan to see him grinning at her. They remained cloaked for several minutes, the others waiting patiently for her to reappear.

  “How long is that?” she asked, beginning to feel the strain.

  “Eight minutes. Can you work within that limit, Anton?” Markus asked.

  “In that time, I could ward the whole building and grounds well enough to slow her escape. I cannot stop her; we all know how powerful she is, but I can buy us time to deal with her.”

  Charlotte dropped her shield and instantly dabbed at her nose with the back of her hand.

  Not bleeding and I didn’t need to tap. How is it getting stronger?

  You’re becoming more accustomed to one another. Your power seems to be sentient, Lottie. Don’t ask me how, but it learns with you. What I experienced of it, it’s got a mind of its own. It only takes guidance from you. It works for you. When I held it, it fought to leave me, desperate to get back into your body.

  As she wondered what that meant, Markus gave her a subtle nod and continued. “Dane, are you able to shield yourself, Anton, and Charlotte from Nyja to get them close enough to the building and place the wards?”

  “Not a problem. Where will you be waiting?”

  He considered for a moment, glancing to Petr, then nodded to himself. “I’ll take Callan and Lukas and shield them by the eastern fountain. You three will return to us there. Petr, you will wait by the western fountain with Izak, Tyrin, Dagda, and Konrad.”

  Petr agreed and glanced to Izak; he seemed relieved to see the faerie grinning.

  Taran cleared his throat. “Is Alayna’s presence required on this excursion?”

  “No, but I would appreciate her being available for the duration. Should we receive any injuries, it would be advantageous if we knew where our healer was.”

  “Of course. I’ll wait with her in your study,” he said, glancing to Dane. Dane gave him a small, grateful smile.

  The room fell silent, each of them considering the plans so far and submitting them to memory. Charlotte drained
her glass and made her way to the table to refill it. “Anyone want cake?” she asked, shovelling a slice onto a plate. “I’m happy to eat it all myself though, so no pressure.”

  Markus joined her, serving a slice for everyone in the room and said quietly, “This is one of the best cakes Dursek has made. I have no intention of allowing you to devour it all.”

  “Dursek?” she said in surprise, returning to her seat and tucking her feet up in the chair. “He baked it?”

  “Yes, Phooka are excellent cooks. I couldn’t have anyone else in my kitchen. Dursek, his wife, and their son have kept us well fed for centuries.”

  “I’ll have to remember to thank him,” she said, glancing back to the lovely buffet that had been provided for them. “So why are we splitting into two groups? To divide her attention?”

  “Yep. They’re more likely to want to attack you, so I’ve asked not to be on your team,” Tyrin said. Her answering scowl bought her a wink.

  “He’s got a point,” Izak said, scraping the last of his cake from his plate with a fork. “Nyja will have her eyes firmly on you as soon as she sees you.”

  “What can I expect from her?” she asked Petr.

  He fiddled with a ring on his finger, still looking slightly uncomfortable. “Mind control isn’t an option for her. Your power will recognise it now and burn through any invading powers immediately. There is the physical attack open to her. While she never mastered a blade, she could use her power to drive a weapon. She could use her power physically against you in other ways, ones you are familiar with: restraining, striking… keep yourself shielded using shadow magic at all times to reduce that risk.”

  “Thank you,” she said quietly with a brief nod, relieved that he hadn’t told her anything she wasn’t already aware of.

  “Don’t worry about that,” Callan said, reaching for her hand. “Your shields are strong. Your attacks are more than effective, and you’re used to thinking on the spot training with all of us.” She was grateful that he didn’t mention her performance in the cave. Her ability to turn on the bravado to get through difficult situations.

  “Then there’s the possibility of her having a wyvern in her service,” Lukas said sourly.

  “What do we do about that?” she asked anxiously. “I assume the wild ones are nothing like Vlasta?”


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