Jason's Network

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Jason's Network Page 19

by Aiden Vaughan

  Inside the room, he saw Laura. She was crumpled up on the floor in an unnatural position. Jason hurried up to her and knelt down. “Laura! It’s Jason! Are you all right?”

  The room remained silent. Jason put his arms under Laura’s neck and head. He lifted them up but they remained limp in his arms. Laura showed no signs of life and her eyes stared out in an incomprehensible gaze. “Laura, wake up!” Jason called to her urgently.

  Then chills ran up and down his body as he heard a ghostly voice reply, “Sorry, Jason, you are too late! I’m dead now.” Jason looked up where the sound came from. He could see a stream of light ascending into the skies above. It gradually became more intense.

  “Laura!” he cried out with tears in his eyes. “Laura, please wait!” As he continued to stare, the light turned into the fluorescent lighting of the hospital. His eyes opened and he was back in the reality of his hospital bed. Again he was covered in sweat, although he hadn’t been tossing and turning like he did in his previous nightmare. Jason looked over at the clock by the side of his bed. It was 6:30 AM.

  Jason, who had been sleeping on his side, shifted to his back, pulled his sheet and blanket tight around his body. Gradually his body warmed up, and the shivering from his nightmare subsided. Jason decided that he had better give Dr. Agoura a call later this morning. Dr. Agoura was the resident psychiatrist for the Whatever Foundation, who Jason had consulted a few times in the past after particularly trying cases, like his rescue of Nick Feraducci.

  Jason didn’t want to say anything about his latest nightmare to anyone on the hospital staff. He was scheduled for discharge today and he didn’t want anything to get in the way of that. He got out of his bed and decided to clean himself as best he could in the bathroom.

  After drying himself off, Jason optimistically got dressed in his normal attire. His mom had brought him a clean set of his favorite clothing yesterday, replacing the dirty and bloodied clothes he had been wearing when admitted to Mercy Hospital. Jason smiled as he put on an ocean print tee shirt, cargo shorts, and laced up a pair of red high top chucks. Already he was feeling better.

  Jason’s father, Bill, arrived a little past eight thirty. “Is this the day you are coming home, Jason?” he asked. “It looks like you are already to leave.”

  “Oh, yeah, Dad,” Jason said. “I can’t wait to go home!”

  Jason’s doctor came by around nine. He gave Jason a quick examination, asked Jason how he was feeling, and then discussed the follow up appointments he wanted to schedule after Jason’s discharge. Soon after that, Jason was being taken in a wheelchair to the check out station, accompanied by his father.

  At the checkout, a security officer came over and told the Hunters that there were reporters and cameramen from the media waiting outside. Somehow they had gotten wind of Jason’s impending discharge and wanted footage for the news that evening. The story was still receiving a lot of coverage, and since Jason had avoided talking to anyone, including his normal contact Jaime Orlando, they were not going to miss this opportunity.

  “We can let you out through one of our back doors, if you would prefer,” the security officer told Jason and Bill.

  “Do you want that, or should we deal with it now?” Bill asked Jason.

  “Daniel told me that the media was treating this like I was some medieval knight in shining armor!” Jason exclaimed. “People have been following this case very closely and it was one of the first successes for Jason’s Network. I guess I should say something now, but I want it to be short. Make them understand that I still have a lot more recovery to complete.”

  “All right, Jason. Why don’t I tell them you will give a short statement, but take no questions,” Bill suggested. “How does that sound?”

  “That sounds good to me, Dad. I know I have the strength to handle five minutes,” Jason replied.

  The security officer said, “I will set it up for you. You will go out this set of doors. Mr. Hunter, go pull your vehicle right up to the edge of the driveway. Then you can make a fast exit when you want to leave. When you get back here, we will bring Jason out.”

  Jason’s statement was brief but effective. After he was brought to the doors of the hospital, he got up out of the wheelchair and walked over to where the media had been allowed to set up their cameras and microphones.

  Jason smiled at everyone, and then began his statement. “I first want to thank everyone who participated in my rescue from the two thugs who wanted to torture and kill me. I am especially grateful to the members of Jason’s Network who searched the area where I was being held. It was this type of kid power that saved my life, and will save the lives of others in the future. Because one young boy saw something unusual from up in a tree, the secret to the hidden underground location where I was taken was discovered.

  “I want to thank my personal friends, especially Daniel Holmes and Eric Acosta, who led the search for me, and refused to give up until I was found. Additional thanks go to Captain Garcia and the SWAT team from the Silicon Valley Police who bravely led the charge into that subterranean cistern where I was held captive.

  “As you can see, I am recovering from the beatings I received while held by Brice Thomason and his accomplice. I still have a long way to go, but plan to be back leading an active life and playing basketball again as soon as my ribs heal. As far as what they tried to do to me, I am still shaking my head in disbelief. All I have ever wanted to do is help out teenaged crime victims through my Whatever Foundation, especially those who are abused by predators. I don’t think that work should merit a death sentence!

  “I have heard that many of you in the media are making a big deal out of the sacrifice I made to rescue my girlfriend. But I had to do it. When you love someone, you can’t do it half-heartedly. She needed me then, because I was the only one who could save her from Thomason. I truly regret that she was a pawn in his evil plans. Just as I looked out for her back, my friends looked out for mine. That’s what true friendship is about and I am very fortunate to have such great friends.

  “The doctors tell me that I will need another five or six weeks to fully recover. I am off to do that now. I would appreciate all of you respecting my privacy while I continue to heal. Thank you.”

  A immediate hubbub of sound came up from the dozen or so reporters standing there. Before they could start asking questions, Jason looked over at his father and said, “Dad?” Bill Hunter immediately came over and escorted Jason to his car. He opened the front passenger door so Jason could get in. He then hurried over to the driver’s side, got in and drove away.

  When they were away from the hospital and driving home, Jason asked his father, “How did I do, Dad?”

  “How did you do?” Bill Hunter said laughing. “I don’t think that I or any other adult could have done it any better. You really have a way with people, Jason. I’m sure your statement will be all over the evening news. Now let’s get you home. Your mother should be there shortly. She wants to be with you, as do I. We both plan to continue organizing our work times like we have been doing for the past week. Your full recovery is our top priority and we don’t want to leave it to chance.”

  “I do have an appointment with Dr. Agoura this afternoon,” Jason said. “Don’t worry. He said he would come to our house today.”

  When Jason and Bill Hunter arrived at their home and walked inside, Jason was amazed at the huge amount of flowers, gifts, and get well cards that were stacked in the entryway. “This is unbelievable!” Jason exclaimed. “All this is for me?”

  “You remember the same thing happened after your first kidnapping, Jason,” Bill Hunter told his son. “We couldn’t even begin to bring everything that came for you over to the hospital, so we just decided to leave it here for you. Welcome home, Son. The place has been pretty quiet and depressing without you around!”

  About a half hour later, Edith Hunter arrived back home. She gently embraced Jason and told him how good it was to see him back at home. The three had lunch to
gether, then Bill Hunter went off to his import/export store. Jason went and relaxed in his room until Dr. Agoura came over.

  Promptly at two o’clock, Dr. Louis Agoura arrived and rang the doorbell. Edith Hunter answered the door and called Jason to come downstairs. Dr. Agoura was in his late twenties, had wiry black hair, pleasant features, and wore wire-rimmed glasses. When he saw Jason, he smiled and exclaimed, “Jason! It’s so good to see you, especially that you are now out of the hospital and out of danger.” The two shook hands.

  “It’s been another crazy week in my life, Doctor,” Jason replied. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  Edith then said, “Why don’t the two of you use the living room? I have things to do in the other part of the house, and I think you will be more comfortable in there than say Jason’s room.”

  “That sounds good,” Dr. Agoura replied. “Thank you, Edith.”

  After Jason and Louis Agoura got settled in the living room, Dr. Agoura began the conversation by saying, “Please tell me as much as you are up to saying about the past week. I have some of the details from listening to the media and talking to people at the foundation offices. But I would really like to hear about it from you, and especially anything that is bothering you.”

  Jason took Dr. Agoura through the events of Saturday when he was suddenly called to rescue Laura, then forced to exchange himself for her life and safety. He described the brutal treatment he received while held captive in the cistern, and then his miraculous rescue the next day. He then finished with his hospital stay, how everyone was saying that he shouldn’t do any more detective work, and about the nightmares he was starting to have.

  “I know I have said this before, as have other people,” Dr. Agoura responded, “but you continue to have the most amazing life! What happened to you in this past week could be a lifetime of events for most people.”

  “I don’t deliberately try to get in these situations,” Jason answered, “but somehow these things keep happening. Is this my destiny?”

  “It sure seems like it at times, Jason. I certainly am not qualified to give you a yes or no answer on that question, but I think we can discuss many of the other points you made. I am sure that the whole question of your bravery and selfless sacrifice has come up, if not with others, certainly in your own mind. Am I correct in that assumption?”

  “Yes, it has been constantly on my mind. I had only a few minutes to decide when I got that call. All I could think of at the time was that I had to help the girl I love. Nothing else seemed to matter.”

  “You know that the media has been playing up that angle. You are now a national hero, whether you like it or not! I firmly believe that your first instincts were correct. Save a life if you have the capacity, and do it even if it puts your own life in danger. You have these heroic instincts inside of you Jason; they are a part of your true character. In this regard your response is no different than a soldier putting his life on the line for his platoon, or police or firefighters attempting to rescue someone and putting their own lives in danger. This is not something normally expected of a teenager, but doing so is not that unusual. You did it before when you went to find Nick Feraducci.”

  “Yes, and just like then I am paying a price for what I did. Everyone is telling me that I should not do detective work anymore, and that I should take a break from any outside activities that have even the most remote chance of danger. Even with Laura, I sense that the rift we had between us before is now back in play.”

  “That is probably true, Jason. In my experience those types of reactions are typical. The people who love you the most are deathly afraid of losing you. To their way of thinking you have bucked the odds one time too many. They want you safe at home and taking no chances!”

  “I think you have described that pretty accurately,” Jason replied. “And that does upset me. How can I say ‘I’ve helped enough people. It’s time to move on to something else.’ The very thing I am being praised for is now being taken from me!”

  “In the long run, only you can decide that, Jason. But you are still a minor, and your parents and other adults still have authority over you for the present. And I think one of the reasons for their attitude right now is because of the chances you took on in the past without their prior knowledge.”

  “My parents and I have had this argument many times. How many rescues would have never happened, or been unsuccessful because it was too late do anything if everything had gone through channels? You know what I think!”

  “Yes, I do, Jason. That is part of your passionate nature and your heroic personality. But even heroes need some time off! From what you have described, and what I can see, those criminals really worked you over. Just physically, your body is demanding and deserves six weeks or more of complete rehabilitation and healing time. Just like your friends and family do, I would like to see you completely heal before you jump into another adventure.”

  “If they will ever let me out of the house again,” Jason said with some cynicism and regret.

  “They will. I think your parents trust you more than you realize. But they are parents. They worry about you, and it won’t be too much longer before they lose you from their daily lives. More than anyone, they know how special you are, Jason. Like any child, you are their legacy. Much of who you are was shaped by them. I don’t think it will hurt you to give them their due for a little while more.”

  “Yeah, you have a point, Doctor. I realized that myself in the hospital. The last thing I want to do is hurt or disappoint my parents. In the long run, though, my life choices have to be mine!”

  “Remember that the game of life has time outs, too! I think now is one of those times. I believe that your subconscious mind is telling you the same thing. I am referring to those nightmares you described to me. I would like to meet with you again tomorrow, and have our session focus on what those nightmares could be about or possibly mean.”

  After Dr. Agoura left, Jason spent much of the afternoon talking to his friends and setting up visits with them at his home. His mother told him that these visits were fine, but they needed to be limited for the time being and kept short. She even helped him come up with a scheduling sheet so that he wouldn’t overbook himself. Starting next week, she told him that a good part of his day needed to be spent in catching up with his schoolwork. So part of his scheduling needed to include visits with his “study buddies” at Merriam High, students who were taking the same classes and could bring over and explain to Jason the current assignments and homework.

  That night, Jason had a repeat of the nightmare where he was back in the underground cistern, manacled to the wall and beaten up. The two men doing it were grotesque caricatures of Brice Thomason and Derrick Hurtado. This time Jason didn’t scream out loud but he did wake up in a cold sweat, panting, and shivering with fear until reality set back in.

  When Dr. Agoura came over the next day, they talked about what Jason was experiencing. “What do these nightmares mean?” Jason asked. “How long do you think I will continue to have them?”

  “These nightmares are part of your mind processing what happened to you,” Dr. Agoura explained. “Most of the time you have control over your life, Jason. When you were held captive, that was not the case. Your captivity was particularly cruel and made no sense in your conscious world. I believe that you are suffering from a mild form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

  For the next half hour the two talked about what the nightmares could possibly mean. Finally, Dr Agoura told Jason his conclusions.

  “Until the PTSD symptoms disappear, I think it is a mistake for you to attempt any more detective work. I believe that your mind is trying to tell you that through these nightmares. You have undertaken an incredible load of activities for the past two years and done so much for others; now you can afford to take a real vacation. Don’t look at this break as a repudiation of what you have done in the past but rather a way to get some perspective in your life. The world will go on with
out you, Jason,” Dr. Agoura told him, “for six weeks, six months, or even a year. You should have no regrets about taking a much needed break. Healing your mind and body should be your number one priority for now.”

  Chapter 30

  Cody Johnson Arrives

  (That Weekend and Beyond)

  After Dr. Agoura left, the remainder of Friday afternoon was devoted to Jason’s study buddies from school. Edith Hunter had created a schedule that allowed each study buddy in for a fifteen minute visit. Although the visits were supposed to be about homework, every visitor was much more interested in how Jason was recovering from the events of last weekend. They all hurried through the assignments and reading, and then spent the rest of their visit wishing Jason well, or saying how honored they were to know a real hero, or asking how Jason was holding up. They all volunteered to help him complete the work, and one of them said that his teachers were probably willing to visit here if he was having trouble with any of the class work or reading.

  Jason smiled, thanked them for their help, arranged for their next visit, and told them that he really did want to do his own work, not only to learn the subject but also to keep his mind focused on school and not the ordeal he had just been through or the pain from his injuries. Jason had met with his study buddies in the dining room. After the last appointment, he gathered up all the paperwork and took it to his room. Then he got on his cell phone and talked with Laura for about a half hour. She was planning to return to school at Merriam High on Monday.

  Around six, Daniel came over for dinner and to spend the evening relaxing with his best friend. Jason’s mom, Edith, planned this as a thank you for the efforts Daniel put out to find and rescue Jason. Then after dinner, the two would just kick back and play some video games. Having time to do this was an increasingly rare occurrence. These days Daniel spent nearly all of his spare time rehearsing with his band in preparation for their tour in June.


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