Jason's Network

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Jason's Network Page 25

by Aiden Vaughan

  “That is too bad in one sense,” Daniel responded. “But my ties to Ethan Savage are deep because of that incident he spoke of and because he was in a band with my parents before he became a big star. Do you know that I perform on one of his best Martin guitars that he gave me as a thank you gift?”

  “No, I didn’t. And that is a tribute to you, Daniel.”

  “I’m sorry that the Biloxi Brothers couldn’t deal with him suddenly showing up like that,” Daniel said, “but bottom line, didn’t the tour benefit from all that extra publicity?”

  “Yes, Tammy was already happy about the fact that you got some reporters from your local television stations to show up for the San Jose show. The only ones who were unhappy were Mark and Jonas Biloxi, because instead of them being interviewed, Ethan Savage received all the attention. It had the very negative impact on them of reminding them that they are still second tier stars in the overall big picture.”

  “So where do we go from here?” Nick asked. “It sounds like we succeeded with our music but failed to get along with the headliners.”

  “I think you hit the nail on the head with that statement,” Colin answered. “Probably the best thing for your band is to get on with a good agency who can represent your musical interests and goals. Unfortunately that can’t be me because I just work as a road manager for the Dixon Group tours. Right now they are specializing in these tween audience tours. They have developed a good publicity machine and know how to market successfully with groups like the Biloxi Brothers. I do think you guys have a lot of talent, and in the long run your music will appeal to a more mainstream audience.”

  Their conversation continued on other musical topics, but Colin’s analysis gave Daniel and the other band members a lot to think about regarding the direction of the band and what they truly wanted to do as musicians.

  The bus arrived back at Tim’s house in the late afternoon. Quickly the bus was unloaded and local family members arrived to pick them up. Everyone hugged each other. The tour was over and despite the mixed results, everyone agreed that it was an amazing experience.

  Edith Hunter arrived to take Jason and Bill home. After bringing his luggage inside, Jason wanted to see the letter from Laura. Quickly he opened it after Edith handed it to him. Expecting the worst, instead Jason found encouragement in the letter. In two long handwritten pages, Laura told him about her trip to Europe so far and about the people who they had been visiting. She told him how sorry she was to miss Daniel’s tour and wanted to know all about it. More importantly to Jason, she explained that her absence was due to her parents’ wishes, not hers. She wrote:

  “I still love you with all my heart, a heart that was broken when you were held captive. No matter what happens in our future relationship, I will never, ever forget how you were willing to sacrifice yourself to free me from those horrible people who kidnapped me so they could get to you and torture you to death! You are the bravest person I have ever met, Jason! At the same time that absolutely terrifies me! I know I told you around Valentine’s Day that I was learning to deal with that, and I do try my best. I’m sorry we argued about that in the hospital when you were hurting from the beatings you took. That was very inconsiderate of me. I wish we could just spend our lives loving each other and shut the rest of the world out!”

  For the first time in over a month, Jason felt positive about their relationship. The only problem was that they were still thousands of miles apart.

  There was other news about what had happened in the past few months. Edith had received a note from Abigail Newton (now Abigail Ferguson).

  “I wanted to again thank you and Jason for your help in my time of need. I especially appreciate the extra support that Jason has provided to my children through his foundation. A few weeks after what happened, I met a wonderful supportive man, Alfred Ferguson, who immediately hit it off with not only me but with Jamie and Olivia as well. After a brief engagement, we were married. We are all making great strides to become whole again and trusting of other people. With the encouragement and participation of their new stepfather, Jamie and Olivia are involved in sports and arts activities, and returning to normal lives again.”

  Captain Garcia left Jason and his parents a message about the Thomason case. Both Brice Thomason and Derrick Hurtado had accepted plea deals from the district attorney’s office. Brice would serve 30 years in state prison for his crimes against Jason and Laura, and Derrick would serve 25 years. Captain Garcia explained that they probably would have received 25 or 30 years to life sentences without the plea. But this saved everyone, especially Jason and Laura, the ordeal of a trial and having to relive that horrible weekend. Roland Thomason had a court hearing over his involvement and an additional 30 years was added to his sentence. Plus he was just beginning to face all of the legal work instituted by Harold Richland and his law students to freeze and take away his financial assets. More than likely he would remain a pauper in prison for the rest of his life, unable to conduct new criminal activities from his cell.

  Bill and Edith Hunter had several long and serious discussions with Jason about his summer and the direction of his life. They had already planned a family trip to New York to visit Jason’s grandmother around the time of Jason’s seventeenth birthday. His grandmother had been quite ill over the past year, but now had recovered and wanted to see her family while she was in good health.

  Jason explained that he was at a crossroads in his life but he was not sure which way to turn. “That’s why Cody’s offer is so appealing right now. I feel that the only way I can get my head straight again is to get away from here for an extended period of time.”

  Edith was adamant that she didn’t want Jason to travel anywhere on his own. Finally they agreed that Jason could go to Malibu for a month, if Daniel drove down with him in the Explorer. They would purchase a plane ticket for Daniel so he could get back home.

  Jason spent Wednesday and Thursday updating the website for Daniel’s band with photos from their tour. Gary Holmes set up an online account so that they could sell their CD through the website. On Friday Jason showed Daniel and a friend of theirs who was good with computers how to get onto the site for any needed changes while he was gone in Malibu.

  That weekend, Daniel and Jason drove down to Malibu. They had some good conversations on the way. Daniel assured Jason that whatever direction he decided on for the future, that he would be there for his friend.

  “I know that, Daniel. You have been incredibly loyal and supportive. And this was in addition to all the work you have been doing with your band. You deserve a break too, and especially from me and my problems.”

  “You are not a problem, Jason. You are my best friend. I want to be involved with your life!”

  “I know, Daniel. But use this time to focus on Diana and relax. Then come down and visit me in a couple of weeks. Maybe I will have some answers by then.”

  But will Hunter & Holmes ever work as detectives again? That still had to be determined. That thought went through Jason and Daniel’s minds but unsaid as they drove to southern California.

  As someone once wisely said:

  “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.”





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