Burning Submission

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Burning Submission Page 1

by J. Richards

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Look for these titles from J. Richards

  Title Page

  Copyright Warning

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  About the Author

  Coming Soon

  Also by J. Richards

  More Romance from Etopia Press

  Look for these titles from J. Richards

  Now Available

  Yes, Sir

  Burning Submission

  Coming Soon


  Burning Submission

  The Submission Series Book One

  J. Richards

  Etopia Press

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/).

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  136 S. Illinois Ave. Suite 212

  Oak Ridge, TN 37830


  Burning Submission

  Copyright © 2015 by J. Richards

  ISBN: 978-1-941692-88-2

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: July 2015


  This book and its sequel are dedicated to my husband. He is my strength and my weakness. I wouldn’t be here without him. I can’t thank him enough for his support and patience throughout our marriage.


  Sweat runs in tiny, slick rivers between Vicki’s breasts. Trapped in the all-too-tight sports bra, her large mounds do all they can to escape the torture of the treadmill—without success. Vicki watches her reflection in the floor-to-ceiling wall of mirrors of Jones Health and Wellness Fitness Center as her feet pound on the revolving belt, all to the rhythm of the music blasting in her ear.

  Jones’s is the only gym close to her house and has a really great set-up. A few steps from the front door, a giant smoothie bar welcomes all who enter. Every kind of protein-packed juice concoction is offered for after-workout pick-me-ups. A supplement section to the left of the bar is stocked with workout gear and graphic tees to bring in extra income for the owners. Everything is always clean and inviting. Much better than the last gym she was a member of.

  Vicki watches her legs move, causing her to feel like she’s in a trance. One toned thigh and then the other, the black compression capris keeping the jiggling of her hips and ass to a minimum; thank God for small blessings! Her racerback tee hangs loose, giving glimpses of her sports bra as her body sways slightly side to side, her thick ginger ponytail swishing back and forth. The ends of it tickle across her shoulder blades.

  The timer on the treadmill blinks at her, indicating her thirty minutes of torture is up and she can now begin her favorite part of her day: lifting heavy shit and putting it back down. Slowing the treadmill to a stroll, she lets her heart rate come down naturally. She forces air in through her nose and out through her mouth.

  She takes another glance at herself in the mirror. Her face is flushed a deep red from her efforts. She rolls her eyes at the image, hating her pale skin tone. Something behind her catches her attention: the tall man serving up smoothies from behind the bar. He has the deepest brown eyes that Vicki has ever seen on a person and his shaved head gives him a powerful, sexy look. His smile is brilliant as he hands some pink-colored drink to the man across from him.

  The guy has more muscles than should be legal to carry. His sculpted biceps flex as he leans his elbows on the counter of the bar. Vicki’s stomach flutters at the sight of such a beautiful man, and her feet miss a step. Tripping over her own shoes, she fumbles for the handrails and pulls the safety magnet, bringing the treadmill to an abrupt halt. She jumps her feet to the side bars and leans over the display.

  She scans her face in the mirror, heart beating wildly with the near death dash. She glares at herself. Clumsy! With another big exhale, she pushes off the treadmill. Grabbing her water bottle, she heads for the free weight section of the large gym. The long row of dumbbells sits against the large mirror. Benches and a few squat racks are spread out around her. Several larger men huff and puff as they test their personal bests.

  One man to her right slams a loaded bar into the ground with an exaggerated grunt. The noise makes her jump. Vicki twists her upper body to look over her shoulder at the beast, and he grins. She wrinkles her nose at him before she turns back to face the reflective glass. She parts her feet, bending her knees slightly, stretching out the muscles she has taken the care to warm up. She presses a few buttons on her iPod to make the music fill her brain and block out the buffoons behind her. She grabs two twenty-five-pound dumbbells. Again she shifts her feet for balance. Her knees begin to bend, and a big hand smacks her left ass cheek.

  The sting of the hand isn’t too bad—actually, in a different setting, she would welcome the bite of a good spanking—but the idea of someone putting their hands on her body without permission sets her blood to boil. With a scowl, she looks past herself in the mirror to see the smug man’s face, his nasty eyes still glued to her rear end. Vicki throws the weights in her hand to the padded floor. Pivoting like a professional basketball player, she tightens her abs and lets her fist fly into the man’s face.

  “Fucking bitch!” he growls and steps toward her. He towers over her five-foot frame, but she doesn’t care. Squaring her shoulders, Vicki prepares to punch him again.

  “Seriously?” she asks him, cocking her head to the side in a taunt. “Sexual harassment and you wanna add verbal abuse to the list?” Fluttering her eyelashes like some sweet five-year-old, she goads the beast before her.

  “I’ll turn you upside down, little girl.” One more step and his chest brushes hers.

  “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” A deep voice yells from behind the guy she is planning to pummel. “What the hell is going on?” It’s the god who was serving smoothies. He puts his big hand on the asshole’s chest and shoves him backward. He looks at the guy and then turns those dark chocolate eyes on Vicki.

  Her already-hot blood turns up another few notches. This is a different kind of heat burning through her though, one that pools in her lower belly and begs for attention. “He smacked me,” Vicki says.
Yanking her gaze from those dark brown eyes, she glares over his shoulder at the buffoon who thought it was OK to put his hands on her.

  “I was giving her a compliment!” The guy tries to validate his actions. “She’s got a nice ass, and it begged me to give it a squeeze.” His eyes roam down the rest of her body. The look makes her feel sticky. Lunging forward, she tries to punch him again.

  An arm as thick as a baby oak tree grabs her middle and stops her mid-jump. He pulls her to his chest with a deep chuckle. “Easy, I’ll handle it!” He speaks softly, as if trying to calm a child pitching a fit. “It’s my pleasure as the owner.”

  Owner? Vicki turns her head to look up at him. His arm is crushing her body to his midsection. She watches as he speaks to the moron who touched her.

  “Dave, your membership is canceled. Don’t bother asking to come back. I don’t tolerate that shit.” The owner’s face is calm but serious. His arm around her is unmovable when she struggles to step away from him.

  “Come on, Gavin! I won’t do it again. This is the only gym within thirty minutes. You can’t kick me out!” The big jerk whines like a teenager missing prom, and a wicked grin splits Vicki’s face. She lifts a hand and makes a small, waving gesture.

  “I won’t put my members at risk. Get your stuff and get out. I’ll reimburse this month’s fee.” Gavin’s arm finally releases Vicki, and she takes a few steps from him, turning her back on Dave, not even caring that his membership is being canceled. Serves his dumb ass right. She wiggles her fingers in a wave as Dave storms off, but she hisses through her teeth at a sharp burn in her knuckles.

  Gavin grins and his head tips to the side in the same playful manner she used a few moments ago. “What happened, Million Dollar Baby?” he teases. “Let me see.” He holds out his hands and makes the “give them to me” motion.

  Vicki rolls her eyes at the gesture. “His face was just harder than I expected it to be. I am fine.” She pulls her hands into her chest and forces a smile up at the taller man. This close up, he’s even better-looking than she originally thought.

  “Nope.” He smiles and grips the wrist of her injured hand with his right, pulling slowly but firmly.

  “Uhh.” Vicki breathes, tensing her bicep and resisting his pull.

  “Stronger than you look.” He grins again. His pull on her tiny wrist still increases but slow enough so he doesn’t hurt her. Both of their eyes are on her straining arm. With a huff, she gives up and lets him have her hand. He turns it and gently peels her fingers open. “Just a few cracks. Let’s get some ice on here before you swell up and can’t use it tomorrow.” His big hand engulfs hers as he leads her to smoothie bar.

  Lifting up the counter hatch, Gavin ushers her through the opening, then shuts it softly behind her. A feeling of being trapped in an open place begins to overwhelm her. Vicki tugs against his hold on her wrist and he allows no give. Turning to face her, Gavin gives her a playful smile before finally letting go. Before she can take a sigh of relief, his big hands grip her sides, just above her hips, and he lifts her up with ease. He sets her ass on the top of the bar, and his eyes meet hers.

  “I can’t sit up here!” she squeals and tries to slip her bum from the slick surface. Gavin raises an eyebrow, his fingers pressing a fraction tighter into her skin.

  “You can, you will.” He moves his hands when Vicki stops squirming. “It’s my bar and you need medical attention.” His smile is so cheeky. “Plus, I do what I want.” He gives her a wink before turning to the ice chest and shoveling a few cubes into a clean sweat towel. Twisting the fabric so no ice can escape, he presses the self-made compress to the back of her hand.

  “Thank you,” Vicki mumbles. She uses her other hand to keep the ice in place and shifts again. The gym goers all stop and give her strange looks. “I’ll just get my stuff from my locker and call it a day.” She begins to push off the bar again when that large hand stops her. With a long exaggerated sigh, Vicki looks up.

  “Not yet.” Gavin’s face has become serious again. “I’d like to talk about what happened, if you don’t mind, Victoria.”

  “Um, it’s just Vicki, and I really am fine. I can handle myself.”

  “Just Vicki, huh?” he asks, his long fingers stroking the outside of her kneecap. “Is that what your Mama named you?”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “But everyone calls me Vicki.”

  “I am not everyone, Victoria.” Gavin’s voice is as rich and dark as his eyes. The kind of voice you either shiver back from or find deep comfort in, depending on who you are. Vicki is drawn to his voice like a moth to a flame.

  “Wait? How do you know my name anyway?” she asks, trying to distract him.

  “Your membership profile. Everyone has one, and I try to remember names and faces to make people feel more welcome.” He grins and his fingers trace down her shin. Goose bumps rise in their wake. “Is it working?”

  Vicki scoots back on the bar. “Is what working?” Flames of a nature that Vicki isn’t used to lick up her thighs and start burning in her center. His body, easy smile, and those damn fingers are beginning to mess with her train of thought.

  “The welcoming gym owner thing?” He smirks.

  “Oh, ah, Yeah. Sure is!” Why are her emotions turning in circles on her? Maybe her cycle is coming early this month. “Look, Gavin.” His name feels so good her in mouth. “I really appreciate you helping. I didn’t expect you to kick him out, but I am really glad you did.” She looks up into his eyes. “I am not upset and am fine to go.”

  He looks her right in the eyes and says, “No.”


  Gavin can’t believe his luck. Victoria, here with him at last, and she’s staring at him as if he’s lost his mind for telling her no.

  Fighting in his gym happens all the time. Too much testosterone and not enough patience runs amok through these walls. He has no problem pulling two men apart and having them talk it out when they understand how foolish they had been, but he’s never had to break up a fight between a pint-sized woman and a man as big as Dave. The altercation was almost laughable except for the fact that Dave had put his hands on the delicious little vixen. No one would be subjected to that kind of thing while in his building or anywhere around Gavin. Women are such gifts!

  The thought of putting his own hands on Victoria’s ass had crossed his mind almost every time he had seen her walk through the gym’s doors. Self-control is the only thing keeping him on his own very tight leash. Touching her now is straining that leash, but he can’t resist. Dave’s control, if he ever had claim to any, obviously wasn’t as strong.

  The little ball of fury could throw a punch. Lucky for him, she busted up those pretty little knuckles while defending herself, finally giving him an excuse to be near her. As the owner of the gym, Gavin tried to leave its members to themselves and still offer a welcoming environment where all could feel comfortable. A gym can be a place that brings out many emotions in a person, and he’d rather avoid being the one who pokes those emotions.

  He looks into her eyes and gives her his explanation. “I understand you want to go, but it’s important for me to make sure you are well enough to leave. I don’t want you leaving, thinking all is well, and then have an adrenaline crash while you are driving.” Turning his back, Gavin grabs a Styrofoam cup and fills it with cool filter water. “Drink this, please.” He presses the cup into her uninjured hand. Her soft green eyes flick back and forth over his face. He can’t help but smile at her.

  “Thanks,” she whispers breathlessly. “Honestly. I promise I’m OK.” Her small voice gains a bit more conviction as she continues to speak.

  “So you punch men in the face daily, then? This is just another day?” Gavin shrugs his shoulders as he teases her. Her gaze drops to the cup in her hand, and she takes a small sip of the liquid.

  “Not every day,” she says after swallowing more water. “Like, every other day.”

  Victoria keeps her eyes down as she answers his teasing
with a bit of her own. Unable to help himself, a loud chuckle rolls out of his chest.

  “Tough, beautiful, and with a sense of humor. No wonder you are defending yourself from men all the time.” Gavin leans against the counter across from her, putting distance between them to keep from running his fingers down her smooth cheek and jaw. “All right, I’ll let you go, but if you aren’t back within a few weeks I will call you to make sure you aren’t avoiding the gym because of today.” He pins her with a solemn look. “Deal?”

  “Yes.” She rolls her eyes and pulls herself from the counter, her sneakers meeting the floor with a small thud against the tile. Gavin shoves his hand out at her in an offering of confirmation and watches her face. She eyes his hand suspiciously but slides her tiny hand against his palm, her fingers curling around his. “Deal. Thank you again for intervening and for the ice.” She holds up the makeshift ice pack. Detaching her hand from his, she replaces it with the cloth-covered ice.

  “It’s my pleasure and my job.” Gripping the damp cloth, he tosses it into the sink where it can finish melting. Gavin steps close to Victoria, reaching past her right side, and pulls open the counter hatch. She has to duck under his arm to slip out from the bar. Once she is through he lets it shut, staying behind the bar. “Enjoy the rest of your day, Victoria.”


  Slinking under Gavin’s heavy bicep makes her tummy flutter in ways it shouldn’t. There was nothing sexual about this conversation except for the pure sensuality leaking from Gavin’s every pore. His voice, the glint in his eyes, and the soft touches of his hand all scream that he’s a man who is capable of bringing a woman to her knees.

  “Yeah, you do the same.” She forces a smile while sidestepping a couple entering the gym. Both have bright smiles and earbuds dangling down to the iPods trapped against their arms.


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