Wizard Rebellion (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 5)

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Wizard Rebellion (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 5) Page 48

by Rodney Hartman

  Richard’s connection with the green sphere disappeared. He was thrown out of his seat as the fighter-shuttle was jostled from side to side. Once Tia regained control of the shuttle, he raced to a nearby viewport and looked out. The spaceport was no more. Only a giant mushroom cloud remained.

  The three spheres were gone, but Richard sensed another presence deep beneath where the Dragars’ temple had been. The presence was evil. He recognized the presence as the demon, Zenthra. The demon was laughing. Richard couldn’t hear the sound, but knew it was true nevertheless.

  Richard tried to pull away from the presence, but the demon seemed to delight in letting him know it was still there. It fed Richard a stream of images. The fleet of Dragar warships that had escaped before the spaceport’s destruction was orbiting Portalis. As he watched, the warships began bombarding one of the planet’s two main continents. Mushroom clouds appeared on the surface as entire cities were vaporized. Hundreds of black starships began popping out of hyperspace and adding their firepower to the fray. The Dragars seemed bent on the destruction of Portalis.

  Richard sensed a defensive shield over the second continent. He recognized the continent as Slyvrastra, the homeland of the elves. Beams of energy and missiles from the newly arrived Dragar armada blasted against the Slyvrastra’s shield. The shield held, but he could sense it weakening as the plasma, phase, and magic energy continued to rain down on the continent’s defenses. He knew it was only a matter of time before the shield failed. In the background of his mind, he heard the demon laugh even harder.

  Suddenly, other starships arrived over the planet and began fighting with the black warships. Bright colored beams of energy crisscrossed through space accompanied by violent explosions. The loss of life on both sides was overwhelming.

  Zenthra continued laughing.

  Just as Slyvrastra’s defenses were on the verge of failing, a voice which wasn’t a voice shouted, “Enough! You have violated the rules.”

  Richard sensed powerful entities begin appearing around the planet. While he couldn’t explain how, he sensed the entities were what he thought of as good. Zenthra stopped laughing. Richard sensed a new emotion coming from the demon.

  Is it fear? Richard wondered.

  Suddenly, other powerful entities began appearing around Portalis. The sense Richard got from the newest entities was evil. The evil entities began fighting those that were good.

  A new voice which was not a voice spoke. “This accomplishes nothing. Both sides will be utterly destroyed. Chaos will rule the three galaxies if we don’t stop this now.”

  The second voice was familiar to Richard. He’d felt the owner’s presence before. It was the Master demon he’d encountered during his first mission on Portalis.

  “Your lieutenant broke the rules,” said the first voice. “What did you expect? Even now, others of my kind are assembling their armies.”

  “As are mine,” said the Master demon. “But it’s too soon to end the game. I will withdraw my forces if you do the same.”

  “Portalis must be protected as long as the guardian remains alive,” said the first voice. “That was the agreement.”

  “Yes,” agreed the voice of the Master demon. “That was the agreement. Let us pull back our forces until the time of the final battle.”

  “Portalis must be protected,” reiterated the first voice.

  “It will be,” said the Master demon. “As long as the tree lives, as long as the guardian protects the gate, Portalis will be off-limits. Let us reset the game.”

  Although Richard saw nothing, he got an impression of the Master demon waving a hand. Hundreds of the black Dragar starships were swept from the sky. The Master demon waved his hand again. A wave of energy swept over the planet.

  “There,” said the Master demon. “The advanced magic and technology of the other planets will no longer work on Portalis. The playing field is leveled.”

  Richard heard a shout in the background.

  The shout came from Tia. “Engine failure! We’re going in hard. I can’t control the shuttle.”

  While Richard wanted to help Tia, his mind was still locked in the vision of the Master demon and his opponent. They were still facing one another high above Portalis.

  The Master demon’s opponent spoke. The opponent didn’t seem impressed with the demon’s actions. “Your lieutenant, Zenthra, still inhabits the Dragars’ computer under the planet’s surface. Do you call that leveling the field?”

  “I have left your variable with his equipment,” said the Master Demon. “Your wizard scout may continue to use his gear. It’s only fair that my variables are allowed to use theirs as well. The rules allow conflict between our variables. If you don’t want my lieutenant to inhabit the Dragars’ computer, then you may send your variable to destroy Zenthra’s avatar. I won’t stop him. That is, if you believe he’s capable.”

  The demon’s opponent didn’t respond for a considerable amount of time. Finally, the opponent spoke. “Ever the one to stretch the rules, aren’t you? I know you consider the wizard scout to be your variable as much as mine. I disagree, but I won’t waste time on semantics. The rules have been reset. I am satisfied.”

  Richard sensed the Master demon’s opponent wave a hand. An aura shimmered around Portalis. The aura solidified into a shield.

  The opponent spoke again. “No advanced equipment other than that of our variables will be allowed on Portalis as long as the guardian lives.”

  “Agreed,” said the Master demon.

  With the agreement in place, both the good and evil entities withdrew. The space around Portalis was suddenly devoid of either entities or starships of either side. Richard caught a glimpse of a large energy shield surrounding Portalis. He saw a second, smaller shield protecting the elf continent of Slyvrastra.

  With an effort, Richard wrestled his mind free of Zenthra’s control. The moment he did, everything went black.

  Chapter 70 – Cleanup


  When Richard came to his senses, he heard the sound of thunder. It was raining. Only, he wasn’t getting wet.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” said Nickelo. His battle computer’s voice was accompanied by a laugh. “You’re always sleeping on the job and leaving me to do all the work.”

  Richard sat up. He noticed the unfurled wing of Bright Wing protecting him from the storm. Her head was only a meter away and she was intently staring at him.

  “Are you okay, brother?” she asked in emotion-speak.

  “I guess,” Richard replied trying to stall for time. He was still having difficulty getting his bearings. “What happened?”

  Someone had removed Richard’s battle helmet. It was on the ground next to him.

  Nickelo brought Richard up to speed. “The shuttle’s engine failed on short final. Stella was able to soften the landing somewhat with her telekinesis, but we still hit pretty hard. I calculate the shuttle won’t be flying again anytime soon.”

  Richard remembered the words of the Master demon. From what he’d heard, it sounded like none of the Dragars’ equipment would work while it was on Portalis.

  “Anyone hurt?” Richard said.

  “Tia and Rembis got a few bruises, but they’ll be all right,” replied Nickelo. “The other shuttle’s here, but we only found Marstis onboard. She said that shortly after they landed, the other wizard scouts and Matthew seemed to shimmer and then disappear. I calculate it was mission complete for them. I’m guessing ‘the One’ teleported them back home.”

  “You guess?” Richard said. He was used to a little more definite probabilities from his battle computer.

  “I haven’t got any data to back up my analysis,” said Nickelo, “so, yes, I’m guessing. However, I feel like that’s what happened, so that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  Richard put on his battle helmet and stood up.

  “Where’s Tia?” Richard said. “I assume she’s pretty shook up. Matthew and Tia are pre
tty close.”

  “Yes, they are,” agreed Nickelo. “However, Tia’s not here. She was teleported out shortly after we touched down. Stella was teleported out as well. You’re the only one of our group from the physical dimension who’s still here.”

  The revelation from his battle computer was enough of a shock to Richard that he spoke out loud. “So why am I the only one still here?” After hearing a low-pitched growl, Richard hastily added, “Err…, and why is Bright Wing still here with me.”

  “Hmm,” said Nickelo over the battle helmet’s external speakers for Bright Wing’s benefit. “Sometimes I wish I had shoulders so I could shrug them. Just saying ‘I do not know’ just doesn’t seem quite enough.”

  Richard took a look around. The rain was still coming down. He saw a mangled fighter-shuttle about fifty meters away. A second fighter-shuttle in much better shape was a hundred meters beyond it. The second shuttle was near a dark opening in the side of a hill. Richard recognized the opening. It was the home of the Oracle.

  With nothing left to lose, Richard started walking toward the cave. Bright Wing kept pace with him.

  Richard stopped and looked at the 200-meter long dragon. “Uh, somehow I don’t think you’re going to fit, sister. Maybe you should wait outside.”

  The silver dragon didn’t answer, but she did stop walking toward the cave.

  Richard continued on by himself. When he entered, he found Emerald, Chancee, and General Fenmar in deep conversation with the holographic image of the Oracle. All three of them stopped talking and looked at Richard.

  “Well?” Richard asked. “What did I miss?”

  A tired looking Emerald answered, “The Oracle says the Dragar warships destroyed most of the surface cities on our continent. He says our only hope of survival is to travel across the water to the land of the Slyvrastran elves.”

  Most of the cities are destroyed? Richard thought. The enormity of the situation hit him. He’d been the one who’d pressured King Hamerstine into rebelling against the Dragars. Apparently, all it had gotten them was the destruction of their homes and a forced exodus to another land.

  “I’m sorry,” Richard said. “I should have left things alone.”

  “No,” said the Oracle. “Far greater deaths would have resulted if you had. The rebellion has spared our galaxy for another hundred thousand years. You did what needed to be done.”

  Richard wasn’t convinced but said nothing.

  Emerald turned back to the Oracle. “I’ll tell King Hamerstine and King Graphon what you’ve told us. I’m sure they’ll begin building ships to cross the ocean as soon as they can. There’s nothing left for us here.”

  “What about your home?” Richard asked. “Are you going to leave it to the vampires?”

  The eyes of both dwarves flashed.

  “No!” said Emerald. “We’ll drive them out of Drepdenor before we go. Our history is there. So is the wealth of our people. We’ll need it in our new home across the water.”

  While it was too late for Richard to reverse the destruction of King Hamerstine’s cities, he resolved to help the dwarves.

  “I’ll go with you,” Richard promised. “I’ll help you drive those bloodsuckers out. Besides, I’ve got a score to settle with Zenthra.”

  “No,” said the Oracle in no uncertain terms. “Drepdenor is no longer your task. Emerald and her allies will do what they need to do. Also, it isn’t time yet for you to face Zenthra. The time will come, but it has yet to arrive.”

  “Well, what am I supposed to do then?” Richard asked. “I’m not going to stand around here with my thumb up my butt while I wait for ‘the One’ to send me home.”

  The Oracle smiled. “No, you’re not. You’re going to take me to my new home across the ocean. Emerald has promised that once her people have dealt with the vampires, they’ll build me a home more suitable than this cave. I calculate King Hamerstine and many of the escaped slaves will help as well. You must take me there, wizard scout. That’s your new mission.”

  Richard stared hard at the Oracle for a few seconds. “Are you telling me or asking me?”

  The Oracle smiled again. “I’m asking you as one friend to another.”

  With a nod of his head, Richard said, “Fine then. Since you put it that way, I accept.”

  Chapter 71 – Another Mission


  Bright Wing landed in a clear spot near the side of the rocky cliff. Richard slid off the dragon’s neck and walked toward a dark opening in the stone. He walked through the tunnel until it made a three-way split.

  “All right,” Richard said. “I give up. Which way?”

  “You know, Rick,” said Nickelo, “you’ve got to pay more attention to things. You’ve been here a dozen times over the years.”

  Richard looked around at the dank and cobweb infested tunnel. Nothing looked familiar. “Yeah, but it didn’t look anything like this. Most of the floors and walls were marble, and the hallways had plenty of those gnome light panels then.”

  “Well,” replied Nickelo. “Once the dwarves get here, they’ll have this place in tip top shape in only a few thousand years. In the meantime, take a left.”

  Following his battle computer’s directions, Richard made his way down to the large cavern where he’d always met with the Oracle. Once there, he pulled a small brerellium chip out of his pocket.

  “You in there?” Richard asked out loud.

  “Where else would I be?” asked the Oracle. “I find it quite comfortable in here, thank you.”

  Richard smiled. Nickelo had been the one to suggest transporting the Oracle in one of the brerellium chips the Empire used to store the gas that was a battle computer’s primary CPU. It had proven a lot handier to transport than a thousand cubic yards of gas during the three-day flight to the Oracle’s new home.

  “Enough dilly-dallying,” said Nickelo. “Summon some holographic equipment out of that pack of yours and let’s be off. Those slaves you freed promised to take care of the Oracle when they arrived. I calculate they’ll have no trouble maintaining a few holographic projectors.”

  Richard had a feeling his battle computer was correct. Some of the former slaves had been stationed on Dragar starships. Technology was just another form of magic to them.

  Following his battle computer’s instructions, Richard set up some holographic projection equipment in the cavern. He stored several cases of replacement parts in a second cave. Once done, he said his goodbyes to the holographic image the Oracle was using as an avatar.

  “It’s not goodbye, wizard scout,” said the Oracle. “I calculate I’ll see you quite often over the next hundred thousand years.”

  The Oracle’s words didn’t make Richard all that happy. A life doing missions for ‘the One’ wasn’t much of a life in his opinion.

  “I guess we’ll see,” Richard told the Oracle. “I never know what ‘the One’ is going to do. I mean, heck, sometimes I can’t even summon a simple piece of camping gear because I’m low on Power. However, ‘the One’ has made exceptions this whole mission and allowed me to summon all sorts of advanced gear. His rules make no sense.”

  The hologram of the old woman smiled. “I calculate it makes sense to him, wizard scout. Now, I believe it’s time for you to do one last task in order to complete your mission. You must take Bright Wing to the place the dwarves will call New Drepdenor. It will be the home of Emerald’s people when they arrive. There is something there I think you should see.”

  Curious, Richard tried to probe for more information.

  The Oracle just smiled and remained silent.

  When Richard started to lose his temper, the Oracle’s avatar disappeared as the holographic projectors shutoff.

  “Geesh, Rick,” said Nickelo. “You’ve definitely got to take some lessons intact. Now, let’s be off. We’ve got things to do.”

  Chapter 72 – Why Not?


  Queen Emerald stood at the head of the
army. The cavernous opening of Drepdenor’s main entrance was before her.

  “Are the troops ready, General Fenmar?”

  “Aye, your majesty,” replied the general. “They’re more than ready. It’s time to take our home back.”

  The morning light glinted off the 1,125 dwarves equipped with the armor and weapons created by General Fenmar’s armorers. They were the main assault force of the army. The dwarves’ equipment blazed with Power as the blue gems energized the titanium. The resulting Holy Metal shone with a light greater than that of the sun.

  A second formation composed of ten thousand dwarves, humans, and freed slaves backed up the first wave of Drepdenoris dwarves. Emerald was determined that none of the vampires would escape her people’s revenge. She made a silent vow that once the halls of her beloved Drepdenor were swept clean of the foul creatures, she would lead her people to their new home across the sea.

  Emerald tightened the grip on her mother’s battle-axe, Gem Defender. She looked at the blonde headed ranger next to her.

  “Shall we, old friend?” Emerald said.

  “Why not?” said Chancee as she nocked an arrow in her bow.

  Yes, Emerald thought. Why not?

  Chapter 73 – A New Time-Commando


  The tingling stopped. The area around Gaston came back into focus. He was no longer in the secret tunnel. He was in a large cavern about a hundred and fifty meters across. It was dark. Fortunately, he was still wearing his battle suit. His helmet’s night-vision visor showed his surroundings in red. The floor was littered with hundreds if not thousands of bones. He detected a single life form. It was to his right rear. He sensed the life form was weak. Since it didn’t appear to be an immediate threat, he chose to ignore it for the moment as he continued to scan the area around him.

  “Where are we, Wanda?”


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