Serendipity (Inevitable)

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Serendipity (Inevitable) Page 17

by Nissenson, Janet

  “Don’t forget that next Thursday we have the dinner to attend at Taverna Francesca,” reminded Travis.

  The restaurant had recently been extensively remodeled, and Atwood Headley had done all of the structural and design changes. Next Thursday was a special re-opening dinner, and since the restaurant owners were well-known locals who had several establishments in the Bay Area, quite a few dignitaries and celebrities were expected to attend. Julia really hadn’t been involved with the design since it had all taken place prior to her arrival in San Francisco, but the owners had already expressed interest in having some of their other restaurants re-designed. Not to mention the handful of brand-new places they were considering opening. Travis wanted Julia to meet the owners and their development team.

  She nodded. “I’m looking forward to it. The place looks pretty formal from the pictures I’ve seen, so I assume the dress code will be, too?”

  “Oh sugar. I know exactly what you should wear,” exclaimed Anton. “The red Donna Karan. Exquisite. It will be perfect, trust me. And those sexy red Valentino shoes with the bow.”

  Julia knew the dress he was talking about and smiled in agreement. She’d loved the dress since unpacking it from Aunt Maddy’s latest shipment, and had been looking for an occasion to wear it.

  “Who else is supposed to attend from the office?” she asked, fearing she already knew the answer.

  Travis grimaced. “Well, Nate will be there of course since he did the structural design. And unfortunately that means he’ll have to bring Cameron with him. The associate architect on the project will be there as well. I think it was Eric Chiang, so probably him and his wife. Along with the three of us here that should be everyone.”

  Anton patted her on the shoulder. “Why don’t you bring a date? Just call one of the hundreds of names in your little black book.”

  She laughed. “No little black book and definitely not hundreds of names. In fact, sad as it sounds, I can’t think of anyone to ask.”

  “Girl, that’s just wrong,” clucked Anton. “You should be out with a different hot guy every night. Travis and I are going to get you out clubbing where you can meet some new blood.”

  “Hmm. Would I be wrong to assume that those clubs you go to are gay bars?” she asked wryly.

  “Oh. Right.” Anton looked chagrined. “Well, I’m sure I can find someone. Maybe one of my clients at Neiman Marcus. One of my straight clients.”

  She chuckled. “It’s okay. I really don’t want to take someone I’ve just met to a business dinner. I doubt he’d have a very good time. And I’m fine going by myself. How about the two of you be my escorts for the evening?”

  Travis gave her a good night hug. “That sounds wonderful. Anton and I will make sure to fend off any attacks from the she-devil. If you wear the Donna Karan she’s going to be so jealous she’ll start chewing her fake fingernails off.”

  Anton, too, gave her a hug. “Dinner was spectacular, sweetie Thank you for such a great evening. And I’m looking forward to that yoga class tomorrow. I hope your teacher doesn’t kick my ass too badly. “

  Julia gave him an answering grin. “She probably will. Sasha is an amazing teacher, easily the toughest I’ve ever had. You’re going to love her class even if you might be crying at the end of it.”

  Though she was still devoted to her 6:00am weekday Ashtanga yoga class, she liked to sleep in on weekends, and had heard about a super tough Vinyasa class on Sundays that she had recently started attending. With the help of several glasses of wine, she’d managed to convince Anton to try the class out tomorrow morning. Travis, who claimed to be the least flexible person in San Francisco, had tactfully declined to join them.

  During the short taxi ride from Julia’s flat to their home in Cole Valley, Travis and Anton were both gleeful as they plotted their strategy for the dinner on Thursday.

  “We’re going to push so many of Cameron’s buttons that her elevator will have to stop at every floor,” joked Travis.

  Anton rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it? And it couldn’t happen to a bigger bitch, in my opinion.”

  “And maybe if we push her hard enough – subtly, of course, can’t be too obvious – Nate will see what she’s really like underneath all that phony sweetness. Cameron’s not the right woman for him, and she’s nowhere near good enough for a guy like him.”

  Anton sighed, resting his head on Travis’ shoulder. “He’d look awfully good with Julia, don’t you think? Both of them are so gorgeous. Can you even imagine the babies those two could have together?”

  Travis looked at his partner oddly. “Strange that you should bring that up. From the first time those two met in my office, I could swear sparks flew. But it was more than that, almost as if they already knew each other. Oh, both of them denied it like crazy but I know chemistry when I see it.”

  Anton patted him on the arm. “Well, you are the best at reading people, dear. I still swear you’re psychic. So if you think there’s something between those two then it’s probably true. Ooh, how romantic! Forbidden, tragic love. He really wants her but he’s promised to someone else, while she’s hopelessly in love knowing he can never be hers. My heart aches for both of them.”

  Travis shook his head. “Stop reading those crappy romance novels, okay? I mean, it’s obvious you’re gay, you don’t have to turn into a pussy to boot. And I never said they were in love with each other, though it’s fairly obvious Nate thinks she’s hot.”

  Anton rolled his eyes. “I think she’s hot. I’m guessing if you and I got drunk enough, we could probably even get it up for her. Nathan probably gets a hard-on for her when he’s stone cold sober. I can just imagine his reaction when he sees her in that red dress.”

  Chapter Ten

  Nathan knew the exact moment Julia walked into the restaurant. Not because he could actually see her right away, but because every male head in the placed turned to watch her entrance. And when she did come into his view, he thought he’d have a heart attack on the spot for she’d never looked more beautiful, more tempting, more forbidden.

  The sexy red dress made her look like a siren, with its cap sleeves, draped neckline, and the way the fabric clung to her breasts and hips. The hemline had a tiny slit just above the knee, concealing more than revealing, but just that slight hint of leg was much more of a turn-on that if the dress had been slit to the thigh.

  Stilettos, of course, these of red satin with a teasing little bow near the open toe. She wore more makeup than she normally did at the office, her kissable, plump lips glossed in a deep red. Her glorious hair tumbled down her back in thick, lustrous curls.

  Once again, she looked like both the sophisticated lady and the sultry temptress at the same time, and Nathan imagined that every straight man in the place was dying to fuck her. And he was grateful for the fact that Cameron was running late as usual, because there was no way he could have hidden the fact that he was practically drooling at the sight of Julia right now.

  He’d been dismayed and concerned when Travis had very casually mentioned a few days ago that Julia would be here tonight. At first he’d argued the idea, rationalizing that Julia hadn’t been involved with this particular project. But he’d had no comeback for Travis’ calm, reasonable response that Julia would certainly be working with the clients in the very near future and ought to have this opportunity to meet them. He couldn’t very well have continued to argue the matter without betraying his attraction to Julia, especially when he suspected that his business partner was already well aware he found her extremely alluring.

  Julia stood poised at the entrance to the vast bar area where the pre-dinner cocktails were being served, looking around uncertainly. Nathan’s fists clenched tightly when he saw the way at least a dozen men were staring at her, and for once she seemed uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting. But then she looked up and saw him and the smile that lit her face went straight to his groin. He started walking towards her,
quickening his pace as he went, determined to reach her before someone else could approach.

  When he stood directly in front of her, she touched his arm lightly, still smiling. “Thank God for a familiar face. I never imagined there’d be so many people here.”

  He took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You don’t like big parties?” Large, splashy social events like this were what Cameron lived for. He’d grown used to them as a necessary evil to build his business.

  Julia shook her head, drawing his attention to the ruby and diamond drop earrings she wore. “Not particularly. I like smaller groups much better. This is sort of intimidating.”

  “You should have a drink to relax.” He beckoned a waiter over. He had yet to order a cocktail himself, figuring he should wait for Cameron, but he suddenly felt in dire need of some fortification.

  “What would you like?” he asked her when the waiter arrived.

  “Glenlivet on the rocks, please,” she told the waiter. “Preferably the 18-year if you have it.”

  The waiter couldn’t take his eyes off of Julia and nodded automatically. “Of course, miss. We definitely have that.”

  Nathan thought wryly that even if they didn’t the young, besotted waiter would gladly offer to run out to procure it for her. He cleared his throat until the waiter turned his way, a flustered look on his face.

  “Oh, sorry, sir. I’m – I didn’t mean to ignore you. What can I get for you?”

  Nathan grinned. “Actually, the same thing as the lady ordered. Excellent choice, Ms. McKinnon.”

  As the waiter hurried off to fill their orders, Nathan regarded Julia curiously. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as the single malt Scotch type.”

  She laughed softly. “My father is a Scotsman, after all, even though he’s lived in the States since childhood. And I don’t always drink Scotch. It just seemed like a good night for it, what with the fog and damp outside.”

  “Ah, I see. So if you were in – say, Mexico - right now you’d be drinking margaritas? Or Mai Tais in Hawaii?”

  Julia grinned. “Sure. And sangria in Spain, mojitos in Miami, wine in Napa.”

  He chuckled, enjoying this little game. “Let’s see what else we can think of. Sake in Japan. Guinness in Ireland, vodka in Russia. And, of course, champagne in France.”

  Julia froze, and he could have kicked himself for his thoughtless reminder of that night at the Plaza Hotel. But then she merely shook her head and murmured, “No. I only drink champagne when I want to be seduced.”

  He made a low, feral sound in his throat and would have yanked her against him, kissing her senseless, if they hadn’t been surrounded by almost two hundred people. He was saved from having to think of a reply by the arrival of the waiter with their drinks.

  Julia took a small, dainty sip from hers, while he bolted down half his drink in one rather ungainly gulp. There was now an awkward, uncomfortable silence between them, and he was trying desperately to get his emotions under control. Her comment about seduction had made his head spin, and all he could think about was sitting across from her at the Champagne Bar in the Plaza, holding her hand and imagining all of the naughty things he was going to do to her. Nathan closed his eyes for a brief moment, wishing with all his might that the two of them could be magically transported back to that exact same table.

  He was saved from the awkward silence by the arrival of Travis and Anton, who both gushed over Julia and how gorgeous she looked. Anton in particular couldn’t stop fussing over her.

  “Oh, my God, girl. I told you this was the dress, didn’t I? You look like sin. Travis, isn’t she just breathtaking?”

  Travis, always the more subdued of the pair, merely smiled and gave Julia a peck on the cheek. “Always. I would say red is your color, sweetie, but I’ve yet to see a color that doesn’t look good on you.” He turned to Nathan. “What do you think of our gorgeous girl tonight?”

  Nathan met Julia’s gaze head on. “That she always looks gorgeous, but especially tonight.”

  Her cheeks pinkened. “Okay, that’s enough, all of you. You’re going to make my head swell if you keep this up.”

  Anton giggled. “Honey, I’m guessing you’re making half the men in this room swell up right now. Different head, though.”

  Travis and Nathan groaned at his innuendo, while Julia just laughed and gave him a playful swat. “You’re sooo bad! Do you always say such outrageous things?”

  Travis smirked. “Can’t take him anywhere, no telling what he might say. Now behave yourself, Anton. There are a lot of important people here tonight and they aren’t going to appreciate your naughty mouth.”

  “Speaking of important people, you should introduce Julia to Aaron and Lance before they get too busy,” suggested Nathan. “They’re right over there.” He pointed to the co-owners of the restaurant.

  “Good idea, we’ll head right over.” Travis took Julia by the arm. “You coming with us, Nate?”

  Nathan shook his head. “I’d better give Cameron a call and see where she’s at.”

  “Running late again?” asked Anton, making a tsk-tsk sound. “I swear that girl is going to be late for her own wedding! Speaking of which, have you two set a date yet?”

  Nathan caught Julia’s eye briefly, frowning when he saw the crestfallen look on her face before she turned away. “Valentine’s Day next year,” he told Anton, wishing like hell the subject hadn’t been brought up.

  Travis seemed to sense his unease and tactfully pulled Anton away with him, giving Nathan a glance of part sympathy, part irritation. Nathan could only wonder what the hell that particular look was all about.

  It was too loud in the bar to be able to make a phone call so he sent Cameron a quick text instead. While waiting for her to reply, he spied Eric Chiang and his cute wife Karen entering the bar and waved them over. As they chatted, Nathan couldn’t help but keep an eye on Julia as Travis introduced her to Aaron and Lance. Both of the restaurant owners were known players, though he was fairly sure Lance was married. It didn’t seem to matter, though, since both he and Aaron were almost shoving the other out of their way to get closer to Julia.

  Jealousy and possessiveness raged through Nathan like a fast moving wildfire, and he wanted to hurry over to where she stood and claim her in front of all these people. But the fact that he couldn’t do exactly that gnawed at his guts and made him want to punch something. He knew he was being an unreasonable ass about the whole situation, but he wasn’t able or willing to let go completely. He was the one who’d turned Julia way, who’d made it very clear that Cameron was the only woman in his life. Julia was free to date or fuck whoever she wanted, and he had absolutely nothing to say about it. So he found himself caught in the intolerable situation of not being free to claim her for himself but not wanting anyone else to have her, either.

  ‘I’m so fucked,’ he muttered to himself in disgust, motioning the waiter over for another drink.

  Cameron was well on her way to getting very, very drunk, but she figured she deserved it given the way her evening had gone so far.

  Oh, it had started out quite well, no debate there. She’d spent several hours this afternoon getting ready for tonight’s dinner, knowing there would be a lot of local dignitaries and most likely media in attendance. She had left work early to allow plenty of time for all her primping – a mani-pedi, getting her pale blonde roots touched up and her hair blown out, and even having a professional makeup application done. Back at her condo, she’d tried on half a dozen outfits before deciding on the black Stella McCartney. The sequined fabric skimmed lightly over her slim frame, the elbow-length sleeves helping to hide her skinny arms. The shoes had taken longer to decide on, as she didn’t want to appear as tall as Nate but also didn’t want to wear anything too dowdy, either. She’d finally chosen the black Marc Jacobs pumps with the silver kitten heel and buckled strap. Dangling diamond chandelier earrings and a wide diamond cuff bracelet finished the outfit, and Cameron knew she looked damned good. />
  She had entered the crowded bar area of Taverna Francesca feeling like a million bucks, until she’d noticed that most of the attention in the room – the male attention, anyway – had seemed to be focused on the one person she really hadn’t wanted to be here tonight – Travis’ little bombshell designer Julia.

  Cameron had seethed inwardly as she’d observed the little bitch, provocatively attired in a fitted red dress that she could never even consider wearing herself. Julia continued to attract attention as she was introduced to one group of attendees after another. Cameron had made a rather unpleasant face upon noticing how Travis and his little faggot lover Anton were fawning over Julia, laughing and conversing like they were all the best of friends. Travis had been making it a point, it seemed, to introduce Julia to every good looking man in the room, whether they already had a woman on their arm or not. Cameron had silently cursed the pair, whom she knew detested her as much as she despised them, and had grit her teeth to observe Julia holding court like she was a fucking queen or princess.

  But what had really pissed her off was when she finally located Nathan in the crowd of people, only to observe how he was following Julia around the room, the lustful interest in his gaze unmistakable. Cameron’s cheeks had flamed with anger, and she had stalked across the crowded room towards her fiancé, determined to bring his attention to her instead of that little bitch.

  Nathan had confirmed her suspicions by looking more than a little guilty when she’d appeared at his side. He’d given her a quick kiss and made sure she had a drink, but she could tell he was definitely distracted by something. In fact, it seemed to her that he’d been a little distracted for months now, almost as though he were going through the motions. Whenever she’d asked him about it, he had blamed it on work or being tired or dismissed her concerns altogether. But she knew something was off, especially with their physical relationship. Sex, which had always been a strong part of their relationship, had become more and more infrequent, and had seemed rushed and almost impersonal when it did occur. There had even been a few times when Nathan hadn’t been able to maintain an erection, or become aroused at all.


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