Serendipity (Inevitable)

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Serendipity (Inevitable) Page 35

by Nissenson, Janet

  “Ditto. And speaking of parents, I understand my mother called you again. How many times does this make?”

  Julia smiled, not the least bit annoyed that Alexis had phoned her several times over the last ten days. She and Nathan had called his parents together and told them the news. As expected, Alexis in particular had been over the moon, and had insisted on getting Julia’s phone number.

  “Not really that many. This morning’s call was four times, I think. She called to officially invite me to Thanksgiving.”

  “Christ, that’s over four months from now,” he replied in exasperation. “Let me know if she calls too often, okay? She can be a bit of a pest. And speaking of calling - that reminds me. Give me your phone for a minute, baby.”

  Puzzled, she took her phone from her brown leather satchel and handed it to him, then watched as he started scrolling and typing. “What are you doing?”

  Nathan’s mouth tightened. “I went ahead this morning and changed both my cell and home numbers. I want you to be the first to have them.”

  “Why did you have to change them? Oh. Has it really gotten that bad?” she asked in concern.

  Within forty eight hours of their breakup, Cameron had begun calling, texting, and emailing Nathan incessantly. At first the tone of her messages had been needy, pleading, begging him to reconcile and take her back. Then they had gradually become angry, insulting and borderline threatening. That was when Nathan had changed the locks on his condo, having neglected to get his keys back from Cameron. He’d blocked her email address and deleted her from his list of friends on Facebook. But he hadn’t been able to block her phone calls so changing his numbers had been a last resort.

  “Yeah, it was getting to be a pain. Giving everyone my new numbers is also going to be a huge pain but it’ll be worth it. I’ve already told Reception to put Cameron’s calls directly to voice mail. And Travis and I have already discussed the idea of hiring a temporary security guard for the reception area if necessary.”

  A shiver ran up Julia’s spine. “God, Nathan. Do you really think it’s going to get that bad?”

  “I hope not. But some of her texts and emails were getting pretty nasty. And if she can’t get through to me any other way, it’s certainly a possibility that she’ll drop by unannounced and try to make a scene. Thank God she doesn’t have your contact info or knows where you live.”

  Julia chewed nervously on her bottom lip. “Um, now that you mention it, I’ve had several hang-ups on my work phone lately. No real pattern to them and no voice on the other end. It may just be a coincidence.”

  “Bullshit. It’s Cameron, no doubt about it. I’ll tell Reception no calls from her numbers to you, either. I’m not going to let her harass you, baby. Let me know if you get anymore of those calls.”

  “Okay. But I’m sure it will all die down soon. You can’t expect her not to be angry and hurt.”

  Their food arrived and Julia used the opportunity to change the subject. “Why did you ask me earlier when Lauren was due home?”

  “I promised Travis that we’d get together soon with him and Anton. Just thought it might be amusing to have your sister there, too. This time hopefully she won’t be deliberately trying to piss me off.”

  She giggled. “I guess she was trying to get a reaction out of you. I mean, you should have seen the look on your face when she talked about this so-called twin sandwich.”

  “I’ll get her for that one someday,” he vowed darkly. “Jesus, please tell me you have never, ever considered -“

  “God, no!” she exclaimed. “And in spite of Lauren’s smart mouth I really can’t see her being serious about it either. Now, there is a real possibility, however, that she’s had two guys at once. She’s, uh, pretty feisty.”

  “Yeah, I hadn’t noticed,” he said sarcastically. “And just on the off chance you’ve got that on your wish list, forget it. I won’t share you with anyone.”

  “Same here. Honey, you’re all the man I need, and I can barely walk most mornings after a night in bed with you. Sasha told me this morning that you’re ruining my yoga practice because my legs keep shaking in class.”

  Nathan’s face flushed. “Shit. Sorry, baby. I know I need to be gentler with you. You just make me forget myself at times, and I feel like an animal. I’ll try to control myself.”

  She reached across the table and grasped his hand. “Don’t you dare,” she whispered. “I love how you lose control, how fierce you are. How often you can make me come, and how hard. Sasha was just teasing me. Frankly, I think she’s a little jealous that she isn’t getting done as hard as I am.”

  “Christ, Julia.” His eyes widened. “Sometimes I can’t believe some of the smut that comes out of that pretty mouth. For such a refined lady you can be a real dirty girl at times.”

  She brought his hand to her mouth and sucked his index finger between her lips. “You’ve corrupted me. And I love it.”

  He ran that same finger over and around her lips. “I’m going to corrupt you some more tonight. And make damned sure your legs are shaking like a leaf tomorrow morning.”

  She bit down on his finger. “I’ll hold you to that vow, lover. And just to make sure your animal instincts are fully aroused, picture this – I’m wearing a leopard print bra and panties today.”

  His gaze raked over her chocolate brown silk tank top and slim-fitting pencil skirt of palest taupe. “You devil,” he muttered. “You know that’s all I’ll be able to think about this afternoon. And I have a client meeting, a conference call, and some designs to work on.”

  Julia forked a bit of her Cobb salad and chewed it slowly, a smile teasing at the corner of her mouth. “Just a little something to inspire you, honey. Help you make it through your busy afternoon.”

  “I’ll tell you what would help get me through the afternoon,” he told her in a dangerous voice. “You on your knees in front of my chair, that dirty mouth of yours doing very dirty things.”

  She grinned. “Ooh, sounds like fun. What time should I stop by?”

  Nathan laughed. “As tempting as that sounds, I really do have a busy schedule today. But one day very, very soon you can stop by and surprise me.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  They were just finishing up their meal when Jake, Brent and their summer intern sauntered into the restaurant. Julia immediately avoided eye contact, but Nathan had no such qualms and waved the trio over. Much to her chagrin, he also reached over and took hold of her hand, giving her a warm smile, and an almost imperceptible shake of his head.

  “Hey, look who’s here,” said Jake in greeting. “And looking very cozy, I might add. Something the two of you want to share with us?”

  Julia opened her mouth to protest, but Nathan beat her to it, drawing her hand to lips.

  “Absolutely,” he replied. “I’m no longer engaged which makes Julia and I officially a couple.”

  Jake’s mouth fell open in surprise, and Brent just stared dumbly while the intern hung back politely. Jake recovered quickly and chuckled, patting Nathan on the back.

  “You sly devil,” he laughed playfully. “I should have known you had your eye on this gorgeous thing. You’re a lucky bastard.” Jake winked at Julia. “And you’ve broken my heart, beautiful girl. But the two of you do look awfully good together.”

  Brent merely shook Nathan’s hand and offered up his congratulations before the trio headed off to their table.

  Julia shook her head in exasperation. “Now you’ve done it. Not only is Jake the biggest flirt in the office, he’s also the biggest gossip, ten times worse than Travis, hard as that is to believe. The entire office will know before closing time.”

  Nathan grinned. “That bother you?”

  “Not if it doesn’t bother you. Which apparently it doesn’t or you wouldn’t have told the town crier about it.”

  “Well, let’s really give him something to talk about then,” he murmured, sliding his hand to the nape of her neck and pulling her close
for a slow, open-mouthed kiss. She was panting by the time he released her, her cheeks burning and rather uncomfortably aware of all the interested stares directed their way.

  “Was that too much PDA for you?” he asked teasingly.

  She arched a brow at him. “I think if we keep that up we might get kicked out of here.”

  “Just for kissing?”

  Deliberately, she slid her hand under the table and up his thigh. “No. For the hand job I’m going to give you in about thirty seconds.”

  Nathan gulped, and then quickly signaled their waiter for the check.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Do you have a minute?”

  Nathan glanced up at the sound of Julia’s voice from his office doorway and grinned. “For you, baby, always. Come on in.”

  His eyes raked over her admiringly as she closed the door and walked across the polished wood floor to his desk. The heels of her navy stilettos clicked with each slow, deliberate step and her curvy hips swayed within the confines of her slim fitting navy pencil skirt. She wore a cap-sleeved pleated blouse in a sheer blue-gray fabric, and he could see glimpses of some sort of lacy lingerie through it.

  He had missed seeing her get dressed this morning because he’d had to be in the office for an early conference call. Normally it was one of the highlights of his day – reclining on her bed and watching her get ready for work – putting on her lingerie and stockings, zipping up her dress, stepping into her shoes – always high heels. It was the sweetest sort of torture, for all he could think about the whole time was ripping off whatever she’d just put on, tumbling her to the bed or pushing her up against the wall, and fucking her silly. But since their mornings were usually rushed, he had to force himself to keep his distance. Especially since they had already had sex at least once that morning – either upon waking or during the shower they shared after their workouts.

  And, of course, there was always the undressing to look forward to once their work day was over. Tonight he would be very eager to see what sort of lacy confection she had on beneath that sheer blouse.

  “So what do I owe this pleasant little visit to? You know we have to leave for the Gregson meeting in about an hour?” he reminded her.

  She nodded, a slow smile crossing her radiant face. “That’s why I’m here, actually. I wanted to ask your opinion on a particular color.”

  Nathan knit his brow. “I thought we had all of the color palettes settled awhile ago.”

  Julia fiddled with the top button of her blouse. “Oh, the color in question isn’t for something with the hotel. It’s this.”

  His eyes widened as she deftly unfastened the buttons on her blouse before spreading the two sides wide. His curiosity about her choice of undergarments was satisfied, and his tongue left hanging out as he gazed hungrily at the sight of her breasts plumped up to even more generous proportions by the strapless satin and lace bustier.

  He swallowed with some difficulty. “Uh, what, uh, was the question?”

  She smiled saucily, running a finger over the lace edged cups of the bustier. “Well, I wanted your opinion on the exact color of this thing. The website where I ordered it said it was periwinkle blue. But I think it’s more of a powder blue. What do you think?”

  Sweat popped out by his temples as he watched her slide her hands to the undersides of her breasts, cupping them. “I’d actually call it cockteasing blue,” he croaked. “Come here and let me have a closer look to be sure.”

  Obediently, Julia walked around the side of his desk, kneeling in front of him. She gasped when his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing over the tight nipples. She slid her hand up the hard muscles of his thigh to his crotch, and a low groan escaped his throat as she trailed her fingertips lightly, teasingly, along his fully erect cock.

  “I think you’re right,” she whispered. “It is cockteasing blue. Here, let me, honey.”

  Nathan couldn’t resist as she slowly unzipped his trousers and drew out the hard, throbbing length of his penis. His head fell back against his leather desk chair as she stroked him with her soft, warm hands. Already aroused nearly to the breaking point, he slipped his hands beneath the sexy bustier to find her lush, full breasts.

  “Mmm, that feels so good,” she murmured. “But this is about making you feel good, lover. Sit back now and let me take care of you.”

  It was all he could do to stifle the groan of pleasure that rose up in his throat as she bent her head and sucked him deep into her wet, eager mouth. His breathing grew harsh, his hips bucking in rhythm with the sweet, hungry pull of her mouth.

  “Oh, God, baby, that’s so good,” he hissed. “You suck me so deep, Julia. I love fucking that sexy mouth of yours.”

  Nathan was mindless with the pleasure she was bestowing on him – her hand pumping the root of his cock and fondling his swollen balls while her mouth worked the head up and down. His hand went to the back of her head, urging her to take him deeper, and he felt himself growing ever closer to his release.

  “Fuck,” he growled in a long, low voice as he came hard, spurting his load into her welcoming mouth. She licked him clean before tucking his semi-hard cock back into his trousers and zipping him up. Then, her blouse still unbuttoned, she stood up only to straddle his lap. Her snug-fitting skirt hitched up her thighs, exposing the silky stockings clipped to the garters attached to the bustier.

  His hands slid to her ass, half-bared by skimpy silk panties the same color as the bustier. “So was there a special reason for this extremely pleasant visit, or were you just feeling generous?”

  She smirked, leaning forward until her breasts pressed against his chest. “I love sucking your cock,” she whispered. “Love the way you look and the sounds you make when you come. Love how hard you come in my mouth, like you’re going to blow the back of my head off.”

  He slid his hands up her silk-covered things, tugging at the frilly garters teasingly. “Mmm, well, you won’t hear me complaining anytime you feel the urge to give me a BJ. Practice makes perfect after all.”

  “Greedy man.” She licked a circle around his ear. “But to answer your question – yes, I did have an ulterior motive.” She slid her hands to his cheeks and looked him in the eye. “In a little while we’ll be at the Gregson meeting, and that bitch Morgan will try to flirt with you, and shove those fake tits in your face. “ She traced along the seam of his lips with her tongue. “So when she tries, the only thing I want you to think about is how amazing my boobs look in this bustier, and how awesome it felt having my mouth fucking your cock. Got all that, lover?”

  He chuckled, his hands squeezing her breasts. “Baby, that pathetic, dried-up old hag can’t begin to hold a candle to you in any way. You’re the only woman I ever notice. But I will definitely keep the delightful mental pictures you just described fresh in my mind.”

  She playfully nipped his chin. “Good.” She stood up gracefully and began to button her blouse, much to his regret. When she had walked to the other side of his desk she winked at him. “And just in case you need more inspiration, my panties are soaking wet. I’ll see you when we leave for the meeting.”

  She blew him a teasing kiss and walked out of his office, giving her pert little ass a shake. Nathan didn’t know whether to growl, laugh, or yank her back inside and give that same butt a good spanking.

  As the meeting with the Gregson group came to an end, Nathan was aware of several things at once. Across the table, Morgan was pouting and in a snit because he’d virtually ignored her for the past ninety minutes. To his left, Julia was smiling and practically glowing, and he wasn’t sure if it was because Morgan was pissed off or because they had been sneaking naughty little feels back and forth beneath the table during the meeting. And to his right, he was extremely aware of the knowing, interested glances Ian had been sending his way.

  He wasn’t the least bit surprised, therefore, when Ian discreetly ushered him into his private office when the meeting adjourned. The Brit
was smiling broadly.

  “I’m going to assume from the recent phone call I had from Julia, and how cozy the two of you seem, that you’re officially a couple now?” he asked.

  Nathan couldn’t help the answering grin he gave his client – and friend. “We are, yes. For several weeks now. Though my little minx didn’t mention that she’d called you.”

  Ian shrugged dismissively. “It was quite brief, and basically to thank me for my time, but that she was now quite content with her present job. I thought perhaps it might have something to do with you, and then when I saw the pair of you together today I knew immediately. Congratulations, Nathan. She’s a beautiful woman, and you’re a very lucky man.”

  “Don’t I know it. Julia is – remarkable. And I’ve never been so happy. We should all have dinner together sometime,” added Nathan. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”

  Ian hesitated before shaking his head. “No, I’m still a stuffy old bachelor, my friend. Perhaps Julia has a twin she could introduce me to.”

  Nathan sputtered at Ian’s lighthearted joke. “Uh, actually she does. But since you’re my best client, I’ll do you a huge favor and not introduce you to the very intimidating Ms. Lauren McKinnon. You’ll thank me for it, Ian.”

  Ian regarded him quizzically. “Now I’m intrigued.”

  “Tell you what. Lauren is due to visit again next month, and Julia is planning a small dinner party. If you’re still feeling brave, you should join us.”

  “Perhaps I will, if it’s all right with Julia. After all, life’s too short not to live on the edge occasionally, right?”

  Nathan shook his head. “Hold that thought.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Labor Day Weekend

  The weather had been foggy and cool when they’d left San Francisco mid-morning, but had quickly turned warm and sunny about twenty miles south of town. Once they reached the Central Coast, Nathan lowered the top on his BMW so they could enjoy the warm late summer sun.


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