The Coke Machine: The Dirty Truth Behind the World's Favorite Soft Drink

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The Coke Machine: The Dirty Truth Behind the World's Favorite Soft Drink Page 43

by Michael Blanding

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  ABA. See American Beverage Association

  Abrams, Frank

  Acuff, Daniel

  Adams, Samuel Hopkins

  advertising and marketing

  aspirational advertising

  atmosphere advertising


  budgets for

  celebrity endorsements

  to children

  Coca-Cola Men

  Coke as medicine and refreshment

  depth techniques


  gathering of personal information

  Great Depression campaign

  Harry Potter movie campaign

  idea represented by product

  in magazines

  market segmentation


  of patent medicine

  product placement

  Santa Claus image

  sexual imagery


  statistical analysis for

  subliminal advertising

  trademark script

  truthful advertising campaign

  world peace campaign

  World War II campaign


  Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA)

  Colombia case

  purpose and use of

  Turkey case

  Alinsky, Saul

  Allen, Frederick

  Alliance for a Healthier Generation

  Alm, John

  American Beverage Association (ABA; formerly National Soft Drink Association)

  on banning of bottled water at municipal functions

  on bottle recycling bills

  name change

  on obesity problem


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