Hell's army officers

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Hell's army officers Page 3

by Andrew Komarowski

  — Vic! You're up early... — Twitter doctor I heard from afar. — However, it is good — will have time to shower before meeting!

  — What meeting? — I asked.

  — Oh, a meeting of the workers of the panels and doorways! — quipped she. — You're invited, as an expert on the exterior.

  — I'm serious! — I was offended. — You're always kidding!

  And otherwise, life is boring! What I see here? Some patients and bosses! Neither one nor the other perceive how men are not supposed to... — she sighed. — That's fun. And about the meeting she did not know. Ordered to deliver and all...

  — It is clear! How much time do I have?

  — Forty minutes.

  — Then I'd have something to eat. And that is something stomach aches.

  — I do not envy you! You are already with the look like a tank. And not included in the calculation form...

  — So! More here, please! — I stopped. — More specific on current and design? Preferably in numbers.

  After some thought, Mary came close to me, looked up at me and slyly grinned.

  — If you haven't changed much since yesterday, there must be two zero seven in the jump with arms extended and weigh about one hundred and forty pounds. — Sorry, I accidentally!

  — Do not worry! she laughed. — It's the little things! By the way, if you have problems with women, then contact: I'll always be kissing!

  — No, thank you! Me your training was enough for the eyes. If you're as meticulous in everything else, I'll hang myself...

  — Do not hope, you now, no rope will hold!

  — What a shame! I opened the door to his room and looking inside, surprise turned to Mary: — And where are all my things? Where the bed and the terminal? Or I got the wrong door?

  — You moving today. Initial tests are finished, and you should be allowed to have complete training. So you allocated a normal room in a residential unit, where will you go immediately after the meeting.

  Strange, but in her voice I suddenly heard a suppressed sadness.

  — By the way, we probably won't see you. In a laboratory unit you now have nothing to do. And I, alas, in residential... So good luck to you, man! It was a pleasure working with you...

  — Thank you! automatically I answered, after a moment's thought, he added: — you Know, you're a great psychologist. For all the time you were dealing with me, I have never been able to think about what they did to me. And not feel alone. And now, it seems to be getting used to its ugliness...

  — What do you know about ugliness? If you ask me, you look just great... She wiped from her cheek a tear unbidden and suddenly blushing, pulled me into the room. — What's up? Let's hurry to wash, eat and all that! You forever wait!

  The chair turned out to be civilian pattern. With the widest customization options backrest, lumbar rest, seat and footrest. And with hundreds of modes relaxing and restorative programs, media center, PC terminal block external control, and similar rubbish. Connecting to your comm chair, Irina took off on his own favorite settings. Then confirmed the need to change forms... and realized that she was terribly uncomfortable! The configuration that seemed optimal more recently, with the current dimensions created a feeling of a Procrustean bed. Biting her lip, she canceled the execution of the program and returning the settings to the base, just lean back. And... stared at the person emerged in the doorway.

  The man looked like a heavy tank. And moved as well. Only here the feeling unyieldingness of him not feeling badgered after seeing the almost empty conference room, he distantly nodded to Irina and slightly hunched over, and sat closer to the door.

  "Apparently, the same as I, the victim... thought the girl, trying not to look at the big guy. — Once seen growth, muscular corset and the lack of joy in her eyes..."

  After the big guy in the room burst into a group of unusually businesslike officers normal growth, immediately took places on the dais. Then came major Rodriguez, and after it started to go the other companions in misfortune.

  Most of the guys, for a moment, frozen at the entrance, trying as quickly as possible to sit. Preferably away from subordinates Rodriguez. And it moved as if it wanted to hide its dimensions — Vimala his shoulders slightly stooped. However, this helped a little: each of the boys held these "mutations," looked in one and a half times taller and wider than those currently foaming at the mouth to discuss some burning questions.

  The fact that one of the goons — girl, Ira realized immediately. But only when it is not clear why smiling her boyfriend collapsed in a nearby chair. And under his tunic shook quite large women's chest...

  Helen — — not having time to sit down, introduced myself to a neighbor. And smiled again.

  Irina... — Orlova glanced towards the front door and stood in the doorway of the conference room HE stood. The man of her dreams...

  At first glance, the guy was little different from those guys who already took their seats on this side of the invisible barrier between scientists and those who came to the project "the Demon" not on their own. The same high, powerful, sharp. With his massive shoulders, bull-neck and developed pectoral muscles. Blond. Cropped. The differences lay in the details — in plastic and unreal fluidity of his movements. In facial features. Expression in the eye. The look he gave hall...

  A few seconds were required for him to reach the selected seat to sit down, seemed Orlova eternity. Her mouth was dry, breath caught and warmed in the stomach. Listening to their feelings, she almost swore out loud for all eight years of study, she never caught myself such overt desire...

  — Gentlemen cadets! — interrupted her thoughts the voice of major Rodriguez. — The second part of our experiment finished. All you have passed the initial adaptation to new possibilities for your organisms and is now able to proceed to the next phase of the project "the Demon". To go into detail your challenges, I will not — it will do your instructor. I want to announce some important nuances. So, now you must forget that you — individuality. And you have to begin to work in a team. Each of you will have a partner who you will trust as myself. I could tell you that I don't care about your desires, emotions and complexes, and the army of stupid to have to follow orders. All the time that has passed since the day you began to engage with their personal trainers, our psychologists worked perfect from their point of view, part of the battle of the twos. In the end, came to the conclusion that I will announce soon. Alas, in the process of the layout of the pairs there were some difficulties. And overcome them without your help, we will fail. The first difficulty is this: you are the leader. Accustomed to make decisions and lead others. By definition, leaders do not feel very good "second" numbers. The project half of you have become slaves. That is, voluntarily to abandon habitual patterns of behavior. I understand that it will not be easy, but... the other options we have. To tell you about a calculated model of interaction within and between the pairs I don't — in the classroom for tactical and special training you will be able to understand all of these issues alone. But for now just take my word for it. And will make every effort to ensure that each of the pairs as quickly as possible became a single organism. By the way, each of you periodically hear some voices. It is the result of small breakdowns one not yet activated features of your BK. Speaking in plain language, then after enabling it, you will be able to communicate with each other using a means of communication. The range of communication is small — about five kilometers, but it is not screened and it is not jammed by any of the known methods is the Difficulty... the second, which worries me...

  ...The news that she will have a partner called Ira easy panic attack: the probability of being paired with Him was only eleven per cent, and the prospect of all day to see someone else happy, not really. So, hearing that the major had finished listing all of the problems that, in his opinion, would be a serious obstacle in future training, and is ready to sound the combat twos, she shut her eyes and stopped breathing.

  So, the line-what? — onc
e again, Rodriguez paused for a moment, checked with the list in the hologram monitor and for some reason, sighed: — First: Igor Semenov — Helmut Schwarz. Second: Helen Williams — Harry. Third: Wolf Krause — Ricky Conti. Fourth: Jacob Hasek — Mark Gomez. Fifth: Victor Volkov — Irina Orlova. Each selected residential block, where you never can be left to themselves. All that you will do during the whole time of your stay, you have to do together. Moreover, each of you must become a partner to your personal tutor. The school in which you studied before the Project largely differ from each other. And conditions, which you should achieve by the end of the training course, does not imply a divide-by attack aircraft, fighters, Werewolves or planetary landing. If your partner is better than you piloting a fighter, but shoots worse, die, but pull it to your level of shooting. And help him to teach you to feel a fighting machine...

  "Viktor Volkov, Viktor Volkov..." — hearing the name of the future partner, Orlova mentally grinned — the probability of being paired with any guy she grew up, but not much: Volkov could be any of the eight sitting in front of her boys.

  "No! For lovers of beauty morphing[6] they are not similar. So that you can weed out the dark..." — to think out this idea to the end Orlova failed, as Rodriguez raised his voice a little:

  Now major Dickens holds all of you in your new apartment and will be given access cards to the residential blocks, terminals and transport. The terminal of each of the two downloaded training schedule. Please observe it strictly. Oh, by the way, all the tests that you will take, give up, also DEUCES. And failure of one of the pairs of means total fail. We are preparing for war. And assessments of "three" or "four" is death, as you know, there... And more. All of you promoted to Lieutenant. In advance. And it will have to work out. But then. As for the next six months your only job — training. All. All free...

  Leaping to his feet and, having waited for the senior officers to leave the meeting room, the newly-minted lieutenants began to get acquainted.

  — Jacob Hasek... the First room of the fourth deuces... — filed the voice of the guy who was in front and to the left of the Orlova.

  — Mark Gomez. Your second number... — immediately said his neighbor.

  Mouths shut! Follow me at the double! Major, pausing at the front door, it was the very Dickens, who had to carry out future Demons to their residential units.

  Leaping into the corridor very last, Irina pulled behind a running system guys. And tried to catch up with the closing — Ellen.

  However, haste was unnecessary, as the selected quarters were located nearby. One and a half minute run.

  — Things inside. Here are the keys. Today — rest... — putting a stack of cards in the hand of the nearest guy, the major turned on the spot and quick step out of one known to him...

  — Hmmm... Talkative you cannot call it a... — Helen grinned and, pointing his finger in the chest, said: — Helen Williams. The first issue of the second two. Fighter pilot.

  — Nice to meet you... — slid closer to her black as pitch, black man with a shaved head. — Harry Ford. Pilot-attack aircraft. The second number is the second of two...

  — Igor Semenov! — Fair-haired, covered in freckles, the guy with the flattened nose smiled cheerfully and added: — Fighter. Who's my partner?

  — Helmut Schwartz! Frogman... the Neighbor Orlova at the conference hall stood to one side with Igor and grinned: — That, upset that not a lady?

  — Of course, Yes! Here I stand and think where to submit the report about the need for a forced change of sex partner. Today or is it tomorrow... — thoughtfully examining his slave, muttered Semenov. — Underwater swimmer. No swimmer... In a swimsuit... Sexy!

  The guys burst out laughing.

  — Viktor Volkov! You can just Vic. Werewolf dropout. The first number of the fifth... two — spoke HE. And Irina barely kept tearing a smile on my face.

  Irina Orlova! Academy of planetary assault. The fifth deuce, the second number...

  ...What is a Werewolf, Orlov knew firsthand — she once took the tests at this school. And lost thirty-seven points to pass the minimum. Received nine hundred and thirteen of the thousands of possible. Which was enough space for entering the second prestigious educational institution VC: the Academy of planetary assault. Three days after admission to the first year she was terribly jealous of those lucky ones who managed to gain the coveted score. And could hope to earn the right to wear the stripes of this crazy division. But then, having experienced all the "charms" of training fighter PD[7] monthly looking for my name in the list deducted for unsuitable and learning that the training program of the Werewolves darker two times, envy is ceased. And admired those who managed to stoically endure all what they regaled the instructor. And now before her stood the man who not only survived eight years of this hard labor, but also became one of the best on the course!

  Okay, I need to go and see apartment... — after arguing with the partner, expressed a sober thought Schwartz. — By the way, I warn you once: the window seat overlooking the ocean — my...

  — Given that I didn't see any Windows, the ocean will probably be considered a bathroom? — without a shadow of a smile asked Semenov. In this case, I don't mind...

  ...Opening the door at number five, Irina fell into a stupor: residential block consisted of ONE room! Which is the only place giving at least some illusion of privacy was the toilet. Everything else, including the shower stall from a completely transparent plastic, reminiscent of the aquarium! No particular shyness she never suffered service in the army have been knocked out of it all that bothered to be an exemplary soldier. But to live in the same room with someone that she felt sexual desire, she had never.

  Victor proved to be extremely tactful and dispassionate — neither gesture nor glance did not betray his secret thoughts that the young, healthy and full of energy guy simply could not be. Of course, to call yourself a model, especially after what they did to her in the Complex, she did not turn the language, but, on the other hand, for the past eight years at the Academy lack of male attention she did not feel. So the first week after move in the apartment she admired the endurance of his partner, and tried not especially got on his nerves — had a shower, standing towards the back and picking up a temperature that the cabin had fogged up as quickly as possible.

  To deal with Volkov in the pair was no less interesting than listen to the awakening of his senses. Almost everything, except shooting, he surpassed Orlov on the head. For example, working with him in sparring, the girl at first felt like a toy, and I was so upset because of every errors. And he, sensing her irritation, quietly stopped, the movement began again, and methodically sought to the Ira adequately reacted to him.

  In the same way he treated everything else, whether it be crosses, work on simulators, tactical decision or uniform task — painstakingly examining every error my partner, Vic deliberately pulled it to his level.

  However, the Ira itself has tried to work hard. And not just because she liked wolves — a phrase spoken by someone of the guys in the hallway near Santorini, hurt hurt her feelings:

  — It's great that you're not a woman! About to begin field exercises, and mixed pairs will take those places which they are entitled by definition: the last and penultimate! Who cares about this demon?

  To determine the identity of the author saying Irina did not manage. But pride forced her to "live" for the gym. After all, Demons, men initially had more mass and power! To oppose them something, she had to tear and torture my body in such modes that even the Victor once said:

  — Ira! What are you freak? What are you missing?

  — Speed, machines, knowledge... — she sighed.

  — Eventually there will be...

  I don't want "eventually". I have become the best now...

  — Are you sure? — without a shadow of a smile asked Vic. And upon hearing her affirmative answer, nodded: — Good. Than I can — help.

  And he did not disappoint...

  ...The first chan
ges in the level of their training Orlova beginning to feel like three weeks. Almost all study on a few disciplines. Adapting to the crazy plastic techniques of unarmed combat Werewolves and to the opportunities granted by Bq and the new abilities of the body, Irina began to feel much more confident. The only thing the wolves have remained elusive, is in the technique of piloting. What he was doing, appearing in the wheelhouse of the ship of almost any class, only be described as fantastic, couldn't do it.

  He won all the battles without exception. Against one or a couple opponents. The ships obviously lower class against the higher.

  It seemed that he didn't just flew, and lived with his ship. And felt the concentration of the force fields and the shortest periods of time necessary to change their configuration to reflect the attack did not mind, and skin. Part of the maneuvers performed by him in passing, could not repeat even Semenov and Williams. Five minutes to the fighter pilots, the. Attack Ford refused to understand, due to which flying controlled by the Vic machine. In his opinion, what he did, almost contrary to the laws of physics.

  However, Volkov all this is given not just walias into the room after another training day, he always waited his turn in the shower. Sometimes, getting out of the booth, Orlov found the guy asleep. And... slightly frustrated. And then, fell into bed, started to dream of his glance, touch or kiss...

  Alas, dreams have remained dreams: Victor ignored her, even when, thinking that she you need to see it in his eyes though, a spark of desire, the Ira began to wander around the room in her panties. In the shower with the shame and trying to remember what the Academy called her a Prude. And continued to do it long enough. While perusing the results of the control tests did not pay attention on the first page of the file, which is usually not looked. The numbers listed there, killed her on the spot:

  Irina Orlova. Height: one meter ninety-eight. Weight: ninety five pounds...

  "You fool!!! What are you doing? Yes, he doesn't care about you! Say, well, what interest can be tested by loading the robot?" — flashed in her head, and... Orlov went on antidepressants...


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