Hell's army officers

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Hell's army officers Page 9

by Andrew Komarowski

The reaction of pilots on the appearance of the rear of the two attacking goals was immediate: the protective field of the ship immediately changed the intensity to maximum. Later flash evolutiontv turned the fighter's nose to our "Merlin", and with weapons suspension pylons descended from four heavy torpedoes. However, the speed with which all this happened was not enough.

  Leaving "Merlin" Krause attack with the left hemisphere, I slightly moved to the right and "slowed down". Cyclops reacting to an imminent danger, moved hemispherical field to intercept the missiles of the wolf... and for a split second, stern left defenseless. "The whale"[15], broken suspension, not even separated into warheads, flew into the unprotected side, and, breaking through the armor plate and exploded inside fighter!

  "Letting go" Krause and closing your "Merlin" shield, I gave full throttle and rushed after the departing in the direction of transport of the second Cyclops, who was already plagued by working solo "unity", "two" and "four".

  To leave, the Cyclops lacked quite a bit — at the moment when the nozzle flew as many as two torpedoes, he was two minutes away from going to his aid the two guarding the transport fighters.

  — Krause, Hasek! Went... commanded me and tried to take control of Semenov and Williams. There it was — whether I was doing something wrong, or heated battle guys subconsciously resisted my attempts to set the group mode. In General, deciding that three against two is not a bad situation, I stopped trying and caught up with "Merlin" guys, fell a little to the side and rear from the first Helen. As it turned out — in vain: within a few seconds after the first fire contact, I began to realize that this pair of caps are not cast aside. Is slamanya cars showed such miracles of aerobatics that at some point I was even scared a little for Williams, reacting to the crazy evolution of the enemy with a clearly visible lag.

  Every second a protracted battle to maneuver in this crazy mess of a homing missile warheads, tricks and protective fields have become more and more dangerous. And the first number of enemy two, front enclosed private field and rear — field slave, all increased and increased speed in their evolution.

  I had to improvise.

  When my "Merlin" appeared in front of him, the Cyclops used a hundred — a fraction of a second by turning off the field generator, he released one heavy and five light missiles and then turned away to the side. Only to explode I was not going to — turning "Merlin" on the limits of gravitometer, and I twisted the protective field, trying to stay conscious and not scream of wild pain, causing me bloated compensating layer of the suit.

  Oddly enough, the maneuver was a success — the protective field of my "Merlin" hooked on a weapons pylon of the second issue of Cyclops. And cut him to hell. The moment of power, followed at this instant the center of mass of the enemy ship, caused him to wag body and... lose the stern anchor. However, the speed necessary to care of a normal space, it great is not enough.

  "Merlin" the third and fourth deuces wild prescribers pretzel around devoid of motor vehicle, engaged in "business": the shot elements, which, in the opinion guys, could prevent the loading of the trophy "the hero". And at the same time fun — in my opinion, punching in the head part of the transport as many as eight holes for boarding groups there was no need.

  — To approach the "Heroes" twenty-eight minutes... for some reason reminds me of the Ira.

  Throwing a glance at the control timers of all the important phases of the operation, I saw there is your second number appears a little lower and felt the pig — judging by propavshim the capillaries in her eyes and the thin trickle of blood flowing from his left ear, beyond overload for her have not been in vain.

  Sorry, kiddo... but I apologized... and came across a completely stunned look Orlova:

  — Are you talking about, Vic?

  You're bleeding from the ear... I tried to explain my feelings, but there it was.

  Irishka funny wrinkled nose, snorted, and slowly, almost syllable by syllable, said:

  For All We MS you! But They Don't!

  — Vic! Let's go inside? — in the common channel of mileslas came the voice of Ricky. — I have a loaded crossbow! The head of the Cyclops over the fireplace!

  And then extinguished the voice of Harry:

  — And I already thought they we're gonna be burned...

  ...The corridor, covered with frost crystallized atmosphere, creepy issecheny fragments cluster assault charges, was empty. Forty meters away right from me and hundreds left it blocked the emergency bulkheads. When checking boccanera showing the direction for the next live object in a radius of hundreds of meters, I walked up to the plate, blocking the corridor, was fixed on her "pan" lifting charge, shustrenko and then returned to the boarding hole, selected in order to get inside the transport.

  A slight shaking of the floor, which I felt soles, coincided with a red zero that arose at the tactical screen of the helmet. Ustralia five bots, instantly disappeared in the dark corridor, I wait for the pictures and then switched them to a shared channel.

  Funny architecture... — his voice Ricky. Only some sort of cold or something...

  Minus two hundred seventy-three Celsius... — laughed Helen and hear my roar, fell silent.

  First. One hundred twenty-six meters down the corridor. Active. Noticed the bot. The picture was gone... commented me — Smart, but...

  — Rewind the tape... — mentally asked Ira. — Not managed to see how they look...

  I found the moment when the lens of the bot was one of the team members of the transport and stopping the playback, brought the picture on the tactical screen.

  Cyclops is a matte black suit looked very impressive. Slightly taller, broader in the shoulders centimeters at forty, because of the length of the hand cool like a gorilla, he was standing half-turned to the doorway, clutching something like a assault rifle.

  — Handsome... — could not resist from commenting Helen. — I wonder what he...

  — ...bed? interrupted her Conti.

  — In battle, you fool... oops... As I understand it, he decided not to wait until we pay him a visit...

  Indeed, within a couple seconds consistently gone picture sent from all three remaining bots.

  "The right two. To the left is another..." — myself comment I appear on the screen bioscanner data...

  One hundred meters of the atmosphere deprived of the corridor in the low gravity Cyclops flew for six seconds. And, bursting into our section of the corridor, opened a very heavy fire.

  The first few seconds in the doorway reigned hell. Then, apparently deciding that we are quite demoralized by the density of their fire, two of the Cyclops almost simultaneously took up positions on either side of the door... and flew off in different directions from the explosion of a grenade thrown Ricky. Strange but true — the fragments of exploding very close to him munition the suits are not damaged: in a second label on the screen bioscanner with frightening speed rushed to their chosen position...

  Ridley cry, sounded in the air, I did not hear — were, contrary to the tradition with his back to the bulkhead, and stared blankly at the huge hole over turned trash equipment, logging transport. If not for the puff sleeve of the suit, I would have hardly realized that the screams rang out in my helmet, attempts to me to shout.

  — Vic! Answer me! And Ridley shoots there... — muttered slightly oklemalsya after a difficult battle Conti. — Or I could I say?

  — The Demon says-I'm trying to sounded decent, I muttered. — The job command done. Transport captured. Can bring the "Heroes"...

  — You need me, son? In the Colonel's voice was so much heat that I was not myself.

  No thank you. We have everything in order. Just tired a bit...

  — Then jump to Lagos. We've got it covered here...

  — No. We'll look after you... — muttered I mileslas ordered to children to bring down on their ships.

  Loading was surprisingly quick — the technique of "Heroes" dying of enthusiasm, worked really hard. So over an hour after his appearance in the
system Pronin transport again disappeared into hyperspace.

  The voice of the dispatcher on duty who has seen the system long-range detection of five of our "falcons" and heard my call sign, was dry and devoid of any emotion:

  Daemon five. Follow the corridor, one hundred fifty-five. A successful landing...

  In the light of the stars black matte housings, the "ACE — Phantom-Elite" suddenly materialized in front of "Perfect", thought Brian revived by pieces of darkness. Struggling against being a flash of irrational fear, the banker touched the sensor of the lift, and the silver disk of anti-gravity "ladder" surrounded by a weakly flickering force field, slowly accelerated, flew straight to warning open door of the nearest limo.

  — Welcome to Old Earth, boss! delightedly surveying the contours of the new yacht, said Hello Yago, head of Department of physical protection of the Corporation "brie". — What a doll!

  Nodding pleasantly to the guard, the banker climbed into the cabin of the flyer and, sitting in the chair, preventive transformed under his or her needs, sighed.

  — A boat will talk about that later. What about confidentiality of the meeting?

  — Forty minutes later, the customer will be in place. All that is necessary is done...

  — Excellent! Then flew...

  Climbing into the cabin, Iago ran your fingers on the sensors of his comm and made visible tactical screen. And then turned him around so that you can see from the chair number one...

  Usually Olsen enjoyed watching over the work of their guards and even installed in commercial software older mobile group. But to understand the symbols and flickering images, continuously appearing and disappearing virtual screen lazy: a half-hour explaining the nuances of the information obtained by the shift supervisor from the first bodyguard, made him a slight feeling of inferiority, And repulsed any desire to deal with the rest: each of a dozen guys that make up regular shift, was kind of genius. Deciding that "Caesar — Caesar", Brian on the same day, erased the entire block unnecessary programs, and the second — has increased by ten percent monthly bonus for all employees of the Department of physical protection. Which could not appreciate his staff: the silent men working the boss in "the wilding", began to take their responsibilities even more conscientiously than before. And, unlike job descriptions, periodically allowed Olsen to delve into some of the details of their work...

  Throwing a glance at the icons of the other two limousines, flying in different directions from the "ACE-Phantom-Elite", Brian winced and, turning the chair back to the screen, closed my eyes...

  Two minutes before landing, the boss... Hearing the voice of Iago, Olsen instantly shook off the drowsiness. The whole set of measures...

  — I see... — interrupted focused on complex negotiations the banker. — I have no doubt that everything is in order. There is one request: after this Meeting anywhere, including your comments, should not remain even a trace record of the meeting. Agreed?

  Iago nodded.

  — That's fine. I have already "made it home"?

  Yes. Recording systems for civil and military monitoring "you" did. Everything is clean...

  — Well done. Somehow tell me how you manage to replace the image and check mark my... No, not now... — Noting that the bodyguard is trying to say something, Brian shaking his head. — By the way, memory of Professor do not have to work — So, I need information...

  — You know the specials provide the secrecy? — frowned at the opaque wall Professor. — If, as you say, I be attracted to the study of all these treasures, I still can not do anything to stand out. Nor any items or material media. At best their thoughts...

  — If I'm not mistaken, you are using one of the symbionts in the brain development of the project "Loki", closed four years ago...

  Yes. But after the work is guaranteed to be erased and his memory. One you do not know about it... — shrug Etienne. — Estimated blocks "Skadi" was implanted in twenty-six participants of the experiment, and only two after the closure of the project and agreed to remove them. Most of these people — scientists with the name. And often work for the government of the Confederation. Therefore, the erase procedure the data long ago, and now takes two minutes...

  I know. And it suits me fine. If you agree to a little interference in your brain, the symbiont slightly modified...

  The Professor thought for a moment. Then scratched his head, moved to the edge of the chair and stare at the wall, asked:

  — Issue price?

  A hundred million credits...

  Etienne pulled himself over the earlobe, then leaned back in his chair and sighed.

  — Arguments you have serious. As voiced and those that are implied by default. I mean, that might follow the failure. Okay, sad about not going, as all the same I agree. What do you need?

  Of course, all that can be, Cyclops and technology. But this is not important... — mentally praising myself for the correct choice of an approach, Olsen said. I want you to pay more attention to the damage to their military equipment. And by Cyclops. In order to help you correctly understood the nature of my curiosity and not tormented by unnecessary doubts, explain the reasons for it. I — a patriot of the Confederacy, same as you. And do everything as quickly as possible to find a way to confront the military machine of this civilization. Those who carried out the action, in which mankind had the opportunity to study the most terrible enemy in its history, is my competition. And I, continuing to move in the same direction that they want the maximum to avoid possible errors in designing of your, let's call it "products"... I Think, now clear to you?

  It is...

  — Everything related to technology feedback will tell you after the implantation. Thank you for the informative interview...

  The corridor is one hundred fifty-five Demons ignored. And, rather than sit a few hundred meters from the "Drops" General, put your "Merlin" straight into the Parking lot of the Admiral's boats. Thoughtfully looking at the Shuttle with "Ivan the terrible" wedged between the ships of the Sixth fleet in the forty-sixth landing square, the General switched off his comm and control equipment Towers and grim grinning looking at the adjutant, was ordered to return to headquarters.

  "Damn Ramon, you as in water looked... — jumping to "Drop" the heavy landing boat, designed to carry twenty soldiers of the planetary infantry, expropriated for their own use from the commander of the regiment based near, I thought Kharitonov. — While I'm going down to meet his people, he sits back in the headquarters and in the mustache does not blow. Get — will put on the ears. Not to relax..."

  "Drop" off in this mode, the four men of the security service of the Complex, sitting on either side of the open landing hatch, nearly fell on plastobeton. The General smiled, looked very pleased with himself and the possibility of "normal" to fly the adjutant and stared at the nearest viewscreen. A squat building of staff HQs Lagos-two was approaching more slowly than I would like...

  — General... — the Face of Rodriguez, resulting in a closed line of komma, beamed with joy, and Kharitonov felt like his heart sank, — Transport of the Cyclops is captured and already departed to a New Eden...

  — I'll be there. — General barely kept rushing there smile. — Provide the maximum of secrecy...

  ...Oddly enough, a special joy on the faces of the Demons was observed: reporting on assignments and sitting around the table they grimly waited until Rodriguez finishes to admire the progress of their work. Volkov finally got tired of it, and he, rising, dryly asked:

  — Allow me to Express my opinion about surgery?

  — Yes, of course... — Gesture my major, Kharitonov turned on the recording of the conversation and waited.

  — Mr. General! If you ask us, nothing to rejoice. The number of mistakes made in our training and support, so great that no words. Start with the planning stage of the operation. I wonder why he entrusted us with? Does the Project or CCA HQs is not a good analysts? Pilots-dropout, develops the strategy and tactics of the battle with the Cyc
lops, is something. Yes, I understand what the secrecy. But the result of an operation depends not only on how we fly! Than to get us to do stuff, I had to provide a whole package of information about our capabilities to professionals and to use their models. By the way, those options that we gave the Colonel Ridley, was no good at all. We use these schemes — would not go back neither...

  — Claim is accepted. Alas, until today, the fate of the Project hung in the balance. And for some reasons we could not use the estimated analytical centers CCA HQs. However, due to the successful outcome of this operation in the near future the situation will change radically. In your unit will appear to staff the analytical Department, which will receive all the necessary information. What's next?

  — Number Of "Falcons". I want to understand why the ten Demons we have only five ships. Yes, I understand that our fighters designed for a crew of two people. Why? What function has a second? Depicts ballast? Efficiency half of the units in battle is zero. If we had ten ships, one for each, — it would be twice easier. Although there are pitfalls. Specifically, it is our Vusy[17]. For example, Lieutenant Schwartz — underwater swimmer. Lieutenant Conti — marine. Lieutenant Orlov — saboteur. All non-pilots list? Why are they in space combat? Or did you expect that every encounter with the Cyclops will end with boarding? Nonsense... In General, the Project should be selected exclusively by the pilots. Because combat units of the Cyclopes — is power. View records — you will understand... if you really want to get a result, the basic training of future Demons need to take a job with BC. Then there is that fourth phase of the preparation that went past us. And diagrams group work should be practiced beforehand...

  — By "Merlin" have a claim? — making the necessary notes, asked the General.

  — If you do not pay attention to the extra volume of the cabin and the presence of "ballast", then no... — shook his head the wolves. — But the suits and weapons there. So, the suits. In the ship during piloting they worked just fine. But as soon as we got on Board the transport Cyclops, the problems started. Fighting in vacuum against the Cyclops in these coffins would be suicide. To overcome the resistance of the compensating layer takes too much effort. And the armor is no good...


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