Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga) Page 15

by Platt, S. P.

  Placing his fingers lightly against the edge of the wound in the spell he gently let his magic flow around the wound. As he did this he gathered the magic from his friends and the dragons and combined them and then started to knit the wound back together. He did this slowly so he could do a strong job on it.

  By going slowly he was able to conserve his strength and of his friends. As he worked on the spell he could feel the difference in the magic from his magic. But there was also a similar feel about it which he could not understand.

  It took them till after lunch before he had got the wound healed again and this time he felt it was better than the last. As the others broke away from the linking with Angel they felt rested and not tired from using their magic. He found this strange like the sameness of the old spell.

  Their dragons were there beside them and not waiting a couple of decks along. The dragons don’t know how they got there with their riders. They feel there is something strange going on and it is with the spell holding Nirvana.

  ‘Come we must get going to the end deck and talk about what happened as this is really strange.’ Angel climbed on Aura as the others did the same to theirs.

  The dragons lifted so gentle just like a butterfly as it moves from flower to flower. They hung in the air for a minute then they flew at a quite pace not the screaming over the edge and down like they usually do. What Angel did with the old spell has had an effect on the four and their dragons.

  Arriving at the dragons’ deck still at a sedate pace landing just like a butterfly. They dismounted and stood there with their dragons just scratching them and being close to them. They knew what they were doing was strange but they didn’t seam to worry about it.

  Finely they grabbed their lunch and went to the edge of the deck where they sat to eat. They found this time after using their magic, they were not as hungry which was again strange. Looking at each other with expressions of calmness, for whatever Angel did with the spell was still lingering and were not sure how long it would last.

  ‘This is really strange I just feel like sitting here all day and doing nothing just letting these feelings stay with me.’ Medwin was lying back just looking up into the sky watching the clouds go by.

  Suddenly Angel gets to his feet and starts yelling at them to snap out of it. ‘The magic from the old spell combined with ours is making us feel euphoric so snap out of it now. This is not right come on slap your selves?’

  Angel starts to slap the others and kicking the dragons for he feels if they don’t come out of it soon it will be too late. The others were yelling at him to stop it, but Angel needed them mad. He needed to get their adrenalin running and this is what is starting to happen.

  Now the dragons, they were going to be another story altogether trying to get them to snap out of it. He goes up to Aura and pocks his finger in her ear and finding a soft spot scratched it with a finger nail. The dragon jerked her head up and out of the way, a fiery gleam coming to her eyes.

  All of a sudden the eyes cleared. ‘Angel what’s wrong did you just scratch my ear, it hurt. Are you alright what are we doing back here?’

  ‘It’s alright now help get the others back into this world before it’s to late. The old spell when we fixed it because we treated it like a wound the magic of the old spell affected us. But we can’t stay like this it’s not good for us so quickly get your brothers and sister back to the living?’ Angel was starting to slap his friends and was getting a response quickly.

  They were soon all back to normal and as hungry as, going over to their packs Angel come back and they sat and ate trying to work out what happened. ‘The old spell has got some other spells mingled with it and I’m not sure what they are supposed to do. One did that to us so next time we will have to be very careful.’ He tried to explain as he ate his meal, knowing they were not going to understand till he found that spell hidden in it.

  ‘If we’re not careful this spell is going to kill us. We couldn’t feel any difference in the spell just what you said Angel about a sameness to it.’ Shylyn looked at the fear in their eyes as she tried to worn them of the dangers.

  ‘You’re right the first time it was when the hole broke open and knocked me for a six and now the spell almost had us all then. I don’t know what would of happened if we had not come out of it.’ Angel now had a look of fear in his eyes as he finished speaking, he knew next time if they weren’t ready it would get them and he can’t let that happen.

  ‘What will we do if the spell is hurt again, we daren’t do what we just did as I think next time we won’t get away with it?’ Medwin had gone over to his dragon and gave her a hug.

  Angel looked at them and seeing the fear and worry on their faces. ‘We all know there will be a next time, until we stop the Renegades once and for all. They will keep trying till they succeed so we must come up with a plan, and find that bit of the old spell that’s doing this.’

  They were about to look at heading back to the school when Aura comes into Angels mind. ‘The Renegade is coming his, dragon has just called they will be here very soon.’

  ‘We are going to have to wait awhile till he gets settled in and working on the spell then we had better have a word with his dragon.’ Angel was thinking how he would tell the dragon; the only way to free him is killing the Renegade.

  ‘Angel what is the Renegade going to do when he feels the hole he put in there the other day has healed back up again. He’s not going to be happy is he?’ Medwin looked at Angel as his thoughts turn to what the Renegade could do.

  ‘I think we better get to the deck and that tower he uses and see what he will do.’ Angel was about to mount Aura when he stopped, they were not going to be able to take the dragons this time.

  They all looked at their dragons, and knew they were right and decided they will fly over a couple of decks and wait there in case they are needed. That way they could be there to protect their riders.

  They came to the deck where the dragon was and waited to see what the wizard would do when he found the hole fixed. They knew by know how he reacted the first time they patched it, he was not happy.

  They knew that by the time they got there, the Renegade would know. It would not be long as the wizard had been here a while longer. They could sense the dragon knew they were close and waiting to see what was happening. It was not long they heard a scream and them some swearing.

  The wizard didn’t come out he stayed up there, he was going to give it another go. They knew deep down he was not the type to give up, so decided to go and have a look at what he was doing. They also had to talk to the dragon and that was important.

  Moving into the cave and slowly coming accustomed to the dark. Over in the corner they could see the dragon, which was standing there watching them come in. He had known they were there.

  ‘Aura did you tell the dragon that we were near as it looks as though he is expecting us?’ Angel could feel Aura was in contact with the dragon and knew she had told him we were near.

  ‘The dragon is waiting for you to free him; I have not told him what we found out. That he needs to hear from you. You must make it sound good as he is very expectant and is not going to take a no likely.’ Aura could feel the dragon waiting, hoping beyond hope that it can be freed.

  Angel went up to the dragon and looked him in the eyes. The red eyes were alive with anticipation to be released but Angel knew if he did not do this the right way the dragon was going to have him for lunch.

  He looked the dragon in its eyes trying to decide which way was going to be best, but he knew how he was going to tell him. The dragon brought its head down to Angel’s level. The head alone was just a little bigger than Angel in size, being a white which are just a little smaller than blacks.

  This white was an older dragon for his scales in patches where starting to yellow slightly and its teeth where worn down. Angel thinks this dragon has had other masters for the renegade that is up in the tower is young about his brothers’ age. But there was
still fire in its eyes and intelligence.

  He had decided to tell him out right so there would be no misunderstanding of what he was being told. ‘We can’t free you yet for there is no spell to break the bond the renegade put on you. We could try and break the chains but that would not free you. You would just go away and kill yourself.’

  The dragon lifted its head and gave a mighty roar and brought his head back down so fast that Angel did not even have time to flinch. His head ended up just nose to nose with the dragons red eyes trying to penetrate Angel’s. He just stood there for he knew if he moved or turned his head the dragon would kill him.

  ‘What do you mean try to kill myself, I fear nothing and nobody so who gives you the right to tell me what I would do?’ The dragon did not move an inch as he spoke.

  ‘I don’t fear you if you can’t handle the truth. We will not break the chain that holds you as we will not let you try and end your life. There is one way to free you and only one way, we will have to destroy the wizard as that is the only way to break the bond. What do you say to that?’ Angel stood his ground as he told the dragon.


  The dragon pulled his head back and then brought it back. He could see the truth in the boy standing in front of him. There was a power in this little human a power that could help him, do I trust him with the magic in him. I need to be free of this bond, to have a magic chain that binds me and the bond from that cursed wizard in my blood. I would do anything to be free of them even make a deal with a wizard if it would free me.


  ‘I will trust you and keep you to your word but I am not able to help you beyond telling you when we are near. The bond from the wizard is strong and will not allow me to help you in anything else?’ He gives Angel one closer look and then pulls back and resumes his waiting.

  ‘Thank you we will free you that you can be sure of, for if we don’t our school and home will fall into the sea. We’ll not let that happen so be patient the time will come?’ Angel finished talking and was moving away from the dragon when it came back into his mind.

  ‘You and your friends over there are different to the wizard that binds me. It is the magic that flows through you that is different to his.’ The dragon turned his back on them and put his head down on its back.

  They went to the cave mouth but stayed in the shadows looking up at the tower. They could feel the magic being worked up in the tower. They weren’t sure what to do and just stood there for a short time sensing the magic to see if they could get a feel for it.

  They were not having much luck and Angel knew they had to go up and have a look; they needed to be close to feel the spell. What they got standing out here is something different or feels different about it.

  Looking at each other and slowly Angel leading the way they headed to the tower door. The door to the tower is inside the wall, next to the door that leads to the next deck. The towers are built between each deck and are about 20 feet from the rock face, having a wall that connects the tower and the rock face.

  The wall is wide enough for people to walk on with a door leading into the tower. The door that leads through to the next deck goes through the wall and built in side the wall is the door leading up into the tower. They go in through the door and turn to the door that goes up into the tower.

  Opening it, they listen to make sure the Renegade is not coming down. Hearing nothing they proceed up the steps leading in a spiral up to the rooms above. Slowly climbing up the steps they get to the first level that leads out onto the wall and then carry on up.

  They can feel the spell better as they get closer to the room the wizard is in. They stop at the room on the next level and find nothing there so carry on up, looking around and at each other as they get closer. Angel indicates they are close and motions them to be very quite.

  Coming up to the top room they can see the door is half open and can just see a glowing light coming from in the room. Angel motions them to wait as he moves up to the edge of the door; looking back at the others he turns and pokes his head around it. There sitting cross legged is the wizard and around him is a sphere that has a soft glow coming from it.

  The Renegade is sitting chanting while his hands held out in front of him facing in the direction of the rock face, and the area the spell he had been working on. He would be facing that area so that he could better direct the spell he was working. Angel could see he was working on the spell very hard for there was sweat streaming down his face.

  Angel let his magic feel the spell the wizard was working with but only just not letting the wizard know he was near. The spell felt strange not like anything he had felt or had he. He let his feeling try again and this time got Aura to come with him, again he ever so lightly touched the edge of it again.

  This time with Auras help he could feel it a lot better and found the spell was simpler to the old spell holding the school to the rock face. Angel and Aura began to read how this spell was put together to try and work out how it would affect the old spell. He could see the wizard stir a bit as he was having a lot of trouble working the spell and from what Angel is able to feel the spell is totally different to his magic. This would make it very hard to get working.

  He turns and indicates to move back down stirs to the room below. ‘The Renegade is working the spell but is having a lot of trouble as the spell is different to his magic. What he is doing is making the spell very weak and that is why only a small hole has appeared in the old spell. The spell he is working is like the old spell but he can’t use it like it’s supposed to.’

  They hear a nose above and the Renegade is coming down the stairs and he is not happy. From what they hear his dragon is in for a rough ride home. They wait in the room till as long as it takes for the wizard to get away. They can just see him walking into the cave to get his dragon and the way he is walking he’s not happy.

  Seeing the Renegade Wizard come out on his dragon and the dragon jumps into the air and away. They wait for a while before leaving the tower, where Angel proceeds over to the rock face where the old spell is getting worked on. Placing his hands on the rock face and lets his magic feel it. The spell is holding and this brings a smile to his face.

  Turning to the others he tells them the good news. ‘The spell is holding but for how long I don’t know. If the wizard brings another back with him like last time then the spell will weaken again. I think he will do this, Aura and I have been able to get a feel for the spell which we will show you when we get back.’

  ‘We are going to have to find some way of stopping him and I don’t know how much time we have before he decides to bring more than just one. If he brings more and they really pour their magic into the spell to get it working then we are in big trouble. Let’s give the dragons a goodbye and get back to the school. I would like to have a look at the spell in the Crystal Chamber, that way we may be able to turn it against the Renegade Wizard.


  Dark Realm

  Getting back without being seen they find, students and what teachers were on deck, going for the evening meal and finding them selves quite hungry after walking back this time. Going into the hall they find a table in the corner and get stuck in.

  ‘I will try to create the spell from what I saw of how the Renegade was doing it. I will need you three to make sure the spell does not work outside the room. If it works on the spell holding the school it will not bode well for us?’ He was not going to enjoy using this spell for knowing what it can do.

  Medwin had an idea Angel would try something like this but they were with him all the way. ‘Ok Angel lets get up there now while it’s quiet, hopefully there won’t be any wizards in the chamber at this time of night.’

  They head up to the Crystal Chamber where they find no one there. The chamber is good for learning about how to create spells and is used for that purpose. What it is also good for is working on a spell and trying to see how you can change it or make it stronger. It’s a way of trying to add new patt
erns to the ones that are there in the spell already.

  A wizard might have a spell for a jet of water and another wizard starts to turn it to ice. Then you quickly change the spell from water to fire as it is almost at the other wizard. The Crystal Chamber can let a wizard see how the pattern is and what you might be able to add or take away to change that spell.

  This is what Angel and his friends want to do is to change the Renegade spell to something that can help them. They know the spell weakens the old spell till there is a hole in it and then their spell expands and opens the hole more each time the spell is cast.

  The spell that the Renegade Wizard use’s is like a fire that is trying to burn through a piece of wood, it will keep going till there is a hole in it. Then the fire starts burning outwards till the whole wood is burning.

  Getting themselves set, they sit in a circle until Angel is ready to create the spell as he had seen the Renegade do. Angel draws Aura into him and they bring their magic together and start to build the spell like the wizard did. While he and Aura are creating the spell, Medwin, Maive and Shylyn with their dragons make sure the spell doesn’t really go to the old spell holding Nirvana.

  The spell is forming and Angel and Aura are now seeing how the old magic spell has been put together. What they mean by old magic is the magic that was used long before the magic they use now came into being. It is very hard magic to try and understand let alone change.

  The Renegade is testament to that, with him having trouble trying to get the magic to open a hole in the old spell. If he had been able to use it properly the spell holding the school would have collapsed the first time they used it. That tells them they never created the spell but found it and are trying to get it to work.

  The spell is very complex and the patterns are so many that it is hard to get right. From what Angel can see the spell has not been built properly, the patterns are nowhere near what they should be. If done properly from what he and Aura have been able to discover is that the spell was never meant to do what the Renegades want it to.


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