The CIA Doctors

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The CIA Doctors Page 15

by Colin A. Ross, M. D.

  The U.S. Government has officially apologized to and financially compensated the victims of the radiation experiments and the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study, and the Canadian Government has established a fund that compensates victims of unethical experiments by Dr. Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute; compensation of $100,000.00 can be activated by documented victims by calling a toll-free number provided by the Canadian government. Given the positions taken by two federal governments on such medical experiments, the position of the Canadian Psychiatric Association on Dr. Ewen Cameron requires revision.

  Dr. Cameron was not the only researcher at McGill funded by the CIA and the military. Another psychiatrist at McGill, Dr. Raymond Prince248 was funded through MKULTRA Subproject 121. Dr. Prince was an unwitting investigator and is the only psychiatrist to have written about CIA mind control in the peer-reviewed medical literature. He is the only MKULTRA contractor to have publicly identified himself to date. No other MKULTRA contractor has engaged in any public discussion of psychiatric participation in CIA and military mind control.

  Dr. Prince’s MKULTRA work was published in a book edited by Ari Kiev150, 246. Kiev was a participant on the Hungarian refugee studies127 funded through MKULTRA Subprojects 69 and 89. From 1962 to 1964, Dr. Kiev was a staff psychiatrist at Wiford Hall, USAF Hospital, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. In the book in which Dr. Prince’s chapter on the Yoruba appears, Dr. Kiev himself references MKULTRA contractors Carl Rogers, Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle, and British brainwashing expert William Sargant, who co-founded the World Psychiatric Association with MKULTRA contractor, Ewen Cameron. He also references Human Ecology Foundation Director, John Whitehorn (see Chapter 13).

  Dr. Hassan Azima was a young McGill psychiatrist who was being groomed as a military mind control contractor prior to his death from cancer in his early forties. A colleague, Dr. Sarwer-Foner274 gave the Hassan Azima Memorial Lecture at a meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry; Dr. Cameron was a Past President of the Society.

  Dr. Azima17, 18 worked at the Allan Memorial Institute, where he gave psilocybin to patients; psilocybin is the active ingredient of “magic mushrooms.” He also attended LSD symposia and performed sensory isolation experiments19 that caused damage to patients. Two patients with “obsessional neuroses manifested acute psychotic episodes. They were treated with electric shock, which resulted in improvement in both paranoid and obsessional features.” Azima and Cramer19 write:

  Contrary to the above case, a hebephrenic-catatonic girl who remained in isolation for six days showed no perceptual alteration. Behaviorally, she manifested overt hostility, became quite talkative and self-assertive. Her F.D. [figure drawings] revealed gradual, but definite emergence of aggressive tendencies. She also experienced several spontaneous orgasms, and verbalized memories of her “sexual adventures.”

  Another patient in the series is described as follows:

  Another case of obsession neurosis, suffering severe motor compulsions, who had not responded to any form of treatment, was put in isolation with the explicit aim of provoking a psychotic disorganization. He remained five days in isolation, began to manifest signs of depersonalization on the second day, and showed several acute psychotic episodes, lasting about three hours on the fourth and fifth days. The disorganization manifested itself, in part, as a marked disinhibition. He experienced many spontaneous orgasms, and manifested overt erotic behavior toward the nurses. His eating habits deteriorated, and his behavior was like that of a very hungry child during the feeding periods. In the post-isolation period he showed some reorganization and lost some of his motor compulsions. But because of the appearance of some paranoid tendencies, he was put on electric shock therapy, which resulted in considerable improvement and subsequent discharge.

  Dr. Azima21 published a paper with Dr. Eric Wittkower, who worked at the Transcultural Psychiatry Institute at McGill, where Dr. Prince was employed. Dr. Wittkower founded and edited The Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review. The Review was funded by CIA cutout the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, which lists a payment to Dr. Wittkower of $7,500.00 in its 1961 Annual Report. The Board of Advisors for the Review included Dr. Ewen Cameron and Margaret Mead, who received CIA money for her anthropology research, and who was married to Gregory Bateson. Bateson took LSD supplied to him by a psychiatrist (see Chapter 7), and both Bateson and Mead were members of the Cybernetics Group, which was funded by CIA cutout, The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.

  Margaret Mead was funded by the OSS during World War II, as was Gregory Bateson134. Bateson spent two years in Ceylon, India, Burma and China as an OSS psychological warfare expert, and he also taught at Columbia University under OSS and Navy auspices beginning in 1942. Mead set up an OSS training unit with Kurt Lewin and later recruited Rhoda Metraux to the OSS; Metraux became a close colleague and friend of Mead’s and lived with her for a period. Rhoda Metraux was a coauthor of MKULTRA lead psychologist, John Gittinger and MKULTRA contractor Harold Wolff128.

  Margaret Mead’s sister, Priscilla, was married to Leo Rusten, who worked as a liaison with Hollywood for the Office of War Information, and later founded the social science division of the RAND Corporation. Mead’s Research in Contemporary Cultures study was funded by RAND in 1948-49, and the RAND Corporation later became an MKULTRA contractor itself (Subproject 79).

  After the war, Mead received a $1,000,000.00 grant from the Office of Naval Research, which she used to assemble a team of 120 anthropologists. In addition, she maintained a personal relationship with MKSEARCH contractor Dr. James Hamilton from World War II until her last visit to him in 1978. These numerous interconnections between Mead, Bateson, MKULTRA, MKSEARCH, the OSS and the Navy illustrated how the mind control network involved the field of anthropology, as well as psychology and psychiatry.

  Dr. Azima thanked Dr. Cameron and Dr. Cleghorn for their support in another paper20. Dr. Cleghorn61 wrote an obituary on Dr. Cameron, and notes of his appear in Linda MacDonald’s medical record along with notes by Dr. Cameron (see Chapter 16 and Appendix H).

  Another McGill psychiatrist, Dr. James Tyhurst worked at the Allan Memorial Institute and received funding from Canada’s Defense Research Board for studies of individual reactions to community disasters304. Disaster studies were also the subject of investigation in MKULTRA Subproject 126, which was approved by the CIA in 1960. Dr. Tyhurst attended a meeting with CIA personnel in 1951 in Montreal devoted to oversight of BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE105. He also worked at Hollywood Hospital in Vancouver, where hundreds of patients were treated with LSD174.

  In a paper entitled “An Evaluation of the Clinical Significance of Reserpine,” Tyhurst and Richman305 noted that:

  In a 5-month period, while 5 out of 6 reserpine-treated patients developed complications in insulin coma, only 5 out of 36 non-reserpine patients developed complications. The complications seen in reserpine-treated patients included 2 prolonged comas, 1 cyanosis, 1 increased sensitivity to insulin, and 1 death with respiratory arrest.

  Dr. Donald Hebb, Head of the Department of Psychology at McGill during the 1950’s, received funding from Canada’s Defense Research Board for experiments on sensory isolation105. The network of doctors with CIA and military funding at McGill included Dr. Cameron, Dr. Hebb, Dr. Tyhurst, Dr. Wittkower and Dr. Prince, and in addition Dr. Azima was firmly established in the mind control network and using many of the same experimental procedures. LSD research was also done at McGill and Montreal General Hospital by Dr. J.H. Quastel16. Any claim that Dr. Cameron’s CIA funding was an anomaly or isolated incident is therefore incorrect.

  Medical experimentation by the Department of Psychiatry at McGill resulted in death, psychosis, vegetable states, organic brain damage, and permanent loss of memory among other damages. It resulted in the creation of amnesia, identity disturbance and depersonalization among other dissociative symptoms. Dr. Ewen Cameron was the main figure in these activities.


  The Current Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins is Dr. Paul McHugh, who was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on May 21, 1931. He received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School in 1956 (research at Harvard was funded through MKULTRA Subprojects 84 and 92). He worked at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington from 1961 to 1964, where he did brain electrode implant research on monkeys with funding from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command187. Dr. McHugh was an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Cornell from 1964 to 1968; the 1961 Annual Report of CIA cutout the Human Ecology Foundation lists MKULTRA contractor Dr. Harold Wolff as Chairman of its Board of Directors. Dr. Wolff was a neurologist at Cornell.

  Dr. McHugh became the Henry Phipps Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 1975, a position he holds up to the present. The first two academic conferences held by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) took place in Baltimore and were co-sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins. Dr. McHugh was a course director at the second meeting.

  Faculty for the second FMSF conference on March 21, 1997 included Godfrey D. Pearlson, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Mental Hygeine, Director, Division of Neuroimaging, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His talk was entitled, “Brain Imaging Studies on False Memory and Trauma: A Critical Review.” Johns Hopkins is currently participating in the Human Brain Project, which receives funding from the Office of Naval Research, and has contracts with the Army Research Laboratory for microelectronics development.

  The 1961 Annual Report of the Human Ecology Foundation lists John C. Whitehorn, Professor and Director, Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University as a Director. John Clare Whitehorn was born on December 6, 1894 in Spencer, Nebraska. He was Henry Phipps Professor of Psychiatry and Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Johns Hopkins from 1941 to 1960. Dr. Whitehorn corresponded extensively with the Scottish Rite Research Committee and received research grants from them, as did MKULTRA and MKSEARCH contractor, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer.

  Correspondence with Dr. Whitehorn, obtained from the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives at Johns Hopkins, includes an April 2, 1957 letter from William Malamud, M.D. Dr. Malamud was a co-author of Dr. Overholser175, whose extensive mind control connections are described in Chapter 14.

  The Supreme Council, 33 Degree Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A. sponsored a conference on research in schizophrenia at Boston University School of Medicine on October 7, 1950, as described on Dr. Malamud’s stationery. Opening remarks were by Commander Melvin M. Johnson. Speakers included Dr. Whitehorn, Dr. Franz Kallman232, and Dr. Hudson Hoaglund, who was recommended to J. Edgar Hoover by G.H. Estabrooks (see Chapter 15). Estabrooks was himself a 32nd degree Mason. Although the Masons are not implicated as an organization in CIA and military mind control, connections in the network of doctors were maintained in part through high rank in the Masons.

  The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation funded a conference on May 14 and 15, 1942 attended by: Dr. Whitehorn; Gregory Bateson (who first received LSD from a psychiatrist; see Chapter 7); Dr. Milton Erickson (who spoke at a conference organized by G.H. Estabrooks; see Chapter 15); Dr. Frank Fremont-Smith (Medical Director of the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation; see Chapter 7); and Dr. Harold Wolff (MKULTRA contractor and Director of the Human Ecology Foundation). On October 26, 1945, Dr. Whitehorn wrote to Dr. Fremont-Smith at the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.

  Also involved in this academic circle were anthropologists Clyde Kluckholm and Margaret Mead (wife of Gregory Bateson); the group continued meeting after the war with funding from the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. According to Heims125, the sociologist Talcott Parsons was also part of this academic group. Dr. Parsons recruited Russian-born Nazi collaborators to work at the Russian Research Center at Harvard University, which was supported by the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations. These scholars were denied U.S. entry visas according to Heims, and therefore must have been brought into the U.S. through PROJECT PAPERCLIP or another similar program. There was an arrangement between Harvard University and the FBI to turn information from the Russian Research Center over to the FBI, but Harvard archives on these activities are closed to researchers, so the extent of the collaboration is uncertain. Dr. Parsons also worked for Army Intelligence and the State Department.

  Dr. Whitehorn died in 1973. During his life, he served as a consultant to the War Department, the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, the CIA through the Human Ecology Foundation, and the Veterans Administration Hospital in Perry Point. He gave the Presidential Address to the American Psychiatric Association in 1951 and was an Associate Editor of The American Journal of Psychiatry.

  The next Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins was Seymour S. Kety, who held the position from 1961 to 1962. Dr. Kety and Dr. Franz Kallman attended the October 7, 1950 Scottish Rite Conference on Schizophrenia. Dr. Kallman’s genetic theories of schizophrenia were intolerable even to the Nazis because they implied that many Aryan Nazis were carrying a recessive gene for schizophrenia; Kallman emigrated from Germany to the U.S. in 1933, where he recommended eugenics programs to the U.S. and state governments145, 145, 232.

  Besides being a researcher on the genetics of schizophrenia, Dr. Kety did experiments with LSD293, 294. On November 8 and 9, 1958, he participated in a Scottish Rite Conference at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York; he chaired a morning session on November 8. Presenters included: Dr. Hudson Hoagland of the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology (MKULTRA Subproject 8 on LSD, 1953), who was personally recommended to J. Edgar Hoover by G.H. Estabrooks; Dr. Jacques Gottlieb, LSD and phencyclidine researcher (see Chapter 7); Dr. Franz Kallman; and Dr. John Whitehorn.

  Dr. Kety was Chairman of NASA’s bioscience advisory committee, and was a member of the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Committee. He did LSD research with Dr. Louis Sokoloff while at the National Institute of Mental Health16, and was funded by the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction for work on “barbiturate semi-narcosis, insulin coma and electric shock”149. Dr. Kety also did work for the U.S. Naval Air Development Center159.

  From 1963 to 1973, the Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins was Dr. Joel Elkes. Dr. Elkes did brain electrode experiments on conscious animals; one of his papers is entitled “A technique for recording the electrical activity of the brain in the conscious animal”40.

  Prior to 1963, Dr. Elkes worked at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, where the poet Ezra Pound was held as a political prisoner on psychiatric grounds by Dr. Overholser (see Chapter 14). He published hallucinogen research in a publication of CIA cutout the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation80 and participated in chemical weapons research in England during World War II. On April 17 to 19, 1970, Dr. Kety spoke at a conference in Baltimore with Dr. Albert Hoffman, who discovered LSD at Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland in 1943. In a 1970 newspaper article, Dr. Elkes152 describes first taking LSD himself in the late 1940’s.

  The Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine may experience blowback because of its involvement in CIA and military mind control. For instance, Department of Psychiatry Chairman, Dr. Paul McHugh188, 189 claims that multiple personality never occurs as a natural disorder and is always caused by the therapist. Dr. McHugh189 states that diagnosis and treatment of multiple personality is “a major folly, a folly astonishing in its wild presumptions” that has “misaligned psychotherapy,” and been “a disaster for American psychiatry.” Writers on multiple personality, he says, have “deranged the discourse of psychiatry and cultivated a Sherlock Holmes fantasy among many psychotherapists.”

  The book to which Dr. McHugh has contributed the Foreword, and in which he makes these statements, is by False Memory Syndrome Foundation Advisory Board Member, Dr. August Piper243. The title, Hoax and Reality. The Bizarre World of Multiple Personality Disorder, is typical of the attack on multiple personality spearheaded by members
of the Scientific and Professional Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

  FMSF Advisory Board Members Dr. Martin Orne and Dr. Louis Jolyon West are CIA and military mind control contractors with TOP SECRET CIA clearance. Both received MKULTRA contracts to study the dissociative disorders, implantation of false memories, and techniques for creation of Manchurian Candidates. The dissociative disorders, false memories and therapist-created multiple personality are the focus of the FMSF campaign.

  Dr. McHugh and other FMSF Advisory Board members scoff at clinical multiple personality disorder. They claim that virtually all cases of multiple personality are iatrogenic, or created by the therapist. Dr. McHugh is firmly entrenched in the network of mind control doctors that created Manchurian Candidates. He is a productive academic, and Chairman of a major academic Department of Psychiatry, not a fool, yet he falls short of the most elementary scholarly standards in his attack on multiple personality disorder. Why? What is really going on here?


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