The Last Grimm_Red's Hood

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The Last Grimm_Red's Hood Page 10

by H. L. Wampler

  “Oh. My.”

  “What?” he panted.

  “Immaculate,” I whispered.

  “Thanks,” he laughed, “Your turn.”

  He smiled devilishly. Reaching for the bottom of my shirt he pulled it over my head.

  “Well look what you’re hiding,” he said kissing my belly wile reaching behind for my bra clasp.

  He held the bra up triumphantly for a second before tossing it over his shoulder across the room, where it landed on a lamp. He lowered himself back down on top of me. The feeling of our skin touching was amazing. I’d never felt anything like it really. Something as simple as feeling the softness of his warm body, smelling the spice that seemed to intensify with his excited state was overwhelming. I’d never imagined I’d find someone as remarkable as Connor to be with. I never thought someone as remarkable as Connor would ever want to be with someone like me. It was such hard, raw emotion. It was such a new and exciting experience. I wanted more, but at the same time I was terrified. After all, if we decided to continue at the pace that we were going, it would be my first time. As he reached for the button on my pants I grabbed his hand.

  “Connor,” I panted.

  “What now?” he asked between kisses.

  “I’ve, uh, never…you know,” I stuttered.

  “You never what?” he asked, his lips hovering near my naval.

  “Done the big deed,” my cheeks flushed.

  I felt like such a child, I couldn’t even say it out loud.

  I’ve never had SEX! I screamed in my mind.

  I felt his lips completely abandon my body as he propped himself up on his elbows. His brows furrowed together, and he examined my face. I suddenly felt very self-conscious. I bit at my lip and avoided his gaze. I didn’t want to look at him.

  “You mean you’re a virgin?”

  Chapter Twenty

  I was suddenly very aware that I was lying half-naked in some guy’s bed. A guy I'd only met a few weeks ago. I was completely overwhelmed. My cheeks started to burn, and I wished I’d never wanted to be home with my emotionless mother.

  Connor sat up, never taking his eyes off me. He seemed to really like staring at me, or making me feel extremely uncomfortable. Maybe a little bit of both.

  “Do you want me to stop? Or take you home?” he asked suddenly.

  “No of course not!” I said getting up to my knees and hugging him from behind.

  My warm, bare chest was pressed up against his hot, nude back. He pushed himself back into me, resting his head on my collar bone. I pushed his head to the side, and began to gently kiss his neck. I had no idea where the boldness was coming from. I had no idea what I was even doing. He was the first man I had ever done anything more than making out with. My instincts took over, and there were things I wanted to do with and to him that I had never even thought about before. I was horrified by the things my mind was thinking. Horrified and excited.

  “I never said I wanted you to stop. I just wanted you to know. If things keep going how they are, you will be my first.”

  “But you’re a virgin,” he reiterated.

  “Yes, I know this. Thank you for pointing out the obvious.”

  “Are you sure you want to do something like this with me?”

  “Why not you? If it gets to be too much I'll tell you.”

  “Are you sure you want to do more? This is a big decision.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. You were all about us being together just a few short hours ago. I’m ready to be with you, and you want to stop? Stop asking questions. I know what I’m doing.”

  He turned his impeccably wondrous body toward me. Our eyes locked, and then our lips met again. It felt like fireworks exploding. He grabbed me by the waist, and gently pushed me back onto the bed. He used his elbows to support himself above me. He hovered there above me, just looking at my body. It was as though he were drinking me in like one of his fine wines. He began lowering his head again, but this time I met him half way. I put one hand on the back of his head and brought his lips into mine as much as they could. The hard, desperate kissing began again. I tugged on his hair while wrapping my jean clad legs around his waist. He began rocking gently against me, causing my hands to move from his hair to his back. I tried pulling him more into my body. I clawed at his back; I wanted to get lost in him. Connor abandoned my lips yet again, and refocused his attention to my neck. He trailed little kisses from near my ear around to my collar bone. He let his lips hover, tracing the outline of the bone, and once he was satisfied he moved down my body. I leaned back and squirmed a bit as he kissed my belly. The soft nips he planted near my hips tickled to no end. The feeling of him touching my body was driving me crazy. Such immense pleasure had eluded me for so long. I didn’t even know this sort of feeling truly existed.

  “Oh, Connor,” I moaned.

  I heard his breath catch in his throat at the sound of my voice. For some reason this excited me even more. Something I did turned him on. This glorious, God of a man was turned on by me.

  Why have I deprived myself of this till now?

  As Connor made his way back up my belly to my sternum, I did something rather unexpected, I took over. I held onto his shoulders and pulled him down so he was fully on top of me. As we lay there, breathing heavily, I leaned in and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his body, and with what strength I had, I rolled us both over so that I was sitting on top of him. I kept my lips locked on his, and grabbed a handful of hair, forcing his head back just the slightest bit. I broke the hold I had on his mouth and moved to his Adams apple and gently kissed it. He shifted his own hands down so they were resting on my hips, holding me down on him.

  “Well, Abigail, this is rather unexpected.”

  “I know. I have no idea what I’m doing,” I laughed.

  “You’re doing fine. Just go with it,” he grunted


  I leaned back down and kept kissing his neck, slowly working my way down his chiseled chest. I sat up for a second to look him over. He really was perfection. From his hair down to his tanned feet, nothing was wrong with him. I couldn’t help but trace his abs with my fingers. He really was something out of a fairy tale. I let the seriousness take over and bit my lip as I let my fingers trail down his body. I wanted to know him. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. He seemed too good to be true.

  Can something so amazing happen to me? Can this dream be all mine?

  I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans exposing the green boxer briefs underneath. He arched his hips as I slid the jeans and undergarments off. I sat, perched precariously on his, now exposed, lap with my jeans on. His penis was much larger than I had expected, and it was intimidating. He reached up and began to fumble with the button and zipper on my jeans, but once they were undone, he looked up at me.

  “Are you sure you want to take this any further?”

  I took a deep breath and thought for half a moment, “Yes.”

  “Alright,” he sat up holding onto my back and kissing my neck.

  He managed to spin us around so that I was being laid back on the soft bed again. I let my legs fall to the side as he maneuvered between my thighs. I closed my eyes and with that, I let him have the rest of me.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  We lay in bed afterwards not moving. I didn’t think I could move. Every muscle in my body ached. Connor had just had me in some serious throes of thrill for at least an hour. I was used to exercising, and I knew I was in shape, but I was exhausted and sore after our little romp. I used muscles that I didn’t even know I had. He had introduced me to entirely new full-body workout and such intense pleasure. Our breathing had finally returned to normal, and my body felt so clammy. Connor rolled over and wrapped his arms around me, and we just admired the crisp, white snow fall lightly outside the window. The lights of the city were slowly turning off, signaling that it was getting late. I lay next to him, staring at his beautiful, long body. He looked so comfortable lying there naked. He had no
qualms about it, and I was jealous of his confidence. While I was not overweight, I also wasn’t a size two. All those years of swimming and running had put serious muscle on my body. I had naturally wide hips that would never fit into a size two anyways. My chest was always just a little too big for my height. Barely standing five foot five, a size D bra made me somewhat top heavy. He did not seem to mind though. After lying there a while, he rolled onto his side and traced his hand up and down my body.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said quietly.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Are you happy?”

  “Right now? Yes, I’m very happy,” I said scooting up closer to him

  My body felt so heavy and so tired. I had my knees curled and pulled up to my chest . He ran his fingers through my hair, letting the strands fall lightly onto my back. I shivered as they tickled my spine, and I could hear a soft laugh come from him.

  “You know what?” he asked.


  “I always get hungry after, well, after such vigorous play.”

  “Oh do you?” I asked somewhat interested.

  “Yes. Would you like a snack? Or a drink?” Connor asked hugging my body to his.

  I sighed and yawned, “Yeah. That would be awesome.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He let me go and slid out of the bed. His body glistened in the waning moonlight that poured in through the windows. He was the image of perfection. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants, ran his fingers through his hair, and headed out of the room. I heard some banging around coming from the living area and some cursing.

  “Are you alright?” I called out.

  “Fine. Just tripped over the stupid couch,” came the response.

  I just laughed. I lay there waiting for him to come back. The room was a lot larger than it looked from the outside. The fogged windows that made up the walls facing the living area did a fairly good job hiding the interior of the bedroom.

  “Okay, so I have some hot chocolate with marshmallows and ice cream,” Connor smiled while holding a wooden tray in front of him.

  “What kind of ice cream?” I asked.

  “Well, I found this stuff the other day. It has chunks of Samoa cookies in it.”

  “That sounds absolutely perfect.”

  “You like Samoa’s?”

  “They are my favorite,” I said.

  He slid the tray on the bed and sat next to me. I took one of the tall, deep, ceramic mugs, and sipped slowly at the sweet beverage. It was delicious. It was even better than my mom’s.

  “Is this real hot cocoa?” I asked.

  “As opposed to fake?” he laughed.

  “I meant, this isn’t out of a packet. This is real, deal hot chocolate,” I said.

  “I could never stand that powdered crap.”

  “Yours is really good,” I said taking a long sip.

  We sat there sipping cocoa and eating ice cream in the dark with nothing but moonlight keeping the room from being pitch black. At that precise moment things were perfect. I had never had a perfect moment before. Well, not one like that. I realized Connor was everything I ever wanted in a man, and he was the one I had been waiting for. The only downside was that he was a fairy tale. In reality, he wasn’t real. He was make believe. We continued eating our cold ice cream and drinking our hot chocolate in silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence though. Neither of us seemed bothered by the quiet. A small part of me wondered if this is how we would be if we lived together. It was much too early to even think about that though. As we finished I put the dishes on the tray and went to pick it up. Connor stopped me and grabbed it before I could.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he laughed.

  “What? You got it, I clean it up,” I said innocently.

  “You are my guest. You don’t lift a finger,” he smiled at me.

  I lay back against the mound of pillows and admired him as his naked body sauntered out of the room with the remnants of our late night, post-sex snack. As we settled down to get at least a few hours of sleep before work, I drifted off into a dreamless and peaceful sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I woke the following morning with a slight throbbing in the nether regions, and gray skies with a new blanket of snow. I yawned and rolled over, reaching across the expansive bed for Connor, but was met with nothing but crumpled blankets and cold. He wasn’t there. I propped myself up on one elbow and realized he wasn’t even in the room. I lay there and listened. Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful. I wasn’t at peace though. My heart sped up at the thought of being left alone.

  “Connor?” I called out still a bit sleepily.

  No response.

  I grabbed one of the blankets off the top of the bed, and wrapped it around my pasty, pale body. I got up and slowly opened the door, peering out at the living area. It seemed empty. I quietly tip toed out to the living room. The place was definitely empty and dark. A bit disconcerting really. My heart leapt to my throat, and I started to panic even more.

  Where is Connor?

  I sat on the couch and reached for my purse, hoping I remembered to throw my cellphone in it the night before.

  I was scrolling through the contacts when the front door knob began to jiggle. My breath caught in my throat and my heart was beating hard enough that I heard it echoing in my ears. I kneeled on the couch, peering over the back, praying I hadn’t been duped. If I had been, boy did I have a lot of explaining to do. Not to mention it would be a long, cold walk back to my car and work would be very awkward.

  A giant wave of relief washed over me when I saw Connor walk through the door with two coffee cups and a Macy’s bag. He quietly shut the door and jumped a bit when he saw me.

  “Oh, you’re up! I hoped you would still be sleeping. Sorry for leaving without telling you,” he explained.

  “I thought you had left me.”

  “No, I just had some errands to run,” he said.

  “You went shopping at Macy’s? This early?”

  “Yeah, well you didn’t have anything to wear to work, and I know the manager…” his voice trailed off and his cheeks turned red.

  “So you bought me something?”

  “You know, this seemed like a better idea when I woke up,” he bit his lip and looked down at me sheepishly.

  I couldn’t help but smile at him. It had to be the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Don’t be. Let me see how good your taste in women’s clothing is.”


  “Well, I do need something to wear.”

  His face brightened up, and he handed me the coffees while pulling a long red and white box out of the bag.


  I carefully opened it and saw lacey, black panties; a matching lacey, black bra; and beige stockings. Below those was a beautiful, blue, satin shirt and something black sitting among the tissue paper. I put the box down on the sofa. I picked up the underwear and was shocked at how soft they were. They were not something I would normally wear, but who could resist something so sexy after a wild night with the God of love? I laid them down on the couch and picked up the blue shirt. It was actually a dress. The blue satin was the top and the black was the skirt. Black buttons started at the top and ran all the way to the bottom of the skirt. A black and blue belt was attached at the waist and it had to be one of the most beautiful work dresses I’d ever seen.


  “It’s okay then?”

  “Okay? This is amazing. You picked this out?”

  “I can’t take all the credit. I did get help. I did pick the colors. I thought you would look good in blue,” he smiled at me.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked putting the dress down.

  “Doing what?” he looked so confused.

  “Being so nice.”

  “I told you, Abs, I love you,” he stepped around the couch and wrappe
d his arms around my waist.

  “Don’t say that, Connor.”

  “Why? It’s true.”

  “You barely know me,” I said.

  “Nobody else could ever understand me like you do. Seriously, they just can’t.”

  “That’s no reason to fall in love with someone.”

  “You’re the only one that has ever made me feel this way. Why would I want to give it up?”

  “You’ve known me for all of a week, Connor.”

  “Love is a funny thing like that. Sometimes it takes time to grow. Other times it hits you like fireworks. When you meet that right person, you just know.”

  “Love at first sight. Happily ever after. Fairy tales. All of this is stuff I stopped believing in when I was a little girl,” I said looking up at him.

  “I’m all of that. I’m a fairy tale man here to give you a happily ever after. Perhaps my coming here wasn’t just some accident.”

  I laughed, “Fate? Destiny? Now you’re really loosing it.”

  “Abigail, why is it so hard for you to just let me in?”

  “I think I let you in enough last night.”

  “I’m not being literal,” he said shaking his head.

  “I know. Because, Connor, I’ve never known such an unconditional love before. Especially not by someone I just met.”

  “There is a first for everything,” he said kissing my forehead.

  “So you really love me?”


  “You weren’t just saying that to get into my pants?”

  “No. I meant it when I said I loved you.”

  “I don’t understand why. Is it a convenience thing since I am the last Grimm?”

  “Can’t you just accept the fact that I’m crazy about you and leave it at that?”

  “I’m sorry, Connor. I’ve never had a guy who was so amazing before,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes to kiss him, “I need to get showered for work.”


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